Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

By blocking cooperation Trump ensures a paucity of proof, You then point to the void and say absence of evidence indicates there’s no case.
Need some cheese to go with that whine?

Need a tissue to go with that weepy rant?

Your misplaced anger is touching, yet it should be directed at the House Impeachment / Coup Managers and the architect of this self-imploding disaster, Speaker Pelosi, who allowed Impeachment to go forward despite not meeting her own standards to do so: 1)Overwhelming Evidence - they have none, and 2) Bipartisanship - not only are they responsible for the 1st Partisan Impeachment in US history, one of their number switched parties over their hate-driven trampling of the Constitution.

The House literally voted to Impeach the President of the United States based on a case they presented to the entire House...and now they declare they are unable ... or unwilling ... to present that case, their justification for Impeaching the President of the United States, to the US Senate...because they do not have enough evidence t do so. That same case was 'good enough' for the House Democrats to decide to Impeach the President. So why do they refuse to present THAT CASE to the Senate?

Refusing to do so is an admission that their case, on which they based their justification for Impeaching the US President, is truly the weakest in US history and not at all enough to warrant the Impeachment of the President. If it were, they would present it to the Senate.

Again, if you are pissed that the House Coup Managers can not / will not present the same case on which they based their decision to Impeach to the US Senate, don't blame anyone but the House and these proven criminal clowns who have declared both the President and US Senate is on trial, that if the US Senate does not comply with the demands made by the Trump-hating criminal House Democrats then the President and Senate are 'guilty'.

Additionally, I would like to say I am 'sorry' for your partisan lack of the ability to equally accept 'Executive privilege' when a Republican President chooses to use it versus when a Democrat President, like Barry, used/ uses it. That hypocrisy, however, is on you.

bla bla bla - talking points, no factual info

house impeaches

senate conducts hearing to remove

study up dipboi.
That was once it was turned over to Nadless. All the witnesses were questioned by Schifferbrains and his committee.

Nadless was just a rubber stamp.

That makes no sense. The WH refused to cooperate with Shiff as well that resulted, you know, in the second article of impeachment.
wasn't Trump a defendant? How many of those send incriminating evidence freely to a prosecutor? just curious where you think you might be. fairyland comes to my mind where you are.

Just curious, is evidence collected without warrant admissible in court?

what court ?

They still don't get the difference between federal courts and an impeachment. Fox must be confusing them on purpose.
By blocking cooperation Trump ensures a paucity of proof, You then point to the void and say absence of evidence indicates there’s no case.
Need some cheese to go with that whine?

Need a tissue to go with that weepy rant?

Your misplaced anger is touching, yet it should be directed at the House Impeachment / Coup Managers and the architect of this self-imploding disaster, Speaker Pelosi, who allowed Impeachment to go forward despite not meeting her own standards to do so: 1)Overwhelming Evidence - they have none, and 2) Bipartisanship - not only are they responsible for the 1st Partisan Impeachment in US history, one of their number switched parties over their hate-driven trampling of the Constitution.

The House literally voted to Impeach the President of the United States based on a case they presented to the entire House...and now they declare they are unable ... or unwilling ... to present that case, their justification for Impeaching the President of the United States, to the US Senate...because they do not have enough evidence t do so. That same case was 'good enough' for the House Democrats to decide to Impeach the President. So why do they refuse to present THAT CASE to the Senate?

Refusing to do so is an admission that their case, on which they based their justification for Impeaching the US President, is truly the weakest in US history and not at all enough to warrant the Impeachment of the President. If it were, they would present it to the Senate.

Again, if you are pissed that the House Coup Managers can not / will not present the same case on which they based their decision to Impeach to the US Senate, don't blame anyone but the House and these proven criminal clowns who have declared both the President and US Senate is on trial, that if the US Senate does not comply with the demands made by the Trump-hating criminal House Democrats then the President and Senate are 'guilty'.

Additionally, I would like to say I am 'sorry' for your partisan lack of the ability to equally accept 'Executive privilege' when a Republican President chooses to use it versus when a Democrat President, like Barry, used/ uses it. That hypocrisy, however, is on you.

bla bla bla - talking points, no factual info

house impeaches

senate conducts hearing to remove

study up dipboi.
51 in the Senate doesn't remove, IQ7.:21:
How's the weather in Moscow today, Tree? If must be damn cold this time outside the Kremlin.

The Democrats are getting eviscerated for showing up to the Senate and declaring they do not have the evidence to Justify their House Impeachment, and snowflakes like you desperately turn to the debunked / abandoned 'Russian Collusion Delusion'!


Where are you seeing that? Who said that?
OH, the lyin' Republicans said that.
The same one who said there were no Republicans were in the SCIF during the investigation?
You just proved

1. You are not watching / following the Impeachment Hearing

And / Or....

2. You know less about the law than Schiff and Nadler, which is saying ALOT!


I see you didn't care to answer the question.
Just more sophomoric bullshit.
Cipollone blatantly lied in front of a SC judge:
Pat Cipollone wrong on GOP access to SCIF depositions

[URL='']"Not even (House Intelligence Chairman Adam) Schiff’s Republican colleagues were allowed into the SCIF" during the House impeachment investigation."
— [URL='']Pat Cipollone
on Tuesday, January 21st, 2020 in remarks in the Senate impeachment trial[/URL]
Your claim that the process the US House forcibly mandated was somehow fair is as wrong, and ignorant, as Nadler declaring the US Senate is on trial and / or HOUSE Speaker Pelosi believing she had the power to force the US Senate to comply with her demands regarding US SENATE Impeachment rules for Impeachment.

How's the weather in Moscow today, Tree? If must be damn cold this time outside the Kremlin.

The Democrats are getting eviscerated for showing up to the Senate and declaring they do not have the evidence to Justify their House Impeachment, and snowflakes like you desperately turn to the debunked / abandoned 'Russian Collusion Delusion'!


Where are you seeing that? Who said that?
OH, the lyin' Republicans said that.
The same one who said there were no Republicans were in the SCIF during the investigation?
You just proved

1. You are not watching / following the Impeachment Hearing

And / Or....

2. You know less about the law than Schiff and Nadler, which is saying ALOT!


I see you didn't care to answer the question.
Just more sophomoric bullshit.
Cipollone blatantly lied in front of a SC judge:
Pat Cipollone wrong on GOP access to SCIF depositions

"Not even (House Intelligence Chairman Adam) Schiff’s Republican colleagues were allowed into the SCIF" during the House impeachment investigation."
Pat Cipollone on Tuesday, January 21st, 2020 in remarks in the Senate impeachment trial

However . . .

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who helped lead the charge Wednesday, dubbed them “some of our very best members,” but said they can’t stand in for every Republican. “There are millions of Americans that they don’t represent.”

The ranking Republican on the Intelligence Committee, another of Trump’s staunchest allies, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Tulare), has also attended some hearings.

Republicans argue that the Democrats’ process is unfair because the president is not allowed to have counsel in the deposition room. They say Democrats are rushing the process, cherry-picking material to leak to reporters and classifying material that shouldn’t be classified.

What's really happening inside the impeachment inquiry room stormed by Republicans
Trump refuses to let witnesses testify -

Trumpdrones start demanding evidence only a witness can provide

senate republicans become the pulling guard in a trap play

evidence - yeah, dats it, EVIDENCE



You scream at the Republicans for not going after the "evidence", yet have no condemnation for the democrats who didn't go after it either when they had the power. Interesting, that.

By blocking cooperation Trump ensures a paucity of proof, You then point to the void and say absence of evidence indicates there’s no case.

say it aint so Shane, say it aint so...........

And the democrats failed to go after the "evidence" you say exists, bottom line. Now they, and you, want the Senate to do their job for them, but somehow the democrats are blameless. They had the power and the means to compel testimony but did not.
They still don't get the difference between federal courts and an impeachment. Fox must be confusing them on purpose.
One minute Democrats and snowflakes are claiming their unfair process run in the House was okay because it is a POLITICAL Impeachment, not a case being handled in the federal courts. The next minute these same assholes are declaring the US Senate is on trail as well and that the Senate is not allowing a fair TRIAL, as if it were a case being handled in a federal court, instead of the Political Impeachment they claimed only moments before.

By blocking cooperation Trump ensures a paucity of proof, You then point to the void and say absence of evidence indicates there’s no case.
Need some cheese to go with that whine?

Need a tissue to go with that weepy rant?

Your misplaced anger is touching, yet it should be directed at the House Impeachment / Coup Managers and the architect of this self-imploding disaster, Speaker Pelosi, who allowed Impeachment to go forward despite not meeting her own standards to do so: 1)Overwhelming Evidence - they have none, and 2) Bipartisanship - not only are they responsible for the 1st Partisan Impeachment in US history, one of their number switched parties over their hate-driven trampling of the Constitution.

The House literally voted to Impeach the President of the United States based on a case they presented to the entire House...and now they declare they are unable ... or unwilling ... to present that case, their justification for Impeaching the President of the United States, to the US Senate...because they do not have enough evidence t do so. That same case was 'good enough' for the House Democrats to decide to Impeach the President. So why do they refuse to present THAT CASE to the Senate?

Refusing to do so is an admission that their case, on which they based their justification for Impeaching the US President, is truly the weakest in US history and not at all enough to warrant the Impeachment of the President. If it were, they would present it to the Senate.

Again, if you are pissed that the House Coup Managers can not / will not present the same case on which they based their decision to Impeach to the US Senate, don't blame anyone but the House and these proven criminal clowns who have declared both the President and US Senate is on trial, that if the US Senate does not comply with the demands made by the Trump-hating criminal House Democrats then the President and Senate are 'guilty'.

Additionally, I would like to say I am 'sorry' for your partisan lack of the ability to equally accept 'Executive privilege' when a Republican President chooses to use it versus when a Democrat President, like Barry, used/ uses it. That hypocrisy, however, is on you.

bla bla bla - talking points, no factual info

house impeaches

senate conducts hearing to remove

study up dipboi.
51 in the Senate doesn't remove, IQ7.:21:


another dumbass that cant count a senate majority

and these pukes want to drive the bus.
By blocking cooperation Trump ensures a paucity of proof, You then point to the void and say absence of evidence indicates there’s no case.
Need some cheese to go with that whine?

Need a tissue to go with that weepy rant?

Your misplaced anger is touching, yet it should be directed at the House Impeachment / Coup Managers and the architect of this self-imploding disaster, Speaker Pelosi, who allowed Impeachment to go forward despite not meeting her own standards to do so: 1)Overwhelming Evidence - they have none, and 2) Bipartisanship - not only are they responsible for the 1st Partisan Impeachment in US history, one of their number switched parties over their hate-driven trampling of the Constitution.

The House literally voted to Impeach the President of the United States based on a case they presented to the entire House...and now they declare they are unable ... or unwilling ... to present that case, their justification for Impeaching the President of the United States, to the US Senate...because they do not have enough evidence t do so. That same case was 'good enough' for the House Democrats to decide to Impeach the President. So why do they refuse to present THAT CASE to the Senate?

Refusing to do so is an admission that their case, on which they based their justification for Impeaching the US President, is truly the weakest in US history and not at all enough to warrant the Impeachment of the President. If it were, they would present it to the Senate.

Again, if you are pissed that the House Coup Managers can not / will not present the same case on which they based their decision to Impeach to the US Senate, don't blame anyone but the House and these proven criminal clowns who have declared both the President and US Senate is on trial, that if the US Senate does not comply with the demands made by the Trump-hating criminal House Democrats then the President and Senate are 'guilty'.

Additionally, I would like to say I am 'sorry' for your partisan lack of the ability to equally accept 'Executive privilege' when a Republican President chooses to use it versus when a Democrat President, like Barry, used/ uses it. That hypocrisy, however, is on you.

Do you think Trump will be removed or will he stay?
So far, it appears the impeachment will not carry.
The Democrats seem to have continued with their inept ways. Oddly, this is not different from the Republicans, but in this particular matter, it is partisan politics as usual and one set of partisans has more power than the other, so...
How's the weather in Moscow today, Tree? If must be damn cold this time outside the Kremlin.

The Democrats are getting eviscerated for showing up to the Senate and declaring they do not have the evidence to Justify their House Impeachment, and snowflakes like you desperately turn to the debunked / abandoned 'Russian Collusion Delusion'!


Where are you seeing that? Who said that?
OH, the lyin' Republicans said that.
The same one who said there were no Republicans were in the SCIF during the investigation?
You just proved

1. You are not watching / following the Impeachment Hearing

And / Or....

2. You know less about the law than Schiff and Nadler, which is saying ALOT!


I see you didn't care to answer the question.
Just more sophomoric bullshit.
Cipollone blatantly lied in front of a SC judge:
Pat Cipollone wrong on GOP access to SCIF depositions

"Not even (House Intelligence Chairman Adam) Schiff’s Republican colleagues were allowed into the SCIF" during the House impeachment investigation."
Pat Cipollone on Tuesday, January 21st, 2020 in remarks in the Senate impeachment trial

The moment you realize your "truth-o-meter" lies.
By blocking cooperation Trump ensures a paucity of proof, You then point to the void and say absence of evidence indicates there’s no case.
Need some cheese to go with that whine?

Need a tissue to go with that weepy rant?

Your misplaced anger is touching, yet it should be directed at the House Impeachment / Coup Managers and the architect of this self-imploding disaster, Speaker Pelosi, who allowed Impeachment to go forward despite not meeting her own standards to do so: 1)Overwhelming Evidence - they have none, and 2) Bipartisanship - not only are they responsible for the 1st Partisan Impeachment in US history, one of their number switched parties over their hate-driven trampling of the Constitution.

The House literally voted to Impeach the President of the United States based on a case they presented to the entire House...and now they declare they are unable ... or unwilling ... to present that case, their justification for Impeaching the President of the United States, to the US Senate...because they do not have enough evidence t do so. That same case was 'good enough' for the House Democrats to decide to Impeach the President. So why do they refuse to present THAT CASE to the Senate?

Refusing to do so is an admission that their case, on which they based their justification for Impeaching the US President, is truly the weakest in US history and not at all enough to warrant the Impeachment of the President. If it were, they would present it to the Senate.

Again, if you are pissed that the House Coup Managers can not / will not present the same case on which they based their decision to Impeach to the US Senate, don't blame anyone but the House and these proven criminal clowns who have declared both the President and US Senate is on trial, that if the US Senate does not comply with the demands made by the Trump-hating criminal House Democrats then the President and Senate are 'guilty'.

Additionally, I would like to say I am 'sorry' for your partisan lack of the ability to equally accept 'Executive privilege' when a Republican President chooses to use it versus when a Democrat President, like Barry, used/ uses it. That hypocrisy, however, is on you.

bla bla bla - talking points, no factual info

house impeaches

senate conducts hearing to remove

study up dipboi.
51 in the Senate doesn't remove, IQ7.:21:


another dumbass that cant count a senate majority

and these pukes want to drive the bus.
Useless . A Waste of oxygen
Trump refuses to let witnesses testify -

Trumpdrones start demanding evidence only a witness can provide

senate republicans become the pulling guard in a trap play

evidence - yeah, dats it, EVIDENCE



You scream at the Republicans for not going after the "evidence", yet have no condemnation for the democrats who didn't go after it either when they had the power. Interesting, that.

By blocking cooperation Trump ensures a paucity of proof, You then point to the void and say absence of evidence indicates there’s no case.

say it aint so Shane, say it aint so...........

And the democrats failed to go after the "evidence" you say exists, bottom line. Now they, and you, want the Senate to do their job for them, but somehow the democrats are blameless. They had the power and the means to compel testimony but did not.

how could the house gain evidence after Trump blocked witnesses -

cracker jack boxes

pretty damn dumb aint ya ..............
Trump refuses to let witnesses testify -

Trumpdrones start demanding evidence only a witness can provide

senate republicans become the pulling guard in a trap play

evidence - yeah, dats it, EVIDENCE



You scream at the Republicans for not going after the "evidence", yet have no condemnation for the democrats who didn't go after it either when they had the power. Interesting, that.

By blocking cooperation Trump ensures a paucity of proof, You then point to the void and say absence of evidence indicates there’s no case.

say it aint so Shane, say it aint so...........

And the democrats failed to go after the "evidence" you say exists, bottom line. Now they, and you, want the Senate to do their job for them, but somehow the democrats are blameless. They had the power and the means to compel testimony but did not.

how could the house gain evidence after Trump blocked witnesses -

crcker jack boxes

pretty damn dumb aint ya ..............
They go to court! Fk more humor. I even posted the rules yesterday
That was once it was turned over to Nadless. All the witnesses were questioned by Schifferbrains and his committee.

Nadless was just a rubber stamp.

That makes no sense. The WH refused to cooperate with Shiff as well that resulted, you know, in the second article of impeachment.
wasn't Trump a defendant? How many of those send incriminating evidence freely to a prosecutor? just curious where you think you might be. fairyland comes to my mind where you are.

Just curious, is evidence collected without warrant admissible in court?

what court ?
Generally, in court.
I haven't been watching because I know it will make me want to throw up, but I have read some of the posts in this thread.

How do you guys think it will turn out? Will Trump be removed or not? I hear that the leftists don't have much evidence, if any evidence at all.
That makes no sense. The WH refused to cooperate with Shiff as well that resulted, you know, in the second article of impeachment.
wasn't Trump a defendant? How many of those send incriminating evidence freely to a prosecutor? just curious where you think you might be. fairyland comes to my mind where you are.

Just curious, is evidence collected without warrant admissible in court?

what court ?

They still don't get the difference between federal courts and an impeachment. Fox must be confusing them on purpose.
then you know a senate trial isn’t the same as a court trial. Right? Too fking funny . You all are always good for a daily laugh.

BTW, your cult leaders are fking with you

Is this post addressed to me or somebody else? :confused-84:
That was once it was turned over to Nadless. All the witnesses were questioned by Schifferbrains and his committee.

Nadless was just a rubber stamp.

That makes no sense. The WH refused to cooperate with Shiff as well that resulted, you know, in the second article of impeachment.
wasn't Trump a defendant? How many of those send incriminating evidence freely to a prosecutor? just curious where you think you might be. fairyland comes to my mind where you are.

Just curious, is evidence collected without warrant admissible in court?

what court ?

They still don't get the difference between federal courts and an impeachment. Fox must be confusing them on purpose.

Who said I was talking about impeachment? Read the question, moron!
Trump refuses to let witnesses testify -

Trumpdrones start demanding evidence only a witness can provide

senate republicans become the pulling guard in a trap play

evidence - yeah, dats it, EVIDENCE



You scream at the Republicans for not going after the "evidence", yet have no condemnation for the democrats who didn't go after it either when they had the power. Interesting, that.

By blocking cooperation Trump ensures a paucity of proof, You then point to the void and say absence of evidence indicates there’s no case.

say it aint so Shane, say it aint so...........

And the democrats failed to go after the "evidence" you say exists, bottom line. Now they, and you, want the Senate to do their job for them, but somehow the democrats are blameless. They had the power and the means to compel testimony but did not.

Right, if they don't have their cards in order, they can only blame themselves.
I haven't been watching because I know it will make me want to throw up, but I have read some of the posts in this thread.

How do you guys think it will turn out? Will Trump be removed or not? I hear that the leftists don't have much evidence, if any evidence at all.
wasn't Trump a defendant? How many of those send incriminating evidence freely to a prosecutor? just curious where you think you might be. fairyland comes to my mind where you are.

Just curious, is evidence collected without warrant admissible in court?

what court ?

They still don't get the difference between federal courts and an impeachment. Fox must be confusing them on purpose.
then you know a senate trial isn’t the same as a court trial. Right? Too fking funny . You all are always good for a daily laugh.

BTW, your cult leaders are fking with you

Is this post addressed to me or somebody else? :confused-84:
Misread it. Apologies! I bow in forgiveness
I haven't been watching because I know it will make me want to throw up, but I have read some of the posts in this thread.

How do you guys think it will turn out? Will Trump be removed or not? I hear that the leftists don't have much evidence, if any evidence at all.
Just curious, is evidence collected without warrant admissible in court?

what court ?

They still don't get the difference between federal courts and an impeachment. Fox must be confusing them on purpose.
then you know a senate trial isn’t the same as a court trial. Right? Too fking funny . You all are always good for a daily laugh.

BTW, your cult leaders are fking with you

Is this post addressed to me or somebody else? :confused-84:
Misread it. Apologies! I bow in forgiveness

Forgiveness granted! :D

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