Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

just to be clear, once again, Obama spied on his political opponent using a bogus FISA warrant.
Yes. Biden is "immune" from investigation, but Trump was eligible to be investigated and illegally spied on? Interesting!


“Ukrainian ex-Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin has demanded that the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) open criminal proceedings against former U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden for illegal influence on him as the prosecutor general of Ukraine.”​

Trump was right to mention this during his perfect phone call with the Ukraine President.
Isn’t it weird how all the Democrats assume Biden is guilty of corruption? If Biden isn’t corrupt, what does an investigation matter?
It's "illegal" to investigate Democrats, while perfectly legal to investigation and illegally spy on Republicans.
And they are gonna pay dearly come election time.
It's insane how quickly Trump can fill any size venue with over 25% of the attendees, democrats. Democrats don't have anyone that reliably can fill a city hall and nobody even approaches that kind of cross over appeal.
There were a lot of Democrats at that rally last night. Democrats look smaller every day this trial goes on. Philbin is one sharp guy. He speaks clearly and calmly. Someone needs to tell Democrats to give it up because they're hurting themselves.
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Impeachment was a disaster from the start. For some reason, Pelosi forgot about or decided to ignore the history of mid term elections. She took 2016 as a mandate. Despite the fact that even tho the Mueller investigation was hanging over Trump, he managed to do much better than Clinton or Obama did in their midterms. And, she went forward without any high crimes in the Articles. And worse, she put Adam Schiff in charge, the type of person we all have all met in the car dealership finance department trying to get us to take the expensive service agreement. Terrible judgement all around for the Dems. Similar to the Kavanaugh tactics.

'GAME OVER,' Trump declares, as old Bolton, Schiff videos surface amid Senate impeachment trial

"In his tweet, Trump linked to an interview of Bolton in August 2019 where he discusses Ukraine policy. In the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty interview clip, Bolton made no mention of any illicit quid pro quo, and acknowledged, as Republicans have claimed, that combating "corruption" in Ukraine was a "high priority" for the Trump administration."

The Democrats' own House witnesses - Dr. Hill and Ambassador Yavonovich - testified that eliminating Ukraine corruption was a FOREIGN POLICY from the very start - THIS COMPLETELY DESTROYS THE DEMOCRATS FALSE ASSUSATION ON WHICH THEY BASED THEIR IMPEACHMENT!

Bolton himself stated this in an interview in august 2019. It doesn't matter what he says / the ghost-writer says in the book now. If Bolton suddenly changes his story now it only solidifies the perception that he is a bitter, disgruntled FIRED ex-administration official who disagreed with the President on POLICY!

"Bolton also called Trump's communications with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky "warm and cordial," without mentioning any misconduct. It seemingly contradicted reported assertions in Bolton's forthcoming book that Trump explicitly told him he wanted to tie military aid to Ukraine to an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden. (Zelensky
has said his communications with Trump involved no pressure for any investigation.)

Butt-hurt, Trump-hating Democrats and snowflakes can SUCK IT!

Another Hail Mary attempt with the QB being sacked before he can even get the pass off!

No crime, no evidence, no witnesses, no additional witnesses, their sole case on which they based their Impeachment vote gets voted on - acquittal tomorrow....

.....followed by MORE....

View attachment 303381 [URL='']View attachment 303382

Sekulow: "After 31 or 32 times you said you proved every aspect of your case... [pauses for response] That's what you said."

Schiff: "We did."

Sekulow: "Well then I don't think we need any witnesses."

Its over......
No self respecting republican could possibly vote for anything other than a total and full acquittal....
No self respecting Republican should vote on guilt or acquittal until he has heard from the witnesses.
You mean, the "overwhelming case" your House Clowns brought isn't enough to make a decision?
Its over......
No self respecting republican could possibly vote for anything other than a total and full acquittal....
No self respecting Republican should vote on guilt or acquittal until he has heard from the witnesses.

Self-respecting Republicans rolled over and bared their throats when Trump declared phony emergencies to divert funds for his wall. If they weren't prepared to defend their constitutional power and prerogatives then, they won't as long as Trump is in the White House. The sellout is complete.
'phony emergencies'
'phony emergencies'
-- The numbers of criminal illegals flooding into the US contradict / debunk your word choice

'Immediate need to Impeach'
- Pelosi's delay in sending the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate contradicted / debunked your word choice

'Abuse of Power'
- Democrat Constitutional Expert Jonathon Turley testified the President did NOT violate the Constitution, did NOT break any law, and did NOT abuse his power, contradicting / debunking the Democrat's claim
* Turley added the only ones abusing their power are the DEMOCRATS

Poor lil manipulated, under-educated common core snowflakes.....
Sekulow: "After 31 or 32 times you said you proved every aspect of your case... [pauses for response] That's what you said."

Schiff: "We did."

Sekulow: "Well then I don't think we need any witnesses."


I have to see that with my own beautiful.
Sekulow: "After 31 or 32 times you said you proved every aspect of your case... [pauses for response] That's what you said."

Schiff: "We did."

Sekulow: "Well then I don't think we need any witnesses."


I have to see that with my own beautiful.


So awesome!
there really isn't a better word for that description. Thanks.


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