Senator Cruz, Others Introduce Bill To Ban Federal Coronavirus Passports

Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

“Americans have a well-established right to privacy that any mandated” immunization passport “would destroy,” Cruz said, adding that it “would be discriminatory against people who, for whatever reason, do not get” it.

Strange how republicans take the exact opposite position when it comes to voter ID. People can have a birth certificate and ID's issued by their employer, and even non-photo state and federal ID's that aren't good enough.

And one important difference is that the vaccine is absolutely free. Where government photo ID's requirement payment, or complex paperwork to certify indigence.
I am stunned that American's are so willing to so easily give up freedom because the Gov says they should, yes the ability to choose IS a freedom. Whether we take or not is simply not your business.
A vaccination passport is no different than any other passport, you have the option of whether or not to get one, but you have to live with that decision because not having one precludes you from freely traveling to certain places..
So in the name of "personal responsibility" we should allow you to force us do something we don't want to do? Why would I want to be injected with something that contains "fetal cell lines" (from aborted humans) and nano technology? Why? To make you "feel" safer? Sorry, no.
Why should I be forced to get a government issued photo ID? I have my birth certificate, school IDs, my work IDs, plenty of ID's from other than the government. Why aren't these good enough to vote any more? Why do I have to pay to get a government photo ID, yet anybody can get the vaccine for free.
Montgomery County MD getting real upset at businesses which are now advertising they are following CDC guidelines instead of county council edicts. A couple places stated you may have to prove you are innoculated if asked but quickly were notified that’s an illegal request
That’s why the fear fuck control freaks are hanging onto the mask baloney. They can’t make you prove your status so just keep everyone masked up. This startling trend of prove yourself innocent really ramped up with Kavanaugh and needs to come to a complete end
A couple places stated you may have to prove you are innoculated if asked but quickly were notified that’s an illegal request
That’s why the fear fuck control freaks are hanging onto the mask baloney. They can’t make you prove your status so just keep everyone masked up.

This is a problem in simple logic. If in order to be safe, everybody in the group has to be vaccinated. If you don't know that everybody in the group is vaccinated, you can't assume safety, and thus have to require wearing masks.

Would you think it's a matter of person freedom for people to keep their classified data access level to themselves. And they be allowed into a room with top secret information being discussed because you have to assume everybody in there has clearance because you aren't allowed to make them prove it.


". . MUST WATCH: Dr. Peter McCullough discusses the dangers of the novel COVID vaccine and it's roll out. This is a product that had minimal testing but is being pushed on the masses. Must we all get the shot for things to "go back to normal"? Are you going to get the shot?

*Fleccas is not giving any medical advice here ;-)

Dr. Peter McCullough has been the world's most prominent and vocal advocate for early outpatient treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection in order to prevent hospitalization and death. On May 19, 2021, he was interviewed regarding his efforts as a treating physician and researcher. From his unique vantage point, he has observed and documented a PROFOUNDLY DISTURBING POLICY RESPONSE to the pandemic -- a policy response that may prove to be the greatest malpractice and malfeasance in the history of medicine and public health.

Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and Professor of Medicine at Texas A & M College of Medicine, Dallas, TX USA. Since the outset of the pandemic, Dr. McCullough has been a leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster and has published “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection” the first synthesis of sequenced multidrug treatment of ambulatory patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the American Journal of Medicine and subsequently updated in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. He has 40 peer-reviewed publications on the infection and has commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis in TheHill and on FOX NEWS Channel. On November 19, 2020, Dr. McCullough testified in the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and throughout 2021 in the Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, Colorado General Assembly, and New Hampshire Senate concerning many aspects of the pandemic response.

Professor of Medicine, Texas A & M College of Medicine
Board Certified Internist and Cardiologist
President Cardiorenal Society of America
Editor-in-Chief, Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine
Editor-in-Chief, Cardiorenal Medicine
Senior Associate Editor, American Journal of Cardiology
For more information about Dr. McCullough, please visit: "
". . MUST WATCH: Dr. Peter McCullough discusses the dangers of the novel COVID vaccine and it's roll out. This is a product that had minimal testing but is being pushed on the masses. Must we all get the shot for things to "go back to normal"? Are you going to get the shot?

While it is true that the vaccines have not gone through the usual length of clinical trials, or extent of many trials, it's application has unique aspects, different than other clinical trials.
". . MUST WATCH: Dr. Peter McCullough discusses the dangers of the novel COVID vaccine and it's roll out. This is a product that had minimal testing but is being pushed on the masses. Must we all get the shot for things to "go back to normal"? Are you going to get the shot?

While it is true that the vaccines have not gone through the usual length of clinical trials, or extent of many trials, it's application has unique aspects, different than other clinical trials.
It has caused more deaths than all other vaccines combined. If normal standards were applied, these vaccines would have been pulled weeks ago.

Intelligent Americans are aware of this. It was never about an illness with a 99.9% survival rate, it was always about the vaccine, and it's attendant tracking capacity by the technocracy and it's stake holders.

The folks behind this don't care how many folks get killed or disabled.

Natural immunity conferred by infection is as good or superior. . . so why the insistence that everyone get the shot in order to participate normally in society?
Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to
They do it every year. It's called the seasonal flu and it kills tens of thousands annually.
It has caused more deaths than all other vaccines combined. If normal standards were applied, these vaccines would have been pulled weeks ago.
The smallpox vaccine of 1947 had 3 fatalities for 6 million vaccinations in NYC.

That would mean over 100 deaths from the coronavirus vaccines, which is not the case. Not even close.
Three U.S. Senators introduced legislation on Friday to ban the federal government from establishing coronavirus passports related to individual’s immunization status.

U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Braun (R-IN), and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) introduced the bill, which also prohibits the federal government from being able to work with third parties to establish immunization passports.

Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

“Americans have a well-established right to privacy that any mandated” immunization passport “would destroy,” Cruz said, adding that it “would be discriminatory against people who, for whatever reason, do not get” it.


That bill has as much chance in passing as a bill that allows virus passports.

Neither bill would ever get through the congress we have now.

There is no way it's going to even be brought out of committee in the Senate and it would never get to a committee in the House.

Which means cruz is wasting our time and money grandstanding further dividing our nation.

If you actually believe that bill is going to become law, I have some very beautiful ocean beachfront property in Colorado to sell you.

You'll just love it!
Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to
They do it every year. It's called the seasonal flu and it kills tens of thousands annually.
Tens of thousands are not 600,000
Well theCDC long ago corrected that fallacy but the MSM won’t publish and liberals are deaf and blind
5% or 30,000 died solely as the result of Covid. Of those 2,700 were 55 or under and otherwise healthy. 570,000 others were 90% 65 or older with no less than two serious to critical prexisting conditions. Granted some of those were pushed over the edge by Covid, probably about 1/3.
It has caused more deaths than all other vaccines combined. If normal standards were applied, these vaccines would have been pulled weeks ago.
The smallpox vaccine of 1947 had 3 fatalities for 6 million vaccinations in NYC.

That would mean over 100 deaths from the coronavirus vaccines, which is not the case. Not even close.
Much, much more. Climbing every day. If we go by The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System?

Found 4,406 cases where Vaccine is COVID19 and Patient Died​

Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to

Your cowardice does not dictate an interference of my freedom.

Sorry Skippy

If you are unwilling to protect yourself from a deadly infection, others do not have to associate with you
deadly? you are a very delusional, scum demonRAT spewing the propaganda they want retards like you to memorize and live body my fucking bad you don't like it...not here to please your sorry ass, or any other experimental DRUG PUSHER
Your cowardice does not dictate an interference of my freedom.
You and others on the right are the only cowards – this sort of craven, bad-faith ‘legislation’ is proof of that.

This has nothing to do with ‘freedom’ – it has solely to do with the dishonest right contriving a ‘problem’ that doesn’t exist in an effort to pander to the base.
and your kind is just parrots...copying and spewing the propaganda bullshit...
polly want a cracker?
Sorry Skippy

If you are unwilling to protect yourself from a deadly infection, others do not have to associate with you
That's exactly right... You are free to stay at home and quiver in fear. The rest of us will have freedom.

I’m vaccinated
Not a threat to others

Those who are a threat can keep to themselves
I'm vaccinated... I got my vaccination eh old fashioned way. I lived. I'm not a covid threat to others.

Not necessarily
Medical experts still say you should get vaccinated. Not sure how long your immunity will last or what strains you have immunity to

Why risk it?
The exact same thing can be said about the vaccine. You do realize that all of this is 100% dependent on the hosts immune system?

My medical expert... That is a doctor... Had covid. I asked him if he was going to take the vaccine. He said no.. No point. He already has the anti-bodies.

You do you. I'm absolutely good with that. Don't think you have any right to others actions that aren't illegal. That's a nasty slippery slope.
Vaccines will be updated for new COVID strains
Your previous infection will not they are now for the flu so you get a shot for last years strain that doesn't protect you from this years strain.

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