Senator Ted Cruz Releases Canadian Birth Certificate: He Is A Citizen Of Canada


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
This story is breaking and it has a lot of people upset. Cruz released his birth certificate to the 'Dallas Morning News' Friday and it wasn't a American birth was Canadian from the Edmonton Dept. Of Health. This means that since Ted had a American mother, he is a true dual Citizen. Representative John Bingham, the father of the 14th Amendment who wrote the first section of it on citizenship defined a natural born Citizen as this:

“Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))

Clearly as you can see on the birth certificate, Ted Cruz was not born in the jurisdiction of the United States and his father Rafael owed allegiance to a foreign sovereignty called Cuba. He is not a Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen. A statutory citizen (bestowed by man’s pen) can never be a “natural born” citizen (bestowed by God/nature).

Canada-born Ted Cruz became a citizen of that country as well as U.S. | - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News
He also has an American birth certificate and an American passport. He is a dual citizen.

Allowing dual citizens to become president is going to come back and bite us in the ass one day. Ted Cruz may be the best, the most patriotic, a new leader for a new time and this will still have ramifications way beyond a single election.

We looked the other way to elect Obama, that's what gave Cruz what he needed to overcome limitations so if democrats don't like the idea of Cruz running, they have only themselves to blame.
There's another part of CONUS that needs changing. It's discriminatory and therefore evil.

To me, it should be quite simple

You are natural born if you have never been a citizen of another country. If at birth, you were a US citizen you are qualified to be president regardless of where you were born

Not sure if Cruz qualifies. If he was ever a Canadian or Cuban citizen, I would say no
I had the understanding that when an American citizen has a child born abroad, the child is still a citizen of the US.

So this means even if the moonbat messiah was born in Kenya, he was still a citizen.
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I had the understanding that when an American citizen has a child born abroad, the child is still a citizen of the US.

So this means even if the moonbat messiah was born in Kenya, he was still a citizen.

If Obama was born in Kenya, due to our citizenship laws in 1961, his mother was to young to confer U.S. citizenship to him. She had to be 19 years old to do it but she was 4 months shy at age 18 That law affected children born abroad in foreign sovereignties between 1952 and 1986. Barack would have been a Kenyan national at his birth. Never the less, since his father was a Kenyan national, the British Act of 1948 made the man sitting in the White House a dual citizen.
There's another part of CONUS that needs changing. It's discriminatory and therefore evil.

Not sure if Cruz qualifies. If he was ever a Canadian or Cuban citizen, I would say no

The birth certificate proves Cruz is a true Canadian citizen. He can be president of that country.......and possible Cuba. This is something the founders did not want. That is why they installed the natural born Citizen clause strictly for the presidency and vice presidency in Article 2 Section 1 of the Constitution.
we had a Canadian born president once before the 20th century, anyone want to guess who it was?

There was a political mudslinging event surrounding Chester Arthur which claimed he was born in Canada, but it was false. Arthur was born in Vermont.

A group of attorneys several years ago uncovered that Chester hid his fathers citizenship..........that he didn't naturalize until Chester was age 14. In other words, Chester wasn't a true natural born Citizen at the time when children took citizenship from their fathers.
To me, it should be quite simple

You are natural born if you have never been a citizen of another country. If at birth, you were a US citizen you are qualified to be president regardless of where you were born

Not sure if Cruz qualifies. If he was ever a Canadian or Cuban citizen, I would say no

Tricky standard because different countries have different rules concerning citizenship. Many countries provide for citizenship for the children of citizens regardless of birthplace. Cruz would be a dual citizen of Canada and the US at birth, and Obama would be a citizen of the US and Kenya even though born in Hawaii.

The obvious solution is that every citizen of the US who was not delivered by C Section would be deemed a "natural born citizen"... Problem solved.
I had the understanding that when an American citizen has a child born abroad, the child is still a citizen of the US.

So this means even if the moonbat messiah was born in Kenya, he was still a citizen.

If Obama was born in Kenya, due to our citizenship laws in 1961, his mother was to young to confer U.S. citizenship to him. She had to be 19 years old to do it but she was 4 months shy at age 18 That law affected children born abroad in foreign sovereignties between 1952 and 1986. Barack would have been a Kenyan national at his birth. Never the less, since his father was a Kenyan national, the British Act of 1948 made the man sitting in the White House a dual citizen.

There's another part of CONUS that needs changing. It's discriminatory and therefore evil.

Not sure if Cruz qualifies. If he was ever a Canadian or Cuban citizen, I would say no

The birth certificate proves Cruz is a true Canadian citizen. He can be president of that country.......and possible Cuba. This is something the founders did not want. That is why they installed the natural born Citizen clause strictly for the presidency and vice presidency in Article 2 Section 1 of the Constitution.

You make a correct statement in the first post and then come back and contradict it in the second....?

What's wrong with you?

I had the understanding that when an American citizen has a child born abroad, the child is still a citizen of the US.

So this means even if the moonbat messiah was born in Kenya, he was still a citizen.

If Obama was born in Kenya, due to our citizenship laws in 1961, his mother was to young to confer U.S. citizenship to him. She had to be 19 years old to do it but she was 4 months shy at age 18 That law affected children born abroad in foreign sovereignties between 1952 and 1986. Barack would have been a Kenyan national at his birth. Never the less, since his father was a Kenyan national, the British Act of 1948 made the man sitting in the White House a dual citizen.

Not sure if Cruz qualifies. If he was ever a Canadian or Cuban citizen, I would say no

The birth certificate proves Cruz is a true Canadian citizen. He can be president of that country.......and possible Cuba. This is something the founders did not want. That is why they installed the natural born Citizen clause strictly for the presidency and vice presidency in Article 2 Section 1 of the Constitution.

You make a correct statement in the first post and then come back and contradict it in the second....?

What's wrong with you?

The natural born citizen requirement is being tortured into being something that it isn't. Ted Cruz is a dual citizen. He would make an excellent president. He could be president of the US and run, win and be president of Canada. This doesn't mean he will be the only dual citizen that would ever run for presidential office. We have dual citizens of every country in the world. Russia, Iran, Mexico, we have dual citizens of avowedly enemy countries who could run and win highest office in both countries.
There's another part of CONUS that needs changing. It's discriminatory and therefore evil.

Not sure if Cruz qualifies. If he was ever a Canadian or Cuban citizen, I would say no

The birth certificate proves Cruz is a true Canadian citizen. He can be president of that country.......and possible Cuba. This is something the founders did not want. That is why they installed the natural born Citizen clause strictly for the presidency and vice presidency in Article 2 Section 1 of the Constitution.

No, it only proves he was born in Canada

A birth certificate is issued where you are born not by where you are a citizen
Not sure if Cruz qualifies. If he was ever a Canadian or Cuban citizen, I would say no

The birth certificate proves Cruz is a true Canadian citizen. He can be president of that country.......and possible Cuba. This is something the founders did not want. That is why they installed the natural born Citizen clause strictly for the presidency and vice presidency in Article 2 Section 1 of the Constitution.

No, it only proves he was born in Canada

A birth certificate is issued where you are born not by where you are a citizen

But the Canadian Citizenship Act of 1947 makes Cruz a citizen of that country. Do you actually think the founders original intent was to have a citizen of Canada to be president, especially after fighting for our independence with England?
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