Senate. Show the Damn Bill

Is this anorher you got to pass it to see it bills?

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I voted "no" on a coin flip since no reference was given to any specific bill. Each bill has an identification. Seems ironic to come to any opinion without looking at the bill itself.
We don't have open borders. You have to be a willfully disinformed moron to think we do.
Not what I said. Let me make it easier for you to understand. That bill deserved to be in the toilet because it had no chance of being passed in the Senate.
and vice versa with schumer's nonsense. So you agree, then it's ok to trash one but not the other. Thanks,
Is there any particular reason you want to know what is in the bill? Trump doesn't. He just knows passing it would be good for the country and good for Biden so he's against it.

Can you please provide a link to exactly where and when he said that?

We don't have open borders. You have to be a willfully disinformed moron to think we do.

If you keep wearing your blindfold you'll never see the light but I guess that's the way you want it. To keep stumbling around in the dark.
And you don't find that suspicious? Google is flooded with news articles about this thing but I have yet to see the damn bill so where is it?
Well if it hasn't been written yet then it doesn't exist. If they're still in negotiations then there is no written bill yet.
and vice versa with schumer's nonsense. So you agree, then it's ok to trash one but not the other. Thanks,
Again, not what I said. Whether a bill gets brought to the floor for a vote depends, in most instances, on its merits. IOW, was it passed in bipartisan fashion? Which is not to say some bills don't get brought up for a vote for political reasons. Some do. But not in this instance.
That could be the single dumbest thing posted this year
One must keep in mind Repubs have been brainwashed in to believing Congress is not capable of helping to solve the nation's problems. They see cooperation between the parties to reach a compromise as inherently bad. They are, essentially, anarchists.
One must keep in mind Repubs have been brainwashed in to believing Congress is not capable of helping to solve the nation's problems.

Because as of right now it isn't. It's being run under a democratic government. Once Trump gets back in the white house that'll all change.
Is that the one he put where it belongs, in the toilet?
Probably .. because a democrat majority has proven they don't care about border security .. they've litigated against Texas to tear down security measures to allow illegals to continue to flow over the border. Fortunately, Texas has denied the Supreme Court ruling to secure its border, and look forward to seeing the Biden administration response. Will they send in federal resources to remove the security Texas is enforcing? Illegal immigration is a top level conversation in the upcoming elections .. even sanctuary cities (e.g. New York, Chicago, Washington DC) are crying about their proliferation of illegals they can't support financially or physically.
Probably .. because a democrat majority has proven they don't care about border security .. they've litigated against Texas to tear down security measures to allow illegals to continue to flow over the border. Fortunately, Texas has denied the Supreme Court ruling to secure its border, and look forward to seeing the Biden administration response. Will they send in federal resources to remove the security Texas is enforcing? Illegal immigration is a top level conversation in the upcoming elections .. even sanctuary cities (e.g. New York, Chicago, Washington DC) are crying about their proliferation of illegals they can't support financially or physically.
SCOTUS is now part of the “Dem majority “

Welcome to crazy town
One must keep in mind Repubs have been brainwashed in to believing Congress is not capable of helping to solve the nation's problems. They see cooperation between the parties to reach a compromise as inherently bad. They are, essentially, anarchists.
You are a Den of Liars and theives. We have learned not to trust you LYING ASSES. Fitting asymbol of the DNC

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