Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines...

This thread has been awesome. It really illustrated how the irrational gun-haters have no facts, only emotion.

And their emotional claims are simply not confirmed by reality. :clap2:
Assault weapons are used for "Assaults." Do hunters need clips with multiple rounds? No...and I am a hunter. The NRA needs to understand that there have got to be limits set.
The 2nd Amendment isn't about deer hunting or what you claim anyone else does or doesn't need, doofus.

So what to 40, 50, or 100 shot ammunition clips have to do with the "right to bare arms?" How many pf those assault rifles and multiple ammunition clips were around when the 2nd Amendment was written? Go ahead...take your best shot!....multiple shots if you want!

There is no sense discussing an issue with an irrational person. You have an irrational fear of guns and gun owners.
FYI....The 2nd Amendment reads in part. "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
No, dumbass -- Chicago has gun murders because criminals kill people with guns.

But typical leftist that you are, you can't seem to blame the murderers for their actions.

And if the criminals couldn't buy guns legally, they wouldn't be able to kill people.
What an astoundingly stupid statement. And one not supported by reality.
Fact: Only 0.7% of convicts bought their firearms at gun shows. 39.2% obtained them from illegal street dealers.143

Fact: 93% of guns used in crimes are obtained illegally (i.e., not at gun stores or gun shows).149

Fact: Most crime guns are either bought off the street from illegal sources (39.2%) or through family members or friends (39.6%).152​
Oh, I guess they could use the pipe wrench or the rope or one of the boring weapons from Clue, but it would be a lot harder.
If someone wants to kill someone else, they'll use what they can get.

12 Most Unusual Murder Weapons Used in Real Life | Raw Justice
Most gun deaths are suicides... but we have to protect their second amendment "rights".
Tragic indeed. But people who want to kill themselves will kill themselves. The presence or absence of a gun has no bearing.

Targeting Guns: Firearms and Their Control - Gary Kleck - Google Books

But if you outlaw guns, you disarm ONLY law-abiding people...and you would make the criminals successful in the hundreds of thousands of times guns are used in self-defense annually.

Irrational gun-haters like you believe it's morally superior to be raped and/or murdered than to defend yourself with a firearm.

This is the goal of the liberal. Libs are so attached to the notion of a nanny state central planning type government, they will not cease until they are satisfied everyone MUST obey, conform and submit.
Look their comment regarding socialism. "We already have "some" socialism, let's go all the way".
And if the criminals couldn't buy guns legally, they wouldn't be able to kill people.
What an astoundingly stupid statement. And one not supported by reality.
Fact: Only 0.7% of convicts bought their firearms at gun shows. 39.2% obtained them from illegal street dealers.143

Fact: 93% of guns used in crimes are obtained illegally (i.e., not at gun stores or gun shows).149

Fact: Most crime guns are either bought off the street from illegal sources (39.2%) or through family members or friends (39.6%).152​

If someone wants to kill someone else, they'll use what they can get.

12 Most Unusual Murder Weapons Used in Real Life | Raw Justice
Most gun deaths are suicides... but we have to protect their second amendment "rights".
Tragic indeed. But people who want to kill themselves will kill themselves. The presence or absence of a gun has no bearing.

Targeting Guns: Firearms and Their Control - Gary Kleck - Google Books

But if you outlaw guns, you disarm ONLY law-abiding people...and you would make the criminals successful in the hundreds of thousands of times guns are used in self-defense annually.

Irrational gun-haters like you believe it's morally superior to be raped and/or murdered than to defend yourself with a firearm.

This is the goal of the liberal. Libs are so attached to the notion of a nanny state central planning type government, they will not cease until they are satisfied everyone MUST obey, conform and submit.
Look their comment regarding socialism. "We already have "some" socialism, let's go all the way".
If I was that big a sissy bedwetter, I'd shoot myself...if I could pick up a gun without shitting my pants in terror.
We also have the world's most obese people...You want to ban all-you-can-eat buffets now?

NIce attempt to change the subject.

So you are backing away from your claim that strict gun laws don't work, as I have just proven in countries WITH strict gun laws, the do.

Umm, with those strict gun laws, there are STILL gun crimes.
It is you who are mistaken in your belief that gun bans will prevent gun crimes.
Tut tut...None of that "well there are people who sneak them into the country"..NO! Your line of commentary is that "gun bans prevent gun crimes"...You are pot committed.
No having it both ways.
Now, mr union thug, post something clever.
Earlier you stated you spent 11 years in our armed forces. Hmm, how on earth did you ever force yourself to fire a gun? Or for that matter take seriously the oath you took( protect and defend the United States from all enemies foreign and domestic).....
Don't lecture us. If you want to advertise yourself as a crime victim in waiting, go ahead.
You don't want to fuck with OUR rights.
Went to a gun show this morning.
Number of guns? 100kish.
Number of people? 2kish.
Number carrying firearms? 60% open carrying, probably another 30% concealed.
Murders? None.

Guns don't kill anyone. What they do accomplish is I spent a few hours in the absolute safest part of Phoenix today.

And I'm sure it almost made up for your tiny penis.

Hey, how many of those gun show guns do you think are going to end up being bought by criminals because they don't go background checks at gun shows?

It's kind of like saying junkies never rob their pushers...
A lot of women there, how big do you think their dicks got?

None, research has shown criminals don't purchase murder weapons at gun shows.

Junkies or in this case criminals don't rob people that are armed to the teeth, they look for easier unarmed targets.
No assault weapon or magazine limitation or ban will happen.

Nonetheless, if you had been at the theatre that night the Joker would have killed those of you who were armed had you been there.

Does anybody know how many of the dead were armed?
The 2nd Amendment isn't about deer hunting or what you claim anyone else does or doesn't need, doofus.

So what to 40, 50, or 100 shot ammunition clips have to do with the "right to bare arms?" How many pf those assault rifles and multiple ammunition clips were around when the 2nd Amendment was written? Go ahead...take your best shot!....multiple shots if you want!

There is no sense discussing an issue with an irrational person. You have an irrational fear of guns and gun owners.
FYI....The 2nd Amendment reads in part. "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

The Court has repeatedly found that MILITARY type weapons are in fact what the second protects. There has not been a case that the Supreme Court found otherwise. Since the 39 Decision I believe there have been 2 other Supreme Court cases that specifically said military type weapons are EXACTLY what the second protects. And the latest decision states it is in fact an INDIVIDUAL right. Those that disagree have no Constitutional or legal standing to say otherwise.

An assault weapon ban is Unconstitutional as defined BY THE SUPREME COURT.
Went to a gun show this morning.
Number of guns? 100kish.
Number of people? 2kish.
Number carrying firearms? 60% open carrying, probably another 30% concealed.
Murders? None.

Guns don't kill anyone. What they do accomplish is I spent a few hours in the absolute safest part of Phoenix today.

And I'm sure it almost made up for your tiny penis.

Hey, how many of those gun show guns do you think are going to end up being bought by criminals because they don't go background checks at gun shows?

It's kind of like saying junkies never rob their pushers...
A lot of women there, how big do you think their dicks got?

None, research has shown criminals don't purchase murder weapons at gun shows.

Junkies or in this case criminals don't rob people that are armed to the teeth, they look for easier unarmed targets.

In NC Gun Shows operate under the same laws and policies as any other seller of firearms. If you want to buy a handgun you need a handgun permit, which takes 3 to 5 days to get from the local County Sheriff. If you want to buy a long gun you must fill out all the appropriate federal and local forms.
One of the shooters at Columbine bought his weapon at a gun show.

Has Colorado law changed? If not, I wish it had NC law.

Do any other states track murder weapons to gun shows.

And I'm sure it almost made up for your tiny penis.

Hey, how many of those gun show guns do you think are going to end up being bought by criminals because they don't go background checks at gun shows?

It's kind of like saying junkies never rob their pushers...
A lot of women there, how big do you think their dicks got?

None, research has shown criminals don't purchase murder weapons at gun shows.

Junkies or in this case criminals don't rob people that are armed to the teeth, they look for easier unarmed targets.

In NC Gun Shows operate under the same laws and policies as any other seller of firearms. If you want to buy a handgun you need a handgun permit, which takes 3 to 5 days to get from the local County Sheriff. If you want to buy a long gun you must fill out all the appropriate federal and local forms.
Nah, my word is proof against haters like you, always has been, always will be.

Whenever either of you or both you stand up to me, I simply crush you. Every time. Crush.

Now let's talk sense. Stop the hate and let's work for a GOP presidency in 2016. Rubio or Christie are fine by me at this point. Maybe somebody new will come up.

But stop the Ryanista and Bachmannia nonsense, or Gary Johnson. Non-starters.

So is the hate. Think about it.


Run away, pussy. :lmao:

Put down the bottle, Dave you're an ugly drunk.

I thought you unsubscribed?:rolleyes:
And I'm sure it almost made up for your tiny penis.

Hey, how many of those gun show guns do you think are going to end up being bought by criminals because they don't go background checks at gun shows?

It's kind of like saying junkies never rob their pushers...
A lot of women there, how big do you think their dicks got?

None, research has shown criminals don't purchase murder weapons at gun shows.

Junkies or in this case criminals don't rob people that are armed to the teeth, they look for easier unarmed targets.

In NC Gun Shows operate under the same laws and policies as any other seller of firearms. If you want to buy a handgun you need a handgun permit, which takes 3 to 5 days to get from the local County Sheriff. If you want to buy a long gun you must fill out all the appropriate federal and local forms.

It depends on the county. It took me one day to get my last purchase permits.
One of the shooters at Columbine bought his weapon at a gun show.

Has Colorado law changed? If not, I wish it had NC law.

Do any other states track murder weapons to gun shows.
As I've already shown in this thread, gun shows aren't the problem the gun-haters claim they are.

Myth: Gun shows are supermarkets for criminals
Fact: Only 0.7% of convicts bought their firearms at gun shows. 39.2% obtained them from illegal street dealers.143
Fact: Less than 1% of “crime guns” were obtained at gun shows.144 This is a reduction from a 1997 study that found 2% of guns used in criminal offenses were purchased at gun shows.145
Fact: The FBI concluded in one study that no firearms acquired at gun shows were used to kill cops. “In contrast to media myth, none of the firearms in the study were obtained from gun shows.”146
Fact: Only 5% of metropolitan police departments believe gun shows are a problem.147
Fact: Only 3.5% of youthful offenders reported that they obtained their last handgun at a gun show.148
Fact: 93% of guns used in crimes are obtained illegally (i.e., not at gun stores or gun shows).149
Fact: At most, 14% of all firearms traced in investigations were purchased at gun shows.150 But this includes all firearms that the police traced, regardless if they were used in crimes or not, which overstates the acquisition rate.
Fact: Gun dealers are federally licensed. They are bound to stringent rules for sales that apply equally whether they are dealing from a storefront or a gun show.151
Fact: Most crime guns are either bought off the street from illegal sources (39.2%) or through family members or friends (39.6%).152
Myth: 25-50% of the vendors at most gun shows are “unlicensed dealers”
Fact: There is no such thing as an “unlicensed dealer,” except for people who buy and sell antique – curio – firearms as a hobby.
Fact: This 25-50% figure can only be achieved if you include those dealers not selling guns at these shows. These non-gun dealers include knife makers, ammunition dealers, accessories dealers, military artifact traders, clothing vendors, bumper sticker sellers, and hobbyists. In short, 50% of the vendors at shows are not selling firearms at all!
Myth: Regulation of gun shows would reduce “straw sales”
Fact: The main study that makes this claim had no scientific means for determining what sales at the show were “straw sales.” Behaviors that Dr. Wintemute cited as, “clear evidence,” of a straw purchase were observational only and were more likely instances of more experienced acquaintances helping in a purchase decision. No attempts were made to verify that the sales in question were straw sales.153​
Assault weapons are used for "Assaults." Do hunters need clips with multiple rounds? No...and I am a hunter. The NRA needs to understand that there have got to be limits set.
The 2nd Amendment isn't about deer hunting or what you claim anyone else does or doesn't need, doofus.

So what to 40, 50, or 100 shot ammunition clips have to do with the "right to bare arms?" How many pf those assault rifles and multiple ammunition clips were around when the 2nd Amendment was written? Go ahead...take your best shot!....multiple shots if you want!

critical thinking fail; the weapons that were in existence then WERE the arms of choice of both hunters and the military, it was the musket and early rifled 'muskets' and pistols. If they had so desired as these were not stupid men they could clearly have delineated guidelines for advanced arms, providing a leeway in language for future cases to do so, but they didn't and they framed it this way-

"it could not prohibit the possession or use of any weapon which has any reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia"...

do I need to define the term militia, most especially as they saw it in their time?

They did not frame it so as to read weapons that were; ' not par with those carried by regulated militias or standing army's' etc etc etc ...

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