Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines...

Assault weapons are used for "Assaults." Do hunters need clips with multiple rounds? No...and I am a hunter. The NRA needs to understand that there have got to be limits set.
The 2nd Amendment isn't about deer hunting or what you claim anyone else does or doesn't need, doofus.

So what to 40, 50, or 100 shot ammunition clips have to do with the "right to bare arms?" How many pf those assault rifles and multiple ammunition clips were around when the 2nd Amendment was written? Go ahead...take your best shot!....multiple shots if you want!
If you want the military carrying the weapons of the 17th century I will acccept that.
But the weapons protected would be those in common use the founders were smart men for thinking ahead like that.
No assault weapon or magazine limitation or ban will happen.

Nonetheless, if you had been at the theatre that night the Joker would have killed those of you who were armed had you been there.

Does anybody know how many of the dead were armed?

None, the only weapon in the theatre belonged to the bad guy. Just because a person has a CCW doesn't mean they'll use it however. Down in Carson City a nut case killed 6 people at a IHOP then killed himself. There was a CCW holder in the restaurant and he didn't intervene. However, in Winnemucca I think it was a shooter went in to a bar to kill some folks and after killing one or two was himself killed by a CCW holder. So if the CCW decides to intervene they usually do so in a decisive way.
I'm really starting to think you are a high-functioning retard. I really can't explain your posts any other way.

there is no right to own a gun.

The second Amendment is about militias. If the people of your town declare it a gun-free zone, move somewhere else.

But there were gun shops that intentionally set up shop and illegally sold guns to Chicago residents. When I used to live in Cicero (ugh), there was one a few blocks from my house, right next to the strip joint that was really a brothel.

Here's what you said

You defend gay for some special right. But will not defend all American's because they are have a right to firearm ownership.

there is no right to own a gun.
:badgrin: HOLY SHIT you are stupid. you are upping your stupidity

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

A well regulated militia. hmmm
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

what about that part?....Mmmm.....
Is there a really good reason why an average citizen needs high capacity magazines or assault rifles?

Working on the dubious assumption that you need that gun to fight off the scary black man who is breaking into your house, are you really saying you are such a bad shot you can't get him in 10 rounds?

why a scary ass Black guy Joe? that your fear?....

More like Dave's fear, he's the one who thinks a hoard of them are going to break into his house...

really?.....i have never seen Dave post anything like that.....
Here's what you said

You defend gay for some special right. But will not defend all American's because they are have a right to firearm ownership.

:badgrin: HOLY SHIT you are stupid. you are upping your stupidity

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

A well regulated militia. hmmm
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

what about that part?....Mmmm.....
Leftists believe they get to ignore any parts of the Constitution they disagree with.
The fact that you guys are still discussing whether you should be able to own assault rifles is mind boggling. It is one of the reasons that I have not lived in the United States for 16 years. People in other countries cannot believe that a discussion such as this would even happen in a civilized, western country.

And yet the Swiss seem to do allright. How is that? And they are EVEN MORE civilised than we are. And every able bodied male has a full auto weapon at home. Curious.

Are you saying that the Swiss and American societies are exactly the same?
The fact that you guys are still discussing whether you should be able to own assault rifles is mind boggling. It is one of the reasons that I have not lived in the United States for 16 years. People in other countries cannot believe that a discussion such as this would even happen in a civilized, western country.

You left, so you don't get a say.

Yes, but I can still voice my opinion. And, my vote counts.
Two incidents do not create a "decisive" pattern.

Do you know of any studies or compilation of stats on CCW interaction with a mass shooting?

No assault weapon or magazine limitation or ban will happen.

Nonetheless, if you had been at the theatre that night the Joker would have killed those of you who were armed had you been there.

Does anybody know how many of the dead were armed?

None, the only weapon in the theatre belonged to the bad guy. Just because a person has a CCW doesn't mean they'll use it however. Down in Carson City a nut case killed 6 people at a IHOP then killed himself. There was a CCW holder in the restaurant and he didn't intervene. However, in Winnemucca I think it was a shooter went in to a bar to kill some folks and after killing one or two was himself killed by a CCW holder. So if the CCW decides to intervene they usually do so in a decisive way.
Fact is, for every criminal you gun nuts defend yourselves from, you manage to shoot 43 of yourselves or your family members. (Again, this is the point were you stamp your little feet and say "Kellerman was wrong! Kellerman was wrong!!!)
Kellerman was wrong. I've shown you why before, but you like the taste of his bullshit, so you keep swallowing it.
Myth: Handguns are 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a criminal
Fact: Of the 43 deaths reported in this flawed study, 37 (86%) were suicides. Other deaths involved criminal activity between the family members (drug deals gone bad).186​
I'd rather work on preventing criminals from becoming criminals, rather than worrying about having to shoot them when they've become desperate...
You don't want to prevent them. You just want to let them go.

See, you did EXACTLY what I expected you would do. You stamped your little feet and screamed "Kellerman was wrong".

Fact is, yeay, 37 people in the Kellerman study used guns to kill themselves. In short, THAT gun didn't kill a bad guy, it killed a family member.

Similarly, when family members kill each other (which is more often the case than people being killed by strangers) that meant the gun was more of a danger than a help. You've kind of made Kellerman's case, guns in the home aren't helpful.

Now, on to your second point. It is an absolute tragedy that our racist, stupid society locks up 2 million people, has another 7 million on parole or probation. Now while you sit there and cower and cringe with your gun, hoping the scarey man doesn't break into your house, I ask the questions...

1) Have other societies confronted these problems and come up with different solutions. Yes. Yes, they have. Germany, as I pointed out, only locks up 78,000, and they have less than 200 gun murders a year.

2) What are they doing smart that we are doing dumb? Well, to start with, they don't allow grinding poverty. They don't lock people up over addictions. They don't lock people up over petty property crimes, and they don't let big corporations run prisons for profit and lobby for crazy bullshit like "Three Strikes" laws.

A well regulated militia. hmmm
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

what about that part?....Mmmm.....

As long as they are part of a well-regulated militia, I don't have a problem with it.

That means licensing, training, limits on how many guns you can have. it doesn't mean these guys..

A lot of women there, how big do you think their dicks got?

I've seen the kind of women who show up at guns shows, and frankly, I wouldn't want to speculate about their genitalia...

None, research has shown criminals don't purchase murder weapons at gun shows.

Actually, research has show exactly the opposite...

Gun shows in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From 2004 to 2006, ATF conducted surveillance and undercover investigations at 195 gun shows (approximately 2% of all shows). Specific targeting of suspected individuals (77%) resulted in 121 individual arrests and 5,345 firearms seizures. Seventy nine of the 121 ATF operation plans were known suspects previously under investigation.[1]

In 2003 and 2004, the San Francisco ATF Field Division conducted six general operations at Reno, Nevada, gun shows to investigate interstate firearms trafficking. During these operations, "agents purchased firearms and identified violations related to "off paper" sales, sales to out-of-state residents, and dealing in firearms without a license." The "ATF seized or purchased 400 firearms before making arrests and executing search warrants, which resulted in the seizure of an additional 600 firearms and the recovery of explosives."[1]
ATF's Columbus Field Division conducted its anti-trafficking operations based on intelligence from Cleveland police that "many of the guns recovered in high-crime areas of the city had been purchased at local gun shows." Subsequent gun show sting operations resulted in the seizure of "5 guns, one indictment, and two pending indictments for felony possession of a firearm." The state of Ohio is one of the top ten source states for recovered guns used in crime.[1]
The ATF's Phoenix Field Division reported that "many gun shows attracted large numbers of gang members from Mexico and California. They often bought large quantities of assault weapons and smuggled them into Mexico or transported them to California."[1] Garen Wintemute, a professor at the University of California at Davis, calls Arizona and Texas a "gunrunner's paradise."[

But your final point is probably truer than you think...

Junkies or in this case criminals don't rob people that are armed to the teeth, they look for easier unarmed targets

Now, this is very true. Most home break-ins (72%) occur when no one is home. In the other 28% of cases, the break in occurs when the burglar only thinks no one is home, and they usually run away when they find out someone is. In fact, they usually "case the joint", to use the lingo, make sure everyone is gone.

And of course, any guns in the house usually end up getting stolen..
A lot of women there, how big do you think their dicks got?

I've seen the kind of women who show up at guns shows, and frankly, I wouldn't want to speculate about their genitalia...

None, research has shown criminals don't purchase murder weapons at gun shows.

Actually, research has show exactly the opposite...

Gun shows in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From 2004 to 2006, ATF conducted surveillance and undercover investigations at 195 gun shows (approximately 2% of all shows). Specific targeting of suspected individuals (77%) resulted in 121 individual arrests and 5,345 firearms seizures. Seventy nine of the 121 ATF operation plans were known suspects previously under investigation.[1]

In 2003 and 2004, the San Francisco ATF Field Division conducted six general operations at Reno, Nevada, gun shows to investigate interstate firearms trafficking. During these operations, "agents purchased firearms and identified violations related to "off paper" sales, sales to out-of-state residents, and dealing in firearms without a license." The "ATF seized or purchased 400 firearms before making arrests and executing search warrants, which resulted in the seizure of an additional 600 firearms and the recovery of explosives."[1]
ATF's Columbus Field Division conducted its anti-trafficking operations based on intelligence from Cleveland police that "many of the guns recovered in high-crime areas of the city had been purchased at local gun shows." Subsequent gun show sting operations resulted in the seizure of "5 guns, one indictment, and two pending indictments for felony possession of a firearm." The state of Ohio is one of the top ten source states for recovered guns used in crime.[1]
The ATF's Phoenix Field Division reported that "many gun shows attracted large numbers of gang members from Mexico and California. They often bought large quantities of assault weapons and smuggled them into Mexico or transported them to California."[1] Garen Wintemute, a professor at the University of California at Davis, calls Arizona and Texas a "gunrunner's paradise."[

But your final point is probably truer than you think...

Junkies or in this case criminals don't rob people that are armed to the teeth, they look for easier unarmed targets

Now, this is very true. Most home break-ins (72%) occur when no one is home. In the other 28% of cases, the break in occurs when the burglar only thinks no one is home, and they usually run away when they find out someone is. In fact, they usually "case the joint", to use the lingo, make sure everyone is gone.

And of course, any guns in the house usually end up getting stolen..
I've seen the kind of women who show up at guns shows, and frankly, I wouldn't want to speculate about their genitalia...

I see all types of women at gun shows some are as you said but there are more beautiful women at a gun show than you are admitting too.

Actually, research has show exactly the opposite...
Wiki is your source for the research you are talking about:badgrin:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I must also call bull shit why is an anti gunner going to a gun show?
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Wiki is your source for the research you are talking about:badgrin:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I must also call bull shit why is an anti gunner going to a gun show?

Right, because we don't have this magic technology called "television" that shows us EXACTLY what kind of nasty redneck skanks show up at Gun Shows...

Actually, the ATF is my source. But you know the ATF. They are EEEEEEEvil because they think this is a bad idea...

Wiki is your source for the research you are talking about:badgrin:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I must also call bull shit why is an anti gunner going to a gun show?

Right, because we don't have this magic technology called "television" that shows us EXACTLY what kind of nasty redneck skanks show up at Gun Shows...

Actually, the ATF is my source. But you know the ATF. They are EEEEEEEvil because they think this is a bad idea...


I see those young ladies were trained to handle firearms. Notice anything that would tell you why they have been?

OH and as the TV goes you are only allowed to see what the camera holder will allow you to see. You have a tunnel vision on gun owners and only see what the camera holder wants you to see.

A well regulated militia. hmmm
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

what about that part?....Mmmm.....

As long as they are part of a well-regulated militia, I don't have a problem with it.

That means licensing, training, limits on how many guns you can have. it doesn't mean these guys..


That is NOT what the 2nd says. And the Supreme Court agrees. You lost, the second is officially an individual right to own possess and carry military style weapons as determined by the Constitution and the Supreme Court.
That is NOT what the 2nd says. And the Supreme Court agrees. You lost, the second is officially an individual right to own possess and carry military style weapons as determined by the Constitution and the Supreme Court.

Scalia has a heart attack. Obama appoints his replacement. Heller is reconsidered.

The second means militias again.

The militia consist of a group of private citizens not connected to the government, who supply their own firearms.
If that is how you want to go.
That is NOT what the 2nd says. And the Supreme Court agrees. You lost, the second is officially an individual right to own possess and carry military style weapons as determined by the Constitution and the Supreme Court.

Scalia has a heart attack. Obama appoints his replacement. Heller is reconsidered.

The second means militias again.

The militia consist of a group of private citizens not connected to the government, who supply their own firearms.
If that is how you want to go.

So which "Militia" did Joker Holmes belong to?

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