Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

Pardon me, but your response is idiotic. If Bolton is reporting the convesation of Trump and Zelinsky as "cordial" and Bolton has a big smile underneath his mustache, I assume that means that he is okay with the call. I agree that cordial calls aren't always "nice.' I am sure that Al Capone had cordial calls with his underlings. But, in the context we are discussing, Bolton had every opportunity to say he was "disturbed" by aspects of the call. But he did not. Now when he is working on a book deal is not the time to suddenly develop regrets.

Of course, you would "assume" that Bolton was "okay with the call." And why the heck not? After all, you have a long history of swallowing whatever lies are being told by, or on behalf of, your adulated Dear Leader. And so, what ever lie Bolton told on Trump's behalf, as Trump's national security advisor, is gospel for you.

Bolton, or course, central to the effort to lie the country into the war on Iraq, is a world-class liar. He is also a national security hawk, and would not ever publicly disclose cracks in the U.S. system of alliances, such as the one Trump opened up between the U.S. and Ukraine (among others). Now that the Ukraine crack is widely published, he, yes, has "every opportunity to say he was 'disturbed'", and, lo and behold, he does exactly that, exposing the loose cannon in the Oval Office for the self-serving, corrupt and incompetent goon he most assuredly is. Of course,you still prefer the lies on behalf of Trump, that's what you are. Isn't that so, goofy?

I understand your point. People are only telling the truth when they are trashing the President. If Bolton was ever found to be praising the President, then he was lying. I got it.
I’d like to see Schiff trip head first into a bucket of shit.

His disingenuous is off the charts.

The house completely violated procedures for he is all about them? He contradicts himself constantly.

If he allowed the Trump subpoenas to go to trial, this Bolton thing would have come up and HE COULD HAVE SUBPOENAED BOLTON.

THE DIMMS RUBBERSTAMPED THE ARTICLES...and they fucking crap out.

Fuck all of them in the ear.
I love how they all assume it was political because Biden is running.

Biden is shit, Trump will beat the fuck out of him in the general.

Does anyone think Trump is scared of Biden???????

Biden is going to lose to Bernie.
If you weren't such a worthless chickenshit and coward you would go over to the thread he's at and ask him, right OldeNazi?

You know, dummy, "the thread he's at" is this one. In other words, the posting I quoted was made to this thread. Do I need to make even more of an effort to explain it to you?

I'm impressed with your incredible stupidity, OldeNazi. You've outdone most on this forum. If you could read, you would have learned that the gentleman who posted it here said he brought it from another thread. Take my advice and shut the fuck up before you embarrass yourself further.
Of course, you would "assume" that Bolton was "okay with the call." And why the heck not? After all, you have a long history of swallowing whatever lies are being told by, or on behalf of, your adulated Dear Leader. And so, what ever lie Bolton told on Trump's behalf, as Trump's national security advisor, is gospel for you.

Bolton, or course, central to the effort to lie the country into the war on Iraq, is a world-class liar. He is also a national security hawk, and would not ever publicly disclose cracks in the U.S. system of alliances, such as the one Trump opened up between the U.S. and Ukraine (among others). Now that the Ukraine crack is widely published, he, yes, has "every opportunity to say he was 'disturbed'", and, lo and behold, he does exactly that, exposing the loose cannon in the Oval Office for the self-serving, corrupt and incompetent goon he most assuredly is. Of course,you still prefer the lies on behalf of Trump, that's what you are. Isn't that so, goofy?

I understand your point. People are only telling the truth when they are trashing the President. If Bolton was ever found to be praising the President, then he was lying. I got it.

Oh, for crying out loud. Bolton can praise or trash Trump day-in, day-out, I couldn't care less. The criteria he applies sure are completely different from mine, and the decision to work for the corrupt, incompetent goon demonstrates that conclusively. Now, what that above was about is, was that phone call "cordial"? You could probably call it that, as they didn't seem to throw the kitchen sink at each other. Could it be that there were troubling elements in that call? Of course, there could be such elements, and both cordial and disturbing can apply to the same call. Bolton would still be lying by omitting relevant parts of the truth reporting on the call while National Security Advisor. Trashing your Dear Leader doesn't even come into play, and you are already whining.

Pardon me, but your response is idiotic. If Bolton is reporting the convesation of Trump and Zelinsky as "cordial" and Bolton has a big smile underneath his mustache, I assume that means that he is okay with the call. I agree that cordial calls aren't always "nice.' I am sure that Al Capone had cordial calls with his underlings. But, in the context we are discussing, Bolton had every opportunity to say he was "disturbed" by aspects of the call. But he did not. Now when he is working on a book deal is not the time to suddenly develop regrets.

Oh, and BTW, Mucky, this is the posting to which I replied, and it was made to this - THIS - thread.

Next to top left corner at the box above stands "Mysterian said:". Click on the little arrow after the test, and see where it gets you.


Let's see whether you are man enough to apologize for your falsehood and the accompanying smear.
Wow! Shifty Schiff looks like he's still talking out his ass through Trump hate. When is the charade going to finally end?!
Of course, you would "assume" that Bolton was "okay with the call." And why the heck not? After all, you have a long history of swallowing whatever lies are being told by, or on behalf of, your adulated Dear Leader. And so, what ever lie Bolton told on Trump's behalf, as Trump's national security advisor, is gospel for you.

Bolton, or course, central to the effort to lie the country into the war on Iraq, is a world-class liar. He is also a national security hawk, and would not ever publicly disclose cracks in the U.S. system of alliances, such as the one Trump opened up between the U.S. and Ukraine (among others). Now that the Ukraine crack is widely published, he, yes, has "every opportunity to say he was 'disturbed'", and, lo and behold, he does exactly that, exposing the loose cannon in the Oval Office for the self-serving, corrupt and incompetent goon he most assuredly is. Of course,you still prefer the lies on behalf of Trump, that's what you are. Isn't that so, goofy?

I understand your point. People are only telling the truth when they are trashing the President. If Bolton was ever found to be praising the President, then he was lying. I got it.

Oh, for crying out loud. Bolton can praise or trash Trump day-in, day-out, I couldn't care less. The criteria he applies sure are completely different from mine, and the decision to work for the corrupt, incompetent goon demonstrates that conclusively. Now, what that above was about is, was that phone call "cordial"? You could probably call it that, as they didn't seem to throw the kitchen sink at each other. Could it be that there were troubling elements in that call? Of course, there could be such elements, and both cordial and disturbing can apply to the same call. Bolton would still be lying by omitting relevant parts of the truth reporting on the call while National Security Advisor. Trashing your Dear Leader doesn't even come into play, and you are already whining.

Pardon me, but your response is idiotic. If Bolton is reporting the convesation of Trump and Zelinsky as "cordial" and Bolton has a big smile underneath his mustache, I assume that means that he is okay with the call. I agree that cordial calls aren't always "nice.' I am sure that Al Capone had cordial calls with his underlings. But, in the context we are discussing, Bolton had every opportunity to say he was "disturbed" by aspects of the call. But he did not. Now when he is working on a book deal is not the time to suddenly develop regrets.

Oh, and BTW, Mucky, this is the posting to which I replied, and it was made to this - THIS - thread.

Next to top left corner at the box above stands "Mysterian said:". Click on the little arrow after the test, and see where it gets you.


Let's see whether you are man enough to apologize for your falsehood and the accompanying smear.

Apology? You got to be kidding, Nazi. It’s much more entertaining to watch you snivel about your buttrash.


It seems like the more they tell us how much smarter they are, the more rakes they step on.
Listening to cspan callers again, from blue states, amazing they are still saying the Dems have pretty much lost it. Lol

Listening to two different sessions of calls, only one caller believed in the impeachment. wow.
Of course, you would "assume" that Bolton was "okay with the call." And why the heck not? After all, you have a long history of swallowing whatever lies are being told by, or on behalf of, your adulated Dear Leader. And so, what ever lie Bolton told on Trump's behalf, as Trump's national security advisor, is gospel for you.

Bolton, or course, central to the effort to lie the country into the war on Iraq, is a world-class liar. He is also a national security hawk, and would not ever publicly disclose cracks in the U.S. system of alliances, such as the one Trump opened up between the U.S. and Ukraine (among others). Now that the Ukraine crack is widely published, he, yes, has "every opportunity to say he was 'disturbed'", and, lo and behold, he does exactly that, exposing the loose cannon in the Oval Office for the self-serving, corrupt and incompetent goon he most assuredly is. Of course,you still prefer the lies on behalf of Trump, that's what you are. Isn't that so, goofy?

I understand your point. People are only telling the truth when they are trashing the President. If Bolton was ever found to be praising the President, then he was lying. I got it.

Oh, for crying out loud. Bolton can praise or trash Trump day-in, day-out, I couldn't care less. The criteria he applies sure are completely different from mine, and the decision to work for the corrupt, incompetent goon demonstrates that conclusively. Now, what that above was about is, was that phone call "cordial"? You could probably call it that, as they didn't seem to throw the kitchen sink at each other. Could it be that there were troubling elements in that call? Of course, there could be such elements, and both cordial and disturbing can apply to the same call. Bolton would still be lying by omitting relevant parts of the truth reporting on the call while National Security Advisor. Trashing your Dear Leader doesn't even come into play, and you are already whining.

Pardon me, but your response is idiotic. If Bolton is reporting the convesation of Trump and Zelinsky as "cordial" and Bolton has a big smile underneath his mustache, I assume that means that he is okay with the call. I agree that cordial calls aren't always "nice.' I am sure that Al Capone had cordial calls with his underlings. But, in the context we are discussing, Bolton had every opportunity to say he was "disturbed" by aspects of the call. But he did not. Now when he is working on a book deal is not the time to suddenly develop regrets.

Oh, and BTW, Mucky, this is the posting to which I replied, and it was made to this - THIS - thread.

Next to top left corner at the box above stands "Mysterian said:". Click on the little arrow after the test, and see where it gets you.


Let's see whether you are man enough to apologize for your falsehood and the accompanying smear.

I agree that ommitting relevant facts is "lying." Unfortunately, in politics most partisan attacks are based on partial truths, out of context comments, or spin. Maybe Bolton harbored concerns about the two calls he referenced in his interview, but we shouldn't have waited two years to hear about them if indeed they rose to impeachable acts. As some on Fox News have said, if people want to hear from John Bolton, they just did.
Listening to cspan callers again, from blue states, amazing they are still saying the Dems have pretty much lost it. Lol
But wait! John Bolton!

ASK JOHN BOLTON: This Bombshell Interview with John Bolton Will Crush the Democrats.

Democrats have already heard from John Bolton. On August 27, 2019, Bolton gave an interview with Radio Free Europe and spoke about both of Trump's phone calls with President Zelensky.

Bolton was asked if he planned to meet with President Zelensky, and what messaged he planned to bring to him.

Trump's Perfect Phone Calls:

“Well, I will be meeting Zelensky, he and President Trump have already spoken twice. The President called to congratulate President Zelensky on his election and then on his success in the parliamentary election. They were very warm and cordial calls," Bolton said.
Bolton continued, "The success of Ukraine maintaining its freedom, its system of representative government, a free-market economy free of corruption and dealing with problems of the Donbas and the Crimea are high priorities here obviously and high priorities for the United States as well.”

Steve Guest

Bug-eyed Schiff: "Ask John Bolton."

John Bolton in 2019: @realDonaldTrump's phone calls with President Zelensky were "very warm and cordial... the success of Ukraine ... [maintaining] a free market economy free of corruption ... is high priorit[y] of the US"

12:23 PM - Jan 29, 2020

Well isn't that interesting? John Bolton described the call very similarly to how President Trump has described the call and to how President Zelensky has described the call. No quid pro quo. No blackmail. No linkage between investigations and aid.

It looks like we already know what Bolton really has to say... at least what he had to say before he held a grudge about being fired and decided to cash in for 30 pieces of silver with an Election Year tell-all book after having a confidential adviser role to The President.
Well the Bolton Hail Mary was intercepted.

Manchin wants Hunter to testify!

No evidence, no crimes, Bolton blew up and Manchin wants to hear from Hunter.

Meanwhile Trump replaces NAFTA AND has a Middle East peace proposal.

WTF is the point of having a democrat party anyway

How long before Iran Nan withdraws the "impeachment"
Isn’t it weird how all the Democrats assume Biden is guilty of corruption? If Biden isn’t corrupt, what does an investigation matter?
Well the Bolton Hail Mary was intercepted.

Manchin wants Hunter to testify!

No evidence, no crimes, Bolton blew up and Manchin wants to hear from Hunter.

Meanwhile Trump replaces NAFTA AND has a Middle East peace proposal.

WTF is the point of having a democrat party anyway

How long before Iran Nan withdraws the "impeachment"

All these ass clowns are going to be testifying in front of the senate soon enough. This thing is over with.
So a caller just said the Dems are planning on forcing a vote on Friday on subpoenas for witnesses.

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