Senator Cruz, Others Introduce Bill To Ban Federal Coronavirus Passports

Seems Karen Coyote needs a rule reminder again. Going through multiple threads and stalking my posts. Again. Maybe try to have a legitimate argument and you won’t look so stupid.
Rules? You mean like going through and hitting disagree on post after post of mine? 5 in one swoop...ya...let's talk about that. If you can't take it, don't dish it out.
One thread you fucking retard. You went through multiples simply to stalk my posts asshole. All because you have no argument after you got put in your place. Try getting a real argument and quit trying to deflect. Seems you’re the one who can’t take it Karen. More me-me-me.
Three U.S. Senators introduced legislation on Friday to ban the federal government from establishing coronavirus passports related to individual’s immunization status.

U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Braun (R-IN), and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) introduced the bill, which also prohibits the federal government from being able to work with third parties to establish immunization passports.

Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

“Americans have a well-established right to privacy that any mandated” immunization passport “would destroy,” Cruz said, adding that it “would be discriminatory against people who, for whatever reason, do not get” it.

Looks like yet another solution in search of a problem. The Republicans are getting good at this.
We just want to live. To breathe. To walk and drive without someone telling us that we can not do that. To survive. To take care of our children without someone taking the from us for the great state. To sit down with the family no matter how messed up at a dinner without the arbiters of government in control is so good to imagine. To split a bottle of wine with the wife without a prog rule and law invasive to it is so much of freedom. I go to the airport and experience the prog loved tsa and airline flight attendants extremist authoritarian ways and you love it. Until you live it. So just what I typed. Make it better. Repubs want it better to.

Again. A solution in search of a problem.

And for all that - you have no problem with the government interfering in a women's liberty, or a mother's ability to get treatment for her child, or two men who want to marry. It's kind of ala carte isn't it?

There is no "vaccine passport" in the legislative works. So why is this law needed? I know why - it's political virtue signalling. Looks good to the electorate.
A few years ago there weren't any gun confiscation laws in the works, either. Yet, here we are.

In this case, the Republicans are being proactive to Leftist stupidity.
What bill is in the works that would confiscate all your guns?

Three U.S. Senators introduced legislation on Friday to ban the federal government from establishing coronavirus passports related to individual’s immunization status.

U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Braun (R-IN), and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) introduced the bill, which also prohibits the federal government from being able to work with third parties to establish immunization passports.

Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

“Americans have a well-established right to privacy that any mandated” immunization passport “would destroy,” Cruz said, adding that it “would be discriminatory against people who, for whatever reason, do not get” it.


Cruz is a moron.. for decades American travelers carried their immunization cards along with their passports to prove they had vaccines for smallpox, Cholera, Yellow Fever Typhoid and later Polio. Mine is 4 feet long..

Don't care about your "Vax" status, I won't take it and I won't allow your irrational fear to determine what I can and can't do.

That's fine.. If you travel to the Middle East don't bother to get the Meningitis B vaccine. You're a rube and so is Cruz.
We're not talking about international travel. These vax Nazis want it mandatory for daily life.

Your children have to get certain vaccines to enroll in school or attend daycare.
Ummm.....not in Texas. Neither of mine did. You mad?

Did you grow up in a disadvantaged home?

Amazon product ASIN 1603441654
What do you mean by "disadvantaged"? Poor? Fuck yeah. We were poor as FUCK!!!
Three U.S. Senators introduced legislation on Friday to ban the federal government from establishing coronavirus passports related to individual’s immunization status.

U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Braun (R-IN), and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) introduced the bill, which also prohibits the federal government from being able to work with third parties to establish immunization passports.

Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

“Americans have a well-established right to privacy that any mandated” immunization passport “would destroy,” Cruz said, adding that it “would be discriminatory against people who, for whatever reason, do not get” it.

Looks like yet another solution in search of a problem. The Republicans are getting good at this.
We just want to live. To breathe. To walk and drive without someone telling us that we can not do that. To survive. To take care of our children without someone taking the from us for the great state. To sit down with the family no matter how messed up at a dinner without the arbiters of government in control is so good to imagine. To split a bottle of wine with the wife without a prog rule and law invasive to it is so much of freedom. I go to the airport and experience the prog loved tsa and airline flight attendants extremist authoritarian ways and you love it. Until you live it. So just what I typed. Make it better. Repubs want it better to.

Again. A solution in search of a problem.

And for all that - you have no problem with the government interfering in a women's liberty, or a mother's ability to get treatment for her child, or two men who want to marry. It's kind of ala carte isn't it?

There is no "vaccine passport" in the legislative works. So why is this law needed? I know why - it's political virtue signalling. Looks good to the electorate.
A few years ago there weren't any gun confiscation laws in the works, either. Yet, here we are.

In this case, the Republicans are being proactive to Leftist stupidity.
What bill is in the works that would confiscate all your guns?

Seems Karen Coyote needs a rule reminder again. Going through multiple threads and stalking my posts. Again. Maybe try to have a legitimate argument and you won’t look so stupid.
Rules? You mean like going through and hitting disagree on post after post of mine? 5 in one swoop...ya...let's talk about that. If you can't take it, don't dish it out.
One thread you fucking retard. You went through multiples simply to stalk my posts asshole. All because you have no argument after you got put in your place. Try getting a real argument and quit trying to deflect. Seems you’re the one who can’t take it Karen. More me-me-me.
Try providing an argument asshole instead of clicking disagree on post after post. It's not rocket science. I'm just dishing back what you dished out. If you can't take it, don't do it.
Hey Karen, all of your pathetic arguments boil down to “you HAVE to get vaccinated because I want you to so I feel safe”. Nothing is more me-me-me snowflake than that. Trying to force others to do what you want. How dictatorial of you.
A better example is an army squad out on patrol. The 1st Lt. wants everybody fully suited up, vests, plates, helmet. Because they don't abandon a fellow soldier who goes down. It takes 2 soldiers out of the fight to care for each wounded warrior, so it's vital to minimize casualties, so it's not a soldiers "freedom" if he doesn't want to protect himself.
I got my vaccination eh old fashioned way. I lived. I'm not a covid threat to others.
That’s not a vaccination. That’s having a highly communicable disease and potentially spreading it to unknown number of other people. Not exactly a badge of honor but you do you.
You will NOT take away my freedoms because you are terrified without reason.
This is a lie.

No one wants to take away your freedoms.
"Let me see your papers" is not taking away freedoms?
Would be dick-tater jackasses like C_Foghorn_Leghorn don't know what the words "freedom" and "liberty" mean.
Or maybe they do. Freedom and Liberty require a degree of personal responsibility in order to work in a society.

You guys seem to have jettisoned the "personal responsibility" aspect and turned it into a "me me me" demand.
"Personal responsibility" comes with assuming the risks...You want to wave a gun in the faces of those who are perfectly willing to assume those risks.

Now buzz off, turbo-Karen.
Personal responsibility isn't limited to assuming the risks. Any child will assume risks. It's taking responsibility for the effects your choices have on the rights of others that requires an adult mindset. I don't think you Me-me-me snowflakes quite have that concept down.
Hey Karen, all of your pathetic arguments boil down to “you HAVE to get vaccinated because I want you to so I feel safe”. Nothing is more me-me-me snowflake than that. Trying to force others to do what you want. How dictatorial of you.
Ahhhh...hold on a sec.

I'm not and have never said you have to get vaccinated. For adults, that's a personal choice - I don't think any vaccines are mandated.

However - like with any choice there are upsides and downsides. Private entities - like a concert for example - can (and in the interests of public health in an epidemic) require proof of vaccination or a negative covid tests. Likewise, other countries can require proof of vaccination to cross their borders. Wearing a mask, until the epidemic is under control can also be reasonably required for those that aren't vaccinated (but really it's impossible to enforce).
Three U.S. Senators introduced legislation on Friday to ban the federal government from establishing coronavirus passports related to individual’s immunization status.

U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Braun (R-IN), and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) introduced the bill, which also prohibits the federal government from being able to work with third parties to establish immunization passports.

Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

“Americans have a well-established right to privacy that any mandated” immunization passport “would destroy,” Cruz said, adding that it “would be discriminatory against people who, for whatever reason, do not get” it.

Wait wait

Pass it out of committee
Bring it to the floor
Then all but nine Democrats filibuster it!

When did we become a nation of such fucking cowards?
So I guess you consider it cowardly to shut down public pools during polio outbreaks?
No I would consider it cowardly to continue the practice after the problem has been dealt with.
Ok, so until Covid is dealt with, you have no problem with mask mandates, social distancing etc. in areas that are seeing increased cases?
So nowhere does there appear to be a "vaccine passport".

Why is the party of "limited government" creating yet more unnecessary laws?

Personally, I think they lie about wanting limited government - they want the government to reach out for what THEY want, that's what they consider "limited".

Conservatives need to understand that ‘limited government’ is far more than just tax cuts and deregulation.

This bad-faith ‘legislation’ is yet another effort in the right’s campaign of lies – to undermine our democratic institutions, to divide the American people, and to foment mistrust in the political process perceived by conservatives as giving them a partisan advantage.
When did we become a nation of such fucking cowards?
So I guess you consider it cowardly to shut down public pools during polio outbreaks?
No I would consider it cowardly to continue the practice after the problem has been dealt with.
Ok, so until Covid is dealt with, you have no problem with mask mandates, social distancing etc. in areas that are seeing increased cases?
What areas are seeing increased cases? It seems the states no longer enforcing that are showing decreases in covid.
When did we become a nation of such fucking cowards?
So I guess you consider it cowardly to shut down public pools during polio outbreaks?
No I would consider it cowardly to continue the practice after the problem has been dealt with.
Ok, so until Covid is dealt with, you have no problem with mask mandates, social distancing etc. in areas that are seeing increased cases?
What areas are seeing increased cases? It seems the states no longer enforcing that are showing decreases in covid.
The states that are no longer enforcing are no longer enforcing because they are seeing a reduction in cases.

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