Senate repeals Obama care

No one should be forced to buy anything...
So, noone should be forced to pay for the proper testing and licensing to operate a vehicle?
Aaaaand you're an idiot
I don't have to pay any here if I renew a month before it expires, as it should be.
We are already an over taxed society...
So, the govt shouldn't be compensated for paying workers to do the paperwork and training required to ensure that our state and federal highways and roads are traveled by competent, legal drivers? Your taxes also go toward highway infrastructure. Where do you think the money comes from to maintain our roads and bridges? Libertarians are the most ignorant assholes...
It's not I don't want to pay taxes... I just don't want to pay too much.

The Federal government is far from efficient...
"The Senate voted Thursday to repeal key provisions of Obamacare and strip federal funding from Planned Parenthood, approving legislation that is sure to be vetoed by President Obama."

Stump speech votes for next year.

Take your pick as to which is more reprehensible: republicans voting to repeal the ACA for purely partisan reasons, knowing the measure would never make it into law, or republicans voting to repeal the ACA absent a replacement, leaving millions of Americans again without access to affordable healthcare.

And the vote to 'defund' Planned Parenthood is completely unwarranted and devoid of merit, as such a vote is likewise partisan and predicated solely on lies.
Planned Parenthood is an absolute partisan progressive organization that only suits leftists...
Why should everyone be paying for it??

Planned Parenthood has been around for a hundred years. Prior to PP, women were slaves to repeated pregnancy.
Revolutionized the American family

Great organization
For leftists... No one else.
My great grandmother had twelve kids
How many did you have?
"The Senate voted Thursday to repeal key provisions of Obamacare and strip federal funding from Planned Parenthood, approving legislation that is sure to be vetoed by President Obama."

Stump speech votes for next year.

Take your pick as to which is more reprehensible: republicans voting to repeal the ACA for purely partisan reasons, knowing the measure would never make it into law, or republicans voting to repeal the ACA absent a replacement, leaving millions of Americans again without access to affordable healthcare.

And the vote to 'defund' Planned Parenthood is completely unwarranted and devoid of merit, as such a vote is likewise partisan and predicated solely on lies.
Planned Parenthood is an absolute partisan progressive organization that only suits leftists...
Why should everyone be paying for it??

Planned Parenthood has been around for a hundred years. Prior to PP, women were slaves to repeated pregnancy.
Revolutionized the American family

Great organization
For leftists... No one else.
My great grandmother had twelve kids
How many did you have?
"The Senate voted Thursday to repeal key provisions of Obamacare and strip federal funding from Planned Parenthood, approving legislation that is sure to be vetoed by President Obama."

Stump speech votes for next year.

Take your pick as to which is more reprehensible: republicans voting to repeal the ACA for purely partisan reasons, knowing the measure would never make it into law, or republicans voting to repeal the ACA absent a replacement, leaving millions of Americans again without access to affordable healthcare.

And the vote to 'defund' Planned Parenthood is completely unwarranted and devoid of merit, as such a vote is likewise partisan and predicated solely on lies.
Planned Parenthood is an absolute partisan progressive organization that only suits leftists...
Why should everyone be paying for it??

Planned Parenthood has been around for a hundred years. Prior to PP, women were slaves to repeated pregnancy.
Revolutionized the American family

Great organization
For leftists... No one else.
My great grandmother had twelve kids
How many did you have?
Ever hear of birth control?
Your great grandmother didn't.
Planned Parenthood is an absolute partisan progressive organization that only suits leftists...
Why should everyone be paying for it??

Planned Parenthood has been around for a hundred years. Prior to PP, women were slaves to repeated pregnancy.
Revolutionized the American family

Great organization
For leftists... No one else.
My great grandmother had twelve kids
How many did you have?
Ever hear of birth control?
Your great grandmother didn't.
So... You're saying Planned Parenthood invented birth-control??

Sounds like something Al Gore would say...

We could end Global Warming (and close Algore's churches) in just two generations if we were to totally eliminate health care.

Reducing population is the key to so very, very much!
Planned Parenthood has been around for a hundred years. Prior to PP, women were slaves to repeated pregnancy.
Revolutionized the American family

Great organization
For leftists... No one else.
My great grandmother had twelve kids
How many did you have?
Ever hear of birth control?
Your great grandmother didn't.
So... You're saying Planned Parenthood invented birth-control??

Sounds like something Al Gore would say...


Planned Parenthood legitimized it and got laws passed so that it was legal to obtain it.
Used to be it was strictly black market and illegal to teach about it

Planned Parenthood changed all that

Imagine a world without family planning
For leftists... No one else.
My great grandmother had twelve kids
How many did you have?
Ever hear of birth control?
Your great grandmother didn't.
So... You're saying Planned Parenthood invented birth-control??

Sounds like something Al Gore would say...


Planned Parenthood legitimized it and got laws passed so that it was legal to obtain it.
Used to be it was strictly black market and illegal to teach about it

Planned Parenthood changed all that

Imagine a world without family planning
It may work fine for leftists in their opinions...

The so called organization only suits leftists, they can keep it and PAY for it.
The rest of us are better off without it
"The Senate voted Thursday to repeal key provisions of Obamacare and strip federal funding from Planned Parenthood, approving legislation that is sure to be vetoed by President Obama."

Stump speech votes for next year.

Take your pick as to which is more reprehensible: republicans voting to repeal the ACA for purely partisan reasons, knowing the measure would never make it into law, or republicans voting to repeal the ACA absent a replacement, leaving millions of Americans again without access to affordable healthcare.

And the vote to 'defund' Planned Parenthood is completely unwarranted and devoid of merit, as such a vote is likewise partisan and predicated solely on lies.
Planned Parenthood is an absolute partisan progressive organization that only suits leftists...
Why should everyone be paying for it??

Planned Parenthood has been around for a hundred years. Prior to PP, women were slaves to repeated pregnancy.
Revolutionized the American family

Great organization
For leftists... No one else.
My great grandmother had twelve kids
How many did you have?
Did any of them live?
59 times it didn't pass the senate and yesterday it finally did, Spoooo what does that tell ya?

Could it be Senators finally listening to the voters...

It tells me reconciliation

What does it tell you?

When we're spending trillions on redistribution of wealth, we can't afford a few million to try to stop it, can we, comrade big guy?
If you look at trends over the last 30 years, redistribution is moving upwards not to the poor

Right, comrade, money is "distributed," it isn't earned. Maybe you'd know what a crock of shit that was if you earned your own money

Having difficulty following the thread aren't you?

"When we spend trillions on redistribution of wealth...."

No, apparently you are. The thread is about redistribution of wealth, Holmes. That's what Obamacare is all about like everything else you nutters do
"The Senate voted Thursday to repeal key provisions of Obamacare and strip federal funding from Planned Parenthood, approving legislation that is sure to be vetoed by President Obama."

Stump speech votes for next year.

Take your pick as to which is more reprehensible: republicans voting to repeal the ACA for purely partisan reasons, knowing the measure would never make it into law, or republicans voting to repeal the ACA absent a replacement, leaving millions of Americans again without access to affordable healthcare.

And the vote to 'defund' Planned Parenthood is completely unwarranted and devoid of merit, as such a vote is likewise partisan and predicated solely on lies.
Planned Parenthood is an absolute partisan progressive organization that only suits leftists...
Why should everyone be paying for it??

Planned Parenthood has been around for a hundred years. Prior to PP, women were slaves to repeated pregnancy.
Revolutionized the American family

Great organization
For leftists... No one else.
My great grandmother had twelve kids
How many did you have?
Did any of them live?
Sadly, in the early 1900s, many did not make it to adulthood.
It tells me reconciliation

What does it tell you?

When we're spending trillions on redistribution of wealth, we can't afford a few million to try to stop it, can we, comrade big guy?
If you look at trends over the last 30 years, redistribution is moving upwards not to the poor

Right, comrade, money is "distributed," it isn't earned. Maybe you'd know what a crock of shit that was if you earned your own money

Having difficulty following the thread aren't you?

"When we spend trillions on redistribution of wealth...."

No, apparently you are. The thread is about redistribution of wealth, Holmes. That's what Obamacare is all about like everything else you nutters do
Obamacare is about making sure all Americans are insured in case of a medical tragedy.

Something libertarians despise. It gets in the way of their survival of the fittest doctrine
When we're spending trillions on redistribution of wealth, we can't afford a few million to try to stop it, can we, comrade big guy?
If you look at trends over the last 30 years, redistribution is moving upwards not to the poor

Right, comrade, money is "distributed," it isn't earned. Maybe you'd know what a crock of shit that was if you earned your own money

Having difficulty following the thread aren't you?

"When we spend trillions on redistribution of wealth...."

No, apparently you are. The thread is about redistribution of wealth, Holmes. That's what Obamacare is all about like everything else you nutters do
Obamacare is about making sure all Americans are insured in case of a medical tragedy

Insured and unable to get a doctor appointment.

Something libertarians despise. It gets in the way of their survival of the fittest doctrine

You know nothing about libertarians, You shouldn't embarrass yourself by trying to tell us what we think, you have no idea. And let's face it, thinking really isn't your area
When jobs come back to America and Business Visas are sent packing, millions will get decent jobs and careers and Health Care.
If you look at trends over the last 30 years, redistribution is moving upwards not to the poor

Right, comrade, money is "distributed," it isn't earned. Maybe you'd know what a crock of shit that was if you earned your own money

Having difficulty following the thread aren't you?

"When we spend trillions on redistribution of wealth...."

No, apparently you are. The thread is about redistribution of wealth, Holmes. That's what Obamacare is all about like everything else you nutters do
Obamacare is about making sure all Americans are insured in case of a medical tragedy

Insured and unable to get a doctor appointment.

Something libertarians despise. It gets in the way of their survival of the fittest doctrine

You know nothing about libertarians, You shouldn't embarrass yourself by trying to tell us what we think, you have no idea. And let's face it, thinking really isn't your area

Libertarians are outraged at the idea that the government would actually do things to help people
Right, comrade, money is "distributed," it isn't earned. Maybe you'd know what a crock of shit that was if you earned your own money

Having difficulty following the thread aren't you?

"When we spend trillions on redistribution of wealth...."

No, apparently you are. The thread is about redistribution of wealth, Holmes. That's what Obamacare is all about like everything else you nutters do
Obamacare is about making sure all Americans are insured in case of a medical tragedy

Insured and unable to get a doctor appointment.

Something libertarians despise. It gets in the way of their survival of the fittest doctrine

You know nothing about libertarians, You shouldn't embarrass yourself by trying to tell us what we think, you have no idea. And let's face it, thinking really isn't your area

Libertarians are outraged at the idea that the government would actually do things to help people

As I said, you know nothing about what we think. I'll discuss the issue, but not while you try to speak for me, you suck at it
Having difficulty following the thread aren't you?

"When we spend trillions on redistribution of wealth...."

No, apparently you are. The thread is about redistribution of wealth, Holmes. That's what Obamacare is all about like everything else you nutters do
Obamacare is about making sure all Americans are insured in case of a medical tragedy

Insured and unable to get a doctor appointment.

Something libertarians despise. It gets in the way of their survival of the fittest doctrine

You know nothing about libertarians, You shouldn't embarrass yourself by trying to tell us what we think, you have no idea. And let's face it, thinking really isn't your area

Libertarians are outraged at the idea that the government would actually do things to help people

As I said, you know nothing about what we think. I'll discuss the issue, but not while you try to speak for me, you suck at it

Rightwinger is just an astro turfer collecting pennies with pointless posts. He has learned how to yank peoples chains with one line though, and wants responses. Not sure, but maybe astro turfers only get paid if someone responds to their idiocy.
Having difficulty following the thread aren't you?

"When we spend trillions on redistribution of wealth...."

No, apparently you are. The thread is about redistribution of wealth, Holmes. That's what Obamacare is all about like everything else you nutters do
Obamacare is about making sure all Americans are insured in case of a medical tragedy

Insured and unable to get a doctor appointment.

Something libertarians despise. It gets in the way of their survival of the fittest doctrine

You know nothing about libertarians, You shouldn't embarrass yourself by trying to tell us what we think, you have no idea. And let's face it, thinking really isn't your area

Libertarians are outraged at the idea that the government would actually do things to help people

As I said, you know nothing about what we think. I'll discuss the issue, but not while you try to speak for me, you suck at it
It is easy to think like a Libertarian

All you gotta do is turn off all your compassion
No, apparently you are. The thread is about redistribution of wealth, Holmes. That's what Obamacare is all about like everything else you nutters do
Obamacare is about making sure all Americans are insured in case of a medical tragedy

Insured and unable to get a doctor appointment.

Something libertarians despise. It gets in the way of their survival of the fittest doctrine

You know nothing about libertarians, You shouldn't embarrass yourself by trying to tell us what we think, you have no idea. And let's face it, thinking really isn't your area

Libertarians are outraged at the idea that the government would actually do things to help people

As I said, you know nothing about what we think. I'll discuss the issue, but not while you try to speak for me, you suck at it

Rightwinger is just an astro turfer collecting pennies with pointless posts. He has learned how to yank peoples chains with one line though, and wants responses. Not sure, but maybe astro turfers only get paid if someone responds to their idiocy.

I get paid $5 for every post

I also get $1000 for every poster I turn in to the Internet Police, that is where the real money is

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