Senator leading Russia investigation sets odds of Trump impeachment at 2-to-1

President Donald Trump is deeply unpopular, and he’s facing probes of his campaign ties to Russia and a myriad of ethical questions about his family business — which could eventually prompt Republican lawmakers to dump him.

Trump’s critics are already exploring impeachment or the invocation of the 25th Amendment, which allows the replacement of presidents who are deemed mentally unfit, and some lawmakers and other experts believe he’s unlikely to finish his term, reported The New Yorker.

His approval rating has drooped to 40 percent — the lowest for any newly elected president since Gallup began measuring it — and the FBI and four congressional committees are investigating alleged collusion between his associates and the Russian government.

“You can’t govern this country with a forty-per-cent approval rate — you just can’t,” Stephen Moore, a senior economist at the Heritage Foundation and Trump campaign adviser, told the magazine. “Nobody in either party is going to bend over backwards for Trump if over half the country doesn’t approve of him. That, to me, should be a big warning sign.”

The president has faced criticism for hiring his daughter and son-in-law as senior advisers, and a federal lawsuit has been filed accusing Trump of violating the Constitution’s emoluments clause by retaining ownership of hotels, golf courses and other real estate developments around the world.

“The reality is, he is governing as if he is the president of a Third World country,” said Jerry Taylor, president of the libertarian Niskanen Center. “Power is held by family and incompetent loyalists whose main calling card is the fact that Donald Trump can trust them, not whether they have any expertise.”

Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, has privately told friends that he sets the odds at 2-to-1 that Trump will not complete his full term — although he told The New Yorker he was not referring specifically to the Russia probe.

“My guess is that there’s only between 50 and 100 Republican members of the House that are truly enthusiastic about Donald Trump as president,” said Taylor, head of the libertarian think tank. “The balance sees him as somewhere between a deep and dangerous embarrassment and a threat to the Constitution.”

Rest: Senator leading Russia investigation sets odds of Trump impeachment at 2-to-1

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Trump is mentally unfit for the job and is causing a serious threat to the country -- and to the world. Right wing sociopaths are not "presidential," they're a cancer.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, and we believe EVERYTHING a Democrat Senator says privately, or even publicly, correct. Why Hillary is President, absolutely, or that was his story 7 months ago, and he was spot on, wasn't he!

Another phony OPINION thread.

His opinion is like my opinion that YOU are a phony. Only difference is................I am not saying it to make political points; I am saying it because it is obviously true, hehehehehehehe!

Who says the article was anything other than opinion? But thanks for the stawman and ad hom. 'Preciate it
President Donald Trump is deeply unpopular, and he’s facing probes of his campaign ties to Russia and a myriad of ethical questions about his family business — which could eventually prompt Republican lawmakers to dump him.

Trump’s critics are already exploring impeachment or the invocation of the 25th Amendment, which allows the replacement of presidents who are deemed mentally unfit, and some lawmakers and other experts believe he’s unlikely to finish his term, reported The New Yorker.

His approval rating has drooped to 40 percent — the lowest for any newly elected president since Gallup began measuring it — and the FBI and four congressional committees are investigating alleged collusion between his associates and the Russian government.

“You can’t govern this country with a forty-per-cent approval rate — you just can’t,” Stephen Moore, a senior economist at the Heritage Foundation and Trump campaign adviser, told the magazine. “Nobody in either party is going to bend over backwards for Trump if over half the country doesn’t approve of him. That, to me, should be a big warning sign.”

The president has faced criticism for hiring his daughter and son-in-law as senior advisers, and a federal lawsuit has been filed accusing Trump of violating the Constitution’s emoluments clause by retaining ownership of hotels, golf courses and other real estate developments around the world.

“The reality is, he is governing as if he is the president of a Third World country,” said Jerry Taylor, president of the libertarian Niskanen Center. “Power is held by family and incompetent loyalists whose main calling card is the fact that Donald Trump can trust them, not whether they have any expertise.”

Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, has privately told friends that he sets the odds at 2-to-1 that Trump will not complete his full term — although he told The New Yorker he was not referring specifically to the Russia probe.

“My guess is that there’s only between 50 and 100 Republican members of the House that are truly enthusiastic about Donald Trump as president,” said Taylor, head of the libertarian think tank. “The balance sees him as somewhere between a deep and dangerous embarrassment and a threat to the Constitution.”

Rest: Senator leading Russia investigation sets odds of Trump impeachment at 2-to-1

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Trump is mentally unfit for the job and is causing a serious threat to the country -- and to the world. Right wing sociopaths are not "presidential," they're a cancer.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, and we believe EVERYTHING a Democrat Senator says privately, or even publicly, correct. Why Hillary is President, absolutely, or that was his story 7 months ago, and he was spot on, wasn't he!

Another phony OPINION thread.

His opinion is like my opinion that YOU are a phony. Only difference is................I am not saying it to make political points; I am saying it because it is obviously true, hehehehehehehe!

Who says the article was anything other than opinion? But thanks for the stawman and ad hom. 'Preciate it

Yes, my opinion has more shreds of truth, than the opinion piece you posted. I thank you for your support-)
And he STILL beat Hillary. Man, she must have been REALLY terrible.
Senator who? Senator know nothing that's who. If Trump were to be impeached over this stupid Russia thing the nation would be instantly at war with it'self. DC knows this so any talk about that is just left wing nut case base fluffing.
Actually sen. Mark Warner isn't "leading" anything. He is just a lost angry soul in a minority party that lost the presidency, both houses of congress, most governors and more than 3,000 state and local elections in less than a decade.
President Donald Trump is deeply unpopular, and he’s facing probes of his campaign ties to Russia and a myriad of ethical questions about his family business — which could eventually prompt Republican lawmakers to dump him.

Trump’s critics are already exploring impeachment or the invocation of the 25th Amendment, which allows the replacement of presidents who are deemed mentally unfit, and some lawmakers and other experts believe he’s unlikely to finish his term, reported The New Yorker.

His approval rating has drooped to 40 percent — the lowest for any newly elected president since Gallup began measuring it — and the FBI and four congressional committees are investigating alleged collusion between his associates and the Russian government.

“You can’t govern this country with a forty-per-cent approval rate — you just can’t,” Stephen Moore, a senior economist at the Heritage Foundation and Trump campaign adviser, told the magazine. “Nobody in either party is going to bend over backwards for Trump if over half the country doesn’t approve of him. That, to me, should be a big warning sign.”

The president has faced criticism for hiring his daughter and son-in-law as senior advisers, and a federal lawsuit has been filed accusing Trump of violating the Constitution’s emoluments clause by retaining ownership of hotels, golf courses and other real estate developments around the world.

“The reality is, he is governing as if he is the president of a Third World country,” said Jerry Taylor, president of the libertarian Niskanen Center. “Power is held by family and incompetent loyalists whose main calling card is the fact that Donald Trump can trust them, not whether they have any expertise.”

Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, has privately told friends that he sets the odds at 2-to-1 that Trump will not complete his full term — although he told The New Yorker he was not referring specifically to the Russia probe.

“My guess is that there’s only between 50 and 100 Republican members of the House that are truly enthusiastic about Donald Trump as president,” said Taylor, head of the libertarian think tank. “The balance sees him as somewhere between a deep and dangerous embarrassment and a threat to the Constitution.”

Rest: Senator leading Russia investigation sets odds of Trump impeachment at 2-to-1

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Trump is mentally unfit for the job and is causing a serious threat to the country -- and to the world. Right wing sociopaths are not "presidential," they're a cancer.
Willfully ignorant =/= mentally unfit.

I'm sick and tired of sore loser partisan hacks calling for the impeachment of a President before he even crosses the White House threshold.

We watched the pseudocons copy and paste lists of ridiculous and made up reasons to impeach Obama for eight fucking years. Try to have just a little more class than that.
From the article:

Several lawmakers have questioned Trump’s mental capacity, and bills have been introduced in both the House and Senate that would give medical professionals more authority in assessing a president’s fitness — and not everyone agrees that invoking the 25th Amendment is more than a “liberal fantasy.”

“I believe that invoking Section 4 of the 25th Amendment is no fantasy but an entirely plausible tool,” said Laurence Tribe, professor of constitutional law at Harvard Law School. “Not immediately, but well before 2020.”
Vegas is giving 2 to 1 odds that SYTFE will continue to spam the board with nonsense like this!

Meanwhile...Trump just keeps on doing the things that he promised he would do if elected.

Really? Anybody can take a look at his dismal track record of following through on his campaign "promises."

Compared to Barack Obama? I hate to point out the obvious here, SYTFE but Barry didn't even TRY to do half the stuff he campaigned on! Trump is methodically moving ahead to achieve everything that he said he would...and doing it despite non stop negative coverage by the liberal media, a scorched earth strategy from the Democrats and a reluctant GOP establishment.

Bullshit. Obama's track record was damn good. In fact, can even take a look at his list of nearly 450 accomplishments:

Obama’s Legacy

For God's many time are you left wing zealots going to trot that dog out and try to get it to hunt? You really don't understand that you're a liberal you, SYTFE? You post the same silly nonsense about Obama's track record that you've posted for eight years...a litany of exaggerations and misleading statistics that when examined fall flat on their faces!
From the article:

Several lawmakers have questioned Trump’s mental capacity, and bills have been introduced in both the House and Senate that would give medical professionals more authority in assessing a president’s fitness — and not everyone agrees that invoking the 25th Amendment is more than a “liberal fantasy.”

“I believe that invoking Section 4 of the 25th Amendment is no fantasy but an entirely plausible tool,” said Laurence Tribe, professor of constitutional law at Harvard Law School. “Not immediately, but well before 2020.”

You're amusing! You claim that invoking the 25th Amendment is more than a liberal fantasy and your "proof" is the opinion of a far left law professor who had Barack Obama as a research assistant and was part of the Al Gore legal team when he challenged Bush's win in Florida!

Here's a little clue for ya', SYTFE...the guy you don't think is mentally capable just managed to get a repeal of ObamaCare through the House! Trump is doing what he promised he would when he ran for office and all of your silly strings claiming he's going to get impeached aren't going to amount to a hill of beans!
President Donald Trump is deeply unpopular, and he’s facing probes of his campaign ties to Russia and a myriad of ethical questions about his family business — which could eventually prompt Republican lawmakers to dump him.

Trump’s critics are already exploring impeachment or the invocation of the 25th Amendment, which allows the replacement of presidents who are deemed mentally unfit, and some lawmakers and other experts believe he’s unlikely to finish his term, reported The New Yorker.

His approval rating has drooped to 40 percent — the lowest for any newly elected president since Gallup began measuring it — and the FBI and four congressional committees are investigating alleged collusion between his associates and the Russian government.

“You can’t govern this country with a forty-per-cent approval rate — you just can’t,” Stephen Moore, a senior economist at the Heritage Foundation and Trump campaign adviser, told the magazine. “Nobody in either party is going to bend over backwards for Trump if over half the country doesn’t approve of him. That, to me, should be a big warning sign.”

The president has faced criticism for hiring his daughter and son-in-law as senior advisers, and a federal lawsuit has been filed accusing Trump of violating the Constitution’s emoluments clause by retaining ownership of hotels, golf courses and other real estate developments around the world.

“The reality is, he is governing as if he is the president of a Third World country,” said Jerry Taylor, president of the libertarian Niskanen Center. “Power is held by family and incompetent loyalists whose main calling card is the fact that Donald Trump can trust them, not whether they have any expertise.”

Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, has privately told friends that he sets the odds at 2-to-1 that Trump will not complete his full term — although he told The New Yorker he was not referring specifically to the Russia probe.

“My guess is that there’s only between 50 and 100 Republican members of the House that are truly enthusiastic about Donald Trump as president,” said Taylor, head of the libertarian think tank. “The balance sees him as somewhere between a deep and dangerous embarrassment and a threat to the Constitution.”

Rest: Senator leading Russia investigation sets odds of Trump impeachment at 2-to-1

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Trump is mentally unfit for the job and is causing a serious threat to the country -- and to the world. Right wing sociopaths are not "presidential," they're a cancer.

Apparently now impeachment is based off of "favorability" polls.

And this "prediction" is by a blowhard Democrat.

Fake news. Hillary's under the table deals with Russia are, however, very real, and her and many more are going to be seen doing the Perp Walk under many RICO indictments.
Vegas is giving 2 to 1 odds that SYTFE will continue to spam the board with nonsense like this!

Meanwhile...Trump just keeps on doing the things that he promised he would do if elected.

Really? Anybody can take a look at his dismal track record of following through on his campaign "promises."

Compared to Barack Obama? I hate to point out the obvious here, SYTFE but Barry didn't even TRY to do half the stuff he campaigned on! Trump is methodically moving ahead to achieve everything that he said he would...and doing it despite non stop negative coverage by the liberal media, a scorched earth strategy from the Democrats and a reluctant GOP establishment.

Bullshit. Obama's track record was damn good. In fact, can even take a look at his list of nearly 450 accomplishments:

Obama’s Legacy

You forgot to mention that he closed Gitmo.
It is fascinating to see how many mentally ill democrat politicians there are. Are there any that are not fucked up mentally or pretending to be fucked up mentally? Speaking of mentally ill, retarded idiot, green skinned Al Franken is going to run for President in 2020. Imagine if Franken wins the primary and faces The Donald in debates. Franken will cry just like Blinky Maddow!

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