Senator - The State Terrorist

Lindsay better watch himself. Putin is no dummy nor weakling. We have already collapsed the ruble sending everyone in Russia into poverty their money worthless---- Joe has in effect and without Congress' permission declared an act of war against the largest nuclear arsenal in the world, and Putin has experience offing people he doesn't like in mysterious ways--- energy beams, poisons--- Lindsay better hope some russian agent planted here doesn't off him or even maybe someone higher up. Never underestimate Russia.

Of even greater concern now is that Russia doesn't take down our infrastructure and energy with an EMP or computer cyber-attack.

I'm afraid that Joe Bedpan has jumped into the tiger's cage with a steak tied to his leg threatening to kick the tiger; Joe is out of his league and Vladimir is one tough hombre who isn't afraid to get dirty and is playing a game where failure on his part is not an option.

And now Joe has put every one of us in his potential sights.

Never underestimate xidens ability to fuck things up.


So fuck Sean Hannity too?

Hannity is a TV personality, Lindsey is a high ranking member of government. Of course, wink-wink, nod-nod, we wouldn't mind if a Russian or Ukranian took him out, but it is illegal for one country to try and assassinate another country's head of state.

While Lindsey is kind of saying what we all hope, I am sure behind the scenes in Europe, people are actively thinking/seeking the same thing. No need to announce what is obvious, nor tie your country to any attempt that succeeds, or fails. Just the reporting across the globe on what Pooty is doing, has him today as the worlds public enemy number 1.
A TYPICAL statement by the descendants of those who murdered the innocent one hundred million owners of this land.

You guys are inherently incorrigible KILLERS!

First, that whole “sins of the fathers” thing is beyond stupid. No sale in that piece of shit propaganda.

Secondly, if you think there were a hundred million Native American Indians at all, much less that a hundred million were killed, your propaganda ministry isn’t giving you anything to work with to carry out your mission, you twat.

Thirdly, try to stay focused on the present, you imbecile. What your guy Putin did is hideous and evil. Find your gonads, comrade. Tell that filthy piece of shit that the Russian people don’t support his dictatorial madness and that you oppose this war.

Fourth; gfy.
Yeah, and then what?

Graham looking for a Brutus, only he forgot what happened to Rome after they assassinated Julius Caesar.
It happens not to always be true that “it’s better the devil you know.” Maybe some Russian general taking Putin out will do so because of what Putin is doing. If that’s the case, it would be seem unlikely that he’d do the same thing or worse.
A TYPICAL statement by the descendants of those who murdered the innocent one hundred million owners of this land.

You guys are inherently incorrigible KILLERS!

No we just didn't think buffalo owned land plus before we came the poor Indians were gumming their food from lack of dental work. And were a jack boot femminist nightmare.:huh1:.
Also go back to how these asian gened people got here and where did they come from?
Who was here when they came across the Eurasian Steppes? What happened to them? There are archeological finds that show Vikings were here first, now that is hard to believe the Vikings could be overtaken by some Asian's but stranger things have happened.Their ancesters in Scandinavian and Western nations sure are a bunch of sissies.
Perhaps the definition you place in the OP should have been more clear. That said, it's been reported that Putin has hired 400 mercenaries to kill Zelenskyy, what would you call that?

I'm assuming you are against what he said hence you are supporting putin.

Can you make me clear on exactly what side you are supporting .

We don't have to support Putin to be against Zelenskyy though. I just want to stay out of other peoples wars like our Constitution told us to do.
Also I don't like what Zen does to nice classical instrument like a piano.:08621: It reminds of other freak shows in our children's libraries.
Vladdy Daddy will suffer forever in world damnation, before, during, and after he dies!
We don't have to support Putin to be against Zelenskyy though. I just want to stay out of other peoples wars like our Constitution told us to do.
Also I don't like what Zen does to nice classical instrument like a piano.:08621: It reminds of other freak shows in our children's libraries.
Come on man. That's a veneer thin excuse.
I'm saying you are supporting putin to make Biden look incompetent for political reasons.

Deny that if you have the courage.
Come on man. That's a veneer thin excuse.
I'm saying you are supporting putin to make Biden look incompetent for political reasons.

Deny that if you have the courage.

No I'm one of the few here who knows someting about history and the subject. I don't care about Putin or Zelenmskyy just don't want my country ot get involved.
It is about time for these whackjobs in my nation to get into another illegal war.
Only this may be the last one and I have family who will suffer either way..
I don’t always agree with Graham. I also don’t give a shit if he is a guy and in the damn closet.

I do sometimes like what he says. And this notion of having Putin exterminated? Fine idea. I hope it’s a Russian General who does it. I hope he has lots of support from the Russian military.
Would you be as supportive if Putin's buddies were calling for the assassination of US leadership?

But know that Putin is not acting alone and the guy replacing him would, in all likelihood, be just as bad if not worse.
No I'm one of the few here who knows someting about history and the subject. I don't care about Putin or Zelenmskyy just don't want my country ot get involved.
It is about time for these whackjobs in my nation to get into another illegal war.
Only this may be the last one and I have family who will suffer either way..
Did you object the GWB going into Iraq to give them freedom?
How about Vietnam?
Suddenly you have positioned yourself supporting Trump who is supporting putin.
Dont bleat about not wanting war when your history you say you know so well, indicates you don't.
Publicly state here you condemn Trump supporting putin. I dare you. Let's see how the home of the brave live up to that.
Did you object the GWB going into Iraq to give them freedom?
How about Vietnam?
Suddenly you have positioned yourself supporting Trump who is supporting putin.
Dont bleat about not wanting war when your history you say you know so well, indicates you don't.
Publicly state here you condemn Trump supporting putin. I dare you. Let's see how the home of the brave live up to that.

Maybe you didn't notice but I'm on Putin side in this one far as he doesn't want his nation to become the Sodom and Gomorrah we have.
Have you even seen our damn military recruiting ads?:twirl: Then go look at China and Russia.:salute:.

American Woke military,
Would you be as supportive if Putin's buddies were calling for the assassination of US leadership?

But know that Putin is not acting alone and the guy replacing him would, in all likelihood, be just as bad if not worse.
Nope. I oppose the assassination of elected leaders. In fact, for the most part, I object to any and almost all assassinations of any nation’s national leaders — whether elected or not.

I have already answered your question in the final paragraph. I seriously doubt that there is any valid basis for your contention that a Putin replacement would “likely be” as bad as or worse than Putin.

Odds are that anyone removing Putin would be doing so because what Putin is doing is insane. Accordingly, the chances are that any replacement would be a significant improvement over Vlad.

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