Senator Cruz, Others Introduce Bill To Ban Federal Coronavirus Passports

I literally love Ted Cruz for putting Donald Trump ahead of his own family

can you imagine Ted Cruz conversations with his father?

but dad, he didn’t mean it, it was a joke, everybody knows you didn’t kill John F Kennedy…..hello?….Dad?….Are you still there?…..He hung up are not really ugly
Its just the way Trump jokes
Three U.S. Senators introduced legislation on Friday to ban the federal government from establishing coronavirus passports related to individual’s immunization status.

U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Braun (R-IN), and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) introduced the bill, which also prohibits the federal government from being able to work with third parties to establish immunization passports.

Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

“Americans have a well-established right to privacy that any mandated” immunization passport “would destroy,” Cruz said, adding that it “would be discriminatory against people who, for whatever reason, do not get” it.

Looks like yet another solution in search of a problem. The Republicans are getting good at this.
We just want to live. To breathe. To walk and drive without someone telling us that we can not do that. To survive. To take care of our children without someone taking the from us for the great state. To sit down with the family no matter how messed up at a dinner without the arbiters of government in control is so good to imagine. To split a bottle of wine with the wife without a prog rule and law invasive to it is so much of freedom. I go to the airport and experience the prog loved tsa and airline flight attendants extremist authoritarian ways and you love it. Until you live it. So just what I typed. Make it better. Repubs want it better to.

Again. A solution in search of a problem.

And for all that - you have no problem with the government interfering in a women's liberty, or a mother's ability to get treatment for her child, or two men who want to marry. It's kind of ala carte isn't it?

There is no "vaccine passport" in the legislative works. So why is this law needed? I know why - it's political virtue signalling. Looks good to the electorate.
So why was there a big celebration a couple years ago when the left passed an “anti-lynching law”? There hasn’t been a lynching in this country since 1981. Political virtue signaling. By the way, states (blue ones surprise surprise) are already trying this stunt of the Covid passports. This would stop them.

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to
No, Americans have the right to hide in their homes if they are afraid of getting a cold.

Cruz is really stupid..Texas was really hard hit by polio and encephalitis from 1947 to 1954.

Why do you elect such morons?
And the world didn't come to an end. A higher rate of people died during the flu pandemic of 1968 than from the china virus and most folks born since then didn't even know about it.

What is your point? When you have a contagion, do you pull up your socks and deal with it or rave about your "freedom"?
Making a law that requires people to possess vaccine docs isn't "dealing with it". To a significant extent, dealing with it means letting it run it's course.

Like I said my immunization card is 4 feet long.. I have had MANY boosters for Cholera, Typhoid , Yellow Fever, etc... I have seen good results of immunization programs in the Middle East.

I wouldn't risk my life or the lives i my community by refusing immunizations over some juvenile crap about freedom. Did you also fight the seatbelt law ?
Yes, I am opposed to seatbelt laws. If someone chooses not to wear a seatbelt, that's their decision.
it’s sad that in the 21st century republicans still have to create law preventing dems from discriminating against people
Who is being discrimminated against? Be specific.
You truly are this stupid. Your side fully discriminates against anybody who refuses to follow their dictates. States (blue ones) are already trying to discriminate against people who for whatever reason are not vaccinated. Trying to deny them the freedom to enter buildings or go anywhere.
Three U.S. Senators introduced legislation on Friday to ban the federal government from establishing coronavirus passports related to individual’s immunization status.

U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Braun (R-IN), and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) introduced the bill, which also prohibits the federal government from being able to work with third parties to establish immunization passports.

Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

“Americans have a well-established right to privacy that any mandated” immunization passport “would destroy,” Cruz said, adding that it “would be discriminatory against people who, for whatever reason, do not get” it.


Cruz is a moron.. for decades American travelers carried their immunization cards along with their passports to prove they had vaccines for smallpox, Cholera, Yellow Fever Typhoid and later Polio. Mine is 4 feet long..

Don't care about your "Vax" status, I won't take it and I won't allow your irrational fear to determine what I can and can't do.

That's fine.. If you travel to the Middle East don't bother to get the Meningitis B vaccine. You're a rube and so is Cruz.
If the WuFlu jab is such a great idea, why do you petty tyrant asshats believe that you now need to resort to aggression?
If not aggression, it’s outright bribery. If you have to bribe or threaten people, there may be an issue with what you’re trying to force them to do.
it’s sad that in the 21st century republicans still have to create law preventing dems from discriminating against people
Who is being discrimminated against? Be specific.
You truly are this stupid. Your side fully discriminates against anybody who refuses to follow their dictates. States (blue ones) are already trying to discriminate against people who for whatever reason are not vaccinated. Trying to deny them the freedom to enter buildings or go anywhere.
No discrimination

People choose to stay away from those who are potentially dangerous
You will NOT take away my freedoms because you are terrified without reason.
This is a lie.

No one wants to take away your freedoms.
"Let me see your papers" is not taking away freedoms?
Would be dick-tater jackasses like C_Foghorn_Leghorn don't know what the words "freedom" and "liberty" mean.
Or maybe they do. Freedom and Liberty require a degree of personal responsibility in order to work in a society.

You guys seem to have jettisoned the "personal responsibility" aspect and turned it into a "me me me" demand.
"Personal responsibility" comes with assuming the risks...You want to wave a gun in the faces of those who are perfectly willing to assume those risks.

Now buzz off, turbo-Karen.
Personal responsibility isn't limited to assuming the risks. Any child will assume risks. It's taking responsibility for the effects your choices have on the rights of others that requires an adult mindset. I don't think you Me-me-me snowflakes quite have that concept down.
Hey Karen, all of your pathetic arguments boil down to “you HAVE to get vaccinated because I want you to so I feel safe”. Nothing is more me-me-me snowflake than that. Trying to force others to do what you want. How dictatorial of you.
it’s sad that in the 21st century republicans still have to create law preventing dems from discriminating against people
Who is being discrimminated against? Be specific.
You truly are this stupid. Your side fully discriminates against anybody who refuses to follow their dictates. States (blue ones) are already trying to discriminate against people who for whatever reason are not vaccinated. Trying to deny them the freedom to enter buildings or go anywhere.
No discrimination

People choose to stay away from those who are potentially dangerous
Well we encourage wingnuts like you to stay as far away from us as possible.
it’s sad that in the 21st century republicans still have to create law preventing dems from discriminating against people
Who is being discrimminated against? Be specific.
You truly are this stupid. Your side fully discriminates against anybody who refuses to follow their dictates. States (blue ones) are already trying to discriminate against people who for whatever reason are not vaccinated. Trying to deny them the freedom to enter buildings or go anywhere.
No discrimination

People choose to stay away from those who are potentially dangerous
That's what bigots always say about the people they are bigoted against.

You are free to stay in your home...
Yes, I am opposed to seatbelt laws. If someone chooses not to wear a seatbelt, that's their decision.
What you ignore is that the harm from personal recklessness goes beyond the individual. It impacts the persons family, as well as himself who may because of it become public charges.
Yes, I am opposed to seatbelt laws. If someone chooses not to wear a seatbelt, that's their decision.
What you ignore is that the harm from personal recklessness goes beyond the individual. It impacts the persons family, as well as himself who may because of it become public charges.
So true...and it's sad it took dems CNN telling them that it's good practice to wash your hands
Seems Karen Coyote needs a rule reminder again. Going through multiple threads and stalking my posts. Again. Maybe try to have a legitimate argument and you won’t look so stupid.
it’s sad that in the 21st century republicans still have to create law preventing dems from discriminating against people
Who is being discrimminated against? Be specific.
You truly are this stupid. Your side fully discriminates against anybody who refuses to follow their dictates. States (blue ones) are already trying to discriminate against people who for whatever reason are not vaccinated. Trying to deny them the freedom to enter buildings or go anywhere.
No discrimination

People choose to stay away from those who are potentially dangerous
Then stay in your house, asshole.
Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to

Your cowardice does not dictate an interference of my freedom.

Sorry Skippy

If you are unwilling to protect yourself from a deadly infection, others do not have to associate with you
If you got the vax, you should have nothing to worry about.

Now fuck off and MYOB, Karen.
What about those who can't get vax'd?
You can't possibly be serious.

The distribution of it has been so widespread and FREE, that we've only stopped at people going door-to-door to get as many people injected with your BigPharm juice.

I'm now certain of it....You're not serious.
I'm serious. You just missed my point.

Some people can not get vax'd. My husband can't at this point because he has anaphylactic allergies to common ingredients in many vaccines. Other people can't for other legitimate reasons that have nothing to do with choice.
What about religious or conscience objections?

Isn't it the DUTY of the person who is vulnerable to take responsibility for his/her OWN health? Isn't THAT person responsible for staying out of public if THAT person deems it necessary?

(your answer will show your authoritarian [not liberal] nature)

Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to

Your cowardice does not dictate an interference of my freedom.

Sorry Skippy

If you are unwilling to protect yourself from a deadly infection, others do not have to associate with you
If you got the vax, you should have nothing to worry about.

Now fuck off and MYOB, Karen.
What about those who can't get vax'd?
You can't possibly be serious.

The distribution of it has been so widespread and FREE, that we've only stopped at people going door-to-door to get as many people injected with your BigPharm juice.

I'm now certain of it....You're not serious.
I'm serious. You just missed my point.

Some people can not get vax'd. My husband can't at this point because he has anaphylactic allergies to common ingredients in many vaccines. Other people can't for other legitimate reasons that have nothing to do with choice.
What about religious or conscience objections?

Isn't it the DUTY of the person who is vulnerable to take responsibility for his/her OWN health? Isn't THAT person responsible for staying out of public if THAT person deems it necessary?

(your answer will show your authoritarian [not liberal] nature)
Interesting that you accuse others of "authoritarianism" when you display your own brand of authorianism - the tyranny of extreme individualism with no concept of public or greater good. That actually, is not liberalism.

Everyone ELSE has to limit THEIR freedom, so you can have YOURS unlimited.

Are you ok with Typhoid Mary serving up your fries?
Seems Karen Coyote needs a rule reminder again. Going through multiple threads and stalking my posts. Again. Maybe try to have a legitimate argument and you won’t look so stupid.
Rules? You mean like going through and hitting disagree on post after post of mine? 5 in one swoop...ya...let's talk about that. If you can't take it, don't dish it out.
Freedom and Liberty require a degree of personal responsibility in order to work in a society.
Right. So, why don't YOU take precautions and stop ordering me about?
So...if I want to go out in the middle of the street and start shooting bullets at cars that's ok right? I mean...they could always choose to take precautions and stay home. Don't order me around!

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