Senator Cruz, Others Introduce Bill To Ban Federal Coronavirus Passports

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to
No, Americans have the right to hide in their homes if they are afraid of getting a cold.

Cruz is really stupid..Texas was really hard hit by polio and encephalitis from 1947 to 1954.

Why do you elect such morons?

Three of aunts and my mom were born in Texas in the 1930s. One of my aunts contracted polio in the 1930s in Texas.

Polio was in Texas long before the time frame you listed above.

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to
No, Americans have the right to hide in their homes if they are afraid of getting a cold.

Cruz is really stupid..Texas was really hard hit by polio and encephalitis from 1947 to 1954.

Why do you elect such morons?
And the world didn't come to an end. A higher rate of people died during the flu pandemic of 1968 than from the china virus and most folks born since then didn't even know about it.

What is your point? When you have a contagion, do you pull up your socks and deal with it or rave about your "freedom"?
Making a law that requires people to possess vaccine docs isn't "dealing with it". To a significant extent, dealing with it means letting it run it's course.
Making a law that requires people to possess vaccine docs isn't "dealing with it". To a significant extent, dealing with it means letting it run it's course.
Let it run it's course.
O.K. why don't we let cancer run it's course. Or heart disease run it's course. Or liver disease run its course as the solution?
Making a law that requires people to possess vaccine docs isn't "dealing with it". To a significant extent, dealing with it means letting it run it's course.
Let it run it's course.
O.K. why don't we let cancer run it's course. Or heart disease run it's course. Or liver disease run its course as the solution?
Cancer isn't a virus. Neither is liver disease.
Let it run it's course.
O.K. why don't we let cancer run it's course. Or heart disease run it's course. Or liver disease run its course as the solution?
Cancer isn't a virus. Neither is liver disease.
Maybe your knowledge is limited.

Epstein-Barr virus, human papilloma virus, hepatitis B virus, and human herpes virus-8 are the four DNA viruses that are capable of causing the development of human cancers.
Let it run it's course.
O.K. why don't we let cancer run it's course. Or heart disease run it's course. Or liver disease run its course as the solution?
Cancer isn't a virus. Neither is liver disease.
Maybe your knowledge is limited.

Epstein-Barr virus, human papilloma virus, hepatitis B virus, and human herpes virus-8 are the four DNA viruses that are capable of causing the development of human cancers.
How contageous is cancer from human-to-human? It's not very. Is it?
Maybe your knowledge is limited.

Epstein-Barr virus, human papilloma virus, hepatitis B virus, and human herpes virus-8 are the four DNA viruses that are capable of causing the development of human cancers.
You don't think well. Just because something can "cause the development" of cancer doesn't mean it is cancer. Cigarette smoking can cause the development of cancer, but cigarette smoking is not cancer. Cancer isn't a virus, as stated, even if a virus can cause cancer to develop.

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to
No, Americans have the right to hide in their homes if they are afraid of getting a cold.

Cruz is really stupid..Texas was really hard hit by polio and encephalitis from 1947 to 1954.

Why do you elect such morons?
And the world didn't come to an end. A higher rate of people died during the flu pandemic of 1968 than from the china virus and most folks born since then didn't even know about it.

What is your point? When you have a contagion, do you pull up your socks and deal with it or rave about your "freedom"?
Making a law that requires people to possess vaccine docs isn't "dealing with it". To a significant extent, dealing with it means letting it run it's course.

Like I said my immunization card is 4 feet long.. I have had MANY boosters for Cholera, Typhoid , Yellow Fever, etc... I have seen good results of immunization programs in the Middle East.

I wouldn't risk my life or the lives i my community by refusing immunizations over some juvenile crap about freedom. Did you also fight the seatbelt law ?

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to
No, Americans have the right to hide in their homes if they are afraid of getting a cold.

Cruz is really stupid..Texas was really hard hit by polio and encephalitis from 1947 to 1954.

Why do you elect such morons?
And the world didn't come to an end. A higher rate of people died during the flu pandemic of 1968 than from the china virus and most folks born since then didn't even know about it.

What is your point? When you have a contagion, do you pull up your socks and deal with it or rave about your "freedom"?
Making a law that requires people to possess vaccine docs isn't "dealing with it". To a significant extent, dealing with it means letting it run it's course.

Like I said my immunization card is 4 feet long.. I have had MANY boosters for Cholera, Typhoid , Yellow Fever, etc... I have seen good results of immunization programs in the Middle East.

I wouldn't risk my life or the lives i my community by refusing immunizations over some juvenile crap about freedom. Did you also fight the seatbelt law ?

Again, nobody gives a shit about what you would or wouldn't do. That's EXACTLY how you should feel about us. Go fuck yourself and leave us alone.
Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to

Your cowardice does not dictate an interference of my freedom.

Sorry Skippy

If you are unwilling to protect yourself from a deadly infection, others do not have to associate with you
deadly? you are a very delusional, scum demonRAT spewing the propaganda they want retards like you to memorize and live body my fucking bad you don't like it...not here to please your sorry ass, or any other experimental DRUG PUSHER
WTF is the matter with you assholes?
After one year and millions infected and 600,000 dead you still downplay COVID

All I can respond is......

Go Fuck Yourself
Sorry Skippy

If you are unwilling to protect yourself from a deadly infection, others do not have to associate with you
That's exactly right... You are free to stay at home and quiver in fear. The rest of us will have freedom.

I’m vaccinated
Not a threat to others

Those who are a threat can keep to themselves
I'm vaccinated... I got my vaccination eh old fashioned way. I lived. I'm not a covid threat to others.

Not necessarily
Medical experts still say you should get vaccinated. Not sure how long your immunity will last or what strains you have immunity to

Why risk it?
The exact same thing can be said about the vaccine. You do realize that all of this is 100% dependent on the hosts immune system?

My medical expert... That is a doctor... Had covid. I asked him if he was going to take the vaccine. He said no.. No point. He already has the anti-bodies.

You do you. I'm absolutely good with that. Don't think you have any right to others actions that aren't illegal. That's a nasty slippery slope.
Vaccines will be updated for new COVID strains
Your previous infection will not they are now for the flu so you get a shot for last years strain that doesn't protect you from this years strain.
Hard to keep up
But you are much better off than the retards who refuse to be vaccinated

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to
No, Americans have the right to hide in their homes if they are afraid of getting a cold.

Cruz is really stupid..Texas was really hard hit by polio and encephalitis from 1947 to 1954.

Why do you elect such morons?

Three of aunts and my mom were born in Texas in the 1930s. One of my aunts contracted polio in the 1930s in Texas.

Polio was in Texas long before the time frame you listed above.

Yeah it sure was.. and there were periods when it was an epidemic.

What immunizatons do our soldiers get these days?

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to
No, Americans have the right to hide in their homes if they are afraid of getting a cold.

Cruz is really stupid..Texas was really hard hit by polio and encephalitis from 1947 to 1954.

Why do you elect such morons?
And the world didn't come to an end. A higher rate of people died during the flu pandemic of 1968 than from the china virus and most folks born since then didn't even know about it.

What is your point? When you have a contagion, do you pull up your socks and deal with it or rave about your "freedom"?
Making a law that requires people to possess vaccine docs isn't "dealing with it". To a significant extent, dealing with it means letting it run it's course.

Like I said my immunization card is 4 feet long.. I have had MANY boosters for Cholera, Typhoid , Yellow Fever, etc... I have seen good results of immunization programs in the Middle East.

I wouldn't risk my life or the lives i my community by refusing immunizations over some juvenile crap about freedom. Did you also fight the seatbelt law ?

Again, nobody gives a shit about what you would or wouldn't do. That's EXACTLY how you should feel about us. Go fuck yourself and leave us alone.

What immunizations do our military get these days?
My niece lives in Houston, Texas with her husband and two kids in college.

she’s a front line worker and so she was able to get vaccinated as soon as the vaccination became available.

she said her and her husband got into shouting matches over the vaccination because her husband said President Trump told us the virus wasn’t that deadly. And we probably didn’t need a vaccination. Whether Trump said that or not, my nieces husband remembers him saying it somehow.

so he has a first cousin and they’re the same age and grew up together as best friends for their entire lives. And then he found out his first cousin was in the hospital with Covid. So him and his wife went to the hospital to visit his first cousin and he couldn’t believe they wouldn’t let him in and telling him that Cove it is very contagious and he argued with them.

his cousin must not have Covid.

so his cousin died leaving behind four sons with the two youngest being 11 and 13.

so that scared him. He still supports Trump, but he took his two kids and the three of them went and became fully vaccinated. So the entire family is fully vaccinated.

considering the efficacy of this vaccination, I can’t tell you how relieved I am that he got his head out of trumps butt and took care of his family.
Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to

Your cowardice does not dictate an interference of my freedom.

Sorry Skippy

If you are unwilling to protect yourself from a deadly infection, others do not have to associate with you
deadly? you are a very delusional, scum demonRAT spewing the propaganda they want retards like you to memorize and live body my fucking bad you don't like it...not here to please your sorry ass, or any other experimental DRUG PUSHER
WTF is the matter with you assholes?
After one year and millions infected and 600,000 dead you still downplay COVID

All I can respond is......

Go Fuck Yourself
what's the matter with you asshole?....maybe 25-30 thousand passed away, directly from the chinese you not believe your beloved CDC no more? are they lying now that the narrative has changed?
Go Fuck Yourself
I literally love Ted Cruz for putting Donald Trump ahead of his own family

can you imagine Ted Cruz conversations with his father?

but dad, he didn’t mean it, it was a joke, everybody knows you didn’t kill John F Kennedy…..hello?….Dad?….Are you still there?…..He hung up
My niece lives in Houston, Texas with her husband and two kids in college.

she’s a front line worker and so she was able to get vaccinated as soon as the vaccination became available.

she said her and her husband got into shouting matches over the vaccination because her husband said President Trump told us the virus wasn’t that deadly. And we probably didn’t need a vaccination. Whether Trump said that or not, my nieces husband remembers him saying it somehow.

so he has a first cousin and they’re the same age and grew up together as best friends for their entire lives. And then he found out his first cousin was in the hospital with Covid. So him and his wife went to the hospital to visit his first cousin and he couldn’t believe they wouldn’t let him in and telling him that Cove it is very contagious and he argued with them.

his cousin must not have Covid.

so his cousin died leaving behind four sons with the two youngest being 11 and 13.

so that scared him. He still supports Trump, but he took his two kids and the three of them went and became fully vaccinated. So the entire family is fully vaccinated.

considering the efficacy of this vaccination, I can’t tell you how relieved I am that he got his head out of trumps butt and took care of his family.
Excellent that he made that choice for himself.

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to
No, Americans have the right to hide in their homes if they are afraid of getting a cold.

Cruz is really stupid..Texas was really hard hit by polio and encephalitis from 1947 to 1954.

Why do you elect such morons?
And the world didn't come to an end. A higher rate of people died during the flu pandemic of 1968 than from the china virus and most folks born since then didn't even know about it.

What is your point? When you have a contagion, do you pull up your socks and deal with it or rave about your "freedom"?
Making a law that requires people to possess vaccine docs isn't "dealing with it". To a significant extent, dealing with it means letting it run it's course.

Like I said my immunization card is 4 feet long.. I have had MANY boosters for Cholera, Typhoid , Yellow Fever, etc... I have seen good results of immunization programs in the Middle East.

I wouldn't risk my life or the lives i my community by refusing immunizations over some juvenile crap about freedom. Did you also fight the seatbelt law ?

Again, nobody gives a shit about what you would or wouldn't do. That's EXACTLY how you should feel about us. Go fuck yourself and leave us alone.

What immunizations do our military get these days?

Deflection Junior. You will NEVER make me take the Jab.

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