Senator - The State Terrorist

It would be very difficult to take out Putin. It's obvious he has insulated himself, just look at his conferences and the 'football field' conference tables. He doesn't let anyone near him and is heavily guarded. Graham is just sword rattling at this point but, I think a lot of folks wish someone would take the guy out.

Putin is a germaphobe especially as regards Covid. Thus, the long tables.
they're talking about Lindsey on Al Jazeera...he made world headlines with his threat!

Since when is Graham the head of state? And asking the people of a country to remove their own head of state is not terrorism. And Putin is like a mad dog that should have been put down decades ago.

To the moderators: don't you think you are violating ALL norms of human morality by deleting my answers?

And after that you will "sing" about American values and "high morals"?

What you are doing is exceptionally undignified. I KNOW WHO is doing that being EXTREMELY rude. But that doesn't help you...

To the moderators: don't you think you are violating ALL norms of human morality by deleting my answers?

And after that you will "sing" about American values and "high morals"?

What you are doing is exceptionally undignified. I KNOW WHO is doing that being EXTREMELY rude. But that doesn't help you...
Since when is Graham the head of state? And asking the people of a country to remove their own head of state is not terrorism. And Putin is like a mad dog that should have been put down decades ago.

And I know another scumbag - the conspirator who deceived the Senate and the American people by reporting on the need for intervention in Iraq.

He is responsible for over SIX thousand American men and women iфе Arlington Cemetery and over 30,000 wounded.

WHAT should be done to him???!
Various Roman Emperors were assassinated when it became evident to the Senators or the Praetorian Guards that their leaders happened to be a few cards short of a full deck.
Rome aside, various leaders throughout history have been assassinated for various reasons.
So, in Putin's case, I fail to see a problem with him having a target on his back, after all, he's put one on the back of Zelensky, whose only crime has been to be elected into power by 73% of his public and wanting to join NATO to protect against the very nation that has now invaded his nation.
Zelensky, a Jew and junkie, is a protégé of the Deep State. As soon as he came to power, his administration began to sell Ukrainian land and even fertile land to foreigners. They are elementary thieves and war criminals.
And I know another scumbag - the conspirator who deceived the Senate and the American people by reporting on the need for intervention in Iraq.

He is responsible for over SIX thousand American men and women iфе Arlington Cemetery and over 30,000 wounded.

WHAT should be done to him???!

Poor little fuck face, English is spoken here. Also you can take your deflection and shove it. You have to be really desperate to deflect from your own thread, but I'm not going there.

Perhaps the definition you place in the OP should have been more clear. That said, it's been reported that Putin has hired 400 mercenaries to kill Zelenskyy, what would you call that?

GIVE me the PROOF! Have you got it from Psaki and the "Fake news"?

This is a joke! Putin "hired" 400 assassins???! :))) Masters of disinformation think in terms of political assassinations of American presidents.

Listen, Putin is the PRESIDENT of a huge country and he does NOT need to "hire" anyone.

In Russia, in particular, there are units under the Main Directorate of Military Intelligence that can perform this task if the Commander-in-Chief gives the order.

In my younger ages with the group of 14 OPS, I could have done it without even, maybe, not needing a weapon.

You know from Iraq how corrupt people are. And in Ukraine, they would "kill their own mother" for money.

Putin doesn't need to kill Zelensky: either the Ukrainians will perform impalement on him for all his crimes against humanity or he, a drug addict, will die of "overdose".

The special services are simply "spinning" the identity of the clown and junkie Zelensky. Don't fall for this psychological diversion!

Putin is a germaphobe especially as regards Covid. Thus, the long tables.
No, in contrast to one moron who constantly forgot to wear a mask, Putin displayed the DISTANCE between Russia and France to the so-called "Frenchman" Macron, as well as the distance between a person with a traditional sexual orientation and a person with genetic sexual abnormalities.
With the president of Brazil, they sat side by side. And with Xi Jinping, they sat next to each other...

These are the same rules in a Russian prison: you CANNOT sit next to a homosexual.
Do you mean those ads that tout our military "as a force for Global good"?
The American Armed Forces sent by schizophrenic globalists have left a long and bloody trail on planet Earth. And millions of graves... And died themselves, fighting for the interests of a bunch of super-rich scoundrels




"THEY" killed her husband by sending him across the ocean to kill


Who is this man grieving for - his fallen mother or father, brother or sister. Or a wife?
It would simply would be "tit for tat" were it ever proven - what was said at the time about who trained Lee Harvey Oswald.

I know, your liberal indoctrination-in-lieu of education don't mention that.

Maybe look it up before Wikipedia gets sanitized........
Sorry bout that,

1. What he did is highly illegal.
2. He should be aware.
3. Off to prison with this moron.
4. We have laws against what he suggested.
5. He can't go off and say shit like this.
6. He should resign and the die quietly somewhere.
7. READ:Lindsey Graham hit with bipartisan blowback after calling on Russians to assassinate Putin

From Link: "Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., was sharply criticized by fellow lawmakers on both sides of the aisle Thursday after saying that the "only way" to end the crisis in Ukraine is for Russians to assassinate President Vladimir Putin."

8. Calling for the assassination of a world leader is criminal.
9. Its unheard of, unless you're a complete idiot!
10. We should do better than this.

Fuck Russia.
Try it and try not to break your reproductive organ. Many have tried for thousands of years to do so, but have been left to decompose in its vast expanse.


I know hundreds of ways to get the Russian bear out of the den. But none to drive it back in.

DON'T HURT the Russian bear!!!

German Chancellor Bismarck

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