Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

21 Attorney General’s send letter to the Senate telling the senators to immediately dismiss this ridiculous showing AntiAmerican embarrassment.
Trump refuses to let witnesses testify -

Trumpdrones start demanding evidence only a witness can provide

senate republicans become the pulling guard in a trap play

evidence - yeah, dats it, EVIDENCE


Trump refuses to let witnesses testify -

Trumpdrones start demanding evidence only a witness can provide

senate republicans become the pulling guard in a trap play

evidence - yeah, dats it, EVIDENCE


Take it to court! We will see you in 2023
Your Ignorance and lies are well, Worthy of Damnation To Hell, you Lying Worker of Iniquity. Due Process was completely violated. This should be dismissed completely.

Rep. Ratcliffe on Dems' impeachment case: Lack of fairness and due process will 'surprise' senators

There was a disparity in the way President Clinton and President Nixon were treated during their impeachment inquiries as opposed to President Trump," he remarked. "The Nixon and Clinton lawyers were allowed to participate every single day from the beginning to the end. They were allowed to review evidence, suggest evidence, call witnesses and cross-examine witnesses."

By Contrast, President Trump -- during his 78-day impeachment inquiry -- his lawyers were forbidden from participating for this first 71 of a 78-day process," Ratcliffe continued. "Not allowed to call witnesses, cross-examine witnesses, be there for the presentation or review of evidence."

"That is a lack of due process and fairness that I think all senators, Republican and Democrat, are going to be surprised to learn," he stated. "I think, as a result of that, they were not going to want to hear any witnesses because the Senate isn't going to be able to fix what happened in the House."

"[Democrats] can't make constitutional arguments because they don't have any," Ratcliffe concluded. "This impeachment fails."
Trump was allowed to participate in the impeachment and inquiry and chose not to do so. You do remember that, don't you?
Liar: Tell one more Lie and You are on Ignore

White House won't take part in House Judiciary impeachment hearings
That was once it was turned over to Nadless. All the witnesses were questioned by Schifferbrains and his committee.

Nadless was just a rubber stamp.

That makes no sense. The WH refused to cooperate with Shiff as well that resulted, you know, in the second article of impeachment.
wasn't Trump a defendant? How many of those send incriminating evidence freely to a prosecutor? just curious where you think you might be. fairyland comes to my mind where you are.
Trump refuses to let witnesses testify -

Trumpdrones start demanding evidence only a witness can provide

senate republicans become the pulling guard in a trap play

evidence - yeah, dats it, EVIDENCE



You scream at the Republicans for not going after the "evidence", yet have no condemnation for the democrats who didn't go after it either when they had the power. Interesting, that.
Looks like Mich won the rules debate, and he got the same rules as was used during the Clinton trial.

That won't stop the fuckwit Managers, and single digit IQ Dimwingers here, from crying about a rigged trial.

McConnell's rules package
Under McConnell's final, adopted rules resolution, both the Democrats' impeachment managers and Trump's lawyers will now have three session days, totaling 24 hours, allocated to present their case.

McConnell's original resolution had allowed 24 hours of arguments over only two days. Democrats complained that that would push the trial into “the dead of night,” and McConnell expanded the timeline with a handwritten note on the resolution on Tuesday after the GOP moderates voiced similar concerns.

The rules for Clinton’s trial give the two sides 24 hours each for arguments but didn't specify how many days. They each took three.

The rules for senators’ questions are identical as compared with the Clinton trial: “Upon the conclusion of the president’s presentation, senators may question the parties for a period of time not to exceed 16 hours." Per underlying Senate rules, upon which both resolutions were based, the senators have to submit those questions in writing.

After the senators' question period, Trump’s trial will follow Clinton’s format with debate over witnesses. In the Trump trial, the House prosecutors and White House defense will have four hours of debate over the question of whether to subpoena witnesses or documents.

The Clinton resolution was similar, but it gave the two sides six hours of debate. Both sets of rules also require witnesses to be deposed before they testify publicly.

Chief Justice Roberts admonishes both sides at Senate impeachment trial, after marathon session erupts into shouting match
Trump refuses to let witnesses testify -

Trumpdrones start demanding evidence only a witness can provide

senate republicans become the pulling guard in a trap play

evidence - yeah, dats it, EVIDENCE


wasn't Trump a defendant? How many of those send incriminating evidence freely to a prosecutor? just curious where you think you might be. fairyland comes to my mind where you are.

has executive privilege, no matter what the fk you think. every president used it.
Trump refuses to let witnesses testify -

Trumpdrones start demanding evidence only a witness can provide

senate republicans become the pulling guard in a trap play

evidence - yeah, dats it, EVIDENCE



Then why are Schifferbrains and the rest of Nazi's Clowns over at the Senate begging them to do the job they failed to do in the House?

The Senate doesn't investigate impeachment, they rule on the case the House brings. Unfortunately for you and your ilk, the Clowns showed up without their homework.

They have no case.
Trump refuses to let witnesses testify -

Trumpdrones start demanding evidence only a witness can provide

senate republicans become the pulling guard in a trap play

evidence - yeah, dats it, EVIDENCE



You scream at the Republicans for not going after the "evidence", yet have no condemnation for the democrats who didn't go after it either when they had the power. Interesting, that.

It was the job of the Dimwingers in the House. IQ7 has no clue how the impeachment process works.
Trump refuses to let witnesses testify -

Trumpdrones start demanding evidence only a witness can provide

senate republicans become the pulling guard in a trap play

evidence - yeah, dats it, EVIDENCE



You scream at the Republicans for not going after the "evidence", yet have no condemnation for the democrats who didn't go after it either when they had the power. Interesting, that.

By blocking cooperation Trump ensures a paucity of proof, You then point to the void and say absence of evidence indicates there’s no case.

say it aint so Shane, say it aint so...........
Trump was allowed to participate in the impeachment and inquiry and chose not to do so. You do remember that, don't you?
Liar: Tell one more Lie and You are on Ignore

White House won't take part in House Judiciary impeachment hearings
That was once it was turned over to Nadless. All the witnesses were questioned by Schifferbrains and his committee.

Nadless was just a rubber stamp.

That makes no sense. The WH refused to cooperate with Shiff as well that resulted, you know, in the second article of impeachment.
wasn't Trump a defendant? How many of those send incriminating evidence freely to a prosecutor? just curious where you think you might be. fairyland comes to my mind where you are.

Just curious, is evidence collected without warrant admissible in court?
That was once it was turned over to Nadless. All the witnesses were questioned by Schifferbrains and his committee.

Nadless was just a rubber stamp.

That makes no sense. The WH refused to cooperate with Shiff as well that resulted, you know, in the second article of impeachment.
wasn't Trump a defendant? How many of those send incriminating evidence freely to a prosecutor? just curious where you think you might be. fairyland comes to my mind where you are.

Just curious, is evidence collected without warrant admissible in court?

what court ?
I haven't been watching because I know it will make me want to throw up, but I have read some of the posts in this thread.

How do you guys think it will turn out? Will Trump be removed or not? I hear that the leftists don't have much evidence, if any evidence at all.
How's the weather in Moscow today, Tree? If must be damn cold this time outside the Kremlin.

The Democrats are getting eviscerated for showing up to the Senate and declaring they do not have the evidence to Justify their House Impeachment, and snowflakes like you desperately turn to the debunked / abandoned 'Russian Collusion Delusion'!


Where are you seeing that? Who said that?
OH, the lyin' Republicans said that.
The same one who said there were no Republicans were in the SCIF during the investigation?
You just proved

1. You are not watching / following the Impeachment Hearing

And / Or....

2. You know less about the law than Schiff and Nadler, which is saying ALOT!


I see you didn't care to answer the question.
Just more sophomoric bullshit.
Cipollone blatantly lied in front of a SC judge:
Pat Cipollone wrong on GOP access to SCIF depositions


"Not even (House Intelligence Chairman Adam) Schiff’s Republican colleagues were allowed into the SCIF" during the House impeachment investigation."
Pat Cipollone on Tuesday, January 21st, 2020 in remarks in the Senate impeachment trial

By blocking cooperation Trump ensures a paucity of proof, You then point to the void and say absence of evidence indicates there’s no case.
Need some cheese to go with that whine?

Need a tissue to go with that weepy rant?

Your misplaced anger is touching, yet it should be directed at the House Impeachment / Coup Managers and the architect of this self-imploding disaster, Speaker Pelosi, who allowed Impeachment to go forward despite not meeting her own standards to do so: 1)Overwhelming Evidence - they have none, and 2) Bipartisanship - not only are they responsible for the 1st Partisan Impeachment in US history, one of their number switched parties over their hate-driven trampling of the Constitution.

The House literally voted to Impeach the President of the United States based on a case they presented to the entire House...and now they declare they are unable ... or unwilling ... to present that case, their justification for Impeaching the President of the United States, to the US Senate...because they do not have enough evidence t do so. That same case was 'good enough' for the House Democrats to decide to Impeach the President. So why do they refuse to present THAT CASE to the Senate?

Refusing to do so is an admission that their case, on which they based their justification for Impeaching the US President, is truly the weakest in US history and not at all enough to warrant the Impeachment of the President. If it were, they would present it to the Senate.

Again, if you are pissed that the House Coup Managers can not / will not present the same case on which they based their decision to Impeach to the US Senate, don't blame anyone but the House and these proven criminal clowns who have declared both the President and US Senate is on trial, that if the US Senate does not comply with the demands made by the Trump-hating criminal House Democrats then the President and Senate are 'guilty'.

Additionally, I would like to say I am 'sorry' for your partisan lack of the ability to equally accept 'Executive privilege' when a Republican President chooses to use it versus when a Democrat President, like Barry, used/ uses it. That hypocrisy, however, is on you.
By blocking cooperation Trump ensures a paucity of proof, You then point to the void and say absence of evidence indicates there’s no case.
Need some cheese to go with that whine?

Need a tissue to go with that weepy rant?

Your misplaced anger is touching, yet it should be directed at the House Impeachment / Coup Managers and the architect of this self-imploding disaster, Speaker Pelosi, who allowed Impeachment to go forward despite not meeting her own standards to do so: 1)Overwhelming Evidence - they have none, and 2) Bipartisanship - not only are they responsible for the 1st Partisan Impeachment in US history, one of their number switched parties over their hate-driven trampling of the Constitution.

The House literally voted to Impeach the President of the United States based on a case they presented to the entire House...and now they declare they are unable ... or unwilling ... to present that case, their justification for Impeaching the President of the United States, to the US Senate...because they do not have enough evidence t do so. That same case was 'good enough' for the House Democrats to decide to Impeach the President. So why do they refuse to present THAT CASE to the Senate?

Refusing to do so is an admission that their case, on which they based their justification for Impeaching the US President, is truly the weakest in US history and not at all enough to warrant the Impeachment of the President. If it were, they would present it to the Senate.

Again, if you are pissed that the House Coup Managers can not / will not present the same case on which they based their decision to Impeach to the US Senate, don't blame anyone but the House and these proven criminal clowns who have declared both the President and US Senate is on trial, that if the US Senate does not comply with the demands made by the Trump-hating criminal House Democrats then the President and Senate are 'guilty'.

Additionally, I would like to say I am 'sorry' for your partisan lack of the ability to equally accept 'Executive privilege' when a Republican President chooses to use it versus when a Democrat President, like Barry, used/ uses it. That hypocrisy, however, is on you.

Do you think Trump will be removed or will he stay?
I haven't been watching because I know it will make me want to throw up, but I have read some of the posts in this thread.

How do you guys think it will turn out? Will Trump be removed or not? I hear that the leftists don't have much evidence, if any evidence at all.
President Trump is going no where. I will be a little surprised if the Republicans do not dismiss the House's Articles of Impeachment after both sides make their arguments.

I would also not be surprised if, at the end of this, the US senate somehow officially admonishes the House, Speaker Pelosi, and / or D-Schiff / Nadler for their conduct and false allegations against the Senate / US Senators during their time before the Senate.
I haven't been watching because I know it will make me want to throw up, but I have read some of the posts in this thread.

How do you guys think it will turn out? Will Trump be removed or not? I hear that the leftists don't have much evidence, if any evidence at all.
President Trump is going no where. I will be a little surprised if the Republicans do not dismiss the House's Articles of Impeachment after both sides make their arguments.

I would also not be surprised if, at the end of this, the US senate somehow officially admonishes the House, Speaker Pelosi, and / or D-Schiff / Nadler for their conduct and false allegations against the Senate / US Senators during their time before the Senate.

Thanks! I hope you are right!
By blocking cooperation Trump ensures a paucity of proof, You then point to the void and say absence of evidence indicates there’s no case.
Need some cheese to go with that whine?

Need a tissue to go with that weepy rant?

Your misplaced anger is touching, yet it should be directed at the House Impeachment / Coup Managers and the architect of this self-imploding disaster, Speaker Pelosi, who allowed Impeachment to go forward despite not meeting her own standards to do so: 1)Overwhelming Evidence - they have none, and 2) Bipartisanship - not only are they responsible for the 1st Partisan Impeachment in US history, one of their number switched parties over their hate-driven trampling of the Constitution.

The House literally voted to Impeach the President of the United States based on a case they presented to the entire House...and now they declare they are unable ... or unwilling ... to present that case, their justification for Impeaching the President of the United States, to the US Senate...because they do not have enough evidence t do so. That same case was 'good enough' for the House Democrats to decide to Impeach the President. So why do they refuse to present THAT CASE to the Senate?

Refusing to do so is an admission that their case, on which they based their justification for Impeaching the US President, is truly the weakest in US history and not at all enough to warrant the Impeachment of the President. If it were, they would present it to the Senate.

Again, if you are pissed that the House Coup Managers can not / will not present the same case on which they based their decision to Impeach to the US Senate, don't blame anyone but the House and these proven criminal clowns who have declared both the President and US Senate is on trial, that if the US Senate does not comply with the demands made by the Trump-hating criminal House Democrats then the President and Senate are 'guilty'.

Additionally, I would like to say I am 'sorry' for your partisan lack of the ability to equally accept 'Executive privilege' when a Republican President chooses to use it versus when a Democrat President, like Barry, used/ uses it. That hypocrisy, however, is on you.

If you are correct, then why are Trump's lawyers standing at the podium and lying their asses off?

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