Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines...

Went to a gun show this morning.
Number of guns? 100kish.
Number of people? 2kish.
Number carrying firearms? 60% open carrying, probably another 30% concealed.
Murders? None.

Guns don't kill anyone. What they do accomplish is I spent a few hours in the absolute safest part of Phoenix today.

And I'm sure it almost made up for your tiny penis.

Hey, how many of those gun show guns do you think are going to end up being bought by criminals because they don't go background checks at gun shows?

It's kind of like saying junkies never rob their pushers...

I don't own a gun. I support the Second Amendment, however, which states:

Our founders put that Amendment right under freedom of speech and religion in the 1st Amendment. It kept equal fire power in the hands of ordinary people to prevent unwanted occupation of private property by hostile forces. They knew better than we what repressive government is. We may know how bad this is, however, if the present government gets any bigger and continues the partisan rhetoric that made the last 4 years divisive. We don't need more division, we need less division and more avenues of reconciliation for a stronger America.

The operative word in there is "Well Regulated Militia"...

It does not read "Crazy people who think they are Comic Book Super villians being necessary to a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". The Founding Slaveholders did a lot of stuff wrong, but they didn't want crazy people running around with guns, either.
Then you don't have a fucking clue about the history of what you support.
The first gun laws were against freed blacks to keep them disarmed
know your history of what you support you fucking racist.

Oh, was THAT what you were getting at? Seriously?

Isn't that up there with "Hitler was a vegetarian, so vegetarians are evil" kind of logic?

Not that I really thought you had a valid, intelligent or rational point. Or that it took five pages for you to actually try to make it.

Point is, there is room for common sense gun laws.

Civilians don't need military grade weapons and crazy people shouldn't be allowed to buy them.

I mean, come on, practice a bit of common sense here, guy.
Common sense and gun grabbers don't exist together, you failed.
Then you don't have a fucking clue about the history of what you support.
The first gun laws were against freed blacks to keep them disarmed
know your history of what you support you fucking racist.

Oh, was THAT what you were getting at? Seriously?

Isn't that up there with "Hitler was a vegetarian, so vegetarians are evil" kind of logic?

Not that I really thought you had a valid, intelligent or rational point. Or that it took five pages for you to actually try to make it.

Point is, there is room for common sense gun laws.

Civilians don't need military grade weapons and crazy people shouldn't be allowed to buy them.

I mean, come on, practice a bit of common sense here, guy.
Common sense and gun grabbers don't exist together, you failed.

Uh, no, what is crazy is the kind of 2nd Amendment absolutism you clowns go with.

I have no problem with responsible private gun ownership. I personally think most reasons you guys give yourselves for wanting a gun are silly. You don't really need them, you just want them because of your own insecurities. But as long as you are being RESPONSIBLE, I don't have a problem with it.

Letting crazy people buy guns is not common sense. It's actually kind of foolish.

Letting guns shows and straw buyers buy lots and lots of guns that end up in the hands of people who shouldn't have them is crazy.
Oh, was THAT what you were getting at? Seriously?

Isn't that up there with "Hitler was a vegetarian, so vegetarians are evil" kind of logic?

Not that I really thought you had a valid, intelligent or rational point. Or that it took five pages for you to actually try to make it.

Point is, there is room for common sense gun laws.

Civilians don't need military grade weapons and crazy people shouldn't be allowed to buy them.

I mean, come on, practice a bit of common sense here, guy.
Common sense and gun grabbers don't exist together, you failed.

Uh, no, what is crazy is the kind of 2nd Amendment absolutism you clowns go with.

I have no problem with responsible private gun ownership. I personally think most reasons you guys give yourselves for wanting a gun are silly. You don't really need them, you just want them because of your own insecurities. But as long as you are being RESPONSIBLE, I don't have a problem with it.

Letting crazy people buy guns is not common sense. It's actually kind of foolish.

Letting guns shows and straw buyers buy lots and lots of guns that end up in the hands of people who shouldn't have them is crazy.

Why do you support a racist agenda?
obama allowed straw buyers buy lots and lots of guns no bitching about that you even supported him.
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Felons are banned from weapons in almost all cases.

The few exceptions occur only after long waiting periods and still interviews and examinations.

This is why you can't own a weapon again, bigrebdoosh.
At least you don't try to hide your irrational fear of scary black guns.

Why in the hell does anybody need an assault rifle?? The only things I can think of is to knock off a liquor store or a gas station!! Nobody needs a stupid assault rifle.

Calling it an assault rifle is your problem. It's only an assault weapon if you are attacking someone, which means the only people that have them will be criminals. An assault weapon is also a defense weapon that can be used to protect yourself.

Change the name around a bit here. Would you be in favor of every citizen being able to purchase a defense weapon?

Oh, what crap. A defense weapon?? Under what circumstances?? If someone enters your home to rob you at night you will be asleep. How can you reach for your assault rifle?? Like I said, what crap.
Your answer to a high incarceration rate is to stop making things illegal to do.

Congratulations. You're a retard. :clap2:

Most people who are in prison are in prison for things they shouldn't be in prison for.

Drug use alone makes up 20% of incarcerations. Most property crimes should be dealt with via restitution, not incarceration.
How is someone who thinks he has to steal to get by going to pay back the guy he ripped off, dumbass?
But we have rich people making money off cheap labor, which is why we do it, and stupid people like you who balk at teaching kids how to read are happy to pay a lot more to lock them up.
Prove the bolded, you stupid lying son of a bitch. I grow tired of your bullshit.
Murderers and rapists should be locked up. Guys who smoked a joint or stole a slice of Pizza shouldn't be.
It's really easy to not go to jail.

Don't break the law.

You stupid motherfucker.
Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips

Read more at Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips (NASDAQ:SWHC, NYSE:RGR) | Market Daily News
The agenda no longer needs to be hidden from public view. With President Obama winning another term and democrats taking control of the Senate, the move to fundamentally change America from within has begun – with a vengeance.

We’re all aware of the restrictive gun laws in the State of California which require low capacity magazines for handguns, fixed magazines for “assault” rifles, and a whole lot of running around just to be granted the right to carry a concealed firearm.

Now, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who has championed gun control in her state for decades and co-wrote the original assault weapons ban enacted by the federal government in the 1990′s, wishes to bring even more stringent federal mandates to the land of the free.

What is being proposed by Feinstein is the most significant attack on the second amendment in history.
I don’t have the minutes of the meeting (yet), but sources tell me California Senator and longtime gun-hater Dianne Feinstein’s legal staff held meetings on Friday with FTB/ATF legal staff to discuss a new “Assault Weapons Ban” Madame Feinstein would be looking to push through Congress if President Obama wins reelection.
This same “pretty good intelligence” says the items that would lead to a banwould ban pistol grips and “high-capacity” magazines, eliminate any grandfathering and ban sales of “weapons in possession”.​

The progressive war on the Second Amendment is going to escalate.

Actually, the Senator has not ‘moved’ to do anything, as she’s introduced no legislation. And she’s been on the record as an advocate of a new AWB for years, this is nothing new.

Feinstein is in the minority among the democratic delegation concerning an AWB, and as with similar measures in the House, such a proposal would never make it out of committee.

Unlike republicans and abortion, the vast majority of democrats have accepted settled law on the issue and moved on.

Should by some bizarre, impossible process a new AWB in enacted, its implementation would be immediately enjoined by a Federal court and later invalidated as un-Constitutional, and that ruling would be upheld by the High Court.

This is a non-issue, a failed and partisan attempt to contrive a controversy where none exists.
You need to tell your little tin god that.

Obama Calls for Renewal of Assault Weapons Ban - ABC News

“But I also share your belief that weapons that were designed for soldiers in war theaters don’t belong on our streets. And so what I’m trying to do is to get a broader conversation about how do we reduce the violence generally. Part of it is seeing if we can get an assault weapons ban reintroduced. But part of it is also looking at other sources of the violence. Because frankly, in my home town of Chicago, there’s an awful lot of violence and they’re not using AK-47s. They’re using cheap hand guns.”​
He wants to ban handguns, too. This is inarguable, so don't waste my time arguing it.
Felons are banned from weapons in almost all cases.

The few exceptions occur only after long waiting periods and still interviews and examinations.

This is why you can't own a weapon again, bigrebdoosh.

this neg is for the blatant lie.
Then you don't have a fucking clue about the history of what you support.
The first gun laws were against freed blacks to keep them disarmed
know your history of what you support you fucking racist.

Oh, was THAT what you were getting at? Seriously?

Isn't that up there with "Hitler was a vegetarian, so vegetarians are evil" kind of logic?

Not that I really thought you had a valid, intelligent or rational point. Or that it took five pages for you to actually try to make it.

Point is, there is room for common sense gun laws.

Civilians don't need military grade weapons and crazy people shouldn't be allowed to buy them.

I mean, come on, practice a bit of common sense here, guy.

Crazy people are allready precluded the ownership of weapons, as are felons. Unfortunately the government refuses to prosecute those who obtain weapons illegaly. Here in Northern Nevada the ATF agents are requesting transfers because the AUSA won't prosecute good cases brought to him.

Why is that?

"Assault Weapons" are those which the 2nd Amendment most certainly protects. The US v Miller case makes that abundantly clear when the SCOTUS allowed the banning of sawed off shotguns as they had no forseeable military purpose.

You would have to go a long way to telling us that an assault weapon has no military purpose. And remember the Bill of Rights is 9 limitations on what government can do and one final option. That is its purpose, to allow the people to remove an illigitimate government. Not hunt. And for those who think that the people with guns can't overthrow a government with tanks I suggest you look at the Rumanian experience where Olympic shooters broke into their safe and got their .22 target pistols which they used to kill the guards holding the big guns, and they then used those bigger guns to over throw their government.
No, less guns will, though.
And if they can't get guns, they'll use some other weapon, as has been undeniably been proven.

I'm reasonably sure that Joker Holmes wouldn't have been able to kill as many people with his shoe and a box turtle, which I think was your argument.
That wasn't my argument, and you don't think at all, you stupid son of a bitch.
In America how many deaths are caused by guns annually

According to the CDC in 2006, Last up to date numbers, 30,896 total, of which, 642 accidental, 16,883 were Suicide, 12,791 were Homicide, 220 were Undetermined and 360 by Legal intervention.

Okay, so suicide beats Homicide . But let's go one further. What percentage of murder victims know their murderers?

Sociology: Crimes against People

Murders generally happen within the context of family or other interpersonal relations, and most victims know their murderer. In some cases, the victim even unintentionally prompts the murderer to attack, by making verbal threats, striking the first blow, or trying to use a weapon, which is called victim-precipitated murder. The majority of killers are not psychotic or mentally deranged. While sensational murders and murderers, like the “Son of Sam,” receive much publicity, they probably make up a very small percentage of the total.

But we totally need people to have guns. really. They might have to kill a family member with a box turtle.
Or they might have to defend their family against a criminal:

8 Horrible Crimes Stopped by Legal Gun Owners - NakedLaw by
When 69-year-old Ethel Jones heard her doors rattling at 3 a.m., she grabbed her gun from underneath the pillow next to her. She ended up finding an intruder inside her bedroom, forcing her to shoot the teen in the abdomen. The teenager survived and faced charges of second-degree burglary.​
Joe thinks Ethel should have let the kid rape and/or murder her.

Joe is a piece of shit.

Incidences of gun owners preventing crimes and defending themselves far outnumber gun crimes.

Perhaps the most widely publicized
shooting involving a concealed carry licensee
in the last few years clearly prevented
the murder of at least dozens of people. The
criminal was a mentally ill young man who
had already killed four people in the previous
12 hours. On December 10, 2007, Jeanne
Assam used a gun in the lobby of New Life
Church, in Colorado Springs. Matthew Murray
was carrying “two handguns, an assault
rifle and over 1,000 rounds of ammunition.”
He had already killed two people in the parking
lot and two others the previous night. He
entered the lobby firing his rifle—but Assam,
a former police officer, shot him, ending the
killing spree.43 It does not take much imagination
to understand the likely outcome if
Assam had not been armed at the scene of
this horrific crime.​

Joe has come down suarely on the wrong side of this issue. He simply doesn't believe that people should be able to defend themselves against criminals.

Criminals thank you for your unthinking, blind support, Joe, but they want to steal your stuff and murder you anyway.

The fact that you guys are still discussing whether you should be able to own assault rifles is mind boggling. It is one of the reasons that I have not lived in the United States for 16 years. People in other countries cannot believe that a discussion such as this would even happen in a civilized, western country.
Dave's biggest fear..


"stop me before I kill again."
I'm not afraid of a turtle.

Nor am I afraid of a criminal. I'm armed and willing to defend myself and my family.

But the sight of a gun makes Joe shit in his pants. He's a pussy.
Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips

Read more at Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips (NASDAQ:SWHC, NYSE:RGR) | Market Daily News
The agenda no longer needs to be hidden from public view. With President Obama winning another term and democrats taking control of the Senate, the move to fundamentally change America from within has begun – with a vengeance.

We’re all aware of the restrictive gun laws in the State of California which require low capacity magazines for handguns, fixed magazines for “assault” rifles, and a whole lot of running around just to be granted the right to carry a concealed firearm.

Now, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who has championed gun control in her state for decades and co-wrote the original assault weapons ban enacted by the federal government in the 1990′s, wishes to bring even more stringent federal mandates to the land of the free.

What is being proposed by Feinstein is the most significant attack on the second amendment in history.
I don’t have the minutes of the meeting (yet), but sources tell me California Senator and longtime gun-hater Dianne Feinstein’s legal staff held meetings on Friday with FTB/ATF legal staff to discuss a new “Assault Weapons Ban” Madame Feinstein would be looking to push through Congress if President Obama wins reelection.
This same “pretty good intelligence” says the items that would lead to a banwould ban pistol grips and “high-capacity” magazines, eliminate any grandfathering and ban sales of “weapons in possession”.​

The progressive war on the Second Amendment is going to escalate.

Well, another scare story. Ought to be good for a few gun sales. All you nutters better head in tho the local gun shop and stock up while you can. I'm sure the black helicopters are circling with the UN troops ready to snatch up your precious arsenals.
Oh, look, another ignorant dumbass who doesn't know that Obama's looking to ban not only assault weapons, but handguns, too.

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