Senate passes sweeping climate bill that attacks inflation

Yeah, the repub party screwed over those with diabetes when they removed the price freeze on insulin. But....that is what they do.
How do you do a price freeze during 10% inflation? They will just stop making it. Which surely will be better for diabetics. We’re you in the same economics class as Caesar Chavez and AOC?
The MAGA cult is upset because the 1%ers did not get a hand out, like they did in the trump years.
To me it's the peasants that did not get a tax cut out of this. Special interest won again. We are worth about 10% less than last year and more than that since the installation of Biden. What happened to you guys? You always spouted about the importance of the working man. And the truth is you are good only to approved groups. The anti-white crap is disgusting. There are many people who worked like jackasses in their life who are white. And they are taking the brunt of this globalist destruction.
Dimm's are economic dolts getting free license to pick the average citizen's pocket under this bill.
Maybe I should be the first to admit that I way over simplified the history there, but I got pissed when I saw the made up story about the supposed "drop" in receipts.

Back in '08, the candidate Obama was specifically asked why should he raise corporate income taxes if the raise would lower revenue, and his reply was "it's a question of fairness". I can sort of respect the logic, it's consistent. Like, it's ok to lower receipts so long as we're sticking it to the rich fat cats.

We got to respect the logic even while we don't respect the thinking.
How stupid does anyone have to be to believe that anything in this bill will have any effect other than to make inflation even worse?
HORRENDOUS decision with almost a TRILLION MORE Dollars added to the recession and sad economy. ONLY an idiot like Biden would do MORE financial destruction to our country.

So Biden gets a big win. How will FOX news make this bad news?
Are you a corporation?

Are you rich?


Then you ain't gonna get taxed any more than you are already
One thing you need to realize. Corporations don't pay taxes! You pay the corporation's taxes when you buy what they sell. You don't get taxed any more but you have to deal with higher prices to pay for the corporation's taxes!
These fucking wing nuts know less about this than they knew about the Burn Pit Bill and oppose it for the same fucking reason

They've been told to
One thing you need to realize. Corporations don't pay taxes! You pay the corporation's taxes when you buy what they sell. You don't get taxed any more but you have to deal with higher prices to pay for the corporation's taxes!
That's corporate propaganda. They pay good money to feed you that shit
on climate, this is not exactly a solution as big as the problem...we need a solution as big as the gigantic problem
These fucking wing nuts know less about this than they knew about the Burn Pit Bill and oppose it for the same fucking reason

They've been told to
They Google repub party talking points.
Back in '08, the candidate Obama was specifically asked why should he raise corporate income taxes if the raise would lower revenue, and his reply was "it's a question of fairness". I can sort of respect the logic, it's consistent. Like, it's ok to lower receipts so long as we're sticking it to the rich fat cats.

That was in regard to capital gains taxes, not corporate taxes.
Any time you can stick it to the rich by collecting less taxes, morons will say yes.

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