Senate repeals Obama care

You don't have to buy Obamacare.
You are free to buy your insurance on the open market. Just like before

However, before America voted to go socialist, you were ALSO free to NOT buy insurance.

A government that can force you to buy health insurance can also force you to buy a beanie with a pretty red propeller on top. When will you be ordering YOURS?

Oh wait.....sorry, you were sitting on it.
And free to force their high medical bills on the rest of us if they get sick
A day after the horrific massacre in San Bernadino, the Republican Senate shows its priorities by passing another meaningless repeal of Obamacare

Senate votes to repeal key Obamacare provisions, defund Planned Parenthood

there is never a wrong time to stand for free markets.

And wow, you must be livid at Obama for politicizing gun control right after the shooting, aren't you, comrade big guy. I mean wow, if I know one thing about you, it's that you'd never advocate a double standard, isn't that right?

Since Sandy Hook and the killing of 20 first graders, Republicans have passed 60 Repeal Obamacare bills

They are more concerned about keeping Americans away from Health Insurance than they are about keeping criminals away from guns

59 times it didn't pass the senate and yesterday it finally did, Spoooo what does that tell ya?

Could it be Senators finally listening to the voters...

It tells me reconciliation

What does it tell you?

When we're spending trillions on redistribution of wealth, we can't afford a few million to try to stop it, can we, comrade big guy?
If you look at trends over the last 30 years, redistribution is moving upwards not to the poor
A day after the horrific massacre in San Bernadino, the Republican Senate shows its priorities by passing another meaningless repeal of Obamacare

Senate votes to repeal key Obamacare provisions, defund Planned Parenthood
Following your fearless leaders line and not calling terrorism terrorism eh?

who's said they're not investigating a terrorist incident, moron?

funny, you freaks didn't call it terrorism when your rightwingnut christian loon attacked Planned Parenthood.

your terrorists any less terrorists than this guy seems to be?


The idea that you need to investigate all possible causes outrages the right

If it ain't Muslim terrorism, they don't want to hear it
there is never a wrong time to stand for free markets.

And wow, you must be livid at Obama for politicizing gun control right after the shooting, aren't you, comrade big guy. I mean wow, if I know one thing about you, it's that you'd never advocate a double standard, isn't that right?

Since Sandy Hook and the killing of 20 first graders, Republicans have passed 60 Repeal Obamacare bills

They are more concerned about keeping Americans away from Health Insurance than they are about keeping criminals away from guns

59 times it didn't pass the senate and yesterday it finally did, Spoooo what does that tell ya?

Could it be Senators finally listening to the voters...

It tells me reconciliation

What does it tell you?

When we're spending trillions on redistribution of wealth, we can't afford a few million to try to stop it, can we, comrade big guy?
If you look at trends over the last 30 years, redistribution is moving upwards not to the poor

Right, comrade, money is "distributed," it isn't earned. Maybe you'd know what a crock of shit that was if you earned your own money
A day after the horrific massacre in San Bernadino, the Republican Senate shows its priorities by passing another meaningless repeal of Obamacare

Senate votes to repeal key Obamacare provisions, defund Planned Parenthood
Following your fearless leaders line and not calling terrorism terrorism eh?

who's said they're not investigating a terrorist incident, moron?

funny, you freaks didn't call it terrorism when your rightwingnut christian loon attacked Planned Parenthood.

your terrorists any less terrorists than this guy seems to be?


He was not a christain, his actions prove it. He was most likely a leftist...
HAHAHAHAHAHA, we don't give a damn what the politicians think of it; we only care what America thinks of it there Sparky, lol. You are SOL, and you KNOW IT, hehehehehehehe!

Try taking health insurance away from 11 million Americans and see how popular it is with "We the people"

By the way, after 6 years we are still waiting for Republicans to come forward with their replacement to Obamacare

the people getting it free love it. everyone who is paying hates it. Guess what? the payers outnumber the freeloaders.

You don't have to buy Obamacare.
You are free to buy your insurance on the open market. Just like before
No one should be forced to buy anything...
So, noone should be forced to pay for the proper testing and licensing to operate a vehicle?
there is never a wrong time to stand for free markets.

And wow, you must be livid at Obama for politicizing gun control right after the shooting, aren't you, comrade big guy. I mean wow, if I know one thing about you, it's that you'd never advocate a double standard, isn't that right?

Since Sandy Hook and the killing of 20 first graders, Republicans have passed 60 Repeal Obamacare bills

They are more concerned about keeping Americans away from Health Insurance than they are about keeping criminals away from guns

59 times it didn't pass the senate and yesterday it finally did, Spoooo what does that tell ya?

Could it be Senators finally listening to the voters...

It tells me reconciliation

What does it tell you?

When we're spending trillions on redistribution of wealth, we can't afford a few million to try to stop it, can we, comrade big guy?
If you look at trends over the last 30 years, redistribution is moving upwards not to the poor
The industrial, innovative and ambitious deserve the wealth, in most cases the poor are exactly where they deserved to be...

This this country is supposed to be a capitalist republic, unfortunately the last hundred plus years it's been forming into the welfare state/socialist democracy...
Try taking health insurance away from 11 million Americans and see how popular it is with "We the people"

By the way, after 6 years we are still waiting for Republicans to come forward with their replacement to Obamacare

the people getting it free love it. everyone who is paying hates it. Guess what? the payers outnumber the freeloaders.

You don't have to buy Obamacare.
You are free to buy your insurance on the open market. Just like before
No one should be forced to buy anything...
So, noone should be forced to pay for the proper testing and licensing to operate a vehicle?
Aaaaand you're an idiot
"The Senate voted Thursday to repeal key provisions of Obamacare and strip federal funding from Planned Parenthood, approving legislation that is sure to be vetoed by President Obama."

Stump speech votes for next year.

Take your pick as to which is more reprehensible: republicans voting to repeal the ACA for purely partisan reasons, knowing the measure would never make it into law, or republicans voting to repeal the ACA absent a replacement, leaving millions of Americans again without access to affordable healthcare.

And the vote to 'defund' Planned Parenthood is completely unwarranted and devoid of merit, as such a vote is likewise partisan and predicated solely on lies.
the people getting it free love it. everyone who is paying hates it. Guess what? the payers outnumber the freeloaders.

You don't have to buy Obamacare.
You are free to buy your insurance on the open market. Just like before
No one should be forced to buy anything...
So, noone should be forced to pay for the proper testing and licensing to operate a vehicle?
Aaaaand you're an idiot
I don't have to pay any here if I renew a month before it expires, as it should be.
We are already an over taxed society...
If obamacare is repealed what is the proposed alternate plan to make healthcare affordable in this country? If we can't figure out how to do that then something is very wrong. The greatest country on earth can't figure out a way to make healthcare feasible for everyone. Sad reflection of this nation.
"The Senate voted Thursday to repeal key provisions of Obamacare and strip federal funding from Planned Parenthood, approving legislation that is sure to be vetoed by President Obama."

Stump speech votes for next year.

Take your pick as to which is more reprehensible: republicans voting to repeal the ACA for purely partisan reasons, knowing the measure would never make it into law, or republicans voting to repeal the ACA absent a replacement, leaving millions of Americans again without access to affordable healthcare.

And the vote to 'defund' Planned Parenthood is completely unwarranted and devoid of merit, as such a vote is likewise partisan and predicated solely on lies.
Planned Parenthood is an absolute partisan progressive organization that only suits leftists...
Why should everyone be paying for it??
If obamacare is repealed what is the proposed alternate plan to make healthcare affordable in this country? If we can't figure out how to do that then something is very wrong. The greatest country on earth can't figure out a way to make healthcare feasible for everyone. Sad reflection of this nation.
Obamacare should be an opt in or opt out, choice. Of course, Barry and his puppet masters want to force it on everyone that does not want anything to do with it.
Sucks paying for something that I will never use...
If obamacare is repealed what is the proposed alternate plan to make healthcare affordable in this country? If we can't figure out how to do that then something is very wrong. The greatest country on earth can't figure out a way to make healthcare feasible for everyone. Sad reflection of this nation.

Turning it over to a government beaurocracy will not make it affordable. The country is already 19 trillion in debt. Where is the money going to come from to pay the medical bills of 330,000,000 people?

Medical costs need to be addressed. Big pharma is raping this nation financially. Obozocare ignores the real problems in order to keep the political contributions coming from the big money interests in pharma and other medical industries.
If obamacare is repealed what is the proposed alternate plan to make healthcare affordable in this country? If we can't figure out how to do that then something is very wrong. The greatest country on earth can't figure out a way to make healthcare feasible for everyone. Sad reflection of this nation.

Then stay on Obamacare. If you like, we will call it rightwingercare, or Claytoncare. The only difference is, NO TAXPAYER SUBSIDIES! As long as that is ok with everyone, then Obysmalcare is fine by us GOPers.
What is the proposed alternate plan to the aca? Is there one?
Easy, opt in or opt out. A choice, most of the country don't want to be tethered to such a thing...
It's just an entitlement program that's going to fail just like all the others...
I'm not saying turn it over to the govt I just want to know the alternate plan? Private is fun but we must ensure that those with pre existing conditions are not able to be turned away...if we believe in life that is.

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