Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

We are not immoral and Hell Bent on destroying everything that is America.

But you are. You are wicked and unrepentant.

democrats are hypocrites,, sick bastards
So are the Republicans. That is one of the things that makes it interesting.
Relax. It's in the bag. Surely the right on here isn't going whine and attack me for a week on this thing. It's going to be OK. I was on Fox a moment ago. Hannity was talking to a right wing guy who said nobody will remember in November. Enjoy the show. This is third thing of this type I have seen. It is history. You guys need to cheer up. Maybe Hannity and the guy are right. This board will not stop the ball in the air. Mitch will get you through this.

I guaruendayumtee ya, they are not going to be allowed to forget. Trump will be rubbing their stupid noses in it right up to election day.
We are not immoral and Hell Bent on destroying everything that is America.

But you are. You are wicked and unrepentant.

democrats are hypocrites,, sick bastards
So are the Republicans. That is one of the things that makes it interesting.
Relax. It's in the bag. Surely the right on here isn't going whine and attack me for a week on this thing. It's going to be OK. I was on Fox a moment ago. Hannity was talking to a right wing guy who said nobody will remember in November. Enjoy the show. This is third thing of this type I have seen. It is history. You guys need to cheer up. Maybe Hannity and the guy are right. This board will not stop the ball in the air. Mitch will get you through this.

I guaruendayumtee ya, they are not going to be allowed to forget. Trump will be rubbing their stupid noses in it right up to election day.

Mr. White told me he was a conservative republican. :doubt: Excuse me if I have my doubts. Lol!
The Republicans and Democrats in the Senate took an oath to defend the Constitution and "do fair and impartial justice" in matters relating to the Impeachment trial. They all signed a book confirming that they had taken that oath. Not a single Republican has demonstrated even the slightest desire to "do fair and impartial justice." The sham being pulled on the American people isn't coming from the Democrats; it's from the Republicans. Every time they deny calling a witness or getting documents the President has refused to release to Congress, they are committing perjury. Perjury is a criminal act. But, what should Americans expect. We have a President who is an unindicted co-conspirator, he is a liar, he has no morals, he is an embarrassment, he believes Article II gives him the "authority to do whatever he wants." This is a sad, sad day for our Country. Since it is absolutely obvious that the Republican Senators have their heads so far up Donald J Trump's ass they will never see daylight again, it's time for the American people to step up and do what's necessary. Donald Trump will lose the election in November. He will not be re-elected. Once he leaves office, he will be prosecuted like any other American. Every time Donald Trump gets away thwarting the law and the Constitution, he doesn't leave well enough alone. He doesn't breathe a sigh of relief, he begins planning to do something even worse. So, what's next? To all who support Donald Trump and have sisters, daughters, granddaughters, and nieces, call them right now and tell them because he is rich and President they should let him grab them by the pussy. They should submit to whatever he asks of them. Tell them your 401k is more important than their dignity. Tell them the tax cut you received is more important than they are. Tell them a powerful man is entitled to do as he pleases with and to them. Tell your children the truth doesn't matter. Then go to church and pretend you are a good and Godly person. Just remember what goes around comes around and Donald Trump's day is coming. He is scum of the earth and can't read the Constitution let alone understand it. This entire Senate trial is a joke and the real decision will be made in November. If Donald Trump is re-elected, it will be because he cheated. Bring on the 2nd Civil War! Time for Donald and all his friends to lock themselves away in their gated communities and behind their country club walls, real Americans and patriots will eventually come for all of you.

I love how you hypocritical assholes always try to spin it around and you think we're too dayum stupid to notice. Or is it just the other fools left in your crumbling party that you're trying to convince?
95% of these idiots are clueless about impeachment proceedings ..
You can count the Speaker of the House among those, as she believed - as does Schiff and Nadler - that they have any say in how the US Senate conducts their Impeachment process.

Once the House voted to Impeach she was required to send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate. based on the fact that she declared they had to rush the fastest Impeachment in US history because the President was / is such an immediate threat to the country, she should have done so quickly. Instead, she sat on them for weeks, destroying her own false narrative.

Now the House Coup Managers show up and declare they can not present the case / information on which they voted to Impeach because of what other information MIGHT be 'out there'.

The House Managers are there before the US Senate to present the information / case that led them to vote to Impeach.

They refuse to do so.

Then the House Articles of Impeachment should be dismissed.
Looks like Mich won the rules debate, and he got the same rules as was used during the Clinton trial.

That won't stop the fuckwit Managers, and single digit IQ Dimwingers here, from crying about a rigged trial.

McConnell's rules package
Under McConnell's final, adopted rules resolution, both the Democrats' impeachment managers and Trump's lawyers will now have three session days, totaling 24 hours, allocated to present their case.

McConnell's original resolution had allowed 24 hours of arguments over only two days. Democrats complained that that would push the trial into “the dead of night,” and McConnell expanded the timeline with a handwritten note on the resolution on Tuesday after the GOP moderates voiced similar concerns.

The rules for Clinton’s trial give the two sides 24 hours each for arguments but didn't specify how many days. They each took three.

The rules for senators’ questions are identical as compared with the Clinton trial: “Upon the conclusion of the president’s presentation, senators may question the parties for a period of time not to exceed 16 hours." Per underlying Senate rules, upon which both resolutions were based, the senators have to submit those questions in writing.

After the senators' question period, Trump’s trial will follow Clinton’s format with debate over witnesses. In the Trump trial, the House prosecutors and White House defense will have four hours of debate over the question of whether to subpoena witnesses or documents.

The Clinton resolution was similar, but it gave the two sides six hours of debate. Both sets of rules also require witnesses to be deposed before they testify publicly.

Chief Justice Roberts admonishes both sides at Senate impeachment trial, after marathon session erupts into shouting match
Schiff, Nadler and Schummer go 0-11 on trying to change the rules for impeachment that they agreed to Unanimously 100-0 just a couple decades ago.
Trump refuses to let witnesses testify -

Trumpdrones start demanding evidence only a witness can provide

senate republicans become the pulling guard in a trap play

evidence - yeah, dats it, EVIDENCE



You scream at the Republicans for not going after the "evidence", yet have no condemnation for the democrats who didn't go after it either when they had the power. Interesting, that.

By blocking cooperation Trump ensures a paucity of proof, You then point to the void and say absence of evidence indicates there’s no case.

say it aint so Shane, say it aint so...........
The Rules were Unanimously Approved 100-0, so what is your issue?:
The bottom line is that:

Based on a case / information resulting from the House's Impeachment Hearings the House Democrats...minus 3...voted to Impeach the President.

After declaring their 'fastest Rush to Impeach in US history based on the weakest case in US history' was due to the 'fact' that the President was / is such a threat to our national security they had to act immediately. The Speaker then sat on the Articles for weeks.

Upon arriving n the US Senate, the House Impeachment Managers declared they are unable / unwilling to present to the Senate the exact same case / information that led them to decide to vote to Impeach the President.

The US Senate wants to hear WHY the House Democrats voted to Impeach the President.

The US Senate wants to know what is the information that already exists, the information on which they based their decision to Impeach. the President.

The House voted to Impeach the President based on EXISTING information, NOT on what other information there might be 'out there'. The Senate wants to know what THAT EXISTING information / case was....

THAT information, THAT case, on which they based their Impeachment of the President, either warrants Impeachment - which they already voted for, or it does NOT.

...the FACT that the Democrats are unprepared / UNWILLING to present THAT case / information, the justification for their vote to Impeach, says all anyone needs to know about the Democrats' Impeachment.

nope keep trying-


PER the Constitution, they make the rules when the ball is in their court.

your pretty funny though ........

So they did.

Now the ball is not in their court, and they're not making rules, they have to play by Senate rules.

All Senate asking them to do is to present "overwhelming evidence" they used to impeach president for while the ball was in their court.
Does anyone think the Democrats would NOT have been so pissed and would NOT have continued their political tantrum for the last 3 1/2 years if, after losing the 2016 election, they would still have gotten some kind of 'participation trophy'? Would that have made it 'all better'?

All Senate asking them to do is to present "overwhelming evidence" they used to impeach president for while the ball was in their court.

The House voted to Impeach the President based on EXISTING information, NOT on what other information there might be 'out there'. The Senate wants to know what THAT EXISTING information / case was....

THAT information, THAT case, on which they based their Impeachment of the President, either warrants Impeachment - which they already voted for, or it does NOT.

All the Senate is asking the House Managers to do is present THAT case / evidence....

Again, they 'can't' / won't.
Looks like Mich won the rules debate, and he got the same rules as was used during the Clinton trial.

That won't stop the fuckwit Managers, and single digit IQ Dimwingers here, from crying about a rigged trial.

McConnell's rules package
Under McConnell's final, adopted rules resolution, both the Democrats' impeachment managers and Trump's lawyers will now have three session days, totaling 24 hours, allocated to present their case.

McConnell's original resolution had allowed 24 hours of arguments over only two days. Democrats complained that that would push the trial into “the dead of night,” and McConnell expanded the timeline with a handwritten note on the resolution on Tuesday after the GOP moderates voiced similar concerns.

The rules for Clinton’s trial give the two sides 24 hours each for arguments but didn't specify how many days. They each took three.

The rules for senators’ questions are identical as compared with the Clinton trial: “Upon the conclusion of the president’s presentation, senators may question the parties for a period of time not to exceed 16 hours." Per underlying Senate rules, upon which both resolutions were based, the senators have to submit those questions in writing.

After the senators' question period, Trump’s trial will follow Clinton’s format with debate over witnesses. In the Trump trial, the House prosecutors and White House defense will have four hours of debate over the question of whether to subpoena witnesses or documents.

The Clinton resolution was similar, but it gave the two sides six hours of debate. Both sets of rules also require witnesses to be deposed before they testify publicly.

Chief Justice Roberts admonishes both sides at Senate impeachment trial, after marathon session erupts into shouting match
Schiff, Nadler and Schummer go 0-11 on trying to change the rules for impeachment that they agreed to Unanimously 100-0 just a couple decades ago.

Schiff, Nadler and Schummer go 0-11 on trying to change the rules for impeachment that they agreed to Unanimously 100-0 just a couple decades ago.

Special consideration for special people. That's who the Dems are, or think they are; "we say we want fair and equal, but what we mean is we want what we think is fair and equal, which is whatever we want it to be". Look, if the Dems had done their due diligence in the House and taken the time to challenge the President on his claims of executive privilege, then all this would already have been settled. I dunno, maybe they thought they'd lose on the challenge, but I don't think the President has forfeited his right to claim executive privilege during the trial. In fact, I don't really know how that would work; I don't think Roberts wants to rule on that himself if the President exercises that option. What would they do, suspend the trial until the courts rule one way or the other, presumably after appeals are exhausted?

There's an argument to be made IMHO that the HoR impeached the President on the information and testimony they had at the time. "Overwhelming evidence, they said". So, it seems to me that the Senate should make their decision based on the same data. It if ain't enough, tough shit. The Dems can impeach him a second time if they want too, or more likely just bitch about it everyday until November and probably thereafter if Trump wins re-election.
Does anyone think the Democrats would NOT have been so pissed and would NOT have continued their political tantrum for the last 3 1/2 years if, after losing the 2016 election, they would still have gotten some kind of 'participation trophy'? Would that have made it 'all better'?

One thing is clear, The Senate Stage is too big for Nadler, Schiff, or Schummer even.

Democrat Changes to the unanimously approved 100-0 rules were voted down 0-11.
LOL! Who would have thunk that the whistleblower was a filthy Democrat Dirty Tricks Operative?

Whistleblower Was Overheard in '17 Discussing With Ally How to Remove Trump.

By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations
January 22, 2019

Barely two weeks after Donald Trump took office, Eric Ciaramella – the CIA analyst whose name was recently linked in a tweet by the president and mentioned by lawmakers as the anonymous “whistleblower" who touched off Trump's impeachment – was overheard in the White House discussing with another staffer how to remove the newly elected president from office, according to former colleagues.
Looks like Mich won the rules debate, and he got the same rules as was used during the Clinton trial.

That won't stop the fuckwit Managers, and single digit IQ Dimwingers here, from crying about a rigged trial.

McConnell's rules package
Under McConnell's final, adopted rules resolution, both the Democrats' impeachment managers and Trump's lawyers will now have three session days, totaling 24 hours, allocated to present their case.

McConnell's original resolution had allowed 24 hours of arguments over only two days. Democrats complained that that would push the trial into “the dead of night,” and McConnell expanded the timeline with a handwritten note on the resolution on Tuesday after the GOP moderates voiced similar concerns.

The rules for Clinton’s trial give the two sides 24 hours each for arguments but didn't specify how many days. They each took three.

The rules for senators’ questions are identical as compared with the Clinton trial: “Upon the conclusion of the president’s presentation, senators may question the parties for a period of time not to exceed 16 hours." Per underlying Senate rules, upon which both resolutions were based, the senators have to submit those questions in writing.

After the senators' question period, Trump’s trial will follow Clinton’s format with debate over witnesses. In the Trump trial, the House prosecutors and White House defense will have four hours of debate over the question of whether to subpoena witnesses or documents.

The Clinton resolution was similar, but it gave the two sides six hours of debate. Both sets of rules also require witnesses to be deposed before they testify publicly.

Chief Justice Roberts admonishes both sides at Senate impeachment trial, after marathon session erupts into shouting match
Schiff, Nadler and Schummer go 0-11 on trying to change the rules for impeachment that they agreed to Unanimously 100-0 just a couple decades ago.

Schiff, Nadler and Schummer go 0-11 on trying to change the rules for impeachment that they agreed to Unanimously 100-0 just a couple decades ago.

Special consideration for special people. That's who the Dems are, or think they are; "we say we want fair and equal, but what we mean is we want what we think is fair and equal, which is whatever we want it to be". Look, if the Dems had done their due diligence in the House and taken the time to challenge the President on his claims of executive privilege, then all this would already have been settled. I dunno, maybe they thought they'd lose on the challenge, but I don't think the President has forfeited his right to claim executive privilege during the trial. In fact, I don't really know how that would work; I don't think Roberts wants to rule on that himself if the President exercises that option. What would they do, suspend the trial until the courts rule one way or the other, presumably after appeals are exhausted?

There's an argument to be made IMHO that the HoR impeached the President on the information and testimony they had at the time. "Overwhelming evidence, they said". So, it seems to me that the Senate should make their decision based on the same data. It if ain't enough, tough shit. The Dems can impeach him a second time if they want too, or more likely just bitch about it everyday until November and probably thereafter if Trump wins re-election.
Just Dumb to push through a lopsided and unfair impeachment process and make a Mockery of The House of Reps. The Senate isn't going to play Kangaroo Court like that. Unlike House of Reps that represent say a county or two, Senators represent an entire State, so they are held to a higher standard than some schmuck in the house of reps
We are not immoral and Hell Bent on destroying everything that is America.

But you are. You are wicked and unrepentant.

democrats are hypocrites,, sick bastards
So are the Republicans. That is one of the things that makes it interesting.
Relax. It's in the bag. Surely the right on here isn't going whine and attack me for a week on this thing. It's going to be OK. I was on Fox a moment ago. Hannity was talking to a right wing guy who said nobody will remember in November. Enjoy the show. This is third thing of this type I have seen. It is history. You guys need to cheer up. Maybe Hannity and the guy are right. This board will not stop the ball in the air. Mitch will get you through this.

I guaruendayumtee ya, they are not going to be allowed to forget. Trump will be rubbing their stupid noses in it right up to election day.

Mr. White told me he was a conservative republican. :doubt: Excuse me if I have my doubts. Lol!
He’s a troll or has Dementia
LOL! Who would have thunk that the whistleblower was a filthy Democrat Dirty Tricks Operative?

Whistleblower Was Overheard in '17 Discussing With Ally How to Remove Trump.

By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations
January 22, 2019

Barely two weeks after Donald Trump took office, Eric Ciaramella – the CIA analyst whose name was recently linked in a tweet by the president and mentioned by lawmakers as the anonymous “whistleblower" who touched off Trump's impeachment – was overheard in the White House discussing with another staffer how to remove the newly elected president from office, according to former colleagues.
NOW RIGHT THERE, Whistleblower # 1 and # 2 should be MANDATORY WITNESSES because the Facts Contradict their False Reports that they filed, which BTW is a FELONY.
We are not immoral and Hell Bent on destroying everything that is America.

But you are. You are wicked and unrepentant.

So are the Republicans. That is one of the things that makes it interesting.
Relax. It's in the bag. Surely the right on here isn't going whine and attack me for a week on this thing. It's going to be OK. I was on Fox a moment ago. Hannity was talking to a right wing guy who said nobody will remember in November. Enjoy the show. This is third thing of this type I have seen. It is history. You guys need to cheer up. Maybe Hannity and the guy are right. This board will not stop the ball in the air. Mitch will get you through this.

I guaruendayumtee ya, they are not going to be allowed to forget. Trump will be rubbing their stupid noses in it right up to election day.

Mr. White told me he was a conservative republican. :doubt: Excuse me if I have my doubts. Lol!
He’s a troll or has Dementia
I think you are wrong. He's a Troll with Dementia
I think once the trial has gone to the jury that you don’t start the trial back up again just to satisfy the prosecutions demands of fairness.
We are not immoral and Hell Bent on destroying everything that is America.

But you are. You are wicked and unrepentant.

So are the Republicans. That is one of the things that makes it interesting.
Relax. It's in the bag. Surely the right on here isn't going whine and attack me for a week on this thing. It's going to be OK. I was on Fox a moment ago. Hannity was talking to a right wing guy who said nobody will remember in November. Enjoy the show. This is third thing of this type I have seen. It is history. You guys need to cheer up. Maybe Hannity and the guy are right. This board will not stop the ball in the air. Mitch will get you through this.

I guaruendayumtee ya, they are not going to be allowed to forget. Trump will be rubbing their stupid noses in it right up to election day.

Mr. White told me he was a conservative republican. :doubt: Excuse me if I have my doubts. Lol!
He’s a troll or has Dementia

I'm not familiar enough with him to make such a call. He does seem to be a bit confused though.
I think once the trial has gone to the jury that you don’t start the trial back up again just to satisfy the prosecutions demands of fairness.

100 senators aint no jury ya dumbass -


I think once the trial has gone to the jury that you don’t start the trial back up again just to satisfy the prosecutions demands of fairness.

100 senators aint no jury ya dumbass -


Who either convicts, or acquits, in a trial? The Jury, which is exactly what the role of the 100 Senators is, IQ7.

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