Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines...

the militia connected to the left. Bill Ayers was it's commander.

Somewhere in your pea brain, you probably thought that was clever...

Dude I hate to keep kicking your one legged mental mind in this ass kicking contest but it is fun.

Acting like a gun-toting loon is not winning an argument, dude.

Frankly, I used to be indifferent to the gun issue, until I realized how whacked in the head most of you people are.
Somewhere in your pea brain, you probably thought that was clever...

Dude I hate to keep kicking your one legged mental mind in this ass kicking contest but it is fun.

Acting like a gun-toting loon is not winning an argument, dude.

Frankly, I used to be indifferent to the gun issue, until I realized how whacked in the head most of you people are.
Giving opinion's or misinformation as facts as you have done is doing nothing at all
oh well, who didn't see this coming with Obama's re-election

hey it's the will of the people they tell us, so was ObamaCare..

our lord masters will now give it to us

her chances of doing it are zero.

move on.
Yep that's exactly what they said about obamatax. I think we'll stay right here and press the issue so it doesn't get a chance to come true.
Boehner said it was the law of the land and would happen.

That means it's part of the grand compromise.
The fact that you guys are still discussing whether you should be able to own assault rifles is mind boggling. It is one of the reasons that I have not lived in the United States for 16 years. People in other countries cannot believe that a discussion such as this would even happen in a civilized, western country.

You left, so you don't get a say.

Yes, but I can still voice my opinion. And, my vote counts.
Which is a shame. You ran. You should lose your vote.
That is NOT what the 2nd says. And the Supreme Court agrees. You lost, the second is officially an individual right to own possess and carry military style weapons as determined by the Constitution and the Supreme Court.

Scalia has a heart attack. Obama appoints his replacement. Heller is reconsidered.

The second means militias again.

The militia consist of a group of private citizens not connected to the government, who supply their own firearms.
If that is how you want to go.

Not connected?

The congress has authority over militias.
Fact is, for every criminal you gun nuts defend yourselves from, you manage to shoot 43 of yourselves or your family members. (Again, this is the point were you stamp your little feet and say "Kellerman was wrong! Kellerman was wrong!!!)
Kellerman was wrong. I've shown you why before, but you like the taste of his bullshit, so you keep swallowing it.
Myth: Handguns are 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a criminal
Fact: Of the 43 deaths reported in this flawed study, 37 (86%) were suicides. Other deaths involved criminal activity between the family members (drug deals gone bad).186​
I'd rather work on preventing criminals from becoming criminals, rather than worrying about having to shoot them when they've become desperate...
You don't want to prevent them. You just want to let them go.

See, you did EXACTLY what I expected you would do. You stamped your little feet and screamed "Kellerman was wrong".

Fact is, yeay, 37 people in the Kellerman study used guns to kill themselves. In short, THAT gun didn't kill a bad guy, it killed a family member.

Similarly, when family members kill each other (which is more often the case than people being killed by strangers) that meant the gun was more of a danger than a help. You've kind of made Kellerman's case, guns in the home aren't helpful.

Now, on to your second point. It is an absolute tragedy that our racist, stupid society locks up 2 million people, has another 7 million on parole or probation. Now while you sit there and cower and cringe with your gun, hoping the scarey man doesn't break into your house, I ask the questions...

1) Have other societies confronted these problems and come up with different solutions. Yes. Yes, they have. Germany, as I pointed out, only locks up 78,000, and they have less than 200 gun murders a year.

2) What are they doing smart that we are doing dumb? Well, to start with, they don't allow grinding poverty. They don't lock people up over addictions. They don't lock people up over petty property crimes, and they don't let big corporations run prisons for profit and lobby for crazy bullshit like "Three Strikes" laws.

There's no point in continuing this. You'll cling to any study, no matter how flawed, as long as it reinforces your irrational hatred of guns.

I've shown you how Kellerman is wrong. I've shown you stats from reliable sources that disprove your claims. You ignore them all.

You don't want the truth. You hate guns, and that's all that matters to you.

A well regulated militia. hmmm
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

what about that part?....Mmmm.....

As long as they are part of a well-regulated militia, I don't have a problem with it.

That means licensing, training, limits on how many guns you can have. it doesn't mean these guys..

SCOTUS says you're full of shit. Your pouting and stamping your feet alters that not at all.
A well regulated militia. hmmm
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

what about that part?....Mmmm.....
Leftists believe they get to ignore any parts of the Constitution they disagree with.

RWers do that.

You guys never quote the whole amendment.

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

what about that part?....Mmmm.....

As long as they are part of a well-regulated militia, I don't have a problem with it.

That means licensing, training, limits on how many guns you can have. it doesn't mean these guys..

SCOTUS says you're full of shit. Your pouting and stamping your feet alters that not at all.

Case law says it.

And that can be reversed.
As long as they are part of a well-regulated militia, I don't have a problem with it.

That means licensing, training, limits on how many guns you can have. it doesn't mean these guys..

SCOTUS says you're full of shit. Your pouting and stamping your feet alters that not at all.

Case law says it.

And that can be reversed.

You honestly think The American gun owner will allow his firearms to be confiscated? Sure it may happen in regions but on a national level it ain't going to be allowed.
No firearms with be confiscated in North Carolina any attempt you'll also have to fight the police sheriffs departments and state Patrol.
I know my brothers in blue and gray.
SCOTUS says you're full of shit. Your pouting and stamping your feet alters that not at all.

Case law says it.

And that can be reversed.

You honestly think The American gun owner will allow his firearms to be confiscated? Sure it may happen in regions but on a national level it ain't going to be allowed.
No firearms with be confiscated in North Carolina any attempt you'll also have to fight the police sheriffs departments and state Patrol.
I know my brothers in blue and gray.

If there is a firearms would probably allow for some compromises..but for the most part, new assault rifles would be off the shelves.

And the gun nuts would not allowed to open carry their weapons at political rallies.
Case law says it.

And that can be reversed.

You honestly think The American gun owner will allow his firearms to be confiscated? Sure it may happen in regions but on a national level it ain't going to be allowed.
No firearms with be confiscated in North Carolina any attempt you'll also have to fight the police sheriffs departments and state Patrol.
I know my brothers in blue and gray.

If there is a firearms would probably allow for some compromises..but for the most part, new assault rifles would be off the shelves.

And the gun nuts would not allowed to open carry their weapons at political rallies.
There will be no compromise on any ban.

A well regulated militia. hmmm
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

what about that part?....Mmmm.....

As long as they are part of a well-regulated militia, I don't have a problem with it.

That means licensing, training, limits on how many guns you can have. it doesn't mean these guys..


that limit on how many guns? so what the number YOU would allow then...?

and as far as that photo goes, you do know in Staten Island abc interviewed folks who were performing their own neighborhood watch for looters and gosh some of them admitted to having ....firearms :eek:
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

what about that part?....Mmmm.....
Leftists believe they get to ignore any parts of the Constitution they disagree with.

RWers do that.

You guys never quote the whole amendment.

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
We do all the time.

SCOTUS says it's an individual right.

Bye now.

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