Senate. Show the Damn Bill

Is this anorher you got to pass it to see it bills?

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Now this is funny. I mistakenly posted the Bill that actually passed the Senate in 2013 ( yea that’s how long we have been trying to getRepublicans to do something here) and dickhead here whines that I only gave a summary.


None of these creeps give a shit.

They’re told to be against it and like good little cult members they do as told
The damn negotiations are behind closed doors. Meaning hidden from public.

Which generally equals its dirty dealings

Show us the damn bill. And not on the night before the vote
Now this is funny. I mistakenly posted the Bill that actually passed the Senate in 2013 ( yea that’s how long we have been trying to getRepublicans to do something here) and dickhead here whines that I only gave a summary.


None of these creeps give a shit.

They’re told to be against it and like good little cult members they do as told
Demofks don’t negotiate
E verify might handle some of that. Might as it doesnt catch stolen ids.

It Hammers Asylum
The Senate Bill “hammers asylum” as well and IT has funding for Courts and judges to reduce the processing time from YEARS. To weeks
Now this is funny. I mistakenly posted the Bill that actually passed the Senate in 2013 ( yea that’s how long we have been trying to getRepublicans to do something here) and dickhead here whines that I only gave a summary.


None of these creeps give a shit.

They’re told to be against it and like good little cult members they do as told
Post the new proposed bill, you backpeddling lying fuckwit.

Damn; you’re truly a retard, Letch.
Like demofks didn’t have on trump huh?

Exactly. They keep talking about those 91 indictments but fail to point out how many of them are actual crimes. There's talk of a bill here so where is it? I don't want to know a summary of what it would do, where is the damn bill?
No doubt there is bi-partisan support in the Senate for never showing us the bill.

Anyone buy that Biden is eager to start enforcing the border as soon as it passes? If it allows five thousand a day in, Biden will try for ten thousand a day.

The other shoe will come in November, when Dems bus all those illegals to the polling places and cry "racism" if anyone objects.

It does allow 5 thousand a day and Biden is not looking to let in more.

Good grief
It does allow 5 thousand a day and Biden is not looking to let in more.

Good grief
Why is Biden looking to allow in 5 thousand per day?

How does allowing 5 thousand per day in equate to "I will shut the border down now?"

Like, "well, except for those 5 thousand per day?"

The Senate Bill “hammers asylum” as well and IT has funding for Courts and judges to reduce the processing time from YEARS. To weeks
It put quotas on Asylum numbers if the news leaks are correct. Doesnt stop it.

Stop pkaying games Show us the damn bill.
Why is Biden looking to allow in 5 thousand per day?

How does allowing 5 thousand per day in equate to "I will shut the border down now?"

Like, "well, except for those 5 thousand per day?"


Do you realize we NEED imigration at this level?
No, you don't.
I am sure there is no economist in your neighborhood to explain this to you so you will need to stay stupid.
Do you realize we also need to grant work permits to those that cross or are you ignorant about this too?

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