Senate repeals Obama care

"The Senate voted Thursday to repeal key provisions of Obamacare and strip federal funding from Planned Parenthood, approving legislation that is sure to be vetoed by President Obama."

Stump speech votes for next year.

Take your pick as to which is more reprehensible: republicans voting to repeal the ACA for purely partisan reasons, knowing the measure would never make it into law, or republicans voting to repeal the ACA absent a replacement, leaving millions of Americans again without access to affordable healthcare.

And the vote to 'defund' Planned Parenthood is completely unwarranted and devoid of merit, as such a vote is likewise partisan and predicated solely on lies.

ACA should be repealed because it is terrible legislation. The GOP candidate needs to put forth a plan to solve the real issues with medical care with a valid workable replacement for obozocare.

PP is government funded abortion and harvesting for profit the organs of aborted children.
If you libtardian dems want it continued, then put up your own money for it.
I'm not on obamacare but I do use my medicare quite often and it works well for me. Nobody should go deep in debt because of medical bills. That is immoral and against the christian principled upon which this nation is founded.
I'm not saying turn it over to the govt I just want to know the alternate plan? Private is fun but we must ensure that those with pre existing conditions are not able to be turned away...if we believe in life that is.

there were two problems with pre-ACA medical insurance.

insurance companies could refuse people with pre-existing conditions, and policies had a lifetime maximum payment limit

those two problems could have been fixed with a one page bill.

I agree with you that we need some cost controls on big pharma and medical providers. ACA did nothing to address those real issues.
"The Senate voted Thursday to repeal key provisions of Obamacare and strip federal funding from Planned Parenthood, approving legislation that is sure to be vetoed by President Obama."

Stump speech votes for next year.

Take your pick as to which is more reprehensible: republicans voting to repeal the ACA for purely partisan reasons, knowing the measure would never make it into law, or republicans voting to repeal the ACA absent a replacement, leaving millions of Americans again without access to affordable healthcare.

And the vote to 'defund' Planned Parenthood is completely unwarranted and devoid of merit, as such a vote is likewise partisan and predicated solely on lies.

ACA should be repealed because it is terrible legislation. The GOP candidate needs to put forth a plan to solve the real issues with medical care with a valid workable replacement for obozocare.

PP is government funded abortion and harvesting for profit the organs of aborted children.
If you libtardian dems want it continued, then put up your own money for it.
The federal government is making our decisions for us, then wondering why so many in this country are failing.

The nanny state is a lose, lose...
Yes the GOP does need a detailed alternative that will benefit all. That would be a winning plan.
The patient should be telling insurance companies what they need and it should simply be covered. Case closed if it is necessary and or preventative. The cancer rate in this country is also sad. Is it chemicals in air and food? Way too high for a supposed great country.
Yes the GOP does need a detailed alternative that will benefit all. That would be a winning plan.
Getting rid of frivolous lawsuits and having nationwide competition for services and goods in the medical industry would make prices so we would not need insurance... The other day I got my kid glasses in Walmart for under $50, not long ago that was not even possible because there was no competition for eye care...
The patient should be telling insurance companies what they need and it should simply be covered. Case closed if it is necessary and or preventative. The cancer rate in this country is also sad. Is it chemicals in air and food? Way too high for a supposed great country.
Keep insurance out of it, keep the lawyers out of it. Those things are what make prices out of reach. Free market competition is much better...
They seem to have inadvertently forgotten the "replace" part. How embarrassing!

I'm sure they'e hoping Obama bails them out of their error by vetoing.
The patient should be telling insurance companies what they need and it should simply be covered. Case closed if it is necessary and or preventative. The cancer rate in this country is also sad. Is it chemicals in air and food? Way too high for a supposed great country.

you almost have it. The doctor and the patient should tell the insurance company what the patient needs and it should be covered.

The cancer rate is high for several reasons. one is lifestyle, to many overweight, too many smokers, not enough exercise, bad diets, and exposure to harmful chemicals. The harmful chemical exposure can be controlled, personal habits are up to the individual.
Yes the GOP does need a detailed alternative that will benefit all. That would be a winning plan.
Getting rid of frivolous lawsuits and having nationwide competition for services and goods in the medical industry would make prices so we would not need insurance... The other day I got my kid glasses in Walmart for under $50, not long ago that was not even possible because there was no competition for eye care...

insurance companies should be able to compete across state lines. People should be able to buy drugs from Canadian and UK companies that charge much less than American companies.

Big pharma is raping us on drug prices. After a patent expires they make a slight change in the formula and then remarket the same drug with a new name---and a new patent. Its corruption and fraud.
Ever notice how liberals cannot muster their thoughts thoroughly before pressing the "post reply" button? They have to come back again and again and again, as though replying to themselves, before continuing the rant?

Is there medication to help them with that?

Is it covered by Obamacare?
They seem to have inadvertently forgotten the "replace" part. How embarrassing!

I'm sure they'e hoping Obama bails them out of their error by vetoing.

It's also possible the thinking voter who has insurance because of the PPACA will keep this in mind vis-a-vis the GOP candidates - local s well as national - who've been shrieking about this since its inception.
A day after the horrific massacre in San Bernadino, the Republican Senate shows its priorities by passing another meaningless repeal of Obamacare

Senate votes to repeal key Obamacare provisions, defund Planned Parenthood
Following your fearless leaders line and not calling terrorism terrorism eh?

who's said they're not investigating a terrorist incident, moron?

funny, you freaks didn't call it terrorism when your rightwingnut christian loon attacked Planned Parenthood.

your terrorists any less terrorists than this guy seems to be?


I guess the cops lied then eh? Because they are the FIRST ones that said that idiot DID NOT attack PP he hid there after committing a crime elsewhere. So lie more.
Since Sandy Hook and the killing of 20 first graders, Republicans have passed 60 Repeal Obamacare bills

They are more concerned about keeping Americans away from Health Insurance than they are about keeping criminals away from guns

59 times it didn't pass the senate and yesterday it finally did, Spoooo what does that tell ya?

Could it be Senators finally listening to the voters...

It tells me reconciliation

What does it tell you?

When we're spending trillions on redistribution of wealth, we can't afford a few million to try to stop it, can we, comrade big guy?
If you look at trends over the last 30 years, redistribution is moving upwards not to the poor

Right, comrade, money is "distributed," it isn't earned. Maybe you'd know what a crock of shit that was if you earned your own money

Having difficulty following the thread aren't you?

"When we spend trillions on redistribution of wealth...."
"The Senate voted Thursday to repeal key provisions of Obamacare and strip federal funding from Planned Parenthood, approving legislation that is sure to be vetoed by President Obama."

Stump speech votes for next year.

Take your pick as to which is more reprehensible: republicans voting to repeal the ACA for purely partisan reasons, knowing the measure would never make it into law, or republicans voting to repeal the ACA absent a replacement, leaving millions of Americans again without access to affordable healthcare.

And the vote to 'defund' Planned Parenthood is completely unwarranted and devoid of merit, as such a vote is likewise partisan and predicated solely on lies.
Planned Parenthood is an absolute partisan progressive organization that only suits leftists...
Why should everyone be paying for it??

Planned Parenthood has been around for a hundred years. Prior to PP, women were slaves to repeated pregnancy.
Revolutionized the American family

Great organization
What is the proposed alternate plan to the aca? Is there one?

They'll tell you "There-was-nothing-wrong-with-the-system-we-had-because-my-boss-gave-me-health-insurance-and-anyone-else-who-gets-it-any-other-way-is-just-taking-it-from-the-rest-of-us."

Or some variation thereof.
"The Senate voted Thursday to repeal key provisions of Obamacare and strip federal funding from Planned Parenthood, approving legislation that is sure to be vetoed by President Obama."

Stump speech votes for next year.

Take your pick as to which is more reprehensible: republicans voting to repeal the ACA for purely partisan reasons, knowing the measure would never make it into law, or republicans voting to repeal the ACA absent a replacement, leaving millions of Americans again without access to affordable healthcare.

And the vote to 'defund' Planned Parenthood is completely unwarranted and devoid of merit, as such a vote is likewise partisan and predicated solely on lies.
Planned Parenthood is an absolute partisan progressive organization that only suits leftists...
Why should everyone be paying for it??

Planned Parenthood has been around for a hundred years. Prior to PP, women were slaves to repeated pregnancy.
Revolutionized the American family

Great organization
For leftists... No one else.
A day after the horrific massacre in San Bernadino, the Republican Senate shows its priorities by passing another meaningless repeal of Obamacare

Senate votes to repeal key Obamacare provisions, defund Planned Parenthood

there is never a wrong time to stand for free markets.

And wow, you must be livid at Obama for politicizing gun control right after the shooting, aren't you, comrade big guy. I mean wow, if I know one thing about you, it's that you'd never advocate a double standard, isn't that right?

poor little idiot. each vote has cost us about a million dollars.

and now it will be vetoed.

and your idiots will look as stupid as they always do.
You don't have to buy Obamacare.
You are free to buy your insurance on the open market. Just like before
No one should be forced to buy anything...
So, noone should be forced to pay for the proper testing and licensing to operate a vehicle?
Aaaaand you're an idiot
I don't have to pay any here if I renew a month before it expires, as it should be.
We are already an over taxed society...
So, the govt shouldn't be compensated for paying workers to do the paperwork and training required to ensure that our state and federal highways and roads are traveled by competent, legal drivers? Your taxes also go toward highway infrastructure. Where do you think the money comes from to maintain our roads and bridges? Libertarians are the most ignorant assholes...

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