Senate. Show the Damn Bill

Is this anorher you got to pass it to see it bills?

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Title 8 says that ain’t happening. Nor should it. You want to end ALL ASYLUM CLAIMS ? From ANYWHERE?
God save us from jailhouse lawyers

The US can make them wait in mexico

But libs like you and biden prefer to release them into the interior of America

Have you not heard of the migrant crisis in chicago and New York City?
Ya know what happens then? They come back the next day
We will catch them again

Maybe the coyotes wont charge them twice or maybe they will

But pretty soon word will get back to the home country that the party is over
We will catch them again

Maybe the coyotes wont charge them twice or maybe they will

But pretty soon word will get back to the home country that the party is over
Hasn’t worked so far. Seperating families didn’t stop them
Do you realize we NEED imigration at this level?
No, you don't.
I am sure there is no economist in your neighborhood to explain this to you so you will need to stay stupid.
Do you realize we also need to grant work permits to those that cross or are you ignorant about this too?
They can come legally
Do you realize we NEED imigration at this level?
No, you don't.
I am sure there is no economist in your neighborhood to explain this to you so you will need to stay stupid.
Do you realize we also need to grant work permits to those that cross or are you ignorant about this too?

I ask a simple question and you go into attack mode like a twelve year old.

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