Senate Leaders Announce Bipartisan Deal, Vote Now Goes to the House

The House needs to tell the Senate that it is time to start following the Constitution and passing budgets.

Harry Reid has not allowed a budget to pass the Senate in 4 years.


Could it be that he and the Democrats don't want to actually have to follow the Constitution?

Why isn't the Press asking Reid any question on this?
The House has to stand up to the dems and say - NO MORE DEBT.

What would the GOP cut from the budget to bring it into balance?

You see how your mind just came up blank with that question?


Don't kid yourself. The GOP is just as big on spending as the Democrats. Not even Mitt Romney's or Paul Ryan's budgets were balanced.

Not true. Wasn't the sequester a Republican idea? Obama claimed it was in a National debate. That has saved $100's of billions of dollars. What have the Dems done.
it's so funny that Reid removed the GOP's face-saving repeal/delay of the Medical Device!

I can't believe Reid won by this huge margin, he's not giving the GOP anything!! I love it!

Nobody is getting what they want. Why tell such a stupid lie? Do you think because you said it, people will believe you? And are you really happy about cardiac pacemakers, insulin pumps and the like getting additionally taxed? Who does that help?

What a partisan hack.

Sure they are! Whoever wants the government reopened and the debt ceiling raised is getting what they want.


If this goes through before further damage is done, I'm going to be freakin ecstatic.
This is a cave in by the GOP.
What is going to happen in December? Obozo already had a bipartisan committee appointed, Simpson-Bowles. Remember? What did he do with their recommendations? He ignored them, remember?
Everyone knows what needs to be done. But the Dems think they can get away with more and more spending without any repercussions. Apparently they are correct. Until we reach teh status of Greece, of course.

Obama ignored the Simpson-Bowles?

I didn't know the executive branch was in charge of appropriations, must be that new constitution I keep hearing about.
So because the GOP doesnt balance the budget in the 1st year we dont need to worry about it all?
Are you drunk?

The GOP wants to reform SS and otehr entitlements. They are prevented by a chorus of libs and the media claiming the GOP wants to throw grandma off the cliff.

Explain "reform SS".

Ask everyone you know what the GOP plan is to balance the budget. You will get shrugs.

Go ahead. Do it.

You might get the occasional, "End Social Security?"

Google is your friend.

They're too stupid.

I PERSONALLY have provided these douche-nozzles with links to Republican Plans to firm up the economy and slash the debt.

They forget about that about 1 minute after I tell them.

They're just stupid. And liars. It's also a dimocrap talking point. Which is the same thing as a lie.
$1.4 trillion of tax expenditures, boys and girls.

It would be a piece of cake to balance the budget in one year. A piece of cake.

And we could lower tax rates for everyone at the same time.

Ban all tax expenditures and raise the retirement age to 70. Done!
it's so funny that Reid removed the GOP's face-saving repeal/delay of the Medical Device!

I can't believe Reid won by this huge margin, he's not giving the GOP anything!! I love it!

Nobody is getting what they want. Why tell such a stupid lie? Do you think because you said it, people will believe you? And are you really happy about cardiac pacemakers, insulin pumps and the like getting additionally taxed? Who does that help?

What a partisan hack.

I'm having a very hard time seeing how this could've went much better for the democrats given the circumstances. Maybe reform the Sequester cuts...but meh, if that's the sacrifice for the democrats then it's good enough for me.
This is a cave in by the GOP.
What is going to happen in December? Obozo already had a bipartisan committee appointed, Simpson-Bowles. Remember? What did he do with their recommendations? He ignored them, remember?
Everyone knows what needs to be done. But the Dems think they can get away with more and more spending without any repercussions. Apparently they are correct. Until we reach teh status of Greece, of course.

Obama ignored the Simpson-Bowles?

I didn't know the executive branch was in charge of appropriations, must be that new constitution I keep hearing about.

Not only did Obama ignore Simpson-Bowles, but now he?s doing the opposite of what they recommended | AEIdeas

I guess you think the executive branch has no input into spending and doesnt propose budgets, right?

My you're a stupid one. But your handle says it all.
If the House stands up, their legs will be removed. Fuck if everybody has NOT had ENOUGH.

So we just merrily keep spending more than we can afford? Detroit on a national level?

Remember Newt's moon base?


Don't kid yourself. Republicans on the campaign trail heap out as much chow from the gravy train as any Democrat.

That $17 trillion debt paid for 535 people's job security.

Are you ready to give up your mortage interest deduction so everyone else can pay lower taxes and we can balance the budget in one year? How about child tax credits? How about all those other deductions and credits you take from the gravy train?

No one is serious about the debt when asked if they are ready to give their government gifts.

I dont get either of those deductions, childless and I rent from a building paid off long ago.

My main deductions are my local income taxes and a small deduction for charitable contributions.

The issue is even if you remove those NO ONES taxes will be lowered, the government will simply expand to eat up the new income, and still spend more money that it earns.
Explain "reform SS".

Ask everyone you know what the GOP plan is to balance the budget. You will get shrugs.

Go ahead. Do it.

You might get the occasional, "End Social Security?"

Google is your friend.

They're too stupid.

I PERSONALLY have provided these douche-nozzles with links to Republican Plans to firm up the economy and slash the debt.

They forget about that about 1 minute after I tell them.

They're just stupid. And liars. It's also a dimocrap talking point. Which is the same thing as a lie.

They are the most dishonest debaters on the face of the earth. You make a statement. They challenge it and ask for proof. You provide proof. They challenge it as biased or whatever. Or they just clam up and wait to repeat the same discredited meme in the next thread. It's like they've been programmed and reject any evidence that doesn't comport with what they "know" must be true.
So because the GOP doesnt balance the budget in the 1st year we dont need to worry about it all?
Are you drunk?

The GOP wants to reform SS and otehr entitlements. They are prevented by a chorus of libs and the media claiming the GOP wants to throw grandma off the cliff.

Explain "reform SS".

Ask everyone you know what the GOP plan is to balance the budget. You will get shrugs.

Go ahead. Do it.

You might get the occasional, "End Social Security?"

Google is your friend.

Ask your friends what the plan is.

You are too afraid because you know I am right. No one knows what the plan is. The GOP has completely failed to get a message out.

That's why they are getting their asses kicked.
Explain "reform SS".

Ask everyone you know what the GOP plan is to balance the budget. You will get shrugs.

Go ahead. Do it.

You might get the occasional, "End Social Security?"

Google is your friend.

They're too stupid.

I PERSONALLY have provided these douche-nozzles with links to Republican Plans to firm up the economy and slash the debt.

They forget about that about 1 minute after I tell them.

They're just stupid. And liars. It's also a dimocrap talking point. Which is the same thing as a lie.

I see the point sailed right over both your pointy heads.

You, too. Ask everyone you know what the GOP plan is.

That first shrug will tell you I am completely correct.
it's so funny that Reid removed the GOP's face-saving repeal/delay of the Medical Device!

I can't believe Reid won by this huge margin, he's not giving the GOP anything!! I love it!

Nobody is getting what they want. Why tell such a stupid lie? Do you think because you said it, people will believe you? And are you really happy about cardiac pacemakers, insulin pumps and the like getting additionally taxed? Who does that help?

What a partisan hack.

Sure they are! Whoever wants the government reopened and the debt ceiling raised is getting what they want.


If this goes through before further damage is done, I'm going to be freakin ecstatic.

Both sides claim they want the Government open. Obama said he wanted a clean CR and a one year debt limit extension. He didn't get want he wanted. Republicans wanted to kill the abortion called Obamacare. They didn't get what they wanted.

This bill...if it passes the House...just kicks the can down the road a few months. It is no great cause for celebration.
Explain "reform SS".

Ask everyone you know what the GOP plan is to balance the budget. You will get shrugs.

Go ahead. Do it.

You might get the occasional, "End Social Security?"

Google is your friend.

Ask your friends what the plan is.

You are too afraid because you know I am right. No one knows what the plan is. The GOP has completely failed to get a message out.

That's why they are getting their asses kicked.

Edgtho already posted that he's mentioned this several times. I am sorry you are too lazy./stupid/scared to go look it up.
btw what is teh Democrat plan for dealing with the deficit?
Yeah we know:
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My point is not that there is no GOP plan for anything.

My point is they have been too busy acting like psychopaths to bother pushing a positive agenda and raising the awareness of the American people to better alternatives.

By God I hope someone with integrity FILLIBUSTERS this in the house. We can't cave anymore. Obama will legalize all the illegals next, and then he'll come for our guns.
it's so funny that Reid removed the GOP's face-saving repeal/delay of the Medical Device!

I can't believe Reid won by this huge margin, he's not giving the GOP anything!! I love it!

Nobody is getting what they want. Why tell such a stupid lie? Do you think because you said it, people will believe you? And are you really happy about cardiac pacemakers, insulin pumps and the like getting additionally taxed? Who does that help?

What a partisan hack.

I'm having a very hard time seeing how this could've went much better for the democrats given the circumstances. Maybe reform the Sequester cuts...but meh, if that's the sacrifice for the democrats then it's good enough for me.

I am not fully on the Dem sides in this and I can tell that the Republicans got their ass handed to them.

Maybe Boehner should have placed the CR up for a vote back in September. That way this would not be a large a victory for the Dems as it look.

This turned out very good for the Dems--what did they actually lose? The implementation of an anti-fraud program(that was going to be implemented later?). The removal of a device tax(which actually helps medical institutions?)

Really--what did the Dems lose? Also, remember--this started with the goal of defunding ObamaCare! Looks like to me that the Republicans threw more money into it!
That's why the GOP is down to 28 points in approval ratings. Because all they do is whine and complain and predict doom and gloom for America. Look at your own topics that you faux conservatives start on this forum. Whine, whine, whine.

In that respect, you are no different from the hippies and pantywaists on the Left who Ronald Reagan knocked out of the ballpark.

Stop whining. Stop bitching. Start topics with solutions instead of attacks.

it's so funny that Reid removed the GOP's face-saving repeal/delay of the Medical Device!

I can't believe Reid won by this huge margin, he's not giving the GOP anything!! I love it!

Nobody is getting what they want. Why tell such a stupid lie? Do you think because you said it, people will believe you? And are you really happy about cardiac pacemakers, insulin pumps and the like getting additionally taxed? Who does that help?

What a partisan hack.

I'm having a very hard time seeing how this could've went much better for the democrats given the circumstances. Maybe reform the Sequester cuts...but meh, if that's the sacrifice for the democrats then it's good enough for me.

Let's play the partisan hack game, okay?

Obama gets no one year debt extension. = lose

Obama gets no "clean" CR. = lose

The sequester cuts stay in effect. = lose

The income verification issue gets strengthened. = lose

Forces to Dems to negotiate = lose

Now, I'll play fair, because unlike you, I am not a partisan hack. Neither side got what they wanted. The standoff has hurt everyone. The abortion that is Obamacare still lives. Both sides lost. Anyone who says different is a fool.

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