Senate. Show the Damn Bill

Is this anorher you got to pass it to see it bills?

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I’m not an expert

But Fox is reporting 300,000 migrants entries in December

That is an American disaster
Ohhhhhh… you’ve “studied” this by watching Fox

Got it. Brilliant
I didn’t dispute that. I dispute your “knowledge “ of the subject
That makes us even because you dont seem to know much about the subject at all

I gave you a basic fact to consider and all you could do is attack me instead
We have full employment moron.

There are more jobs than job applicants

You gonna pick vegetables for $10/ hour

Gonna work in a meat packing plant for that money?
based off what? nice DNC narrative talking point. We allow immigrants to enter our country every year with open arms, through a process under our laws. Why do you want to violate our laws? Are you lawless?
Is there any particular reason you want to know what is in the bill? Trump doesn't. He just knows passing it would be good for the country and good for Biden so he's against it.
Takevl your open borders and shove them where the Sun dont shine
Is there any particular reason you want to know what is in the bill? Trump doesn't. He just knows passing it would be good for the country and good for Biden so he's against it.
so when they remove ukraine funding you're good right?
so it's ok for dems to flush a bill, but not repubs?
Not what I said. Let me make it easier for you to understand. That bill deserved to be in the toilet because it had no chance of being passed in the Senate.

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