Senator Cruz, Others Introduce Bill To Ban Federal Coronavirus Passports

Three U.S. Senators introduced legislation on Friday to ban the federal government from establishing coronavirus passports related to individual’s immunization status.

U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Braun (R-IN), and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) introduced the bill, which also prohibits the federal government from being able to work with third parties to establish immunization passports.

Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

“Americans have a well-established right to privacy that any mandated” immunization passport “would destroy,” Cruz said, adding that it “would be discriminatory against people who, for whatever reason, do not get” it.

Looks like yet another solution in search of a problem. The Republicans are getting good at this.
We just want to live. To breathe. To walk and drive without someone telling us that we can not do that. To survive. To take care of our children without someone taking the from us for the great state. To sit down with the family no matter how messed up at a dinner without the arbiters of government in control is so good to imagine. To split a bottle of wine with the wife without a prog rule and law invasive to it is so much of freedom. I go to the airport and experience the prog loved tsa and airline flight attendants extremist authoritarian ways and you love it. Until you live it. So just what I typed. Make it better. Repubs want it better to.

Again. A solution in search of a problem.

And for all that - you have no problem with the government interfering in a women's liberty, or a mother's ability to get treatment for her child, or two men who want to marry. It's kind of ala carte isn't it?

There is no "vaccine passport" in the legislative works. So why is this law needed? I know why - it's political virtue signalling. Looks good to the electorate.
A few years ago there weren't any gun confiscation laws in the works, either. Yet, here we are.

In this case, the Republicans are being proactive to Leftist stupidity.
Rightwinger needs a new brain....not a new arm.
You imply he has an old one to replace. I disagree.


As if to serve as a reminder that there were still threats to life and liberty present, an old enemy made its appearance: polio. It’s a disease with ancient origins, with its most terrifying effect, the paralysis of the lower extremities. It maimed children, killed adults, and struck enormous fear into everyone.

Polio is also a paradigmatic case that targeted and localized policy mitigations have worked in the past, but society-wide lockdowns have never been used before. They weren’t even considered as an option.

Polio was not an unknown disease: its reputation for cruelty was well earned. In the 1916 outbreak, there were 27,000 cases and more than 6,000 deaths due to polio in the United States, 2,000 of which were in New York City. After the war, people had living memories of this horror. People were also used to adjusting their behavior. In 1918, people left cities for resorts, movie theaters were closed for lack of customers, groups cancelled meetings, and public gatherings dwindled. Children avoided swimming pools and public water fountains, fearing that it was transmitted through water. Whatever the therapeutic merit of this, these actions required no force; it happened because people do their best to adapt to risk and be cautious.

In 1949, the new polio epidemic appeared and swept through selective population centers, leaving its most tragic sign: children with wheelchairs, crutches, leg braces, and deformed limbs. For children with polio in the late 1940s, the disease caused paralysis in 1 in 1,000 cases of children aged 5 to 9. The rest had only mild symptoms and developed immunities. In the 1952 season, of the 57,628 cases reported, 3,145 died and a shocking 21,269 experienced paralysis. So while the infection, death, and paralysis rates seem “low” by comparison to the 1918 flu, the psychological impact of this disease became its most prescient feature.

The “iron lung” that became widely available in the 1930s stopped asphyxiation of polio victims, and it was a triumph of innovation; it allowed a dramatic reduction in the death rate. Finally, by 1954, a vaccine was developed (by private labs with very little government support subsidies) and the disease was largely eradicated in the U.S. twenty years later. It became a signature achievement of the medical industry and the promise of vaccines.

Here is the data on infection and death.

Rightwinger needs a new brain....not a new arm.
You imply he has an old one to replace. I disagree.


As if to serve as a reminder that there were still threats to life and liberty present, an old enemy made its appearance: polio. It’s a disease with ancient origins, with its most terrifying effect, the paralysis of the lower extremities. It maimed children, killed adults, and struck enormous fear into everyone.

Polio is also a paradigmatic case that targeted and localized policy mitigations have worked in the past, but society-wide lockdowns have never been used before. They weren’t even considered as an option.

Polio was not an unknown disease: its reputation for cruelty was well earned. In the 1916 outbreak, there were 27,000 cases and more than 6,000 deaths due to polio in the United States, 2,000 of which were in New York City. After the war, people had living memories of this horror. People were also used to adjusting their behavior. In 1918, people left cities for resorts, movie theaters were closed for lack of customers, groups cancelled meetings, and public gatherings dwindled. Children avoided swimming pools and public water fountains, fearing that it was transmitted through water. Whatever the therapeutic merit of this, these actions required no force; it happened because people do their best to adapt to risk and be cautious.

In 1949, the new polio epidemic appeared and swept through selective population centers, leaving its most tragic sign: children with wheelchairs, crutches, leg braces, and deformed limbs. For children with polio in the late 1940s, the disease caused paralysis in 1 in 1,000 cases of children aged 5 to 9. The rest had only mild symptoms and developed immunities. In the 1952 season, of the 57,628 cases reported, 3,145 died and a shocking 21,269 experienced paralysis. So while the infection, death, and paralysis rates seem “low” by comparison to the 1918 flu, the psychological impact of this disease became its most prescient feature.

The “iron lung” that became widely available in the 1930s stopped asphyxiation of polio victims, and it was a triumph of innovation; it allowed a dramatic reduction in the death rate. Finally, by 1954, a vaccine was developed (by private labs with very little government support subsidies) and the disease was largely eradicated in the U.S. twenty years later. It became a signature achievement of the medical industry and the promise of vaccines.

Here is the data on infection and death.

Why do you keep responding to my posts with things that have nothing to do with them?

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to
No, Americans have the right to hide in their homes if they are afraid of getting a cold.

Cruz is really stupid..Texas was really hard hit by polio and encephalitis from 1947 to 1954.

Why do you elect such morons?
And the world didn't come to an end. A higher rate of people died during the flu pandemic of 1968 than from the china virus and most folks born since then didn't even know about it.
Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to

Your cowardice does not dictate an interference of my freedom.

Sorry Skippy

If you are unwilling to protect yourself from a deadly infection, others do not have to associate with you
If you got the vax, you should have nothing to worry about.

Now fuck off and MYOB, Karen.
What about those who can't get vax'd?
You can't possibly be serious.

The distribution of it has been so widespread and FREE, that we've only stopped at people going door-to-door to get as many people injected with your BigPharm juice.

I'm now certain of it....You're not serious.
I'm serious. You just missed my point.

Some people can not get vax'd. My husband can't at this point because he has anaphylactic allergies to common ingredients in many vaccines. Other people can't for other legitimate reasons that have nothing to do with choice.

Our right to "choose" not to take this thing is every bit as valid as those who can't take it and so don't. I am stunned that American's are so willing to so easily give up freedom because the Gov says they should, yes the ability to choose IS a freedom. Whether we take or not is simply not your business.

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to
No, Americans have the right to hide in their homes if they are afraid of getting a cold.

Cruz is really stupid..Texas was really hard hit by polio and encephalitis from 1947 to 1954.

Why do you elect such morons?
And the world didn't come to an end. A higher rate of people died during the flu pandemic of 1968 than from the china virus and most folks born since then didn't even know about it.

What is your point? When you have a contagion, do you pull up your socks and deal with it or rave about your "freedom"?

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to
No, Americans have the right to hide in their homes if they are afraid of getting a cold.

Cruz is really stupid..Texas was really hard hit by polio and encephalitis from 1947 to 1954.

Why do you elect such morons?

Says a Biden person? Seriously?

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to
No, Americans have the right to hide in their homes if they are afraid of getting a cold.

Cruz is really stupid..Texas was really hard hit by polio and encephalitis from 1947 to 1954.

Why do you elect such morons?

Says a Biden person? Seriously?

Did you rant and rave about your freedom when they passed the seatbelt laws?
Your cowardice does not dictate an interference of my freedom.
You and others on the right are the only cowards – this sort of craven, bad-faith ‘legislation’ is proof of that.

This has nothing to do with ‘freedom’ – it has solely to do with the dishonest right contriving a ‘problem’ that doesn’t exist in an effort to pander to the base.

Horse hockey Junior. Shove the "vaccine" where the sun doesn't shine and mind your own business. You Progs who bought into Fausti's lies are the real cowards.
As already correctly noted: there is no proposed legislation to create coronavirus ‘passports,’ no one seeks to enact such legislation – this is only more lies and dishonesty from Cruz and the reprehensible right.

Keep your head in the sand.
You will NOT take away my freedoms because you are terrified without reason.
This is a lie.

No one wants to take away your freedoms.
"Let me see your papers" is not taking away freedoms?
Would be dick-tater jackasses like C_Foghorn_Leghorn don't know what the words "freedom" and "liberty" mean.
Or maybe they do. Freedom and Liberty require a degree of personal responsibility in order to work in a society.

You guys seem to have jettisoned the "personal responsibility" aspect and turned it into a "me me me" demand.

So in the name of "personal responsibility" we should allow you to force us do something we don't want to do? Why would I want to be injected with something that contains "fetal cell lines" (from aborted humans) and nano technology? Why? To make you "feel" safer? Sorry, no.
Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”
Rino indeed. Government has no business telling us who we can fire, hire or work with, or who we must hire, fire, or work with.
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You will NOT take away my freedoms because you are terrified without reason.
This is a lie.

No one wants to take away your freedoms.
"Let me see your papers" is not taking away freedoms?
Would be dick-tater jackasses like C_Foghorn_Leghorn don't know what the words "freedom" and "liberty" mean.
Or maybe they do. Freedom and Liberty require a degree of personal responsibility in order to work in a society.

You guys seem to have jettisoned the "personal responsibility" aspect and turned it into a "me me me" demand.

So in the name of "personal responsibility" we should allow you to force us do something we don't want to do? Why would I want to be injected with something that contains "fetal cell lines" (from aborted humans) and nano technology? Why? To make you "feel" safer? Sorry, no.
The disingenuous authoritarian nags invoke words that they want to bastardize the meanings of, like "freedom", "liberty", and "liberal".

Rightwinger needs a new brain....not a new arm.
You imply he has an old one to replace. I disagree.


As if to serve as a reminder that there were still threats to life and liberty present, an old enemy made its appearance: polio. It’s a disease with ancient origins, with its most terrifying effect, the paralysis of the lower extremities. It maimed children, killed adults, and struck enormous fear into everyone.

Polio is also a paradigmatic case that targeted and localized policy mitigations have worked in the past, but society-wide lockdowns have never been used before. They weren’t even considered as an option.

Polio was not an unknown disease: its reputation for cruelty was well earned. In the 1916 outbreak, there were 27,000 cases and more than 6,000 deaths due to polio in the United States, 2,000 of which were in New York City. After the war, people had living memories of this horror. People were also used to adjusting their behavior. In 1918, people left cities for resorts, movie theaters were closed for lack of customers, groups cancelled meetings, and public gatherings dwindled. Children avoided swimming pools and public water fountains, fearing that it was transmitted through water. Whatever the therapeutic merit of this, these actions required no force; it happened because people do their best to adapt to risk and be cautious.

In 1949, the new polio epidemic appeared and swept through selective population centers, leaving its most tragic sign: children with wheelchairs, crutches, leg braces, and deformed limbs. For children with polio in the late 1940s, the disease caused paralysis in 1 in 1,000 cases of children aged 5 to 9. The rest had only mild symptoms and developed immunities. In the 1952 season, of the 57,628 cases reported, 3,145 died and a shocking 21,269 experienced paralysis. So while the infection, death, and paralysis rates seem “low” by comparison to the 1918 flu, the psychological impact of this disease became its most prescient feature.

The “iron lung” that became widely available in the 1930s stopped asphyxiation of polio victims, and it was a triumph of innovation; it allowed a dramatic reduction in the death rate. Finally, by 1954, a vaccine was developed (by private labs with very little government support subsidies) and the disease was largely eradicated in the U.S. twenty years later. It became a signature achievement of the medical industry and the promise of vaccines.

Here is the data on infection and death.

Yeah, let's compare a flu bug with a 99.8% recovery rate with FUCKING POLIO!

Speaking of disingenuous.
Sorry Skippy

If you are unwilling to protect yourself from a deadly infection, others do not have to associate with you
That's exactly right... You are free to stay at home and quiver in fear. The rest of us will have freedom.

I’m vaccinated
Not a threat to others

Those who are a threat can keep to themselves
It matters not if a person is vaccinated, or caught the virus naturally.

This is why this passport idea is discriminatory.

". . . The researchers found that antibodies in the body declined moderately after eight months, although levels varied wildly between individuals. But T-cell numbers declined only modestly, and B-cell numbers held steady and sometimes inexplicably grew. That means that despite decreases in free-flowing antibodies, the components that can restart antibody production and coordinate an attack against the coronavirus stick around at pretty high levels. Crotty adds that the same mechanisms that lead to immune memory after infection also form the basis for immunity after vaccination, so the same trends ought to hold for vaccinated people as well. . . "

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