Senate repeals Obama care

No, apparently you are. The thread is about redistribution of wealth, Holmes. That's what Obamacare is all about like everything else you nutters do
Obamacare is about making sure all Americans are insured in case of a medical tragedy

Insured and unable to get a doctor appointment.

Something libertarians despise. It gets in the way of their survival of the fittest doctrine

You know nothing about libertarians, You shouldn't embarrass yourself by trying to tell us what we think, you have no idea. And let's face it, thinking really isn't your area

Libertarians are outraged at the idea that the government would actually do things to help people

As I said, you know nothing about what we think. I'll discuss the issue, but not while you try to speak for me, you suck at it
It is easy to think like a Libertarian

All you gotta do is turn off all your compassion

Not only that but turn your back completely against civilization but still remain a part of it. Libertarians still drive on our roads, get storm warnings from our nws, enjoy our clean air, water and food. They have a lot of nerve but this is what happens when you just don't give a damn.

A mental disorder is what it is.
Right, comrade, money is "distributed," it isn't earned. Maybe you'd know what a crock of shit that was if you earned your own money

Having difficulty following the thread aren't you?

"When we spend trillions on redistribution of wealth...."

No, apparently you are. The thread is about redistribution of wealth, Holmes. That's what Obamacare is all about like everything else you nutters do
Obamacare is about making sure all Americans are insured in case of a medical tragedy

Insured and unable to get a doctor appointment.

Something libertarians despise. It gets in the way of their survival of the fittest doctrine

You know nothing about libertarians, You shouldn't embarrass yourself by trying to tell us what we think, you have no idea. And let's face it, thinking really isn't your area

Libertarians are outraged at the idea that the government would actually do things to help people

The libertarians want the 19th century where people are allowed to die on the side of a road. I really don't understand how anyone could be a libertarian as we're far better off investing in our country and working together. I guess they were raised in the woods so they wouldn't understand.
Planned Parenthood is an absolute partisan progressive organization that only suits leftists...
Why should everyone be paying for it??

Planned Parenthood has been around for a hundred years. Prior to PP, women were slaves to repeated pregnancy.
Revolutionized the American family

Great organization
For leftists... No one else.
My great grandmother had twelve kids
How many did you have?
Did any of them live?
Sadly, in the early 1900s, many did not make it to adulthood.

That will be so again when the loserterians win power and allow corporations to destroy our environment.
Having difficulty following the thread aren't you?

"When we spend trillions on redistribution of wealth...."

No, apparently you are. The thread is about redistribution of wealth, Holmes. That's what Obamacare is all about like everything else you nutters do
Obamacare is about making sure all Americans are insured in case of a medical tragedy

Insured and unable to get a doctor appointment.

Something libertarians despise. It gets in the way of their survival of the fittest doctrine

You know nothing about libertarians, You shouldn't embarrass yourself by trying to tell us what we think, you have no idea. And let's face it, thinking really isn't your area

Libertarians are outraged at the idea that the government would actually do things to help people

The libertarians want the 19th century where people are allowed to die on the side of a road. I really don't understand how anyone could be a libertarian as we're far better off investing in our country and working together. I guess they were raised in the woods so they wouldn't understand.
It's easy to be a libertarian.....

All you gotta do is think.....I got mine, fuck everyone else
No, apparently you are. The thread is about redistribution of wealth, Holmes. That's what Obamacare is all about like everything else you nutters do
Obamacare is about making sure all Americans are insured in case of a medical tragedy

Insured and unable to get a doctor appointment.

Something libertarians despise. It gets in the way of their survival of the fittest doctrine

You know nothing about libertarians, You shouldn't embarrass yourself by trying to tell us what we think, you have no idea. And let's face it, thinking really isn't your area

Libertarians are outraged at the idea that the government would actually do things to help people

The libertarians want the 19th century where people are allowed to die on the side of a road. I really don't understand how anyone could be a libertarian as we're far better off investing in our country and working together. I guess they were raised in the woods so they wouldn't understand.
It's easy to be a libertarian.....

All you gotta do is think.....I got mine, fuck everyone else
But I didn't get mine :(
No, apparently you are. The thread is about redistribution of wealth, Holmes. That's what Obamacare is all about like everything else you nutters do
Obamacare is about making sure all Americans are insured in case of a medical tragedy

Insured and unable to get a doctor appointment.

Something libertarians despise. It gets in the way of their survival of the fittest doctrine

You know nothing about libertarians, You shouldn't embarrass yourself by trying to tell us what we think, you have no idea. And let's face it, thinking really isn't your area

Libertarians are outraged at the idea that the government would actually do things to help people

As I said, you know nothing about what we think. I'll discuss the issue, but not while you try to speak for me, you suck at it
It is easy to think like a Libertarian

All you gotta do is turn off all your compassion

It's easy to think like anyone if you don't know what you're talking about. You just make up shit and say it's what they think. When I say you, I mean you
Obamacare is about making sure all Americans are insured in case of a medical tragedy

Insured and unable to get a doctor appointment.

Something libertarians despise. It gets in the way of their survival of the fittest doctrine

You know nothing about libertarians, You shouldn't embarrass yourself by trying to tell us what we think, you have no idea. And let's face it, thinking really isn't your area

Libertarians are outraged at the idea that the government would actually do things to help people

As I said, you know nothing about what we think. I'll discuss the issue, but not while you try to speak for me, you suck at it

Rightwinger is just an astro turfer collecting pennies with pointless posts. He has learned how to yank peoples chains with one line though, and wants responses. Not sure, but maybe astro turfers only get paid if someone responds to their idiocy.

I get paid $5 for every post

I also get $1000 for every poster I turn in to the Internet Police, that is where the real money is

No one who actually has money got it by paying someone to do what every other liberal does for free
Obamacare is about making sure all Americans are insured in case of a medical tragedy

Insured and unable to get a doctor appointment.

Something libertarians despise. It gets in the way of their survival of the fittest doctrine

You know nothing about libertarians, You shouldn't embarrass yourself by trying to tell us what we think, you have no idea. And let's face it, thinking really isn't your area

Libertarians are outraged at the idea that the government would actually do things to help people

As I said, you know nothing about what we think. I'll discuss the issue, but not while you try to speak for me, you suck at it
It is easy to think like a Libertarian

All you gotta do is turn off all your compassion

Not only that but turn your back completely against civilization but still remain a part of it. Libertarians still drive on our roads, get storm warnings from our nws, enjoy our clean air, water and food. They have a lot of nerve but this is what happens when you just don't give a damn.

A mental disorder is what it is.

You two need to get a room
Having difficulty following the thread aren't you?

"When we spend trillions on redistribution of wealth...."

No, apparently you are. The thread is about redistribution of wealth, Holmes. That's what Obamacare is all about like everything else you nutters do
Obamacare is about making sure all Americans are insured in case of a medical tragedy

Insured and unable to get a doctor appointment.

Something libertarians despise. It gets in the way of their survival of the fittest doctrine

You know nothing about libertarians, You shouldn't embarrass yourself by trying to tell us what we think, you have no idea. And let's face it, thinking really isn't your area

Libertarians are outraged at the idea that the government would actually do things to help people

The libertarians want the 19th century where people are allowed to die on the side of a road. I really don't understand how anyone could be a libertarian as we're far better off investing in our country and working together. I guess they were raised in the woods so they wouldn't understand.

And the circle jerk continues ...
No, apparently you are. The thread is about redistribution of wealth, Holmes. That's what Obamacare is all about like everything else you nutters do
Obamacare is about making sure all Americans are insured in case of a medical tragedy

Insured and unable to get a doctor appointment.

Something libertarians despise. It gets in the way of their survival of the fittest doctrine

You know nothing about libertarians, You shouldn't embarrass yourself by trying to tell us what we think, you have no idea. And let's face it, thinking really isn't your area

Libertarians are outraged at the idea that the government would actually do things to help people

The libertarians want the 19th century where people are allowed to die on the side of a road. I really don't understand how anyone could be a libertarian as we're far better off investing in our country and working together. I guess they were raised in the woods so they wouldn't understand.
It's easy to be a libertarian.....

All you gotta do is think.....I got mine, fuck everyone else

and continues ...
Obamacare is about making sure all Americans are insured in case of a medical tragedy

Insured and unable to get a doctor appointment.

Something libertarians despise. It gets in the way of their survival of the fittest doctrine

You know nothing about libertarians, You shouldn't embarrass yourself by trying to tell us what we think, you have no idea. And let's face it, thinking really isn't your area

Libertarians are outraged at the idea that the government would actually do things to help people

As I said, you know nothing about what we think. I'll discuss the issue, but not while you try to speak for me, you suck at it
It is easy to think like a Libertarian

All you gotta do is turn off all your compassion

It's easy to think like anyone if you don't know what you're talking about. You just make up shit and say it's what they think. When I say you, I mean you

All I know is what I read on USMB

Libertarians don't do a good job making their case......that's why no government on earth would adopt libertarianism
A day after the horrific massacre in San Bernadino, the Republican Senate shows its priorities by passing another meaningless repeal of Obamacare

Senate votes to repeal key Obamacare provisions, defund Planned Parenthood
Good.....Of course Obama will be the obstructionist here and veto the bill.
BTW Mr Civics Expert, the Senate did not repeal Obamacare. That is an entirely different issue.
Oh, several of the insurance companies that jumped on board want out because they are losing tons of money.
ACA was never supposed to work anyway. That was intended. ACA was set up for failure as a means to promote a replacement.....Single payer.
However, as libs and theor freeloading base will discover, no such plan will ever come to fruition.
Insured and unable to get a doctor appointment.

You know nothing about libertarians, You shouldn't embarrass yourself by trying to tell us what we think, you have no idea. And let's face it, thinking really isn't your area

Libertarians are outraged at the idea that the government would actually do things to help people

As I said, you know nothing about what we think. I'll discuss the issue, but not while you try to speak for me, you suck at it
It is easy to think like a Libertarian

All you gotta do is turn off all your compassion

It's easy to think like anyone if you don't know what you're talking about. You just make up shit and say it's what they think. When I say you, I mean you

All I know is what I read on USMB

Libertarians don't do a good job making their case......that's why no government on earth would adopt libertarianism

And continues ...
Libertarians are outraged at the idea that the government would actually do things to help people

As I said, you know nothing about what we think. I'll discuss the issue, but not while you try to speak for me, you suck at it
It is easy to think like a Libertarian

All you gotta do is turn off all your compassion

It's easy to think like anyone if you don't know what you're talking about. You just make up shit and say it's what they think. When I say you, I mean you

All I know is what I read on USMB

Libertarians don't do a good job making their case......that's why no government on earth would adopt libertarianism

And continues ...
Name a model for libertarianism so we know how great it is

Which country?
As I said, you know nothing about what we think. I'll discuss the issue, but not while you try to speak for me, you suck at it
It is easy to think like a Libertarian

All you gotta do is turn off all your compassion

It's easy to think like anyone if you don't know what you're talking about. You just make up shit and say it's what they think. When I say you, I mean you

All I know is what I read on USMB

Libertarians don't do a good job making their case......that's why no government on earth would adopt libertarianism

And continues ...
Name a model for libertarianism so we know how great it is

Which country?

The United States of America
A day after the horrific massacre in San Bernadino, the Republican Senate shows its priorities by passing another meaningless repeal of Obamacare

Senate votes to repeal key Obamacare provisions, defund Planned Parenthood
Good.....Of course Obama will be the obstructionist here and veto the bill.
BTW Mr Civics Expert, the Senate did not repeal Obamacare. That is an entirely different issue.
Oh, several of the insurance companies that jumped on board want out because they are losing tons of money.
ACA was never supposed to work anyway. That was intended. ACA was set up for failure as a means to promote a replacement.....Single payer.
However, as libs and theor freeloading base will discover, no such plan will ever come to fruition.
Where is the Republican replacement?

We have been waiting six years........tick....tick....tick.....tick
A day after the horrific massacre in San Bernadino, the Republican Senate shows its priorities by passing another meaningless repeal of Obamacare

Senate votes to repeal key Obamacare provisions, defund Planned Parenthood

there is never a wrong time to stand for free markets.

And wow, you must be livid at Obama for politicizing gun control right after the shooting, aren't you, comrade big guy. I mean wow, if I know one thing about you, it's that you'd never advocate a double standard, isn't that right?

Since Sandy Hook and the killing of 20 first graders, Republicans have passed 60 Repeal Obamacare bills

They are more concerned about keeping Americans away from Health Insurance than they are about keeping criminals away from guns
No......They are trying to defund a piece of crap.
The health insurance industry and medical care should be operated without government interference. Not free of oversight. Free of the type of meddling we've witnessed over the last 40 or so years.

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