Senate targets Obama budget director's pay


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
whoa! :thup:

By Erik Wasson - 03/22/13 09:51 PM ET

The Senate late Friday backed withholding the White House budget director's pay if the president is late delivering a budget.

The budget amendment, which has no force of law, was sponsored by Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas.). It was passed by voice vote.

The amendment would also withhold the pay of the deputy director and deputy director for management of the Office of Management and Budget.

President Obama was supposed to deliver his budget by the first Monday of February under the law, but his 2014 budget is now slated to come out in April.

Cornyn told the Senate that "the president has rendered himself entirely irrelevant," in the budget process since the House and Senate will have acted first.

all of it here
Read more: Senate targets Obama budget director's pay - The Hill's On The Money
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Granny says, "Well how `bout dat? Dem do-nothin' politicians finally got off dey's butts an' did sumpin'...
US Senate Passes First Federal Budget in 4 Years
March 23, 2013 - The White House has praised the U.S. Senate's budget plan that passed early Saturday. It was the first time the Senate has passed a budget in four years.
The White House issued a statement Saturday calling the budget plan "balanced." It says the plan cuts wasteful spending while eliminating tax breaks and loopholes for the wealthiest Americans. The Senate's slim 50-49 vote came just hours before dawn. Four Democratic Party Senators joined all the Republicans in the Senate in voting against the measure, but that was not enough to overcome passage in the Democratically-controlled body.

The resolution seeks to raise nearly $1 trillion in new tax revenue over the next 10 years by closing some tax breaks and cutting government spending. Democrats in the Senate have been criticized for failing to approve a budget since 2009. Passage of the measure sets up a political duel with the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. The House came up with its own budget plan on Thursday, cutting government spending without raising taxes. The White House said Saturday the House budget plan would make deep cuts to education and manufacturing.

Neither plan has much of a chance of becoming law. But the Senate and House proposals set up starting points for debate that could eventually lead to passage of a budget bill that President Barack Obama could sign into law. Republicans used their weekly Saturday address to criticize the Senate budget plan. Senator Mike Lee says the proposal raises taxes by $1.5 trillion without saving Social Security and Medicare - two popular social entitlement programs.

US Senate Passes First Federal Budget in 4 Years

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