Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

Smoke break time. 26 deg outside. let me know if anything exciting happens, but I doubt it.
Find your brain when your out there
Well, apparently another 53/47 vote on those two witnesses. Looks like a successful cover up so far in the Senate. I knew you guys were going to be fine.
House played politics to get their phony case for impeachment over to the Senate. Now they have made mockery of themselves as Republicans kick their asses all over the Senate floor.
If Trump had not tried to strong arm Ukraine to benefit his 2020 campaign, by trying to influence foreign government support for his publicity use, this would not have happened. Sit back, watch and enjoy. The results are assured.
Trump never tried to “strong arm Ukraine.” That’s all moonshine concocted by liars like Schiff.
Looked like it ever since the call summary came out. It did not help that the transcript was backed up by witness testimony and some on Trumps side describing it as a drug deal, instructing to take it to the lawyer, and resigning. Not every body there were never trumper. Sondland donated a million dollars to the trump inaugural. Throughout his presidency fellow republicans have gone to jail, resigned or left posts to avoid doing things he asked like firing people he viewed as political enemies. I like the economy and his taking out the terrorist general and moving the embassy in Israel, but I am tired of his lying, corupth ways. He will be acquitted, but not exonerated and will remain in office. I support your right to hold high if that is what you feel. I do not feel it.
Well, apparently another 53/47 vote on those two witnesses. Looks like a successful cover up so far in the Senate. I knew you guys were going to be fine.
House played politics to get their phony case for impeachment over to the Senate. Now they have made mockery of themselves as Republicans kick their asses all over the Senate floor.
If Trump had not tried to strong arm Ukraine to benefit his 2020 campaign, by trying to influence foreign government support for his publicity use, this would not have happened. Sit back, watch and enjoy. The results are assured.
Your trolling , post a link
Hypocrisy? Dems hit Republicans for coordinating on impeachment, but so did Bill Clinton and Dems | CauseACTION Clarion
Stop trolling where is the benefit to 2020??
He perceived a political advantage to strong arming Ukraine to announce investigations into biden, not because he was rooting out corruption. He already had the report of DOD investigating and find corruption had been addressed or progress made sufficient to release the funds, and he himself had no problem when he signed the authorization passed by both houses of congress. It was purely political and he was caught in the act. You can keep him, but the whole world knows.
They keep going on and on and on, it’s like throwing up a Hail Mary, praying some one believes them lol
Another TDS: Trump Denial Syndrome victim.
Impeachment is not part of the "laws of the land".
They don't want more witnesses.
They want the witnesses to TESTIFY you stupid flaming fuck.
You poor angry little butthurt bitch.

They clearly didn't want them to testify enough to subpoena them.

Stop your tantrum long enough to explain why Pelosi refused to file a subpoena for these witnesses.

We'll wait for you.

We'll be laughing at you, but we'll wait.
Nadler is the clown running the House JUDICIAL Committee who demanded the US AG BREAK THE LAW ... Then CENSURED him for REFUSING to break the law Nadler helped pass.

Schiff is the MORON who LIED to the other 400+/- LAWYERS in the House by claiming a law exists that affords whistle blowers anonymity and if they didn't know the law and he could sneak that lie past them.

...and Pelosi picked these two ass-clowns to lead the House's Impeachment disaster in front of the Senate.


Trump said that he has now Nadler for years and that Nadlier is a sleazeball. We all know that to be true.
The Republicans and Democrats in the Senate took an oath to defend the Constitution and "do fair and impartial justice" in matters relating to the Impeachment trial. They all signed a book confirming that they had taken that oath. Not a single Republican has demonstrated even the slightest desire to "do fair and impartial justice." The sham being pulled on the American people isn't coming from the Democrats; it's from the Republicans. Every time they deny calling a witness or getting documents the President has refused to release to Congress, they are committing perjury. Perjury is a criminal act. But, what should Americans expect. We have a President who is an unindicted co-conspirator, he is a liar, he has no morals, he is an embarrassment, he believes Article II gives him the "authority to do whatever he wants." This is a sad, sad day for our Country. Since it is absolutely obvious that the Republican Senators have their heads so far up Donald J Trump's ass they will never see daylight again, it's time for the American people to step up and do what's necessary. Donald Trump will lose the election in November. He will not be re-elected. Once he leaves office, he will be prosecuted like any other American. Every time Donald Trump gets away thwarting the law and the Constitution, he doesn't leave well enough alone. He doesn't breathe a sigh of relief, he begins planning to do something even worse. So, what's next? To all who support Donald Trump and have sisters, daughters, granddaughters, and nieces, call them right now and tell them because he is rich and President they should let him grab them by the pussy. They should submit to whatever he asks of them. Tell them your 401k is more important than their dignity. Tell them the tax cut you received is more important than they are. Tell them a powerful man is entitled to do as he pleases with and to them. Tell your children the truth doesn't matter. Then go to church and pretend you are a good and Godly person. Just remember what goes around comes around and Donald Trump's day is coming. He is scum of the earth and can't read the Constitution let alone understand it. This entire Senate trial is a joke and the real decision will be made in November. If Donald Trump is re-elected, it will be because he cheated. Bring on the 2nd Civil War! Time for Donald and all his friends to lock themselves away in their gated communities and behind their country club walls, real Americans and patriots will eventually come for all of you.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The Democrats said that the evidence they gathered in the House impeachment was overwhelming. It was so overwhelming that every Democrat voted to impeach Trump.

If the evidence is so overwhelming like they told the American people then why don't they just put on the case that they developed during the impeachment proceedings?

Why are the Democrats demanding that the Senate do the job that they were required to do?

The Democrat's job is to present the case that they developed and the Senate's job is to vote on it.

The reason is simple. They Democrats have nothing. They never had a case to start with and have no evidence and they know it.

The Democrats are the scum of this country. Butt hurt Moon Bats suffering from TDS that have failed Left Wing polices and their only hope is to impeach.

They are an embarrassment to this country and they are traitors to the Consitution because they are tying to undo an election.

There is no legitimate impeachment, only a Democrat Dirty Tricks operation. Shame!
[Missed that part. Have seen people beg. What I have seen is not that. Sounds like argument and rebuttal and vote to me.
When the Democrats put the same request in multiple amendments, THAT is begging.

Schumer's amendment, the 8th and final one submitted in the 13-hour marathon, was another request to allow subpoenas to be served and the hunt for evidence to justify the house's vote to Impeach...and once AGAIN it got shut down.
At the 13th hour, Nadler attacked the US Senate, 'shredded the Constitution', and declared the US Senate was / is on trial. The US Senate would have none of it...and neither would USSC Justice Roberts.

D-House Judiciary Committee Chairman, House Coup Co-manager, the man who was overhead back in 2018 declaring he would Impeach this President - long before this coup attempt began, and the criminally inept traitor who Censured the US AG for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW, Jerry Nadler dishonorably attacked the members of the Senate at / just after midnight last night / this morning, lashing out at Senators as if he were berating his fellow Democrats in the House:

Nadler declared the Senate's refusal to do the House's job, to continue to investigate in an attempt to find evidence to justify the House's vote to Impeach the President, would be a 'treacherous vote' and pushed Speaker Pelosi's false accusation that any refusal to comply with the House's mandates regarding the Senate Impeachment process would be 'a cover-up'.

Simultaneously, unintentionally, admitting the House failed to do its job of issuing its own subpoenas and thoroughly investigating in their rush to Impeach, Nadler claimed 'Only Guilty People Try To Hide Evidence!'




WH Defense Attornies blasted Nadler about this one:

"'Only guilty people try to hide evidence?'" Sekulow asked, quoting Nadler incredulously. "So, I guess when President Obama instructed his attorney general to not give information, he was guilty of a crime? That's the way it works, Mr. Nadler? Is that the way you view the United States Constitution? Because that's not the way it was written, that is not the way it's interpreted, and that's not the way the American people should have to live."

Nadler then declared the US SENATE IS ON TRIAL:

“It’s embarrassing - The president is on trial in the Senate, but the Senate is on trial in the eyes of the American people. So far I'm sad to say I see a lot of senators voting for a coverup, voting to deny witnesses, an absolutely indefensible vote, obviously a treacherous vote.”

Once again, Nadler was hammered for his unethical political theatrics:

"At about 12:10 a.m., January 22, the chairman of the [House] Judiciary Committee, in this body, on the floor of this Senate, said 'executive privilege and other nonsense,'" Sekulow said. "Now think about that for a moment. 'Executive privilege and other nonsense.' Mr. Nadler, it is not 'nonsense.'These are privileges recognized by the Supreme Court of the United States. And to shred the Constitution, on the floor of the Senate. To serve what purpose? The Senate is not on trial. The Constitution doesn't allow what just took place. Look what we've dealt with for the last, now 13 hours. And we hopefully are closing the proceedings, but not on a very high note."

At this point the exchange rose to the level of which point Justice Roberts stepped in and 'equally admonished' both the House Managers and WH Lawyers:

"It is appropriate at this point for me to admonish both the House managers and the president's counsel in equal terms to remember that they are addressing the world's greatest deliberative body. One reason it has earned that title is because its members avoid speaking in a manner, and using language, that is not conducive to civil discourse. "

Justice Roberts stepped in to restore the 'civil tone' in the Senate, but not before the President's Counsel rebuked Nadler, berated him for lying, for making false allegations about the members of the US Senate, and reminding him where he was - that he was in the US Senate, not in the House, and that he was NOT in charge in the US Senate:

"We've made our arguments to you. And you (referring to the Senate) don't deserve, and we don't deserve, what just happened. Mr. Nadler came up here and made false allegations against our team. He made false allegations against all of you (referring to the Senate); he accused you (referring to the Senate) of a cover-up. He's been making false allegations against the president. The only one who should be embarrassed, Mr. Nadler is you, for the way you've addressed the United States Senate. This is the United States Senate. You're not in charge here. ... It’s about time we bring this power trip in for a landing"


Chief Justice Roberts admonishes both sides at Senate impeachment trial, after marathon session erupts into shouting match

Nadler is the clown running the House JUDICIAL Committee who demanded the US AG BREAK THE LAW ... Then CENSURED him for REFUSING to break the law Nadler helped pass.

Schiff is the MORON who LIED to the other 400+/- LAWYERS in the House by claiming a law exists that affords whistle blowers anonymity and if they didn't know the law and he could sneak that lie past them.

...and Pelosi picked these two ass-clowns to lead the House's Impeachment disaster in front of the Senate.


Trump said that he has now Nadler for years and that Nadlier is a sleazeball. We all know that to be true.
Which is why Trump had contributed to Nadler’s campaign when he was first running for office.
Nadler is the clown running the House JUDICIAL Committee who demanded the US AG BREAK THE LAW ... Then CENSURED him for REFUSING to break the law Nadler helped pass.

Schiff is the MORON who LIED to the other 400+/- LAWYERS in the House by claiming a law exists that affords whistle blowers anonymity and if they didn't know the law and he could sneak that lie past them.

...and Pelosi picked these two ass-clowns to lead the House's Impeachment disaster in front of the Senate.


Trump said that he has now Nadler for years and that Nadlier is a sleazeball. We all know that to be true.
Which is why Trump had contributed to Nadler’s campaign when he was first running for office.
Nadler duped a lot of people.
Nadler is the clown running the House JUDICIAL Committee who demanded the US AG BREAK THE LAW ... Then CENSURED him for REFUSING to break the law Nadler helped pass.

Schiff is the MORON who LIED to the other 400+/- LAWYERS in the House by claiming a law exists that affords whistle blowers anonymity and if they didn't know the law and he could sneak that lie past them.

...and Pelosi picked these two ass-clowns to lead the House's Impeachment disaster in front of the Senate.


Trump said that he has now Nadler for years and that Nadlier is a sleazeball. We all know that to be true.
Which is why Trump had contributed to Nadler’s campaign when he was first running for office.

Successful businessmen grease both sides of the wheel.
Nadler is the clown running the House JUDICIAL Committee who demanded the US AG BREAK THE LAW ... Then CENSURED him for REFUSING to break the law Nadler helped pass.

Schiff is the MORON who LIED to the other 400+/- LAWYERS in the House by claiming a law exists that affords whistle blowers anonymity and if they didn't know the law and he could sneak that lie past them.

...and Pelosi picked these two ass-clowns to lead the House's Impeachment disaster in front of the Senate.


Trump said that he has now Nadler for years and that Nadlier is a sleazeball. We all know that to be true.
Which is why Trump had contributed to Nadler’s campaign when he was first running for office.

Successful businessmen grease both sides of the wheel.
Politicians 'grease' everyone...or 'suicides' them....right, Hillary?

if the Clinton impeachment model applies it means witnesses and new evidence will be considered after initial presentations by the prosecution and defense.

yes or no -
Yes, after initial presentations and questions from Senators.
Case should be dismissed for lack of evidence.

Let's summarize.

The "overwhelming evidence" was enough to impeach the President in the House.
House wants more investigation, because there is no enough evidence for impeachment trial in the Senate.

If Trump had not tried to strong arm Ukraine to benefit his 2020 campaign, by trying to influence foreign government support for his publicity use, this would not have happened. Sit back, watch and enjoy. The results are assured.

"results are assured"


Let me guess, "it's a bombshell", "the beginning of the end", and "walls are closing in".
Nadler is the clown running the House JUDICIAL Committee who demanded the US AG BREAK THE LAW ... Then CENSURED him for REFUSING to break the law Nadler helped pass.

Schiff is the MORON who LIED to the other 400+/- LAWYERS in the House by claiming a law exists that affords whistle blowers anonymity and if they didn't know the law and he could sneak that lie past them.

...and Pelosi picked these two ass-clowns to lead the House's Impeachment disaster in front of the Senate.


Trump said that he has now Nadler for years and that Nadlier is a sleazeball. We all know that to be true.
Which is why Trump had contributed to Nadler’s campaign when he was first running for office.
Nadler duped a lot of people.
Just showing the hypocrisy that is all.
Nadler has surpassed 'hypocrisy' and has embraced vile, partisan, Anti-Trump lies and rhetoric while falsely accusing the US Senate of a 'cover-up' for not doing what he demands, like he did by Censuring the US AG for refusing to break the law to give Nadler Secret Grand Jury testimony, which would break a law Nadler helped pass.
Nadler is the clown running the House JUDICIAL Committee who demanded the US AG BREAK THE LAW ... Then CENSURED him for REFUSING to break the law Nadler helped pass.

Schiff is the MORON who LIED to the other 400+/- LAWYERS in the House by claiming a law exists that affords whistle blowers anonymity and if they didn't know the law and he could sneak that lie past them.

...and Pelosi picked these two ass-clowns to lead the House's Impeachment disaster in front of the Senate.


Trump said that he has now Nadler for years and that Nadlier is a sleazeball. We all know that to be true.
Which is why Trump had contributed to Nadler’s campaign when he was first running for office.

You gotta pay the sleazeballs to do business in New York.
Nadler is the clown running the House JUDICIAL Committee who demanded the US AG BREAK THE LAW ... Then CENSURED him for REFUSING to break the law Nadler helped pass.

Schiff is the MORON who LIED to the other 400+/- LAWYERS in the House by claiming a law exists that affords whistle blowers anonymity and if they didn't know the law and he could sneak that lie past them.

...and Pelosi picked these two ass-clowns to lead the House's Impeachment disaster in front of the Senate.


Trump said that he has now Nadler for years and that Nadlier is a sleazeball. We all know that to be true.
Which is why Trump had contributed to Nadler’s campaign when he was first running for office.

You gotta pay the sleazeballs to do business in New York.
I don’t deny that. An ally in one context is a sleaze in another.
Nadler is the clown running the House JUDICIAL Committee who demanded the US AG BREAK THE LAW ... Then CENSURED him for REFUSING to break the law Nadler helped pass.

Schiff is the MORON who LIED to the other 400+/- LAWYERS in the House by claiming a law exists that affords whistle blowers anonymity and if they didn't know the law and he could sneak that lie past them.

...and Pelosi picked these two ass-clowns to lead the House's Impeachment disaster in front of the Senate.


Trump said that he has now Nadler for years and that Nadlier is a sleazeball. We all know that to be true.
Which is why Trump had contributed to Nadler’s campaign when he was first running for office.

You gotta pay the sleazeballs to do business in New York.
I don’t deny that. An ally in one context is a sleaze in another.

He gave to Nadler's campaign what... $500? And $7000 to lady that was running against Nadler? LOL

What do you think, does Nadler regret taking the money, after loosing that election?

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