Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

I am sure it has already been mentioned in this thread, but Bolton is a war mongering thug whom the left hated until Saturday?????

What if there was exculpatory information leaked? Would the Dimms still call for him to testify.

Vindman’s Twin Brother Is in Charge of NSC’s Process Reviewing Book Approvals — Would Include John Bolton’s Book

I am amazed at how low some will go to tarnish those who have served our country. We used to have common standards that we considered off base. Attacking those in uniform was one.
Love this Philbin guy. He is shredding the Dimms.

I’d like any lefties to point out anything he said that was not accurate.
It’s a high crime and misdemeanor for going to court.


Bondi is going in dry on the Bidens

I'm almost afraid to ask but.......what's "going in dry" mean?

It’s a vulgar phrase to represent copulation without it’s like rape or it hurts.

It was funny to explain that...I appreciate the laugh.

True story, I almost just texted that to my 70 year old mother.:21:

Well she definitely comes off as a kunt so I could see why that comment came to mind. (cheeky grin)

I'm definitely glad you did not text this to your mother.
I don’t care that Trump’s lawyers are bringing up Biden because it is all they have as a defense. For those that find this defense credible I say either:

1. If you find it credible because you actually think it’s true and exculpates Trump then you are a fool.


2. If you find it credible only so far as it is a great deflection and you know it is total bullshit, then you are not a fool, but someone who doesn’t give a shit about the integrity of the presidency.
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This style of lecturing is B.O.R.I.N.G. boring.
As opposed to 24 hours of Pencil Neck repeating 4,000 time "Cheater, Cheater, pumpkin eater"..."RUSSIA...RUSSIA....RUSSIA!!!!"

I thought that was boring too. So why do you make fun of and call people names? Do you think it strengthens your argument? What type of people have we become when we resort to this style of communication.
Who is this lying buffoon? Do you honestly think that the American people are fooled? Hunter Biden was not shaking anybody down, but his lies about the Bidens are shameful.
I am sure it has already been mentioned in this thread, but Bolton is a war mongering thug whom the left hated until Saturday?????

What if there was exculpatory information leaked? Would the Dimms still call for him to testify.

Vindman’s Twin Brother Is in Charge of NSC’s Process Reviewing Book Approvals — Would Include John Bolton’s Book

I am amazed at how low some will go to tarnish those who have served our country. We used to have common standards that we considered off base. Attacking those in uniform was one.
He wasn't Court Martialed. Somebody illegally leaked this, and if his brother was culpable, damn right I want him held accountable. A uniform doesn't give you the right violate the law or your employment agreement.
I love how bitch Pelosi still claims Russia and Trump are in collusion when Trump sold weapons to Ukraine TO USE AGAINST RUSSIA. It sounds to me like Obama and Russia were in collusion...against Trump.

That is enough evidence to dismiss this crap by itself. :p

It should be. If Trump and Putin are dick pals, why is Trump giving tank busting Javelin missiles to Ukraine?

That certainly doesn’t make any sense.
Don't bother the demodummies with facts and ask for them to use logic to reach a simple conclusion. Their poor little brains can't stand up to that kind of strain. They're used to just being told what to think, say and do.
I am sure it has already been mentioned in this thread, but Bolton is a war mongering thug whom the left hated until Saturday?????

What if there was exculpatory information leaked? Would the Dimms still call for him to testify.

Vindman’s Twin Brother Is in Charge of NSC’s Process Reviewing Book Approvals — Would Include John Bolton’s Book

I am amazed at how low some will go to tarnish those who have served our country. We used to have common standards that we considered off base. Attacking those in uniform was one.
He wasn't Court Martialed. Somebody illegally leaked this, and if his brother was culpable, damn right I want him held accountable. A uniform doesn't give you the right violate the law or your employment agreement.

Think about what you are saying for gosh sakes. You have implicated him simply because his brother was subpoenaed to give testimony. Why jump directly to that assumption?

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