Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

I love how bitch Pelosi still claims Russia and Trump are in collusion when Trump sold weapons to Ukraine TO USE AGAINST RUSSIA.

It sounds to me like Obama and Russia were in collusion...against Trump.
In the Court of Hannity, yeah. Not in a real court.

And she didn't just say it now, she ruled on October 25, 2019, and Trump's spokespeople have been gaslighting you ever since.

You know what's funniest of all in Starr's fountain of lies? His whining about how the House impeachment investigators were not under oath - given ... neither is he.

And that's when he claimed that Trump, in the last months of 2019, rejecting any and all cooperation with the House inquiry, followed the OLC opinion, issued on "January 19, 2020".

I actually, for once, agree with Starr: The defense team should take Starr's advice, and make their case under oath.

Good catch. I don't think many are listening to Trump's lawyers. They're wondering, 'why don't you want Bolton to testify?'
We have not presented our case effectively enough, you call additional witnesses who may shine a more favorable light on our shoddy and incomplete work.
Lib 101
Sorry, this is more than a ploy.

- Schiff claimed to have evidence for 2 years and admitted he lied.
- Schiff attempted to present manufactured 'evidence' as legitimate evidence.
These are nt incidents of 'shoddy work' or incompetence - these are CRIMES!

The Democrats promised witnesses and delivered no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses.

The Democrats had their opportunity to call witnesses but reused to go through the process of going through the courts to contest Executive Privilege.
- Sucks to be them.

Bolton does not guarantee 'evidence' any more than any other promise made by Schiff. Bolton is a disgruntled fired ex admin member. Hill and Yovanovich already testified Eliminating Ukraine corruption was Trump Foreign Policy.
I love how bitch Pelosi still claims Russia and Trump are in collusion when Trump sold weapons to Ukraine TO USE AGAINST RUSSIA. It sounds to me like Obama and Russia were in collusion...against Trump.

That is enough evidence to dismiss this crap by itself. :p
Good catch. I don't think many are listening to Trump's lawyers. They're wondering, 'why don't you want Bolton to testify?'

Yep, the defense team appears somewhat defensive, which shouldn't surprise since over their wholesale mendacity hangs a giant, white mustache.
Good catch. I don't think many are listening to Trump's lawyers. They're wondering, 'why don't you want Bolton to testify?'

Yep, the defense team appears somewhat defensive, which shouldn't surprise since over their wholesale mendacity hangs a giant, white mustache.

Philbin looks as if he's watching his future circling the toilet bowl.

So he does, and well deserved it would be - but my guess would be, his list of conservative clients will feed him quite nicely.

I mean, for pity's sake, the House, according to Philbin, tried to blackmail Trump into giving up his privileges and immunities, when, in fact, Trump has yet to assert executive privilege.

Whatever, we all knew, having no integrity would be an absolutely required precondition to work on Trump's defense team. Isn't there always demand for such?
It was widely known Bolton did not like Trump's Foreign Policy. Dr. Hill and Ambassador Yavanovich said eliminating Ukraine's corruption was Trump's Foreign Policy.
Bolton is an angry, bitter man who believes he is smarter than the President, disagreed with his foreign policy, and now he is trying to 'get even' while attempting to get rich selling a book.
This style of lecturing is B.O.R.I.N.G. boring.

It's hard for him to be enthusiastic when he knows much of what he's saying is false. I wouldn't want to be in his wingtips.

He has a history of being on the wrong side of history. He also worked in the WH with Bush when they were lying to the American people about WMDs and the "war on terror". This dude would not be on my legal team. He's tainted.
Good catch. I don't think many are listening to Trump's lawyers. They're wondering, 'why don't you want Bolton to testify?'

Yep, the defense team appears somewhat defensive, which shouldn't surprise since over their wholesale mendacity hangs a giant, white mustache.

Philbin looks as if he's watching his future circling the toilet bowl.

So he does, and well deserved it would be - but my guess would be, his list of conservative clients will feed him quite nicely.

I mean, for pity's sake, the House, according to Philbin, tried to blackmail Trump into giving up his privileges and immunities, when, in fact, Trump has yet to assert executive privilege.

Whatever, we all knew, having no integrity would be an absolutely required precondition to work on Trump's defense team. Isn't there always demand for such?

The misrepresentation just keeps on coming. If only an Ineffective Counsel claim would help Trump.
We have not presented our case effectively enough, you call additional witnesses who may shine a more favorable light on our shoddy and incomplete work.
Lib 101
nope. a weak case is a weak case because it's weak. this is a no case.
Americans Hate Overreach: Impeachment Is Helping Trump.

Now that we're nearly a week into Adam's Schifty Nine-Ring Circus, how is America responding?

Voters Love The Economy and Credit Trump For It. ("It's the economy, stupid." Or as frustrated Dems must be muttering to themselves, "It's the stupid economy.")

Economic prosperity boosts Trump in election poll

Fans already camping out, vendors setting up for Trump's rally in Wildwood. (That's Wildwood in deep blue New Jersey.)

US ‘satisfaction’ best in 15 years, Trump's high four times Obama’s low.

These are not the headlines from a country eager to jettison its chief executive, and the yawns coming from our social media accounts bear that out. Tim Graham wrote for Newsbusters on Sunday that "Social Media Stats Suggest America's BORED by Impeachment Trial."

Trump's likeability numbers have never been very higher.


Democrats retook the House in 2018, largely by presenting themselves as a more moderate party, one whose new members had learned the lessons of 2016. Once in power, however, they quickly revealed themselves to be the party of Rashida Tlaib, transgender dominance of women, and impeachment. Americans aren't even enjoying the circus value of the Dem's quixotic quest to impeach President Trump for the grave sin of asking if someone over in Ukraine might look into some very shady business conducted by Biden, Inc.

Americans are reacting to this new overreach by giving Trump better marks than he's enjoyed in three years and one week in office.

Well done, Dems. I hope you keep it up, all the way to November 3.
I love how bitch Pelosi still claims Russia and Trump are in collusion when Trump sold weapons to Ukraine TO USE AGAINST RUSSIA. It sounds to me like Obama and Russia were in collusion...against Trump.

That is enough evidence to dismiss this crap by itself. :p

It should be. If Trump and Putin are dick pals, why is Trump giving tank busting Javelin missiles to Ukraine?

That certainly doesn’t make any sense.
I don't know how many are old enough (I'm 65) to remember the little animal erasers that you could put over the eraser on your pencil. I'd love to see one of shitty. "Schifty on a pencil"
That would be awesome. I should bet a patent on that. That or an Adam Schiff Punching Bag.

I considered the eraser but punching bag a great idea too!
I am sure it has already been mentioned in this thread, but Bolton is a war mongering thug whom the left hated until Saturday?????

What if there was exculpatory information leaked? Would the Dimms still call for him to testify.

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