Senator Olympia Snow: 'I've Never Seen A Worse Congress'


Gold Member
Jan 15, 2010
Ain't that the truth! And the American public agrees with her from what I've read in the polls.

As if this news wasn't enough, look what her conservative primary challenger, Scott D'Amboise, had to say about Snowe's vote to approve the compromise. She betrayed the tea party by voting for a deal that kept America from being driven off a cliff? That's one of the reasons why the tea party folks popularity is plummeting; they're irrational.

Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) talked to people in Saco, Maine about the debt ceiling negotiations Wednesday, and lamented the extreme partisanship that characterized the debate this summer.

“I’m embarrassed by all of us,’’ Snow said, according to the Associated Press. “I’ve never seen a worse Congress in my whole political life.’’

Polls conducted after the debt ceiling deal have showed that Americans hold an increasingly negative view of Congress. A New York Times/CBS News poll last week showed Congress' approval rating falling to 14 percent, with a record 82 percent of Americans disapproving of the way Congress is handling its job -- the most since the Times first began asking the question in 1977.

A CNN poll this week showed, for the first time in its history, that most Americans think their own representatives do not deserve reelection.

Snowe, who served as Maine's congresswoman from 1979 to 1995 and has been a senator ever since, is being targeted by the Tea Party for voting in favor of the debt ceiling deal despite the fact that it did not include a balanced budget amendment.

"Just 25 days ago, Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe told us she would vote for a debt plan with a balanced budget amendment," Scott D'Amboise, a conservative Republican who is challenging Snowe for her Senate seat, wrote in the fundraising letter just hours after the debt ceiling vote. "However, today Snowe betrayed us by voting with the Democrats for a debt deal that gives President Obama a blank check in exchange for only token spending cuts and no promise for a balanced budget amendment."

Olympia Snowe On Debt Ceiling Debate: 'I've Never Seen A Worse Congress'
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Snowe is a liberal RINO who longs for the days when fake republicans like her predominated and were an auxillary of the democrat party - she's wayyyyyyyyy overdue to be booted out, and conservatives should work to get her out the next time she runs, even if it's voting for her democrat opponent.
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Snowe is a liberal RINO who longs fot the days when fake republicans like her predominated and were an auxillary of the democrat party - she's wayyyyyyyyy overdue to be booted out, and conservatives should work to get her out the next time she runs, even if it's voting for her democrat opponent.

You need a reality check. Maine is NOT a red state by any stretch of the imagination. If an ultra conservative wins the republican nomination, he's quite like to be defeated in the general election.
Snowe is a liberal RINO who longs fot the days when fake republicans like her predominated and were an auxillary of the democrat party - she's wayyyyyyyyy overdue to be booted out, and conservatives should work to get her out the next time she runs, even if it's voting for her democrat opponent.

You need a reality check. Maine is NOT a red state by any stretch of the imagination. If an ultra conservative wins the republican nomination, he's quite like to be defeated in the general election.

Check the post.

:lol: If you aren't one of the are out.
Snowe is a liberal RINO who longs fot the days when fake republicans like her predominated and were an auxillary of the democrat party - she's wayyyyyyyyy overdue to be booted out, and conservatives should work to get her out the next time she runs, even if it's voting for her democrat opponent.

She also voted to fund fast and furious.

Good luck unseating her though. Shes an establishment repub.
Way to sidestep, Gray Bar. The whole planet knows our current system of government is FUBAR, and you attack Snowe for - what? Noticing, or daring to comment?
Snowe is a liberal RINO who longs fot the days when fake republicans like her predominated and were an auxillary of the democrat party - she's wayyyyyyyyy overdue to be booted out, and conservatives should work to get her out the next time she runs, even if it's voting for her democrat opponent.

You need a reality check. Maine is NOT a red state by any stretch of the imagination. If an ultra conservative wins the republican nomination, he's quite like to be defeated in the general election.

Duhhhhh - ya think? Point flew over your head. There's no point in having a liberal pretend-republican. Instead, Maine should have a real genuine democrat liberal senator, if that's what they want. The GOP needs to purge itself of the RINOs who have caused so much damage to the party, and prevented americans from having a real choice at the polls.
Snowe is a liberal RINO who longs fot the days when fake republicans like her predominated and were an auxillary of the democrat party - she's wayyyyyyyyy overdue to be booted out, and conservatives should work to get her out the next time she runs, even if it's voting for her democrat opponent.

You need a reality check. Maine is NOT a red state by any stretch of the imagination. If an ultra conservative wins the republican nomination, he's quite like to be defeated in the general election.

Check the post.

:lol: If you aren't one of the are out.

I'm tempted to say that they're bordering on delusional, but I don't think I should use the word, "bordering."
Snowe is a liberal RINO who longs fot the days when fake republicans like her predominated and were an auxillary of the democrat party - she's wayyyyyyyyy overdue to be booted out, and conservatives should work to get her out the next time she runs, even if it's voting for her democrat opponent.

"We don't want Half-bloods, Muggle-borns, and especially Blood-traitors! Pure-bloods only!"
Snowe is a liberal RINO who longs fot the days when fake republicans like her predominated and were an auxillary of the democrat party - she's wayyyyyyyyy overdue to be booted out, and conservatives should work to get her out the next time she runs, even if it's voting for her democrat opponent.

She also voted to fund fast and furious.

Good luck unseating her though. Shes an establishment repub.

The RINO establishment is exactly what the Tea Party has taken on, and with lots of success - there's more work to be done, and they can do it. That leftwingers here are rushing to her defense speaks volumes. :D
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Ain't that the truth! And the American public agrees with her from what I've read in the polls.

As if this news wasn't enough, look what her conservatives primary challenger, Scott D'Amboise, had to say about Snowe's vote to approve the compromise. She betrayed the tea party by voting for a deal that kept America from being driven off a cliff? That's one of the reasons why the tea party folks popularity is plummeting; they're irrational.

Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) talked to people in Saco, Maine about the debt ceiling negotiations Wednesday, and lamented the extreme partisanship that characterized the debate this summer.

“I’m embarrassed by all of us,’’ Snow said, according to the Associated Press. “I’ve never seen a worse Congress in my whole political life.’’

Polls conducted after the debt ceiling deal have showed that Americans hold an increasingly negative view of Congress. A New York Times/CBS News poll last week showed Congress' approval rating falling to 14 percent, with a record 82 percent of Americans disapproving of the way Congress is handling its job -- the most since the Times first began asking the question in 1977.

A CNN poll this week showed, for the first time in its history, that most Americans think their own representatives do not deserve reelection.

Snowe, who served as Maine's congresswoman from 1979 to 1995 and has been a senator ever since, is being targeted by the Tea Party for voting in favor of the debt ceiling deal despite the fact that it did not include a balanced budget amendment.

"Just 25 days ago, Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe told us she would vote for a debt plan with a balanced budget amendment," Scott D'Amboise, a conservative Republican who is challenging Snowe for her Senate seat, wrote in the fundraising letter just hours after the debt ceiling vote. "However, today Snowe betrayed us by voting with the Democrats for a debt deal that gives President Obama a blank check in exchange for only token spending cuts and no promise for a balanced budget amendment."

Olympia Snowe On Debt Ceiling Debate: 'I've Never Seen A Worse Congress'

so balancing the budget is now irrational.. now I've heard it all.
You need a reality check. Maine is NOT a red state by any stretch of the imagination. If an ultra conservative wins the republican nomination, he's quite like to be defeated in the general election.

Check the post.

:lol: If you aren't one of the are out.

I'm tempted to say that they're bordering on delusional, but I don't think I should use the word, "bordering."

Balancing the budget is delusional? Now I've heard it all
Snowe is a liberal RINO who longs fot the days when fake republicans like her predominated and were an auxillary of the democrat party - she's wayyyyyyyyy overdue to be booted out, and conservatives should work to get her out the next time she runs, even if it's voting for her democrat opponent.

You need a reality check. Maine is NOT a red state by any stretch of the imagination. If an ultra conservative wins the republican nomination, he's quite like to be defeated in the general election.

Duhhhhh - ya think? Point flew over your head. There's no point in having a liberal pretend-republican. Instead, Maine should have a real genuine democrat liberal senator, if that's what they want. The GOP needs to purge itself of the RINOs who have caused so much damage to the party, and prevented americans from having a real choice at the polls.

For some unfathomable reason, if you can't have a Republican Senator from Maine (do you even LIVE in Maine) who is a mirror image of your political ideology, even though Snowe usually votes with her Republican caucus, you would rather see the seat move to the Democratic column where the new Senator will probably rarely vote against the Democratic caucus.

Your post is a textbook example of irrational thought.
Ain't that the truth! And the American public agrees with her from what I've read in the polls.

As if this news wasn't enough, look what her conservatives primary challenger, Scott D'Amboise, had to say about Snowe's vote to approve the compromise. She betrayed the tea party by voting for a deal that kept America from being driven off a cliff? That's one of the reasons why the tea party folks popularity is plummeting; they're irrational.

Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) talked to people in Saco, Maine about the debt ceiling negotiations Wednesday, and lamented the extreme partisanship that characterized the debate this summer.

“I’m embarrassed by all of us,’’ Snow said, according to the Associated Press. “I’ve never seen a worse Congress in my whole political life.’’

Polls conducted after the debt ceiling deal have showed that Americans hold an increasingly negative view of Congress. A New York Times/CBS News poll last week showed Congress' approval rating falling to 14 percent, with a record 82 percent of Americans disapproving of the way Congress is handling its job -- the most since the Times first began asking the question in 1977.

A CNN poll this week showed, for the first time in its history, that most Americans think their own representatives do not deserve reelection.

Snowe, who served as Maine's congresswoman from 1979 to 1995 and has been a senator ever since, is being targeted by the Tea Party for voting in favor of the debt ceiling deal despite the fact that it did not include a balanced budget amendment.

"Just 25 days ago, Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe told us she would vote for a debt plan with a balanced budget amendment," Scott D'Amboise, a conservative Republican who is challenging Snowe for her Senate seat, wrote in the fundraising letter just hours after the debt ceiling vote. "However, today Snowe betrayed us by voting with the Democrats for a debt deal that gives President Obama a blank check in exchange for only token spending cuts and no promise for a balanced budget amendment."

Olympia Snowe On Debt Ceiling Debate: 'I've Never Seen A Worse Congress'

so balancing the budget is now irrational.. now I've heard it all.

You're irrational if you believe that your response to my post is in any way germaine to what I wrote.
It wouldn't hurt my feelings to see Snow gone.

Had it not been for the vehemence of the opposition to Obamacare, she would have voted for it.

Olympia Snowe gives healthcare reform its first Republican vote

The Senate Finance Committee passed its healthcare bill Tuesday along party lines – with the exception of Olympia Snowe's vote. But her comments suggest that the bill will be difficult to pass on the Senate floor.

You need a reality check. Maine is NOT a red state by any stretch of the imagination. If an ultra conservative wins the republican nomination, he's quite like to be defeated in the general election.

Duhhhhh - ya think? Point flew over your head. There's no point in having a liberal pretend-republican. Instead, Maine should have a real genuine democrat liberal senator, if that's what they want. The GOP needs to purge itself of the RINOs who have caused so much damage to the party, and prevented americans from having a real choice at the polls.

For some unfathomable reason, if you can't have a Republican Senator from Maine (do you even LIVE in Maine) who is a mirror image of your political ideology, even though Snowe usually votes with her Republican caucus, you would rather see the seat move to the Democratic column where the new Senator will probably rarely vote against the Democratic caucus.

Your post is a textbook example of irrational thought.

This is a repeated theme from the leftwing: Palin is crazy, Bachmann is crazy, anything but leftwing policy is crazy, and yet they've practically destroyed the country in two and a half years. But everyone ELSE is "irrational" crazy. :lmao:
so balancing the budget is now irrational.. now I've heard it all.

What balanced budget? We're long past the Clinton years. The TPers don't even seem serious about it, when they gave up 3-4 trillion in cuts and got only one, just because they wouldn't accept the closing of some loopholes. Forcing the country into a downgrade just because you don't get everything you want is "Amateur Hour" personified.
so balancing the budget is now irrational.. now I've heard it all.

What balanced budget? We're long past the Clinton years. The TPers don't even seem serious about it, when they gave up 3-4 trillion in cuts and got only one, just because they wouldn't accept the closing of some loopholes. Forcing the country into a downgrade just because you don't get everything you want is "Amateur Hour" personified.

You are confused terribly confused.

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