Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines...

Negged in return for your lie, bigrebdoosh.

Felons are banned from owning weapons.

You can't own a weapon.

Felons are banned from weapons in almost all cases.

The few exceptions occur only after long waiting periods and still interviews and examinations.

This is why you can't own a weapon again, bigrebdoosh.

this neg is for the blatant lie.
The fact that you guys are still discussing whether you should be able to own assault rifles is mind boggling. It is one of the reasons that I have not lived in the United States for 16 years. People in other countries cannot believe that a discussion such as this would even happen in a civilized, western country.

And yet the Swiss seem to do allright. How is that? And they are EVEN MORE civilised than we are. And every able bodied male has a full auto weapon at home. Curious.
Went to a gun show this morning.
Number of guns? 100kish.
Number of people? 2kish.
Number carrying firearms? 60% open carrying, probably another 30% concealed.
Murders? None.

Guns don't kill anyone. What they do accomplish is I spent a few hours in the absolute safest part of Phoenix today.

And I'm sure it almost made up for your tiny penis.

Hey, how many of those gun show guns do you think are going to end up being bought by criminals because they don't go background checks at gun shows?

It's kind of like saying junkies never rob their pushers...

Myth: Gun shows are supermarkets for criminals
Fact: Only 0.7% of convicts bought their firearms at gun shows. 39.2% obtained them from illegal street dealers.143
Fact: Less than 1% of “crime guns” were obtained at gun shows.144 This is a reduction from a 1997 study that found 2% of guns used in criminal offenses were purchased at gun shows.145
Fact: The FBI concluded in one study that no firearms acquired at gun shows were used to kill cops. “In contrast to media myth, none of the firearms in the study were obtained from gun shows.”146
Fact: Only 5% of metropolitan police departments believe gun shows are a problem.147
Fact: Only 3.5% of youthful offenders reported that they obtained their last handgun at a gun show.148
Fact: 93% of guns used in crimes are obtained illegally (i.e., not at gun stores or gun shows).149
Fact: At most, 14% of all firearms traced in investigations were purchased at gun shows.150 But this includes all firearms that the police traced, regardless if they were used in crimes or not, which overstates the acquisition rate.
Fact: Gun dealers are federally licensed. They are bound to stringent rules for sales that apply equally whether they are dealing from a storefront or a gun show.151
Fact: Most crime guns are either bought off the street from illegal sources (39.2%) or through family members or friends (39.6%).152​
Reality once again kicks Joe squarely in the pussy.
I'd like to see what she said, exactly.

in any event if the link captures her words correctly, as to high capacity magazines, she should know they already have one here in Cali., 20 rd mags are the limit, and, you cannot quick swap, there is a button required on all "assault rifles" sold in California that requires a small headed awl type tool, ( the edge of a small key may do it) to release the Magazine, its clumsy and prevents quick changes. If they outlaw them here, they can just mail order form outside the US...hello.

Then again you can order a magazine online that has a 30, 60, or drum type with a 2000 round capacity anyway, making this all foolish, if someone want to kill a bunch of folks fast, they will find a way.

as far as an assault weapons ban, good luck, whats an assault rifle anyway? anything semi auto over 2000 FPM muzzle velocity? 3000? 1000?
Why in the hell does anybody need an assault rifle?? The only things I can think of is to knock off a liquor store or a gas station!! Nobody needs a stupid assault rifle.

Calling it an assault rifle is your problem. It's only an assault weapon if you are attacking someone, which means the only people that have them will be criminals. An assault weapon is also a defense weapon that can be used to protect yourself.

Change the name around a bit here. Would you be in favor of every citizen being able to purchase a defense weapon?

Oh, what crap. A defense weapon?? Under what circumstances?? If someone enters your home to rob you at night you will be asleep. How can you reach for your assault rifle?? Like I said, what crap.
Not everyone is as helpless as you.
The fact that you guys are still discussing whether you should be able to own assault rifles is mind boggling. It is one of the reasons that I have not lived in the United States for 16 years. People in other countries cannot believe that a discussion such as this would even happen in a civilized, western country.

You left, so you don't get a say.
Lest this gets ignored, it really is the crux of the question.

No one has said we cannot have guns. No one has tried to repeal the 2nd amendment.

Yeah, I know. You rw's want to believe you haven't been lied to but really, can any one of you find even one time that Obama said he's coming for your guns and your bibles?

No, you cannot.

You bought into the lies. Literally. Your heroes told you to run out and buy guns and you're so damn dumb, you actually did.

I've collected a lot of guns but I'm not stupid about it.

The real question here is, why do any of us need so-called "assault rifles" and large capacity mags?

C'mon rw's, answer that one question.


(Betcha can't.)
Because it's the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.

My rights need no justification to you or any other busybody do-gooder fuckchop.

Betha can't quote the section of the Bill of Rights that says we have the right to "assault rifles" and large capacity magazines.
Lest this gets ignored, it really is the crux of the question.

No one has said we cannot have guns. No one has tried to repeal the 2nd amendment.

Yeah, I know. You rw's want to believe you haven't been lied to but really, can any one of you find even one time that Obama said he's coming for your guns and your bibles?

No, you cannot.

You bought into the lies. Literally. Your heroes told you to run out and buy guns and you're so damn dumb, you actually did.

I've collected a lot of guns but I'm not stupid about it.

The real question here is, why do any of us need so-called "assault rifles" and large capacity mags?

C'mon rw's, answer that one question.


(Betcha can't.)
Because it's the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.

My rights need no justification to you or any other busybody do-gooder fuckchop.

Betha can't quote the section of the Bill of Rights that says we have the right to "assault rifles" and large capacity magazines.

Betcha can't quote the section of the Bill of Rights that says we have the right to healthcare and free condoms.
The fact that you guys are still discussing whether you should be able to own assault rifles is mind boggling. It is one of the reasons that I have not lived in the United States for 16 years. People in other countries cannot believe that a discussion such as this would even happen in a civilized, western country.

You left, so you don't get a say.

Yeah, cuz bloviating hypocrite lushbo said he'd leave if Obama won but he's just another rw liar, so he stayed and the rw's made excuses for him.

See how that works?
Because it's the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.

My rights need no justification to you or any other busybody do-gooder fuckchop.

Betha can't quote the section of the Bill of Rights that says we have the right to "assault rifles" and large capacity magazines.

Betcha can't quote the section of the Bill of Rights that says we have the right to healthcare and free condoms.

You're right. It was Reagan who gave you free health care. Frankly, I'm sick of the rw whining that they now have to pay for it.

WHY don't rw's KNOW what they're talking about? WHY are they so damn dumb?
The fact that you guys are still discussing whether you should be able to own assault rifles is mind boggling. It is one of the reasons that I have not lived in the United States for 16 years. People in other countries cannot believe that a discussion such as this would even happen in a civilized, western country.

You left, so you don't get a say.

Yeah, cuz bloviating hypocrite lushbo said he'd leave if Obama won but he's just another rw liar, so he stayed and the rw's made excuses for him.

See how that works?
No one's talking about Rush, you irrational retard.
Betha can't quote the section of the Bill of Rights that says we have the right to "assault rifles" and large capacity magazines.

Betcha can't quote the section of the Bill of Rights that says we have the right to healthcare and free condoms.

You're right. It was Reagan who gave you free health care. Frankly, I'm sick of the rw whining that they now have to pay for it.

WHY don't rw's KNOW what they're talking about? WHY are they so damn dumb?
I don't have free healthcare, you irrational retard.

Why don't you know what you're talking about? Why are you so damn dumb?
You said you couldn't, didn't you, last year sometime? When you were drunk and pounding away one night on the board. Remember?
Yeah, cuz bloviating hypocrite lushbo said he'd leave if Obama won but he's just another rw liar, so he stayed and the rw's made excuses for him.

See how that works?
No one's talking about Rush, you irrational retard.

The left seems more pissed than I am. And their obama won. Damn if their obama had lost America would have been burnt to the ground.
Anger, fear, and hatred -- progressives' only emotions.

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