Senate repeals Obama care

Try taking health insurance away from 11 million Americans and see how popular it is with "We the people"

By the way, after 6 years we are still waiting for Republicans to come forward with their replacement to Obamacare
Fine, keep it if you want...
And To be fair then, let the people who want nothing to do with the extortion that is Obamacare walk away from it??

The progressive control freaks want everyone in the same sinking boat...

People who want no part of Obamacare can get their own policy

Where have you been?
I don't like being extorted, forced to pay a fine or buy insurance that I will never use.

Barry can take his Obamacare and shove it up his a$$

Don't want Obamacare....find a nice private policy or pay a nice fine

Just don't expect me to pay for you when your medical bill is too high


Hey, I am not the one in my underwear, hiding in my parents basement posting for left wing socialists while I get paid like you.................and find the time to post over 100 thousand, nonsensical, bullshit, phony-baloney posts.

Just because I commended you on being USMBs premier astr turfer, doesn't mean I agree with making money for misleading the people of this country! Josef Goebbels was a propagandist extraordinaire too! So see, you have something in common with somebody famous-)

Kind of a lame response.....moms basement and

Not very original, but about what I'd expect
face it, ACA is terrible legislation.

It's not perfect, but it's a beginning.

it was a terrible solution for a very simple problem.

first, no one in the US was denied medical care before ACA
second, yes, the hospitals and drug companies were charging way too much
third, insurance companies could deny coverage to high risk people (but they still got treated under Medicaid or medicare or some charity)
fourth, there was no healthcare crisis in the USA before ACA.

A one page bill could have fixed those few problems.

"After this bill becomes law, insurance companies must issue policies to people with pre-existing conditions. insurance companies may not issue any policy that contains a lifetime maximum payment.
Hospitals and drug companies will be subject to criminal prosecution if they overcharge for their products and services"

Tell that to the lobbyists and their pet Congresscritters. The initial bill was far simpler.

And the more y'all complain, the sooner we'll have single-payer.
A day after the horrific massacre in San Bernadino, the Republican Senate shows its priorities by passing another meaningless repeal of Obamacare

Senate votes to repeal key Obamacare provisions, defund Planned Parenthood
Following your fearless leaders line and not calling terrorism terrorism eh?

Yet another attack on the PPACA falls under partisan stupidity, not terrorism.
Obviously my point flew right over your head there junior. So the republicans should stop syrian "refugees" close the borders? Stop giving visas out? What other POINTLESS legislation would you suggest to stop a TERRORIST ATTACK in an already TIGHT gun grabber state? Eh junior?

Are you lost, Gramps? This thread is about the PPACA.
Gramps my ass kid. Read the reply I quote originally numb nuts. He wanted to call it a "horrific massacre" instead of a god damn terrorist attack just like your nutless wonder of a president.

This thread is about the PPACA.
I wholeheartedly agree.

Unfortunately, the Republicans sold us down the socialized medicine river decades ago. This current 50+ ObamaCare repeal stuff is just theater for the rubes.

Republicans told us they were the ones best able to control Congress

After hundreds of attacks....what have Republicans come up with othr than plans to prevent others from doing something?
Shit, they will not even allow us to study the problem

The government is incapable of studying anything... They're too stupid.

Oh cmon all, Merry X-Mas, or is it Happy Holidays-)

The only reason the left, like RIGHTWINGER (which is pretty funny in itself) is sooooooo pissed, is because Obysmalcare has NEVER had more than 50% approval; in fact, it has always had more against than for it!

And so, politically, for the 1st time the messiah (praise be his name) has to veto it going against the majority of Americans........but that is not all...............all of the votes in the senate will also be scrutinized, which means that if the Democrat votes to keep Obamacare, he has just given his primary or republican opponent, a BIG hammer.

Expect more of these to end up on the Presidents desk for different policies to force a veto. You will hear the left SCREAM because they are being defined, and a lefty NEVER wants to be defined for what they are........SOCIALISTS............except maybe for Bernie-)

Obamacare passed with a 60% vote

Republicans are welcome to achieve the same margin to repeal it

HAHAHAHAHAHA, we don't give a damn what the politicians think of it; we only care what America thinks of it there Sparky, lol. You are SOL, and you KNOW IT, hehehehehehehe!

Try taking health insurance away from 11 million Americans and see how popular it is with "We the people"

By the way, after 6 years we are still waiting for Republicans to come forward with their replacement to Obamacare

the people getting it free love it. everyone who is paying hates it. Guess what? the payers outnumber the freeloaders.

You don't have to buy Obamacare.
You are free to buy your insurance on the open market. Just like before
Oh cmon all, Merry X-Mas, or is it Happy Holidays-)

The only reason the left, like RIGHTWINGER (which is pretty funny in itself) is sooooooo pissed, is because Obysmalcare has NEVER had more than 50% approval; in fact, it has always had more against than for it!

And so, politically, for the 1st time the messiah (praise be his name) has to veto it going against the majority of Americans........but that is not all...............all of the votes in the senate will also be scrutinized, which means that if the Democrat votes to keep Obamacare, he has just given his primary or republican opponent, a BIG hammer.

Expect more of these to end up on the Presidents desk for different policies to force a veto. You will hear the left SCREAM because they are being defined, and a lefty NEVER wants to be defined for what they are........SOCIALISTS............except maybe for Bernie-)

Obamacare passed with a 60% vote

Republicans are welcome to achieve the same margin to repeal it

HAHAHAHAHAHA, we don't give a damn what the politicians think of it; we only care what America thinks of it there Sparky, lol. You are SOL, and you KNOW IT, hehehehehehehe!

Try taking health insurance away from 11 million Americans and see how popular it is with "We the people"

By the way, after 6 years we are still waiting for Republicans to come forward with their replacement to Obamacare

the people getting it free love it. everyone who is paying hates it. Guess what? the payers outnumber the freeloaders.

You don't have to buy Obamacare.
You are free to buy your insurance on the open market. Just like before
No one should be forced to buy anything...
You don't have to buy Obamacare.
You are free to buy your insurance on the open market. Just like before

However, before America voted to go socialist, you were ALSO free to NOT buy insurance.

A government that can force you to buy health insurance can also force you to buy a beanie with a pretty red propeller on top. When will you be ordering YOURS?

Oh wait.....sorry, you were sitting on it.
Obamacare passed with a 60% vote

Republicans are welcome to achieve the same margin to repeal it

HAHAHAHAHAHA, we don't give a damn what the politicians think of it; we only care what America thinks of it there Sparky, lol. You are SOL, and you KNOW IT, hehehehehehehe!

Try taking health insurance away from 11 million Americans and see how popular it is with "We the people"

By the way, after 6 years we are still waiting for Republicans to come forward with their replacement to Obamacare

the people getting it free love it. everyone who is paying hates it. Guess what? the payers outnumber the freeloaders.

You don't have to buy Obamacare.
You are free to buy your insurance on the open market. Just like before
No one should be forced to buy anything...
So, noone should be forced to pay for the proper testing and licensing to operate a vehicle?
A day after the horrific massacre in San Bernadino, the Republican Senate shows its priorities by passing another meaningless repeal of Obamacare

Senate votes to repeal key Obamacare provisions, defund Planned Parenthood

there is never a wrong time to stand for free markets.

And wow, you must be livid at Obama for politicizing gun control right after the shooting, aren't you, comrade big guy. I mean wow, if I know one thing about you, it's that you'd never advocate a double standard, isn't that right?

poor little idiot. each vote has cost us about a million dollars.

and now it will be vetoed.

and your idiots will look as stupid as they always do.

Wow, I'm a Republican, what a quip. Ouch, that one stung, touche. Did you spend all day coming up with that gem or do those lines just come to you.

The intelligence of liberals, not Democrat = Republican. I mean that takes some real intelligence.
A day after the horrific massacre in San Bernadino, the Republican Senate shows its priorities by passing another meaningless repeal of Obamacare

Senate votes to repeal key Obamacare provisions, defund Planned Parenthood

there is never a wrong time to stand for free markets.

And wow, you must be livid at Obama for politicizing gun control right after the shooting, aren't you, comrade big guy. I mean wow, if I know one thing about you, it's that you'd never advocate a double standard, isn't that right?

Since Sandy Hook and the killing of 20 first graders, Republicans have passed 60 Repeal Obamacare bills

They are more concerned about keeping Americans away from Health Insurance than they are about keeping criminals away from guns
Criminals don't obey laws dumba$$...

RW it's the sharpest spoon in the tool shed...
A day after the horrific massacre in San Bernadino, the Republican Senate shows its priorities by passing another meaningless repeal of Obamacare

Senate votes to repeal key Obamacare provisions, defund Planned Parenthood

there is never a wrong time to stand for free markets.

And wow, you must be livid at Obama for politicizing gun control right after the shooting, aren't you, comrade big guy. I mean wow, if I know one thing about you, it's that you'd never advocate a double standard, isn't that right?

Since Sandy Hook and the killing of 20 first graders, Republicans have passed 60 Repeal Obamacare bills

They are more concerned about keeping Americans away from Health Insurance than they are about keeping criminals away from guns

59 times it didn't pass the senate and yesterday it finally did, Spoooo what does that tell ya?

Could it be Senators finally listening to the voters...

It tells me reconciliation

What does it tell you?

When we're spending trillions on redistribution of wealth, we can't afford a few million to try to stop it, can we, comrade big guy?
A day after the horrific massacre in San Bernadino, the Republican Senate shows its priorities by passing another meaningless repeal of Obamacare

Senate votes to repeal key Obamacare provisions, defund Planned Parenthood

there is never a wrong time to stand for free markets.

And wow, you must be livid at Obama for politicizing gun control right after the shooting, aren't you, comrade big guy. I mean wow, if I know one thing about you, it's that you'd never advocate a double standard, isn't that right?

Since Sandy Hook and the killing of 20 first graders, Republicans have passed 60 Repeal Obamacare bills

They are more concerned about keeping Americans away from Health Insurance than they are about keeping criminals away from guns

59 times it didn't pass the senate and yesterday it finally did, Spoooo what does that tell ya?

Could it be Senators finally listening to the voters...

It tells me reconciliation

What does it tell you?

OMG, Mr Winger.......over 100 thousand posts, lololol! You world class astro turfer you, hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe!!!!!!!!!!

Jilly better get her/his fingers a typin if he/she ever wants to enter your league, lolol!!!!!!!

A world class DEMOCRATIC posting astro turfer with over 100 thousand posts. Damn; I betcha you got a gold plated jack-ass from Debbie Wasserman (I know nothing-NOTHING) Shultz for academy award efforts, hehehehehehehehehe!

Oh my, even we conservatives admit you are good at propaganda, and agree you deserve that jack ass Debbie will send you, goodness, gracious-)

That's our RW, so many posts, so little content. In fact you can boil them all down to one word. "Gimme"
A day after the horrific massacre in San Bernadino, the Republican Senate shows its priorities by passing another meaningless repeal of Obamacare

Senate votes to repeal key Obamacare provisions, defund Planned Parenthood

there is never a wrong time to stand for free markets.

And wow, you must be livid at Obama for politicizing gun control right after the shooting, aren't you, comrade big guy. I mean wow, if I know one thing about you, it's that you'd never advocate a double standard, isn't that right?

Since Sandy Hook and the killing of 20 first graders, Republicans have passed 60 Repeal Obamacare bills

They are more concerned about keeping Americans away from Health Insurance than they are about keeping criminals away from guns

59 times it didn't pass the senate and yesterday it finally did, Spoooo what does that tell ya?

Could it be Senators finally listening to the voters...

The "voters" do not agree with you or wouldn't have elected this president twice.

Obama got 330 electorals. So the voters must really want what he is selling! Which of course is not as good as single payer but is better then rich come first market crap.

The ace up your sleeve isn't that the public wants the crap you are selling, it's the Republican primary voters who keep offering MOS
there is never a wrong time to stand for free markets.

And wow, you must be livid at Obama for politicizing gun control right after the shooting, aren't you, comrade big guy. I mean wow, if I know one thing about you, it's that you'd never advocate a double standard, isn't that right?

Since Sandy Hook and the killing of 20 first graders, Republicans have passed 60 Repeal Obamacare bills

They are more concerned about keeping Americans away from Health Insurance than they are about keeping criminals away from guns

59 times it didn't pass the senate and yesterday it finally did, Spoooo what does that tell ya?

Could it be Senators finally listening to the voters...

The "voters" do not agree with you or wouldn't have elected this president twice.

Obama got 330 electorals. So the voters must really want what he is selling! Which of course is not as good as single payer but is better then rich come first market crap.
I don't want the federal government involved in me and my family's health, I find the government to be very unhealthy....

Don't you like the leftists saying how abortion should be legal because it's between a woman and her doctor, not the government. Now government owning all our healthcare, that's OK
there is never a wrong time to stand for free markets.

And wow, you must be livid at Obama for politicizing gun control right after the shooting, aren't you, comrade big guy. I mean wow, if I know one thing about you, it's that you'd never advocate a double standard, isn't that right?

Since Sandy Hook and the killing of 20 first graders, Republicans have passed 60 Repeal Obamacare bills

They are more concerned about keeping Americans away from Health Insurance than they are about keeping criminals away from guns

59 times it didn't pass the senate and yesterday it finally did, Spoooo what does that tell ya?

Could it be Senators finally listening to the voters...

The "voters" do not agree with you or wouldn't have elected this president twice.

Obama got 330 electorals. So the voters must really want what he is selling! Which of course is not as good as single payer but is better then rich come first market crap.

The ace up your sleeve isn't that the public wants the crap you are selling, it's the Republican primary voters who keep offering MOS

it's always funny to me that the people most hurt by your insane policies are the ones who support them...

you know, like you.

but i guess that's what happens with low information mis/uninformed people like you
there is never a wrong time to stand for free markets.

And wow, you must be livid at Obama for politicizing gun control right after the shooting, aren't you, comrade big guy. I mean wow, if I know one thing about you, it's that you'd never advocate a double standard, isn't that right?

Since Sandy Hook and the killing of 20 first graders, Republicans have passed 60 Repeal Obamacare bills

They are more concerned about keeping Americans away from Health Insurance than they are about keeping criminals away from guns

59 times it didn't pass the senate and yesterday it finally did, Spoooo what does that tell ya?

Could it be Senators finally listening to the voters...

The "voters" do not agree with you or wouldn't have elected this president twice.

Obama got 330 electorals. So the voters must really want what he is selling! Which of course is not as good as single payer but is better then rich come first market crap.

What you both have amnesia now?

Ya all forget Obama's policy was on the table in 2014?

God Damn .....

turnout is everything... no doubt about it. when dems show up to vote, you lose in pretty much every instance. the lower the turnout, the better you do. that's why rightwingners love keeping people from voting.

and we know the house is gerrymandered... even where we got a million more votes than you, we couldn't get the house back.

or did you have a lapse of memory?

these were the numbers in march, 2015:

The gap between Americans who support and oppose President Obama’s controversial health care law shrank to its narrowest margin in more than two years, according to a new poll.

A Kaiser Health Tracking Poll conducted in March found that 41% of respondents had a favorable view of the Affordable Care Act—up from 1% in January—and 43% had an unfavorable view. The numbers are a marked increase from July 2014, when the same poll found 53% of respondents viewed the law unfavorably, and they come just ahead of the five-year anniversary of the law’s enactment this weekend. Kaiser has tracked opinion on the health care law regularly.

Support largely fell along party lines, with 74% of Republicans expressing an unfavorable opinion and 65% of Democrats expressing a favorable view. While most people said the law had no direct impact on them, Republicans were far more likely to say it had hurt them than Democrats.

In total, 30% of respondents said that Congress should repeal the law, including 11% of Democrats and 61% of Republicans, while 46% of respondents said the law should remain as is or be expanded, including 72% of Democrats and 16% of Republicans.

Most respondents—53%—also said they were not aware of the Supreme Court case underway that threatens to roll back a key feature of the law.

The poll of 1,503 adults, conducted March 6-12, has a margin of error of three percentage points.

Support for Obamacare Highest in Years, Poll Says

and that's even with the persistent lies and insanity on the right as regards something as basis as health insurance. it's really bordering on insane.

but now the latest waste of taxpayer money by the right will get vetoed. and we will laugh at you again.


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Since Sandy Hook and the killing of 20 first graders, Republicans have passed 60 Repeal Obamacare bills

They are more concerned about keeping Americans away from Health Insurance than they are about keeping criminals away from guns

59 times it didn't pass the senate and yesterday it finally did, Spoooo what does that tell ya?

Could it be Senators finally listening to the voters...

The "voters" do not agree with you or wouldn't have elected this president twice.

Obama got 330 electorals. So the voters must really want what he is selling! Which of course is not as good as single payer but is better then rich come first market crap.

What you both have amnesia now?

Ya all forget Obama's policy was on the table in 2014?

God Damn .....

all that shows is that a large number of americans are ignorant to how the world actually works. Obama is the product of an ignorant voter base.

yes, you are. but thankfully, you can no longer win national elections.
59 times it didn't pass the senate and yesterday it finally did, Spoooo what does that tell ya?

Could it be Senators finally listening to the voters...

The "voters" do not agree with you or wouldn't have elected this president twice.

Obama got 330 electorals. So the voters must really want what he is selling! Which of course is not as good as single payer but is better then rich come first market crap.

What you both have amnesia now?

Ya all forget Obama's policy was on the table in 2014?

God Damn .....

all that shows is that a large number of americans are ignorant to how the world actually works. Obama is the product of an ignorant voter base.

Hell half of college kids studied didn't even know what a deductable was

Half of college kids didnt know what a deductable was. | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

yes, education is a problem in places like mississippi.
A day after the horrific massacre in San Bernadino, the Republican Senate shows its priorities by passing another meaningless repeal of Obamacare

Senate votes to repeal key Obamacare provisions, defund Planned Parenthood
Following your fearless leaders line and not calling terrorism terrorism eh?

who's said they're not investigating a terrorist incident, moron?

funny, you freaks didn't call it terrorism when your rightwingnut christian loon attacked Planned Parenthood.

your terrorists any less terrorists than this guy seems to be?


Since Sandy Hook and the killing of 20 first graders, Republicans have passed 60 Repeal Obamacare bills

They are more concerned about keeping Americans away from Health Insurance than they are about keeping criminals away from guns

59 times it didn't pass the senate and yesterday it finally did, Spoooo what does that tell ya?

Could it be Senators finally listening to the voters...

The "voters" do not agree with you or wouldn't have elected this president twice.

Obama got 330 electorals. So the voters must really want what he is selling! Which of course is not as good as single payer but is better then rich come first market crap.

The ace up your sleeve isn't that the public wants the crap you are selling, it's the Republican primary voters who keep offering MOS

it's always funny to me that the people most hurt by your insane policies are the ones who support them...

you know, like you.

but i guess that's what happens with low information mis/uninformed people like you am I "hurt" by my policies?

you do like vacuous statements, try backing one up

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