Senator Orrin Hatch proves Republicans are heartless while talking about children's health care

You made the claim. I have researched it, and find nothing. Searched it every which way I could think of. Why not just post it, instead of playing games.

Ok, I found it, and it isn’t being really honest. From Washington examiner-

The two Republicans had offered language to expand the bill’s $2,000 child tax credit to low-income families by making it refundable against payroll tax liability. The amendment failed 29-71, with 20 Republicans voting in favor.

It is still extended to them. They just don’t get to deduct above what they paid in payroll taxes.

The maximum value of a nonrefundable income tax credit is capped at a taxpayer's income tax liability. In contrast, taxpayers receive the full value of their refundable tax credits. The amount of a refundable tax credit that exceeds tax liability is refundedto taxpayers. Most tax credits are nonrefundable.

I found the amendment. I think you have no understanding of it. He wanted an increase to $2000, which there is, but also wanted a cost of living increase, and for those making up to $500 grand a year and $250 grand a year, respective of marital status. With the doubling of the tax credit and the doubling of the standard deduction, which is phenomenal, the poor will greatly benefit. Where you got that the poor would not be helped, is beyond me.
Hey look, the poor were left out of this tax bill FACT! The cheap bastard GOP wouldn't even extend to them the increase in the child tax credit they gave to everyone else, though some GOP senators lobbied for this.

I'm a fiscal conservative, I HATE liberals, but cutting everyone a break except the poor was retarded. We don't want the poor to remain poor HELLO for fucks sake.

Keep digging you will catch up to me eventually. Not everyone is eligible for that additional $1,000 child tax credit increase.
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Hey look, the poor were left out of this tax bill FACT! The cheap bastard GOP wouldn't even extend to them the increase in the child tax credit they gave to everyone else, though some GOP senators lobbied for this.

I'm a fiscal conservative, I HATE liberals, but cutting everyone a break except the poor was retarded. We don't want the poor to remain poor HELLO for fucks sake.
The POOR do not pay any taxes. FACT!

Holy crap but you people are mindless drones.

Wake up, people. It is NOT the purpose of the Federal Government to provide money to people.

It is absolutely up to government to not increase taxes on middle class and upper middle class people to give a piece of garbage like Donald the sociopath a deduction for his private planes.
“I have a rough time wanting to spend billions and billions and trillions of dollars to help people who won’t help themselves – won’t lift a finger – and expect the federal government to do everything.” - Heartless Hatch

vote them out. every last one of them!

He sure does not mind helping out major corporations that do not need his help though. He is awesome!
“I have a rough time wanting to spend billions and billions and trillions of dollars to help people who won’t help themselves – won’t lift a finger – and expect the federal government to do everything.” - Heartless Hatch

vote them out. every last one of them!

I think you misread your own thread title. What does that post have to do with children's healthcare, which is function of the state governments?
Hey look, the poor were left out of this tax bill FACT! The cheap bastard GOP wouldn't even extend to them the increase in the child tax credit they gave to everyone else, though some GOP senators lobbied for this.

I'm a fiscal conservative, I HATE liberals, but cutting everyone a break except the poor was retarded. We don't want the poor to remain poor HELLO for fucks sake.

Why should poor people get a tax credit for popping out mouths to feed when no one else does?

They don't need kids as that will just keep them poor!
They doubled the child tax credit and doubled the standard deduction. How is that leaving the poor out? 47% of people don’ pay in already.

And those 47% of the people got screwed. The Senate bill increased the child tax credit from $1,000 to $2,000 BUT if you don't pay any federal income taxes you don't get the $1,000 increase you get just the previous $1,000 credit. Worse they increased the ceiling for this credit to $500,000 for singles and $1,000,000 for couples. That seems excessive even to me HELLO NATIONAL DEBT $20 TRILLION. But if you are going to gift $2,000 per child to pretty much everyone except the poorest, explain that I can't. Hell do something creative, take that additional $1,000 credit and put it into a college fund for the poor kids, but to just exclude them wow petty at best.

Why do they a credit when they don't pay taxes at all?
Here it another excerpt that changes what he said-

“[L]et me tell you something: we’re going to do CHIP. There’s no question about it in my mind. It’s got to be done the right way. But we, the reason CHIP’s having trouble is because we don’t have money anymore.”
Kind of hard for the government to have money when you're so busy giving it all to the rich.

Who pays most of the income taxes in this country? Oh, that would be the "rich".

Liberal dumb ass!
I found the amendment. I think you have no understanding of it. He wanted an increase to $2000, which there is, but also wanted a cost of living increase, and for those making up to $500 grand a year and $250 grand a year, respective of marital status. With the doubling of the tax credit and the doubling of the standard deduction, which is phenomenal, the poor will greatly benefit. Where you got that the poor would not be helped, is beyond me.
Hey look, the poor were left out of this tax bill FACT! The cheap bastard GOP wouldn't even extend to them the increase in the child tax credit they gave to everyone else, though some GOP senators lobbied for this.

I'm a fiscal conservative, I HATE liberals, but cutting everyone a break except the poor was retarded. We don't want the poor to remain poor HELLO for fucks sake.

Keep digging you will catch up to me eventually. Not everyone is eligible for that additional $1,000 child tax credit increase.


Why should anyone getting back more money than they paid in?
But we, the reason CHIP’s having trouble is because we don’t have money anymore.” he votes for tax breaks for the rich and corporations. Fucking liar.
He is voting for jobs for people, liar.

really? and in what alternate reality has cutting corporate taxes EVER increased hiring?


Driving corporations and jobs out of the USA to other countries offering lower corporate taxes is retarded. We get that most of you liberals are petty imbeciles who willingly shoot yourself in the foot, we are saving you from yourselves.

Really, you clowns couldn't save a kitten in a !
They doubled the child tax credit and doubled the standard deduction. How is that leaving the poor out? 47% of people don’ pay in already.

And those 47% of the people got screwed. The Senate bill increased the child tax credit from $1,000 to $2,000 BUT if you don't pay any federal income taxes you don't get the $1,000 increase you get just the previous $1,000 credit. Worse they increased the ceiling for this credit to $500,000 for singles and $1,000,000 for couples. That seems excessive even to me HELLO NATIONAL DEBT $20 TRILLION. But if you are going to gift $2,000 per child to pretty much everyone except the poorest, explain that I can't. Hell do something creative, take that additional $1,000 credit and put it into a college fund for the poor kids, but to just exclude them wow petty at best.

Why do they a credit when they don't pay taxes at all?

Do we want the poor to remain poor? Do we want to gift campaign ads to Democrats?
They doubled the child tax credit and doubled the standard deduction. How is that leaving the poor out? 47% of people don’ pay in already.

And those 47% of the people got screwed. The Senate bill increased the child tax credit from $1,000 to $2,000 BUT if you don't pay any federal income taxes you don't get the $1,000 increase you get just the previous $1,000 credit. Worse they increased the ceiling for this credit to $500,000 for singles and $1,000,000 for couples. That seems excessive even to me HELLO NATIONAL DEBT $20 TRILLION. But if you are going to gift $2,000 per child to pretty much everyone except the poorest, explain that I can't. Hell do something creative, take that additional $1,000 credit and put it into a college fund for the poor kids, but to just exclude them wow petty at best.

Why do they a credit when they don't pay taxes at all?

Do we want the poor to remain poor? Do we want to gift campaign ads to Democrats?

Those people already vote DEMOCRAT anyway! Who is it that you think we are losing?
I think it's been amply demonstrated that the OP is, in fact, blowing smoke.
They doubled the child tax credit and doubled the standard deduction. How is that leaving the poor out? 47% of people don’ pay in already.

And those 47% of the people got screwed. The Senate bill increased the child tax credit from $1,000 to $2,000 BUT if you don't pay any federal income taxes you don't get the $1,000 increase you get just the previous $1,000 credit. Worse they increased the ceiling for this credit to $500,000 for singles and $1,000,000 for couples. That seems excessive even to me HELLO NATIONAL DEBT $20 TRILLION. But if you are going to gift $2,000 per child to pretty much everyone except the poorest, explain that I can't. Hell do something creative, take that additional $1,000 credit and put it into a college fund for the poor kids, but to just exclude them wow petty at best.

Why do they a credit when they don't pay taxes at all?

Do we want the poor to remain poor? Do we want to gift campaign ads to Democrats?

Those people already vote DEMOCRAT anyway! Who is it that you think we are losing?

I know plenty of poor conservatives who voted for Trump.
They doubled the child tax credit and doubled the standard deduction. How is that leaving the poor out? 47% of people don’ pay in already.

And those 47% of the people got screwed. The Senate bill increased the child tax credit from $1,000 to $2,000 BUT if you don't pay any federal income taxes you don't get the $1,000 increase you get just the previous $1,000 credit. Worse they increased the ceiling for this credit to $500,000 for singles and $1,000,000 for couples. That seems excessive even to me HELLO NATIONAL DEBT $20 TRILLION. But if you are going to gift $2,000 per child to pretty much everyone except the poorest, explain that I can't. Hell do something creative, take that additional $1,000 credit and put it into a college fund for the poor kids, but to just exclude them wow petty at best.

Why do they a credit when they don't pay taxes at all?

Do we want the poor to remain poor? Do we want to gift campaign ads to Democrats?

Those people already vote DEMOCRAT anyway! Who is it that you think we are losing?

I know plenty of poor conservatives who voted for Trump.

If they are conservatives, they should know why they should not get a refund for taxes they did not pay.
“I have a rough time wanting to spend billions and billions and trillions of dollars to help people who won’t help themselves – won’t lift a finger – and expect the federal government to do everything.” - Heartless Hatch

vote them out. every last one of them!

He points up the absolute hypocrisy of fake Kristians like him. Once a 'life' leaves the womb he, like they, could not care less if it died an hour later as long as he doesn't have to spend a nickel on food or medical care for it.
And those 47% of the people got screwed. The Senate bill increased the child tax credit from $1,000 to $2,000 BUT if you don't pay any federal income taxes you don't get the $1,000 increase you get just the previous $1,000 credit. Worse they increased the ceiling for this credit to $500,000 for singles and $1,000,000 for couples. That seems excessive even to me HELLO NATIONAL DEBT $20 TRILLION. But if you are going to gift $2,000 per child to pretty much everyone except the poorest, explain that I can't. Hell do something creative, take that additional $1,000 credit and put it into a college fund for the poor kids, but to just exclude them wow petty at best.

Why do they a credit when they don't pay taxes at all?

Do we want the poor to remain poor? Do we want to gift campaign ads to Democrats?

Those people already vote DEMOCRAT anyway! Who is it that you think we are losing?

I know plenty of poor conservatives who voted for Trump.

If they are conservatives, they should know why they should not get a refund for taxes they did not pay.

But its okay for the teachers union to confiscate my money to pay to educate other people's kids? We better agree to disagree before this discussion gets ugly.
Why do they a credit when they don't pay taxes at all?

Do we want the poor to remain poor? Do we want to gift campaign ads to Democrats?

Those people already vote DEMOCRAT anyway! Who is it that you think we are losing?

I know plenty of poor conservatives who voted for Trump.

If they are conservatives, they should know why they should not get a refund for taxes they did not pay.

But its okay for the teachers union to confiscate my money to pay to educate other people's kids? We better agree to disagree before this discussion gets ugly.

Please explain that to me! How does the teacher's union confiscate your money? You are making no sense here.
Do we want the poor to remain poor? Do we want to gift campaign ads to Democrats?

Those people already vote DEMOCRAT anyway! Who is it that you think we are losing?

I know plenty of poor conservatives who voted for Trump.

If they are conservatives, they should know why they should not get a refund for taxes they did not pay.

But its okay for the teachers union to confiscate my money to pay to educate other people's kids? We better agree to disagree before this discussion gets ugly.

Please explain that to me! How does the teacher's union confiscate your money? You are making no sense here.

I have been FORCED to pay school taxes for decades to educate other peoples kids, money the teachers unions have extorted from me and taxpayers via strikes. You are taking a harsh social position saying poor families who don't make enough to owe any income tax should not be entitled to a child tax credit refund, I presume your position is one of fairness. Well okay then why is the teachers union entitled to 10's of thousands of dollars of MY money when I don't have any kids? Why am I forced to educate other peoples kids? They chose to have kids, I chose not to yet I'm stuck paying THEIR bills.

If you are going to take a harsh position on the child tax credit for poor families, you can't have it both ways. People should pay for their own damn kids education, I shouldn't have to pay for it. No less harsh a position than you are taking.
Those people already vote DEMOCRAT anyway! Who is it that you think we are losing?

I know plenty of poor conservatives who voted for Trump.

If they are conservatives, they should know why they should not get a refund for taxes they did not pay.

But its okay for the teachers union to confiscate my money to pay to educate other people's kids? We better agree to disagree before this discussion gets ugly.

Please explain that to me! How does the teacher's union confiscate your money? You are making no sense here.

I have been FORCED to pay school taxes for decades to educate other peoples kids, money the teachers unions have extorted from me and taxpayers via strikes. You are taking a harsh social position saying poor families who don't make enough to owe any income tax should not be entitled to a child tax credit refund, I presume your position is one of fairness. Well okay then why is the teachers union entitled to 10's of thousands of dollars of MY money when I don't have any kids? Why am I forced to educate other peoples kids? They chose to have kids, I chose not to yet I'm stuck paying THEIR bills.

If you are going to take a harsh position on the child tax credit for poor families, you can't have it both ways. People should pay for their own damn kids education, I shouldn't have to pay for it. No less harsh a position than you are taking.

I am truly sorry that you are so ignorant that you do not realize that the teacher's unions has nothing to do with taxes assessed on you.

Everyone benefits from an educated populace. Your point is meaningless babbling you have heard from parents with kids in private schools and homeschoolers.

I have no children in public schools either, but two of my grandchildren live in my home and I pay taxes for them to go to school. Do I pay the whole cost? Of course not! Very few people have that kind of money. My other grandchild attends school in another state and I do not pay taxes for her at all.

Kids today, yesterday and in the future attend schools paid for by all taxpayers mostly through property that they own or rent. If you have a problem with that, you need to take it up with your elected officials. You don't get to blame teachers and their union for something that every other government worker does also.

I stand by my claim that unless you pay taxes, why should you get anything not earned? I see people getting income tax refunds that exceed the amount of income taxes that my wife and I pay. I worked for my money to go to the federal government. I did not pay taxes so it could be turned right around and given to a high school dropout who just dropped their 3rd kid at the age of 19.
Those people already vote DEMOCRAT anyway! Who is it that you think we are losing?

I know plenty of poor conservatives who voted for Trump.

If they are conservatives, they should know why they should not get a refund for taxes they did not pay.

But its okay for the teachers union to confiscate my money to pay to educate other people's kids? We better agree to disagree before this discussion gets ugly.

Please explain that to me! How does the teacher's union confiscate your money? You are making no sense here.

I have been FORCED to pay school taxes for decades to educate other peoples kids, money the teachers unions have extorted from me and taxpayers via strikes. You are taking a harsh social position saying poor families who don't make enough to owe any income tax should not be entitled to a child tax credit refund, I presume your position is one of fairness. Well okay then why is the teachers union entitled to 10's of thousands of dollars of MY money when I don't have any kids? Why am I forced to educate other peoples kids? They chose to have kids, I chose not to yet I'm stuck paying THEIR bills.

If you are going to take a harsh position on the child tax credit for poor families, you can't have it both ways. People should pay for their own damn kids education, I shouldn't have to pay for it. No less harsh a position than you are taking.

Then let me decide how much I want to pay for national defense.

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