Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines...

Calling it an assault rifle is your problem. It's only an assault weapon if you are attacking someone, which means the only people that have them will be criminals. An assault weapon is also a defense weapon that can be used to protect yourself.

Change the name around a bit here. Would you be in favor of every citizen being able to purchase a defense weapon?

Oh, what crap. A defense weapon?? Under what circumstances?? If someone enters your home to rob you at night you will be asleep. How can you reach for your assault rifle?? Like I said, what crap.
Not everyone is as helpless as you.

We'll see who is helpless when you shoot and kill an innocent citizen and end up in prison. Especially when you get some unwanted attention. I suspect you'll be very helpless.
Nah, my word is proof against haters like you, always has been, always will be.

Whenever either of you or both you stand up to me, I simply crush you. Every time. Crush.

Now let's talk sense. Stop the hate and let's work for a GOP presidency in 2016. Rubio or Christie are fine by me at this point. Maybe somebody new will come up.

But stop the Ryanista and Bachmannia nonsense, or Gary Johnson. Non-starters.

So is the hate. Think about it.


Run away, pussy. :lmao:

Put down the bottle, Dave you're an ugly drunk.
I haven't been drunk in years, boy. Never saw the attraction, myself.

But you PM Fakey and make sure you let him know you're valiantly defending him from the mean scary conservatives. :lmao:
why a scary ass Black guy Joe? that your fear?....

More like Dave's fear, he's the one who thinks a hoard of them are going to break into his house...
Tell us again how awful it is that people can defend themselves from criminals.

Oh, hey, I just figured it out -- you're a member here, aren't you?

Gee, Dave, you really don't have anything to add to this conversation.

Fact is, for every criminal you gun nuts defend yourselves from, you manage to shoot 43 of yourselves or your family members. (Again, this is the point were you stamp your little feet and say "Kellerman was wrong! Kellerman was wrong!!!)

I'd rather work on preventing criminals from becoming criminals, rather than worrying about having to shoot them when they've become desperate...
Prove it, kid.

Oh, wait, that's right -- you don't do proof. You stamp your foot and insist people take what you say as Gospel simply because you say it.

For my part, if you said the sun comes up in the east, I'd get up early with a compass. You have zero credibility -- except with your fellow leftists.

I don't know, Dave, yo uare really acting like you are drunk posting right now...
Yes, Joe. Run to Fakey's defense. Because leftist stick together. :lol:

Actually, Jakey's a troll, but in this case, he's got you pegged.
Oh, what crap. A defense weapon?? Under what circumstances?? If someone enters your home to rob you at night you will be asleep. How can you reach for your assault rifle?? Like I said, what crap.
Not everyone is as helpless as you.

We'll see who is helpless when you shoot and kill an innocent citizen and end up in prison. Especially when you get some unwanted attention. I suspect you'll be very helpless.
Thanks for the opportunity to correct some leftist misinformation!

Fact: 11% of police shootings kill an innocent person - about 2% of shootings by citizens kill an innocent person.254

Fact: "In actual shootings, citizens do far better than law enforcement on hit potential. They hit their targets and they don't hit other people. I wish I could say the same for cops. We train more, they do better."256​

Now that what you know has been shown to be untrue, I fully expect you to stop repeating the falsehoods.


Yeah, there's no way I could type that with a straight face.
Tell us why you can't own a weapon, bigreb.
I can't neg you for lying within 48 hours after I'll hit you again lying bitch.
OH and who says I can't own any?

Damn!!! You can't even hold your temper on here where you can't even see the person you're fighting with!! You really need an assault rifle.

move along fat ass because you don't a a fucking clue what jokey lied about. But you'll defend him like a good fucking liberal.
They shouldn't? So one American citizen has more rights than others? You defend gays because you think they have less rights. Why do you think some Americans should have less rights than others?

I'm really starting to think you are a high-functioning retard. I really can't explain your posts any other way.

there is no right to own a gun.

The second Amendment is about militias. If the people of your town declare it a gun-free zone, move somewhere else.

But there were gun shops that intentionally set up shop and illegally sold guns to Chicago residents. When I used to live in Cicero (ugh), there was one a few blocks from my house, right next to the strip joint that was really a brothel.

Here's what you said

Chicago has gun murders because people in other towns and states sell guns to folks from Chicago when they shouldn't
You defend gay for some special right. But will not defend all American's because they are have a right to firearm ownership.

there is no right to own a gun.
:badgrin: HOLY SHIT you are stupid. you are upping your stupidity

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

A well regulated militia. hmmm
More like Dave's fear, he's the one who thinks a hoard of them are going to break into his house...
Tell us again how awful it is that people can defend themselves from criminals.

Oh, hey, I just figured it out -- you're a member here, aren't you?

Gee, Dave, you really don't have anything to add to this conversation.
I've added facts. You've added gun-hater bullshit.
Fact is, for every criminal you gun nuts defend yourselves from, you manage to shoot 43 of yourselves or your family members. (Again, this is the point were you stamp your little feet and say "Kellerman was wrong! Kellerman was wrong!!!)
Kellerman was wrong. I've shown you why before, but you like the taste of his bullshit, so you keep swallowing it.
Myth: Handguns are 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a criminal
Fact: Of the 43 deaths reported in this flawed study, 37 (86%) were suicides. Other deaths involved criminal activity between the family members (drug deals gone bad).186​
I'd rather work on preventing criminals from becoming criminals, rather than worrying about having to shoot them when they've become desperate...
You don't want to prevent them. You just want to let them go.
I'm really starting to think you are a high-functioning retard. I really can't explain your posts any other way.

there is no right to own a gun.

The second Amendment is about militias. If the people of your town declare it a gun-free zone, move somewhere else.

But there were gun shops that intentionally set up shop and illegally sold guns to Chicago residents. When I used to live in Cicero (ugh), there was one a few blocks from my house, right next to the strip joint that was really a brothel.

Here's what you said

You defend gay for some special right. But will not defend all American's because they are have a right to firearm ownership.

there is no right to own a gun.
:badgrin: HOLY SHIT you are stupid. you are upping your stupidity

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

A well regulated militia. hmmm

The Courts have ruled and ruled in favor of the statement that the 2nd gives 2 rights. One to the State to form Militias and the other to the Individual to own possess and carry a firearm. Which amazingly is what the founding fathers said it means.
I'm really starting to think you are a high-functioning retard. I really can't explain your posts any other way.

there is no right to own a gun.

The second Amendment is about militias. If the people of your town declare it a gun-free zone, move somewhere else.

But there were gun shops that intentionally set up shop and illegally sold guns to Chicago residents. When I used to live in Cicero (ugh), there was one a few blocks from my house, right next to the strip joint that was really a brothel.

Here's what you said

You defend gay for some special right. But will not defend all American's because they are have a right to firearm ownership.

there is no right to own a gun.
:badgrin: HOLY SHIT you are stupid. you are upping your stupidity

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

A well regulated militia. hmmm

I eaplianed this once.
The second amendment is a two part amendment.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

First part
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
This means a state has a right to have a militia consisting of it's states citizens

Second part
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Means citizens have a right to firearms and in common use by the military.
It's just that simple.
The Federal government doesn't have a second amendment right think on that for a second.
Here's what you said

You defend gay for some special right. But will not defend all American's because they are have a right to firearm ownership.

:badgrin: HOLY SHIT you are stupid. you are upping your stupidity

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

A well regulated militia. hmmm

The Courts have ruled and ruled in favor of the statement that the 2nd gives 2 rights. One to the State to form Militias and the other to the Individual to own possess and carry a firearm. Which amazingly is what the founding fathers said it means.

One minute faster than me.
I never understood the logic behind the assault weapon ban.

Since A.W.'s are the absolutely least used weapon by criminals AND the least used in homicides AND the least used in suicides, why do the gun grabbers pick on them?

101 California St.; Virginia Tech; Colorado Movie Theater are three reasons why many who support the Second Amendment want to ban large volume magazines and semi-automatic weapons.

Few deny the right of a home owner/business owner the right to defend their home or property with a firearm. The simple solution in my mind is for each state to allow AW's and high volume magazines and others to regulate or outlaw them.

Second Amendment rights are abridged today and IMO rightly so. Few can legally own automatic weapons, anti-tank weapons, SAM's, Molotov Cocktails, push button knives or nunchucks. All of which are 'arms' and most more lethal (able to kill more than one person quickly) then the firearms carried by an 18th Century marksman.
Once again, take these away from law abiding citizens and it's open season for criminals.
Criminals do not obey the laws. Therefore any type of gun control will not apply to them.
I never understood the logic behind the assault weapon ban.

Since A.W.'s are the absolutely least used weapon by criminals AND the least used in homicides AND the least used in suicides, why do the gun grabbers pick on them?

101 California St.; Virginia Tech; Colorado Movie Theater are three reasons why many who support the Second Amendment want to ban large volume magazines and semi-automatic weapons.

Few deny the right of a home owner/business owner the right to defend their home or property with a firearm. The simple solution in my mind is for each state to allow AW's and high volume magazines and others to regulate or outlaw them.

Second Amendment rights are abridged today and IMO rightly so. Few can legally own automatic weapons, anti-tank weapons, SAM's, Molotov Cocktails, push button knives or nunchucks. All of which are 'arms' and most more lethal (able to kill more than one person quickly) then the firearms carried by an 18th Century marksman.
Once again, take these away from law abiding citizens and it's open season for criminals.
Criminals do not obey the laws. Therefore any type of gun control will not apply to them.
It's really a simple concept. But some people just cannot comprehend it.
"Assault weapons" are too scary-looking for the irrational gun-haters. Maybe they'd prefer something more friendly:


I think you miss the point, Dave. If anyone lives in "fear", it's you.

Despite locking up 2 million scary minorities and poor people and having another 7 million on some for of parole or probation, you are just too scared someone is going to break into your house. So cowering in fear the mere penis substitute of a handgun just won't do it for you anymore.

You gotta have yourself a military grade weapon to feel "safer".
It is the legal right for citizens to keep and bear arms.
You are an appeaser. You believe the criminal will leave you alone if he is convinced you are unarmed.
You are mistaken. Criminals prey on those who they know will not fight back.
A criminal's biggest fear is the unknown.
A criminal is less likely to rob the neighborhood tavern is he knows there is a possibility that at least some of the patrons are packing.
You would rather we all rely on the police.
Newsflash, the police do not prevent crime. They arrive AFTER the crime has been committed. How much good is that to the victim?

Racist comment....You will not be permitted to continue with this.
Not everyone is as helpless as you.

We'll see who is helpless when you shoot and kill an innocent citizen and end up in prison. Especially when you get some unwanted attention. I suspect you'll be very helpless.
Thanks for the opportunity to correct some leftist misinformation!

Fact: 11% of police shootings kill an innocent person - about 2% of shootings by citizens kill an innocent person.254

Fact: "In actual shootings, citizens do far better than law enforcement on hit potential. They hit their targets and they don't hit other people. I wish I could say the same for cops. We train more, they do better."256​

Now that what you know has been shown to be untrue, I fully expect you to stop repeating the falsehoods.


Yeah, there's no way I could type that with a straight face.


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