Senate negotiators reach a framework on gun legislation...Sen Chris Murphy reacts: More GOPers Engaged In Conversations On Gun Safety Than Ever Before

About right

McConnell will give lip service that he is supporting a bipartisan effort to do something about mass shootings

In the end, he will make sure that no more than 9 Republicans support it and then blame the Democrats when the legislation fails

McConnell will not be one of the nine Republicans
Not background checks. Not waiting periods even for AK type rifles. They'll authorize states to pass red flag laws they are already authorized to do, but faced with the gunmakers funding opposition. They may throw some money at "hardening" schools and mental health

And it will take "tough" work to get nine votes for that
"GOP engaged in conversations about gun safety". Is that a good thing or a bad thing to democrats? Hard to tell these days when democrats would rather talk about confiscation (except for the political elite).
Why? As a middle aged individual, I purchased two AR15s with thousands of rounds of ammo .. yet .. I pose no threat to society.

Get real .. people, as you stated, are the problem. Not guns .. people and their behavioral and mental health issues. Background check will solve nearly nothing .. and only make it more restrictive for a majority of law abiding citizens. Will Jesus, the leader of a Chicago gang, go through a background check?
However, I do question how this kid got 2 AR-15s, thousands of rounds of ammunition and plate carrier vest. That's quite a large amount of money invested by a kid with no job. I don't want to think someone bought it for him for this purpose, but it strains credibility that he bought it himself.
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Doing something is what an overwhelming percentage of the public wants

Red Flags and Background Checks are a start
An overwhelming percentage of the public can't articulate what a woman is.

Given that pedigree, your statement becomes less than worthless.
what a ridiculous comment

You need to try harder
If that's the best rebuttal you could muster, I'd say it hit pretty close to the bullseye.

We've been at this for over a decade...your "I have nothing to say but I have to say something" comments stick out like neon signs in the desert.
However, I do question how this kid got 2 AR-15s, thousands of rounds of ammunition and plate carrier vest. That's quite a large amount of money invested by a kid with no job. I don't want to think someone bought it for him for this purpose, but it strains credibility that he bought it himself.
Honestly, why care? If this kid had been through the same purchase without committing a crime, nobody would care.

We should be focused on the obvious and public flags that indicated an underlying mental / behavioral health issue and not the symptom this kid used to address those internal struggles.
Honestly, why care? If this kid had been through the same purchase without committing a crime, nobody would care.

We should be focused on the obvious and public flags that indicated an underlying mental / behavioral health issue and not the symptom this kid used to address those internal struggles.

I care because the money had to come from somewhere and if someone else gave him a debit card with that much money on it, you have to wonder what was the purpose? These "mass shootings" don't seem random.
I care because the money had to come from somewhere and if someone else gave him a debit card with that much money on it, you have to wonder what was the purpose? These "mass shootings" don't seem random.

Giving someone money to purchase a firearm isn't a crime. Straw and underage purchases are already against illegal; Regardless, how will this solve problems?
Giving someone money to purchase a firearm isn't a crime. Straw and underage purchases are already against illegal; Regardless, how will this solve problems?

Giving people money to commit crimes is a criminal conspiracy. Actually holding people accountable for their actions will help to solve the problem.
Giving people money to commit crimes is a criminal conspiracy. Actually holding people accountable for their actions will help to solve the problem.
Giving someone money to commit a crime is already illegal, and this wouldn't have stopped the shooter from engaging in a shooting -- regardless if he is 18, 21 or different age.

You're spot on with holding people accountable, and we should focus on enforcing the legislation already in place instead of creating new rules. In addition, behavioral and mental health should also be a focus, which is a common trend we see across these types of incidents.

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