Senate Intel finds 'extensive' Russian election interference going back to 2014

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Most of it under the SURRENDER MONKEYS REGIME....Were Clapper, Brennan the Surtender Monkey a big part of RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE?

The Senate Intelligence Committee has released its long-awaited bipartisan report on election security and Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Among the key findings of the report, the committee writes that “the Russian government directed extensive activity, beginning in at least 2014 and carrying into at least 2017, against U.S. election infrastructure' at the state and local level.” The report is heavily redacted in some areas and stretches 67 pages long. The Senate panel, which has been investigating Russian interference for more than two years, released a summary version of its election security findings in May 2018.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Clapper throwing down the pillows for a soft landing. Clapper Cautions: Mueller Report Might Be "Anticlimactic And Not Draw A Conclusion"!

Clapper has been a key player all along. He was one of the ones beating the drum the loudest for Mueller's appointment.
And he knew well beforehand the Mueller report was less dynamite than a cheap little fire cracker.
He ought to be in leg irons and chains. Fucking liar all the time..
Apparently Obama and friends knew plenty about Russian interference and they tried to pass it all off on Trump.
Hasn't Russia always tried to interfere?

Don't we?

Maybe we've just never had a Candidate so willing to accept Russian aid, including criminally obtained DNC material, or a party so willing to accept that behavior in it's Candidate.

What's next? Flying dildo's?
Hasn't Russia always tried to interfere?

Don't we?

Maybe we've just never had a Candidate so willing to accept Russian aid, including criminally obtained DNC material, or a party so willing to accept that behavior in it's Candidate.

What's next? Flying dildo's?

Speaking of flying dildo's, Hillary was constantly interfering in Russia's elections. That bitch has fucked up more shit than any person in the last 4 decades.
Hasn't Russia always tried to interfere?

Don't we?

Maybe we've just never had a Candidate so willing to accept Russian aid, including criminally obtained DNC material, or a party so willing to accept that behavior in it's Candidate.

What's next? Flying dildo's?

Speaking of flying dildo's, Hillary was constantly interfering in Russia's elections. That bitch has fucked up more shit than any person in the last 4 decades.

Google : A radio-controlled flying dildo invading a Russian press conference.
Hasn't Russia always tried to interfere?

Don't we?

Maybe we've just never had a Candidate so willing to accept Russian aid, including criminally obtained DNC material, or a party so willing to accept that behavior in it's Candidate.

What's next? Flying dildo's?

In the end if voters were swayed by social media messaging they are Morons.
Hasn't Russia always tried to interfere?

Don't we?

Maybe we've just never had a Candidate so willing to accept Russian aid, including criminally obtained DNC material, or a party so willing to accept that behavior in it's Candidate.

What's next? Flying dildo's?
Why didn't obama take action?
Hasn't Russia always tried to interfere?

Don't we?

Maybe we've just never had a Candidate so willing to accept Russian aid, including criminally obtained DNC material, or a party so willing to accept that behavior in it's Candidate.

What's next? Flying dildo's?

In the end if voters were swayed by social media messaging they are Morons.

Couldn't agree more, or CNN, NBC, FOX, ABC, CBS. All were involved in some kind of bullshit spin and that's how we ended up with a choice between a giant douche and a big turd sandwich.

Go Cows.
Hasn't Russia always tried to interfere?

Don't we?

Maybe we've just never had a Candidate so willing to accept Russian aid, including criminally obtained DNC material, or a party so willing to accept that behavior in it's Candidate.

What's next? Flying dildo's?
Why didn't obama take action?

Like what? Bomb the internet?
Hasn't Russia always tried to interfere?

Don't we?

Maybe we've just never had a Candidate so willing to accept Russian aid, including criminally obtained DNC material, or a party so willing to accept that behavior in it's Candidate.

What's next? Flying dildo's?

In the end if voters were swayed by social media messaging they are Morons.

Couldn't agree more, or CNN, NBC, FOX, ABC, CBS. All were involved in some kind of bullshit spin and that's how we ended up with a choice between a giant douche and a big turd sandwich.

Go Cows.

So then why the F&ck all this Russia Bs?
Hasn't Russia always tried to interfere?

Don't we?
Yes. For sure Obama was active in Israel and he had some of his political witch doctors sent there to try and defeat Benjamin Netanyahu. Egypt too, as I recall.

Maybe we've just never had a Candidate so willing to accept Russian aid, including criminally obtained DNC material
You mean some Wikeleaked material that didn't put Hilary in a flattering light? Facts will do that.
Once something is put into the pubic realm I'm not sure how you expect Trump to put that toothpaste back into the tube.

And don't forget there were millions of outraged Bernie Sanders supporters who wanted that information and were very happy Wikileaks put it out so please be aware Trump does not control what Julian Assange does though you give the impression he somehow does.

I will give your complaint more credence when you equally oppose the Steele dossier, a document disavowed by Christopher Steele and filled with all sorts salacious and unverified material that the Deep State folks used to get permission from the FISA court to spy on the Trump campaign and to spread gossip they knew to be untrue.
Nothing on that candidate, I note.

or a party so willing to accept that behavior in it's Candidate.
As opposed to whom?

What's next? Flying dildo's?
You tell me, smart guy.
Hasn't Russia always tried to interfere?

Don't we?

Maybe we've just never had a Candidate so willing to accept Russian aid, including criminally obtained DNC material, or a party so willing to accept that behavior in it's Candidate.

What's next? Flying dildo's?

You are really misinformed.
Hasn't Russia always tried to interfere?

Don't we?

Maybe we've just never had a Candidate so willing to accept Russian aid, including criminally obtained DNC material, or a party so willing to accept that behavior in it's Candidate.

What's next? Flying dildo's?

In the end if voters were swayed by social media messaging they are Morons.

Or they were normal citizens that were hearing for the first time how horrible clinton was.
Democratic media spent a lifetime hiding it.
Most of it under the SURRENDER MONKEYS REGIME....Were Clapper, Brennan the Surtender Monkey a big part of RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE?

The Senate Intelligence Committee has released its long-awaited bipartisan report on election security and Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Among the key findings of the report, the committee writes that “the Russian government directed extensive activity, beginning in at least 2014 and carrying into at least 2017, against U.S. election infrastructure' at the state and local level.” The report is heavily redacted in some areas and stretches 67 pages long. The Senate panel, which has been investigating Russian interference for more than two years, released a summary version of its election security findings in May 2018.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

But, but, but...

Yes. For sure Obama was active in Israel

That wasn't a covert action, nor did he use illegal means to obtain and publish salacious personal emails, nor was it a sweeping attack on Israel's election.

You mean some Wikeleaked material that didn't put Hilary in a flattering light?

That was part of Russia's sweeping attack on the America.

I will give your complaint more credence when you equally oppose the Steele dossier

Did Steele illegally obtain any of the raw material in the dossier? Did the Brits offer Dirt on Donnie to Clinton? Did the Brits engage in a sweeping attack on America to the detriment of Trump.
Or they were normal citizens that were hearing for the first time how horrible clinton was.
Democratic media spent a lifetime hiding it.

Or the Alt Right media, led by Faux News, consolidated it's hold on their alternate reality under the Obama Administration, and push all kinds of phony stories onto their very entertained audience. Including many about Sec. Clinton.

Did you want Anchovies on that Pizza's this time?
That wasn't a covert action, nor did he use illegal means to obtain and publish salacious personal emails, nor was it a sweeping attack on Israel's election.
Oh! Look at all the goal post moving you do when it's mentioned Obama meddled in Israeli internal politics.
A bit sensitive it seems when he sticks his nose in other people's elections. Touchy!

That makes you a phony and a sophist. The issue was meddling in the elections of other nations. Obama did it in spades. Obama’s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

You think how Obama meddled makes a difference. That's cute.

That was part of Russia's sweeping attack on the America.
"Sweeping attack"....:icon_rolleyes: That's pearl clutching hyperbole covering up for the way the DNC rigged their nominations (speaking of rigging the outcome of elections). Does your hypocrisy bother you. or are you used to it?
Obama claimed no nation could rig our elections.
Are you calling him a liar? It sure looks like it.

Did Steele illegally obtain any of the raw material in the dossier? Did the Brits offer Dirt on Donnie to Clinton? Did the Brits engage in a sweeping attack on America to the detriment of Trump.
The Brits stuck their noses in our election process. Did the Brits Collude on Trump-Russia?

I thought you were opposed to that but it seems like you really only care when you think you can convince others Trump plotted with Russia to steal our election (Mr.Integrity, doddering Robert Mueller, does not support your claims...did you hear yet?).
When Obama and his Brit helpers interfere and meddle you seem cool with it all....hypocrite!

Technically the goal was not to interfere with an election but to illegally overturn the results of our election in a bloodless illegal coup. But you get the idea, I'm sure.
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Oh! Look at all the goal post moving you do when it's mentioned Obama meddled in Israeli internal politics.

The issue was meddling in the elections of other nations.

What illegal acts are you accusing President Obama of with regards to the Israeli election? Anyone indicted in Israel over it?

the way the DNC rigged their nominations (

Speaking of side-steps.

you think you can convince others Trump plotted with Russia to steal our election

He welcomed Russia's illegal actions with open arms.

to illegally overturn the results of our election in a bloodless illegal coup. But you get the idea

Coup de Sloth. So slow you can't even see it happening!

Oh yeah it's called elections.
What illegal acts are you accusing President Obama of with regards to the Israeli election? Anyone indicted in Israel over it?
You're rather slow to catch on. I specifically denied I was accusing Obama of illegal interference in the elections of other nations, though with all the instances of Obama meddling, who knows for sure?
Stop dodging the point, please.
He welcomed Russia's illegal actions with open arms.
That's your inference, anyway. Mueller doesn't seem to back your hype.
Coup de Sloth. So slow you can't even see it happening!

Oh yeah it's called elections.
A coup is what it's called when the party out of power concocts an elaborate and illegal plot to discredit and smear the sitting president. Don't be so stupidly disingenuous. We had a very long investigation to answer these questions
and see if there was anything of merit in the charges brought against Trump.

Guess what? There wasn't and Mueller just recently reiterated all that. It's called elections??
It's called bullshit! And you've got lots of it.
You're rather slow to catch on

You tried to compare Obama's legal involvement in support of Bibi's opposition to Russia's covert operation.

Mueller doesn't seem to back your hype.

I disagree.

"The investigation also identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign. Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."

A coup is what it's called when the party out of power concocts an elaborate and illegal plot to discredit and smear the sitting president.

Trumpybears elaborate version of I'm Rubber, you're glue......."Huh-uh, she's the one who colluded with Russia, not me!"

Guess what? There wasn't

Nothing to see here folks, move on......

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