Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

Adumb Schifferbrains is amazing...............he can produce more lies per 30 seconds than Joe Isuzu on Meth.
It is truly amusing how Schiff has got Trumpers all throwing tantrums. That is how good Schiff was.

Really? LMFAO at how many lies Pencil Neck can jam into his time is a "tantrum"?

Perhaps you have no clue what that word means.:21:

Wet Dreams on the part of the demoncrats have become quite frequent.
Read this post from another thread.

I suppose some of you have already seen this, but on Fox News I just saw a clip of an interview with John Bolton taken about a month after President Trump's call to Zelinsky in which Bolton said that the call was cordial. That was all Bolton had to say about the call at the time.

If indeed, as the New York Times would like us to believe, that Bolton was horrified and repulsed by Trump's conversation with the Ukraine President, where was that outrage at the time? Bolton seemed totally fine with the call.

I am sure that if Bolton were called to testify before the Senate, a reasonable question for Bolton would be for him to explain why he seemed so satisfied with the President's conversation with Zelinsky if he now was saying it struck him as a "drug deal." Back in the old days when I worked in Employee Relations, this would be the "when were you telling the truth question" to which there is never a good answer.

I would also add that I do find it ironic that the people who seem most interested in seeing more witnesses for impeachment, are the same people who have already made up their mind that Trump is guilty. In essence, for them it seems that they are the last people to worry about more evidence.

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Mysterian. An enigma in a well-tailored suit from the Boys Department. A cordial phone call in July in no way contradicts the reported fact that Trump told Bolton in August that the aid was conditioned on announcement of investigations. People are generally cordial with those who are going to give them hundreds of millions of America dollars. Women near US military bases overseas prove that with marvelous regularity at a tiny fraction of the cost.

Pardon me, but your response is idiotic. If Bolton is reporting the convesation of Trump and Zelinsky as "cordial" and Bolton has a big smile underneath his mustache, I assume that means that he is okay with the call. I agree that cordial calls aren't always "nice.' I am sure that Al Capone had cordial calls with his underlings. But, in the context we are discussing, Bolton had every opportunity to say he was "disturbed" by aspects of the call. But he did not. Now when he is working on a book deal is not the time to suddenly develop regrets.
Biden is obviously above the law here. He should be made President by acclamation.

If what Biden did is illegal or even questionable, why didn't the Republican House and Senate object at the time he did it? Why no investigation before now? It's not like Biden hid what he did, or tried to keep it secret. Why did Donald Trump give military aid to the Ukraine in 2017 and 2018 with any question of corruption in the Ukraine?

If all of this is about questions about Biden, why didn't William Barr open an investigation into the Bidens', or either of them?

The Senators could call Joe Biden as a witness. They have the numbers. So why haven't they?

Pam Bondi spent a half an hour on the floor of the Senate the other day explaining that. It's on YouTube. And if we get witnesses, I expect and hope the WH will see to it we hear a lot more about it.

Pam Bondi keeps getting and making unfounded allegations and smears of Hunter Biden, without a shred of evidence to back up one word of her character assassination. Nothing she has said has the slightest bit of relevance to the charges against the President.

I also understand that the White House is now trying to block publication of the Bolton book. You guys must just be shitting your pants over the possibility of Bolton testifying.

You have little to no familiarity with the facts, ma'am. Over a week ago the WH sent Bolton a letter saying he would have to remove certain classified information from his book and that the NSC would assist him. The idiot-leaning fake news reported this today as an attempt to block his book. And as an idiot, you've dutifully sucked it up. There has been no attempt to prevent Bolton from publishing his worthless book that will have no interesting content. Too bad, John. It just doesn't make any sense that you would think you could publish a tell-all 4 months after leaving a high security job in the White House.,
. They're going to acquit him anyway, and I hope they do, but the evidence isn't even seriously contested.

There is an old saying; "if your enemy is falling on their sword. . . Don't get in their way."

The Senate doesn't need witnesses in order to decide to dismiss a sham / rushed impeachment attempt.


I agree. We don't want witnesses. The whole story will come out soon enough, anyway, and the R's can do the most damage to themselves by refusing to hear witnesses.

Cracks me up that Mark Warner is saying the House should call Bolton. And Trump should call Mulvaney to be the rebuttal witness.
Pardon me, but your response is idiotic. If Bolton is reporting the convesation of Trump and Zelinsky as "cordial" and Bolton has a big smile underneath his mustache, I assume that means that he is okay with the call. I agree that cordial calls aren't always "nice.' I am sure that Al Capone had cordial calls with his underlings. But, in the context we are discussing, Bolton had every opportunity to say he was "disturbed" by aspects of the call. But he did not. Now when he is working on a book deal is not the time to suddenly develop regrets.

Of course, you would "assume" that Bolton was "okay with the call." And why the heck not? After all, you have a long history of swallowing whatever lies are being told by, or on behalf of, your adulated Dear Leader. And so, what ever lie Bolton told on Trump's behalf, as Trump's national security advisor, is gospel for you.

Bolton, or course, central to the effort to lie the country into the war on Iraq, is a world-class liar. He is also a national security hawk, and would not ever publicly disclose cracks in the U.S. system of alliances, such as the one Trump opened up between the U.S. and Ukraine (among others). Now that the Ukraine crack is widely published, he, yes, has "every opportunity to say he was 'disturbed'", and, lo and behold, he does exactly that, exposing the loose cannon in the Oval Office for the self-serving, corrupt and incompetent goon he most assuredly is. Of course,you still prefer the lies on behalf of Trump, that's what you are. Isn't that so, goofy?
Pardon me, but your response is idiotic. If Bolton is reporting the convesation of Trump and Zelinsky as "cordial" and Bolton has a big smile underneath his mustache, I assume that means that he is okay with the call. I agree that cordial calls aren't always "nice.' I am sure that Al Capone had cordial calls with his underlings. But, in the context we are discussing, Bolton had every opportunity to say he was "disturbed" by aspects of the call. But he did not. Now when he is working on a book deal is not the time to suddenly develop regrets.

Of course, you would "assume" that Bolton was "okay with the call." And why the heck not? After all, you have a long history of swallowing whatever lies are being told by, or on behalf of, your adulated Dear Leader. And so, what ever lie Bolton told on Trump's behalf, as Trump's national security advisor, is gospel for you.

Bolton, or course, central to the effort to lie the country into the war on Iraq, is a world-class liar. He is also a national security hawk, and would not ever publicly disclose cracks in the U.S. system of alliances, such as the one Trump opened up between the U.S. and Ukraine (among others). Now that the Ukraine crack is widely published, he, yes, has "every opportunity to say he was 'disturbed'", and, lo and behold, he does exactly that, exposing the loose cannon in the Oval Office for the self-serving, corrupt and incompetent goon he most assuredly is. Of course,you still prefer the lies on behalf of Trump, that's what you are. Isn't that so, goofy?

If you weren't such a worthless chickenshit and coward you would go over to the thread he's at and ask him, right OldeNazi?

Good lord. That’s a lot to digest.

I especially like where no one leaked the manuscript...yet it was leaked.

That seems odd, doesn’t it? Why doesn’t the leaked just come forward and say they were saving our Constitutional Republic?

Obviously, the big juicy take from that is that Schiff said Bolton has no credibility.

This should clearly be brought up.
If you weren't such a worthless chickenshit and coward you would go over to the thread he's at and ask him, right OldeNazi?

You know, dummy, "the thread he's at" is this one. In other words, the posting I quoted was made to this thread. Do I need to make even more of an effort to explain it to you?
Its over......
No self respecting republican could possibly vote for anything other than a total and full acquittal....
Its over......
No self respecting republican could possibly vote for anything other than a total and full acquittal....
There are reports that some Democratic senators may vote for acquittal, too.

A trio of moderate Senate Democrats is wrestling with whether to vote to convict Donald Trump in his impeachment trial — or give the president the bipartisan acquittal he’s eagerly seeking.

Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Doug Jones of Alabama are undecided on whether to vote to remove the president from office and are “struggling” over where to land, said Manchin. It’s a decision that could have major ramifications for each senator’s legacy and political prospects — as well shape the broader political dynamic surrounding impeachment heading into the 2020 election.

Trio of Dem senators considering vote to acquit Trump

Oh shit......

Bolton himself had said in the past that he would be more than willing to lie if he felt it was in the nation's interest.

“If I had to say something I knew was false to protect American national security, I would do it," Bolton said in an interview with Fox Business in 2010.

You guys are desperate. That video means nothing. Trump has told 15,000 plus lies. Yeah, that’s a tough one. Bolton or Trump? Who to believe. Trump has shown he is nearly incapable of telling the truth anytime on any topic.
So a guy that Schiff voted NOT to confirm Bolton as Ambassador to the UN, citing lack of Schiff wants Bolton to be a key witness?

Fucking shifty schiff!


Oh shit......

Bolton himself had said in the past that he would be more than willing to lie if he felt it was in the nation's interest.

“If I had to say something I knew was false to protect American national security, I would do it," Bolton said in an interview with Fox Business in 2010.

You guys are desperate. That video means nothing. Trump has told 15,000 plus lies. Yeah, that’s a tough one. Bolton or Trump? Who to believe. Trump has shown he is nearly incapable of telling the truth anytime on any topic.

Its over...the house managers are losing senate dems now....
Schiff said it himself.

Bolton has no credibility.

Oh shit......

Bolton himself had said in the past that he would be more than willing to lie if he felt it was in the nation's interest.

“If I had to say something I knew was false to protect American national security, I would do it," Bolton said in an interview with Fox Business in 2010.

You guys are desperate. That video means nothing. Trump has told 15,000 plus lies. Yeah, that’s a tough one. Bolton or Trump? Who to believe. Trump has shown he is nearly incapable of telling the truth anytime on any topic.

Its over...the house managers are losing senate dems now....

Its over......
No self respecting republican could possibly vote for anything other than a total and full acquittal....
No self respecting Republican should vote on guilt or acquittal until he has heard from the witnesses.

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