Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

Schiff just said the same thing I posted to all you all. Not one word of denial by Trump's TV lawyers.
Shampeachment trial will be a ratings flop. Nobody cares. :rofl:
New and improved Shampeachment COUP 2.0. Now with the improved detachable head so you can shove it up your ass.
Might as well get this one started.

It's clear from today's pressers by the Dimwingers what their strategy is...........attack the process as unfair, call it a 'rigged' trial even before it starts. (confirmed the prediction in my sig)

They are whining and crying that this isn't like the Clinton impeachment, which is a blatant lie.

No new evidence was brought into the trial during the trial. All evidence was put together prior to the start of the Clinton trial.

Not a single witness was called and testified in public. Only 3 witnesses were called, and they testified in secret. The Dimwingers selectively leaked what they wanted to, and kept the rest secret.

In short, Dimwingers know they have no case despite claiming they have a slame dunk. It is hysterical that they don't know thinking Americans are laughing at their sham.

Cryin' Chucky will now offer up multiple dumbfuck resolutions he knows will go nowhere..........then he will run in front of the cameras to whine and cry about fairness.
I’m pretey sure a trumpkin jack shouldn’t be the one talking about impeachment.

let us know when you scum aren’t treasonous anymore

FOLLOW LIVE: Schumer pushes for Senate to demand files from Mulvaney, Bolton, other officials

Pelosi's 'bitch' in the Senate continues to get the Senate to agree to continuing to do the House's job of investigating the Impeachment they already passed despite finding no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses....

Perhaps if they had not rushed to THE FASTEST IMPEACHMENT IN US HISTORY theirs would not have been the WEAKEST IMPEACHMENT CASE IN US HISTORY...

Note to the foaming at the mouth LWNJ's: Simply saying something is true does not make it so, It does not "prove" anything. The only actual "fact" in the entire shampeachment is the transcript. Didn't count on that didya Nancy? :rofl:

But please, keep trying!! It's hilarious to watch, and it is helping Trump, bigly.

That was once it was turned over to Nadless. All the witnesses were questioned by Schifferbrains and his committee.

Nadless was just a rubber stamp.

That makes no sense. The WH refused to cooperate with Shiff as well that resulted, you know, int he second article of impeachment.

Once again I will educate you on how our system works. The WH challenged the House subpoenas in court. The House should have gone to court for a ruling. They didn't.

That isn't obstruction of Congress, that is how our system works as laid out in the Constitution.

Nazi and her gang being in a hurry doesn't negate how our system works.

LOL...Constitutional scholar you are not.

Here is a link to the actual articles:

Read the Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump

Read and learn
I know exactly what Schifferbrains says he did.

Schiff just said the same thing I posted to all you all. Not one word of denial by Trump's TV lawyers.
You think it is a good thing that you and Schiff are saying the same thing?

Schiff just said the same thing I posted to all you all. Not one word of denial by Trump's TV lawyers.
I found the best way to deal with continuously lying, falsely-accusing Democrats / snowflakes is to simply IGNORE them. Denying everything they say is NOT REQUIRED. Poor bastards think it IS because, as they have repeatedly shown, they think everyone they accuse of something is 'Guilty until proven innocent'.

They haven't been able to present a crime, evidence, or a witness against the president after almost 4 years.

FOLLOW LIVE: Schumer pushes for Senate to demand files from Mulvaney, Bolton, other officials

Pelosi's 'bitch' in the Senate continues to get the Senate to agree to continuing to do the House's job of investigating the Impeachment they already passed despite finding no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses....

Perhaps if they had not rushed to THE FASTEST IMPEACHMENT IN US HISTORY theirs would not have been the WEAKEST IMPEACHMENT CASE IN US HISTORY...

These ridiculous Subpoenas that Soviet Schummer wants violate Executive Privilege and should not be allowed.

There should be no EXTENSION of The House Inquiry. Why didn't THE HOUSE request these documents?
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Russia!! FAIL
Comey!! FAIL
Mueller!! FAIL
Ukraine!! FAIL
Impeach!! FAIL

what's next? Fill in the blank:

__________!! FAIL

Another House Dimwinger gets up to beg the Senate to do the job they failed to do in the House.

Is this their whole case? "We fucked up, please save us!"
Schiff is trying to sell that Alan Dershowitz is not a reputable attorney and knows nothing about the Constitution.
That is one ugly Lying Hag and again, The Democrat Strategy is Clear. They didn't do their jobs, and they want THE SENATE to RE-TRY the CASE all over again.
Schiff just said the same thing I posted to all you all. Not one word of denial by Trump's TV lawyers.
You think it is a good thing that you and Schiff are saying the same thing?

I don;t see the Trump team repeating anything your saying.
Are you still here?

you disappeared after I asked if you knew the charges against trump by a 13-year old girl had been dropped when you posted the story here
Schiff is trying to sell that Alan Dershowitz is not a reputable attorney and knows nothing about the Constitution.
Schiff is a Lying Whore, who will burn in Hell for his wicked lies and wicked life.


We are Going on 4 years of The Democrats trying to oust the president since November 2016 yet The President:

Turned over 1 Million Documents
Allowed 3,500 Interviews
Complied with 500 Suboenas

And Provided 2 Transcripts of two phone calls that made out Adam Schiff and the two Whistle Blowers as Liars.


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