Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

Biden is obviously above the law here. He should be made President by acclamation.

No, Mucky, Biden is not above the law. If there is actual evidence, transfer it to the FBI. If it's real evidence for any criminal wrongdoing, not just a drug deal some imbecile cooked up, the FBI would be happy to act on that evidence. Moreover, once that investigation was properly started, the FBI can go to the DoJ and ask them to contact the Ukrainians under the U.S.-Ukraine "legal assistance treaty" for Ukrainian help, if necessary. Note the words "legal assistance". They are not equal to "starting an electioneering plot and a smear campaign by using a public office's power pressuring a foreign government".

You don't get to talk to me about politics, OldeNazi. You're only here to be scorned and ridiculed.

Good one, Mucky. I understand you'd rather have your imbecilic pap pass without reasoned objections. That, of course, would be risible, and you'll get your flabby arse kicked, richly deserved as it is.

How will I ever survive without your girlish spite and cowardly whining? What will I do?
I'm starting to wonder if Trump has something on Dershowitz.
Your post is an unconvincing mixture of unsupported claims and buzzword salad.

The Trump Defense does no accept the validity of impeachment articles that do not meet the criteria for removal, worse, they contain no statutory crimes, much less Treason Bribery or other High Crimes. They have no crimes at all.

The job of the Prosecution is convince the Jury that they have evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump is guilty of Treason, Bribery or other High Crimes similarly serious to Treason and Bribery. They have not only failed completely at this, they have failed to produce any compelling evidence that Trump is guilty of ANY CRIMES AT ALL!

WOW! How Embarrassing! Democrat Val Demings Can’t Explain How Harm was Done to Ukraine by Delaying Aid

You can't blame others for the defects in your case, your case is your handiwork.

They are trying to overturn an election and remove Trump from the upcoming ballet based on a series of events that PRODUCED NO HARM AT ALL?

America is saddened that these folks are so deranged that they would even attempt such a thing. America wonders how folks so bereft of sound judgment ended up able to exercise such an awesome constitutional power, and the answer to that is, the majority of Democrats that invoked the Impeachment Power.

The Unh-uh Defense is evolving.

N̶o̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶v̶a̶l̶i̶d̶ ̶i̶n̶q̶u̶i̶r̶y̶
̶ ̶N̶o̶ ̶q̶u̶i̶d̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶ ̶q̶u̶o̶ ̶
̶A̶i̶d̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶d̶i̶t̶i̶o̶n̶e̶d̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶a̶n̶n̶o̶u̶n̶c̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶i̶n̶v̶e̶s̶t̶i̶g̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ ̶
̶N̶o̶ ̶d̶i̶r̶e̶c̶t̶ ̶t̶e̶s̶t̶i̶m̶o̶n̶y̶ ̶a̶i̶d̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶d̶i̶t̶i̶o̶n̶e̶d̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶a̶n̶n̶o̶u̶n̶c̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶i̶n̶v̶e̶s̶t̶i̶g̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶.̶
We did it! You'll still acquit!
All 4 of those are valid arguments for acquittal. You're catching on. Good for you!

Those arguments have been blown away, except for the one I didn't strike through.

Philbin was just gaslighting about the timeline of Rudy's plan to kneecap Biden. He said Rudy started in January, and Biden announced in April, implying he wasn't a political opponent at the time. Truthy, but less than honest.

Rumors of an impending Biden announcement have been nonstop since the start of the year. On January 6, the New York Times reported Biden would "most likely make a decision within the next two weeks." Axios reported Biden was eyeing a January 15 announcement date, telling top Democrats he was inching closer to a presidential bid.

When February rolled around, The Hill reported Biden was "95 percent there" and ready to take the plunge.

Joe Biden has been teasing a 2020 presidential campaign announcement for months — now he might jump in the race
With that on camera bragging about extorting Ukraine to fire the prosecutor that was investigating the corrupt firm that hired Hunter, Biden "kneecapped" himself.

Biden stepped in it. He was just the errand boy for the US, the IMF and various European interests. He was puffing himself up at the Foreign Affairs forum and it provided a soundbite ripe for misconstruction. There are letters signed by multiple Senators of both parties supporting the action at the time.

I'm not a Biden fan. He's yesterday, by a long way. None of which justifies Trump's attempted extortion using authorized funding as leverage.
Trump never attempted "extortion" and there is nothing wrong with using funding as leverage to encourage the recipient to look into apparent corruption and the aid was released before the end of the Fiscal Year. Do you think there was a date stated in the appropriation with a date that the aid must be released by that Trump missed?


Everyone knows that Trump's going to be exonerated shortly of all this silliness!
I'm starting to wonder if Trump has something on Dershowitz.
The Unh-uh Defense is evolving.

N̶o̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶v̶a̶l̶i̶d̶ ̶i̶n̶q̶u̶i̶r̶y̶
̶ ̶N̶o̶ ̶q̶u̶i̶d̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶ ̶q̶u̶o̶ ̶
̶A̶i̶d̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶d̶i̶t̶i̶o̶n̶e̶d̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶a̶n̶n̶o̶u̶n̶c̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶i̶n̶v̶e̶s̶t̶i̶g̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ ̶
̶N̶o̶ ̶d̶i̶r̶e̶c̶t̶ ̶t̶e̶s̶t̶i̶m̶o̶n̶y̶ ̶a̶i̶d̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶d̶i̶t̶i̶o̶n̶e̶d̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶a̶n̶n̶o̶u̶n̶c̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶i̶n̶v̶e̶s̶t̶i̶g̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶.̶
We did it! You'll still acquit!
All 4 of those are valid arguments for acquittal. You're catching on. Good for you!

Those arguments have been blown away, except for the one I didn't strike through.

Philbin was just gaslighting about the timeline of Rudy's plan to kneecap Biden. He said Rudy started in January, and Biden announced in April, implying he wasn't a political opponent at the time. Truthy, but less than honest.

Rumors of an impending Biden announcement have been nonstop since the start of the year. On January 6, the New York Times reported Biden would "most likely make a decision within the next two weeks." Axios reported Biden was eyeing a January 15 announcement date, telling top Democrats he was inching closer to a presidential bid.

When February rolled around, The Hill reported Biden was "95 percent there" and ready to take the plunge.

Joe Biden has been teasing a 2020 presidential campaign announcement for months — now he might jump in the race

That whistleblower guy sure put the kibash on any chances Biden had. LOL......Karma.

I think so. He'll be dirtied up. That said, I figured he would implode sooner or later. There's a track record.
You know, I know, and the American People know that the Democrats Impeachment Farce was intended to influence the 2020 election. Never in the history of the Republic has a Congress stooped to that level of desperation in order to affect an upcoming Presidential Election. In your mind, this "dirties up" Trump? Oh my goodness, do you have a shock coming!


If The Call Was Legit, You Must Acquit!

If Trump doesn't put the squeeze on Zelensky, he doesn't get impeached.
All 4 of those are valid arguments for acquittal. You're catching on. Good for you!

Those arguments have been blown away, except for the one I didn't strike through.

Philbin was just gaslighting about the timeline of Rudy's plan to kneecap Biden. He said Rudy started in January, and Biden announced in April, implying he wasn't a political opponent at the time. Truthy, but less than honest.

Rumors of an impending Biden announcement have been nonstop since the start of the year. On January 6, the New York Times reported Biden would "most likely make a decision within the next two weeks." Axios reported Biden was eyeing a January 15 announcement date, telling top Democrats he was inching closer to a presidential bid.

When February rolled around, The Hill reported Biden was "95 percent there" and ready to take the plunge.

Joe Biden has been teasing a 2020 presidential campaign announcement for months — now he might jump in the race

That whistleblower guy sure put the kibash on any chances Biden had. LOL......Karma.

I think so. He'll be dirtied up. That said, I figured he would implode sooner or later. There's a track record.
You know, I know, and the American People know that the Democrats Impeachment Farce was intended to influence the 2020 election. Never in the history of the Republic has a Congress stooped to that level of desperation in order to affect an upcoming Presidential Election. In your mind, this "dirties up" Trump? Oh my goodness, do you have a shock coming!


If The Call Was Legit, You Must Acquit!

If Trump doesn't put the squeeze on Zelensky, he doesn't get impeached.

So you're saying Trump should have turned a blind eye to likely influence peddling by the former VP. I don't see how that advances the national interest.
All 4 of those are valid arguments for acquittal. You're catching on. Good for you!

Those arguments have been blown away, except for the one I didn't strike through.

Philbin was just gaslighting about the timeline of Rudy's plan to kneecap Biden. He said Rudy started in January, and Biden announced in April, implying he wasn't a political opponent at the time. Truthy, but less than honest.

Rumors of an impending Biden announcement have been nonstop since the start of the year. On January 6, the New York Times reported Biden would "most likely make a decision within the next two weeks." Axios reported Biden was eyeing a January 15 announcement date, telling top Democrats he was inching closer to a presidential bid.

When February rolled around, The Hill reported Biden was "95 percent there" and ready to take the plunge.

Joe Biden has been teasing a 2020 presidential campaign announcement for months — now he might jump in the race

That whistleblower guy sure put the kibash on any chances Biden had. LOL......Karma.

I think so. He'll be dirtied up. That said, I figured he would implode sooner or later. There's a track record.
You know, I know, and the American People know that the Democrats Impeachment Farce was intended to influence the 2020 election. Never in the history of the Republic has a Congress stooped to that level of desperation in order to affect an upcoming Presidential Election. In your mind, this "dirties up" Trump? Oh my goodness, do you have a shock coming!


If The Call Was Legit, You Must Acquit!

If Trump doesn't put the squeeze on Zelensky, he doesn't get impeached.
If Dems didn't impeach him for that, they would have found something else. The whole Zelensky think was a fake up job, that was the best they could do, and it didn't even approach impeachable crimes.


Dems seem kind of desperate.
I'm starting to wonder if Trump has something on Dershowitz.
The Unh-uh Defense is evolving.

N̶o̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶v̶a̶l̶i̶d̶ ̶i̶n̶q̶u̶i̶r̶y̶
̶ ̶N̶o̶ ̶q̶u̶i̶d̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶ ̶q̶u̶o̶ ̶
̶A̶i̶d̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶d̶i̶t̶i̶o̶n̶e̶d̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶a̶n̶n̶o̶u̶n̶c̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶i̶n̶v̶e̶s̶t̶i̶g̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ ̶
̶N̶o̶ ̶d̶i̶r̶e̶c̶t̶ ̶t̶e̶s̶t̶i̶m̶o̶n̶y̶ ̶a̶i̶d̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶d̶i̶t̶i̶o̶n̶e̶d̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶a̶n̶n̶o̶u̶n̶c̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶i̶n̶v̶e̶s̶t̶i̶g̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶.̶
We did it! You'll still acquit!
All 4 of those are valid arguments for acquittal. You're catching on. Good for you!

Those arguments have been blown away, except for the one I didn't strike through.

Philbin was just gaslighting about the timeline of Rudy's plan to kneecap Biden. He said Rudy started in January, and Biden announced in April, implying he wasn't a political opponent at the time. Truthy, but less than honest.

Rumors of an impending Biden announcement have been nonstop since the start of the year. On January 6, the New York Times reported Biden would "most likely make a decision within the next two weeks." Axios reported Biden was eyeing a January 15 announcement date, telling top Democrats he was inching closer to a presidential bid.

When February rolled around, The Hill reported Biden was "95 percent there" and ready to take the plunge.

Joe Biden has been teasing a 2020 presidential campaign announcement for months — now he might jump in the race
With that on camera bragging about extorting Ukraine to fire the prosecutor that was investigating the corrupt firm that hired Hunter, Biden "kneecapped" himself.

Biden stepped in it. He was just the errand boy for the US, the IMF and various European interests. He was puffing himself up at the Foreign Affairs forum and it provided a soundbite ripe for misconstruction. There are letters signed by multiple Senators of both parties supporting the action at the time.

I'm not a Biden fan. He's yesterday, by a long way. None of which justifies Trump's attempted extortion using authorized funding as leverage.
Trump never attempted "extortion" and there is nothing wrong with using funding as leverage to encourage the recipient to look into apparent corruption and the aid was released before the end of the Fiscal Year. Do you think there was a date stated in the appropriation with a date that the aid must be released by that Trump missed?


Everyone knows that Trump's going to be exonerated shortly of all this silliness!

Of course he attempted extortion. Need Javelins? Do us a favor though. That came after weeks of pushing and coaching from Rudy and Bagman Sondland, on what Zelensky had to say to Trump about investigations, and tying aid to it. The House presented a good case and witnesses provided good testimony. You should have watched it.

Why do you think the Senate doesn't want witnesses? Every one of them knows Trump is guilty as hell. They're going to acquit him anyway, and I hope they do, but the evidence isn't even seriously contested.
All 4 of those are valid arguments for acquittal. You're catching on. Good for you!

Those arguments have been blown away, except for the one I didn't strike through.

Philbin was just gaslighting about the timeline of Rudy's plan to kneecap Biden. He said Rudy started in January, and Biden announced in April, implying he wasn't a political opponent at the time. Truthy, but less than honest.

Rumors of an impending Biden announcement have been nonstop since the start of the year. On January 6, the New York Times reported Biden would "most likely make a decision within the next two weeks." Axios reported Biden was eyeing a January 15 announcement date, telling top Democrats he was inching closer to a presidential bid.

When February rolled around, The Hill reported Biden was "95 percent there" and ready to take the plunge.

Joe Biden has been teasing a 2020 presidential campaign announcement for months — now he might jump in the race
With that on camera bragging about extorting Ukraine to fire the prosecutor that was investigating the corrupt firm that hired Hunter, Biden "kneecapped" himself.

Biden stepped in it. He was just the errand boy for the US, the IMF and various European interests. He was puffing himself up at the Foreign Affairs forum and it provided a soundbite ripe for misconstruction. There are letters signed by multiple Senators of both parties supporting the action at the time.

I'm not a Biden fan. He's yesterday, by a long way. None of which justifies Trump's attempted extortion using authorized funding as leverage.
Trump never attempted "extortion" and there is nothing wrong with using funding as leverage to encourage the recipient to look into apparent corruption and the aid was released before the end of the Fiscal Year. Do you think there was a date stated in the appropriation with a date that the aid must be released by that Trump missed?


Everyone knows that Trump's going to be exonerated shortly of all this silliness!

Of course he attempted extortion. Need Javelins? Do us a favor though. That came after weeks of pushing and coaching from Rudy and Bagman Sondland, on what Zelensky had to say to Trump about investigations, and tying aid to it. The House presented a good case and witnesses provided good testimony. You should have watched it.

Why do you think the Senate doesn't want witnesses? Every one of them knows Trump is guilty as hell. They're going to acquit him anyway, and I hope they do, but the evidence isn't even seriously contested.
The aid request didn't even include Javelins. And the aid was released without even an announcement of an investigation. You are attempting to convict Trump based on hostile mind reading.

In the Salem Witch Trials 25 people died and those hung were executed on the basis of spectral evidence. That is why modern America requires facts, evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, due process and all these other elements of our juris prudence that prevent investigations from devolving into deadly witch hunts and lynch mobs.

It's truly sad what the Left would lead us back to, if only they could.
Those arguments have been blown away, except for the one I didn't strike through.

Philbin was just gaslighting about the timeline of Rudy's plan to kneecap Biden. He said Rudy started in January, and Biden announced in April, implying he wasn't a political opponent at the time. Truthy, but less than honest.

Rumors of an impending Biden announcement have been nonstop since the start of the year. On January 6, the New York Times reported Biden would "most likely make a decision within the next two weeks." Axios reported Biden was eyeing a January 15 announcement date, telling top Democrats he was inching closer to a presidential bid.

When February rolled around, The Hill reported Biden was "95 percent there" and ready to take the plunge.

Joe Biden has been teasing a 2020 presidential campaign announcement for months — now he might jump in the race
With that on camera bragging about extorting Ukraine to fire the prosecutor that was investigating the corrupt firm that hired Hunter, Biden "kneecapped" himself.

Biden stepped in it. He was just the errand boy for the US, the IMF and various European interests. He was puffing himself up at the Foreign Affairs forum and it provided a soundbite ripe for misconstruction. There are letters signed by multiple Senators of both parties supporting the action at the time.

I'm not a Biden fan. He's yesterday, by a long way. None of which justifies Trump's attempted extortion using authorized funding as leverage.
Trump never attempted "extortion" and there is nothing wrong with using funding as leverage to encourage the recipient to look into apparent corruption and the aid was released before the end of the Fiscal Year. Do you think there was a date stated in the appropriation with a date that the aid must be released by that Trump missed?


Everyone knows that Trump's going to be exonerated shortly of all this silliness!

Of course he attempted extortion. Need Javelins? Do us a favor though. That came after weeks of pushing and coaching from Rudy and Bagman Sondland, on what Zelensky had to say to Trump about investigations, and tying aid to it. The House presented a good case and witnesses provided good testimony. You should have watched it.

Why do you think the Senate doesn't want witnesses? Every one of them knows Trump is guilty as hell. They're going to acquit him anyway, and I hope they do, but the evidence isn't even seriously contested.
The aid request didn't even include Javelins. And the aid was released without even an announcement of an investigation. You are attempting to convict Trump based on hostile mind reading.

In the Salem Witch Trials 25 people died and those hung were executed on the basis of spectral evidence.

It's truly sad where the Left would lead us, if only they could

It's sad where the Left would lead us if only they could.

No one said he didn't get caught.
All 4 of those are valid arguments for acquittal. You're catching on. Good for you!

Those arguments have been blown away, except for the one I didn't strike through.

Philbin was just gaslighting about the timeline of Rudy's plan to kneecap Biden. He said Rudy started in January, and Biden announced in April, implying he wasn't a political opponent at the time. Truthy, but less than honest.

Rumors of an impending Biden announcement have been nonstop since the start of the year. On January 6, the New York Times reported Biden would "most likely make a decision within the next two weeks." Axios reported Biden was eyeing a January 15 announcement date, telling top Democrats he was inching closer to a presidential bid.

When February rolled around, The Hill reported Biden was "95 percent there" and ready to take the plunge.

Joe Biden has been teasing a 2020 presidential campaign announcement for months — now he might jump in the race
With that on camera bragging about extorting Ukraine to fire the prosecutor that was investigating the corrupt firm that hired Hunter, Biden "kneecapped" himself.

Biden stepped in it. He was just the errand boy for the US, the IMF and various European interests. He was puffing himself up at the Foreign Affairs forum and it provided a soundbite ripe for misconstruction. There are letters signed by multiple Senators of both parties supporting the action at the time.

I'm not a Biden fan. He's yesterday, by a long way. None of which justifies Trump's attempted extortion using authorized funding as leverage.
Trump never attempted "extortion" and there is nothing wrong with using funding as leverage to encourage the recipient to look into apparent corruption and the aid was released before the end of the Fiscal Year. Do you think there was a date stated in the appropriation with a date that the aid must be released by that Trump missed?


Everyone knows that Trump's going to be exonerated shortly of all this silliness!

Of course he attempted extortion. Need Javelins? Do us a favor though. That came after weeks of pushing and coaching from Rudy and Bagman Sondland, on what Zelensky had to say to Trump about investigations, and tying aid to it. The House presented a good case and witnesses provided good testimony. You should have watched it.

Why do you think the Senate doesn't want witnesses? Every one of them knows Trump is guilty as hell. They're going to acquit him anyway, and I hope they do, but the evidence isn't even seriously contested.

Not that hard to figure this out. Ukraine is notoriously corrupt. Trump wants a publicly expressed commitment to fight corruption before he releases the aid. I see nothing at all wrong with that. He's looking out for the US national interest.

What? You would have preferred he flew in pallets of cash in the middle of the night? Who would ever do something as traitorous as that?
With that on camera bragging about extorting Ukraine to fire the prosecutor that was investigating the corrupt firm that hired Hunter, Biden "kneecapped" himself.

Biden stepped in it. He was just the errand boy for the US, the IMF and various European interests. He was puffing himself up at the Foreign Affairs forum and it provided a soundbite ripe for misconstruction. There are letters signed by multiple Senators of both parties supporting the action at the time.

I'm not a Biden fan. He's yesterday, by a long way. None of which justifies Trump's attempted extortion using authorized funding as leverage.
Trump never attempted "extortion" and there is nothing wrong with using funding as leverage to encourage the recipient to look into apparent corruption and the aid was released before the end of the Fiscal Year. Do you think there was a date stated in the appropriation with a date that the aid must be released by that Trump missed?


Everyone knows that Trump's going to be exonerated shortly of all this silliness!

Of course he attempted extortion. Need Javelins? Do us a favor though. That came after weeks of pushing and coaching from Rudy and Bagman Sondland, on what Zelensky had to say to Trump about investigations, and tying aid to it. The House presented a good case and witnesses provided good testimony. You should have watched it.

Why do you think the Senate doesn't want witnesses? Every one of them knows Trump is guilty as hell. They're going to acquit him anyway, and I hope they do, but the evidence isn't even seriously contested.
The aid request didn't even include Javelins. And the aid was released without even an announcement of an investigation. You are attempting to convict Trump based on hostile mind reading.

In the Salem Witch Trials 25 people died and those hung were executed on the basis of spectral evidence.

It's truly sad where the Left would lead us, if only they could

It's sad where the Left would lead us if only they could.

No one said he didn't get caught.
He "got caught" having a perfect phone call.
Those arguments have been blown away, except for the one I didn't strike through.

Philbin was just gaslighting about the timeline of Rudy's plan to kneecap Biden. He said Rudy started in January, and Biden announced in April, implying he wasn't a political opponent at the time. Truthy, but less than honest.

Rumors of an impending Biden announcement have been nonstop since the start of the year. On January 6, the New York Times reported Biden would "most likely make a decision within the next two weeks." Axios reported Biden was eyeing a January 15 announcement date, telling top Democrats he was inching closer to a presidential bid.

When February rolled around, The Hill reported Biden was "95 percent there" and ready to take the plunge.

Joe Biden has been teasing a 2020 presidential campaign announcement for months — now he might jump in the race
With that on camera bragging about extorting Ukraine to fire the prosecutor that was investigating the corrupt firm that hired Hunter, Biden "kneecapped" himself.

Biden stepped in it. He was just the errand boy for the US, the IMF and various European interests. He was puffing himself up at the Foreign Affairs forum and it provided a soundbite ripe for misconstruction. There are letters signed by multiple Senators of both parties supporting the action at the time.

I'm not a Biden fan. He's yesterday, by a long way. None of which justifies Trump's attempted extortion using authorized funding as leverage.
Trump never attempted "extortion" and there is nothing wrong with using funding as leverage to encourage the recipient to look into apparent corruption and the aid was released before the end of the Fiscal Year. Do you think there was a date stated in the appropriation with a date that the aid must be released by that Trump missed?


Everyone knows that Trump's going to be exonerated shortly of all this silliness!

Of course he attempted extortion. Need Javelins? Do us a favor though. That came after weeks of pushing and coaching from Rudy and Bagman Sondland, on what Zelensky had to say to Trump about investigations, and tying aid to it. The House presented a good case and witnesses provided good testimony. You should have watched it.

Why do you think the Senate doesn't want witnesses? Every one of them knows Trump is guilty as hell. They're going to acquit him anyway, and I hope they do, but the evidence isn't even seriously contested.

Not that hard to figure this out. Ukraine is notoriously corrupt. Trump wants a publicly expressed commitment to fight corruption before he releases the aid. I see nothing at all wrong with that. He's looking out for the US national interest.

What? You would have preferred he flew in pallets of cash in the middle of the night? Who would ever do something as traitorous as that?

Yeah, he even used his pro bono attorney and million $ bagman to save the State Dept time and money. He's thinking about the national interest 25 hours a day. Maybe more.
Biden stepped in it. He was just the errand boy for the US, the IMF and various European interests. He was puffing himself up at the Foreign Affairs forum and it provided a soundbite ripe for misconstruction. There are letters signed by multiple Senators of both parties supporting the action at the time.

I'm not a Biden fan. He's yesterday, by a long way. None of which justifies Trump's attempted extortion using authorized funding as leverage.
Trump never attempted "extortion" and there is nothing wrong with using funding as leverage to encourage the recipient to look into apparent corruption and the aid was released before the end of the Fiscal Year. Do you think there was a date stated in the appropriation with a date that the aid must be released by that Trump missed?


Everyone knows that Trump's going to be exonerated shortly of all this silliness!

Of course he attempted extortion. Need Javelins? Do us a favor though. That came after weeks of pushing and coaching from Rudy and Bagman Sondland, on what Zelensky had to say to Trump about investigations, and tying aid to it. The House presented a good case and witnesses provided good testimony. You should have watched it.

Why do you think the Senate doesn't want witnesses? Every one of them knows Trump is guilty as hell. They're going to acquit him anyway, and I hope they do, but the evidence isn't even seriously contested.
The aid request didn't even include Javelins. And the aid was released without even an announcement of an investigation. You are attempting to convict Trump based on hostile mind reading.

In the Salem Witch Trials 25 people died and those hung were executed on the basis of spectral evidence.

It's truly sad where the Left would lead us, if only they could

It's sad where the Left would lead us if only they could.

No one said he didn't get caught.
He "got caught" having a perfect phone call.

PERFECT! I told you they're in the Branding business. Looks like you bought a six-pack of PERFECT.
All 4 of those are valid arguments for acquittal. You're catching on. Good for you!

Those arguments have been blown away, except for the one I didn't strike through.

Philbin was just gaslighting about the timeline of Rudy's plan to kneecap Biden. He said Rudy started in January, and Biden announced in April, implying he wasn't a political opponent at the time. Truthy, but less than honest.

Rumors of an impending Biden announcement have been nonstop since the start of the year. On January 6, the New York Times reported Biden would "most likely make a decision within the next two weeks." Axios reported Biden was eyeing a January 15 announcement date, telling top Democrats he was inching closer to a presidential bid.

When February rolled around, The Hill reported Biden was "95 percent there" and ready to take the plunge.

Joe Biden has been teasing a 2020 presidential campaign announcement for months — now he might jump in the race

That whistleblower guy sure put the kibash on any chances Biden had. LOL......Karma.

I think so. He'll be dirtied up. That said, I figured he would implode sooner or later. There's a track record.
You know, I know, and the American People know that the Democrats Impeachment Farce was intended to influence the 2020 election. Never in the history of the Republic has a Congress stooped to that level of desperation in order to affect an upcoming Presidential Election. In your mind, this "dirties up" Trump? Oh my goodness, do you have a shock coming!


If The Call Was Legit, You Must Acquit!

If Trump doesn't put the squeeze on Zelensky, he doesn't get impeached.

Case dismissed.
All 4 of those are valid arguments for acquittal. You're catching on. Good for you!

Those arguments have been blown away, except for the one I didn't strike through.

Philbin was just gaslighting about the timeline of Rudy's plan to kneecap Biden. He said Rudy started in January, and Biden announced in April, implying he wasn't a political opponent at the time. Truthy, but less than honest.

Rumors of an impending Biden announcement have been nonstop since the start of the year. On January 6, the New York Times reported Biden would "most likely make a decision within the next two weeks." Axios reported Biden was eyeing a January 15 announcement date, telling top Democrats he was inching closer to a presidential bid.

When February rolled around, The Hill reported Biden was "95 percent there" and ready to take the plunge.

Joe Biden has been teasing a 2020 presidential campaign announcement for months — now he might jump in the race
With that on camera bragging about extorting Ukraine to fire the prosecutor that was investigating the corrupt firm that hired Hunter, Biden "kneecapped" himself.

Biden stepped in it. He was just the errand boy for the US, the IMF and various European interests. He was puffing himself up at the Foreign Affairs forum and it provided a soundbite ripe for misconstruction. There are letters signed by multiple Senators of both parties supporting the action at the time.

I'm not a Biden fan. He's yesterday, by a long way. None of which justifies Trump's attempted extortion using authorized funding as leverage.
Trump never attempted "extortion" and there is nothing wrong with using funding as leverage to encourage the recipient to look into apparent corruption and the aid was released before the end of the Fiscal Year. Do you think there was a date stated in the appropriation with a date that the aid must be released by that Trump missed?


Everyone knows that Trump's going to be exonerated shortly of all this silliness!

Of course he attempted extortion. Need Javelins? Do us a favor though. That came after weeks of pushing and coaching from Rudy and Bagman Sondland, on what Zelensky had to say to Trump about investigations, and tying aid to it. The House presented a good case and witnesses provided good testimony. You should have watched it.

Why do you think the Senate doesn't want witnesses? Every one of them knows Trump is guilty as hell. They're going to acquit him anyway, and I hope they do, but the evidence isn't even seriously contested.
Yer funny.....not in the hilarious way, in the Adumb Schifferbrains way.
Alan just admitted he might change is mind again on what high crimes and misdemeanors means. Go home Alan!
With that on camera bragging about extorting Ukraine to fire the prosecutor that was investigating the corrupt firm that hired Hunter, Biden "kneecapped" himself.

Biden stepped in it. He was just the errand boy for the US, the IMF and various European interests. He was puffing himself up at the Foreign Affairs forum and it provided a soundbite ripe for misconstruction. There are letters signed by multiple Senators of both parties supporting the action at the time.

I'm not a Biden fan. He's yesterday, by a long way. None of which justifies Trump's attempted extortion using authorized funding as leverage.
Trump never attempted "extortion" and there is nothing wrong with using funding as leverage to encourage the recipient to look into apparent corruption and the aid was released before the end of the Fiscal Year. Do you think there was a date stated in the appropriation with a date that the aid must be released by that Trump missed?


Everyone knows that Trump's going to be exonerated shortly of all this silliness!

Of course he attempted extortion. Need Javelins? Do us a favor though. That came after weeks of pushing and coaching from Rudy and Bagman Sondland, on what Zelensky had to say to Trump about investigations, and tying aid to it. The House presented a good case and witnesses provided good testimony. You should have watched it.

Why do you think the Senate doesn't want witnesses? Every one of them knows Trump is guilty as hell. They're going to acquit him anyway, and I hope they do, but the evidence isn't even seriously contested.

Not that hard to figure this out. Ukraine is notoriously corrupt. Trump wants a publicly expressed commitment to fight corruption before he releases the aid. I see nothing at all wrong with that. He's looking out for the US national interest.

What? You would have preferred he flew in pallets of cash in the middle of the night? Who would ever do something as traitorous as that?

Yeah, he even used his pro bono attorney and million $ bagman to save the State Dept time and money. He's thinking about the national interest 25 hours a day. Maybe more.
Learn a little history rather than letting the ignorant clowns in the Fake News Media lead you around like a pet seal.

Presidents since George Washington have turned to individuals without formal government positions to pursue foreign policy interests and objectives. Private citizens, often acting as special envoys, have helped negotiate issues ranging from trade to war. While critics deride such efforts as “back-door,” “secret,” or “shadow” undertakings, many presidents have found it useful to dispatch people they trust, who can think and operate outside the constraints of official channels in handling delicate matters.


Gouverneur Morris: Private Envoy for George Washington.
FDR called on private adviser Harry Hopkins to conduct wartime diplomacy to Great Britain and the Soviet Union. “He doesn’t even know the meaning of the word ‘protocol,’’’ FDR added. “When he sees a piece of red tape, he just pulls out those old garden shears of his and snips it.”

Jesse Jackson pursued freelance foreign policy for President Clinton promoting Democracy in Africa. Armand Hammer used his far-flung business interests to facilitate his “citizen diplomacy” working with Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. Reagan once wrote Hammer, ''I value your insights on our policy toward the Soviet Union.” Clinton turned to Congressman Bill Richardson to be his “informal undersecretary for thugs,” as Richardson jokingly referred to himself, negotiating with dictators in places such as Iraq, Cuba, North Korea, and Haiti.

President Woodrow Wilson was at odds with his secretary of state, William Jennings Bryan. Wilson’s thinking, however, was in sync with that of Texas businessman Edward M. House, a friend and adviser who was so close that they had their own telegraph code. “You are the only one in the world to whom I can open my mind freely,” Wilson told House.

In both 1915 and 1916, Wilson sent House to Britain, Germany and France on peace-seeking missions.


Edwar M. House: He became Woodrow Wilson's go-to envoy because the President was at odds with his secretary of state, William Jennings Bryan.
Trump never attempted "extortion" and there is nothing wrong with using funding as leverage to encourage the recipient to look into apparent corruption and the aid was released before the end of the Fiscal Year. Do you think there was a date stated in the appropriation with a date that the aid must be released by that Trump missed?


Everyone knows that Trump's going to be exonerated shortly of all this silliness!

Of course he attempted extortion. Need Javelins? Do us a favor though. That came after weeks of pushing and coaching from Rudy and Bagman Sondland, on what Zelensky had to say to Trump about investigations, and tying aid to it. The House presented a good case and witnesses provided good testimony. You should have watched it.

Why do you think the Senate doesn't want witnesses? Every one of them knows Trump is guilty as hell. They're going to acquit him anyway, and I hope they do, but the evidence isn't even seriously contested.
The aid request didn't even include Javelins. And the aid was released without even an announcement of an investigation. You are attempting to convict Trump based on hostile mind reading.

In the Salem Witch Trials 25 people died and those hung were executed on the basis of spectral evidence.

It's truly sad where the Left would lead us, if only they could

It's sad where the Left would lead us if only they could.

No one said he didn't get caught.
He "got caught" having a perfect phone call.

PERFECT! I told you they're in the Branding business. Looks like you bought a six-pack of PERFECT.
Unformed gibberish.

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