Senator Warren wants to pack 4 more judges on the Supreme Court

Can you provide some examples? Links to specific case law would be helpful.
The complete failure the handle the texas abortion law as it both makes illegal a legal procedure and allows citizen vigilante actions.

All because of political bias.
The court will routinely halt a law while the wait to rule on Constitutionality
It's called an injunction, and they do not always do that. There is nothing unconstitutional about a lack of an injunction!
Democrats don't worship Reagan or Bush either, but they keep bringing them up.
Christ Reagan sycophants for years worshipped at the grave until the former president claimed that worship with his white privilege grievance politics.
The complete failure the handle the texas abortion law as it both makes illegal a legal procedure and allows citizen vigilante actions.

All because of political bias.
That is not case law yet. They have not ruled on it.
Biden should pack the hell out of the court. I’d add 4 justices immediately. Make it 7-6. Come on Biden, do it!
Biden cannot pack the court. Only Congress can alter the number of justices. Back to school you go.
Are you talking about not allowing Obama to appoint an SCJ in the last few months of his presidency? What other rules were bent and broken?
McConnell prevented Obama from appointing a judge in an election year.

Then McConnell allowed Trump to appoint a judge in an election year.

Hypocrisy in the extreme.
Elizabeth Warren has said 'it's time' to start packing the Supreme Court, claiming that the current set of judges 'threaten the democratic foundations of our nation.'
She said she supported expanding the high court by at least four seats and urged Congress to act after the 'extremist' justices upheld the 'racist Muslim ban' and 'threatened to eliminate Roe v. Wade.'

Warren is a delusional far left extremist.
There was no "Muslim ban" and Muslims are not a race.
Reversing Roe v Wade would just make abortion a State issue.
The real threat to our democracy are the corrupt Democrat Party's abuses of power.
Obama illegally used the IRS, CIA, FBI, DOJ and FISA court as political weapons, and he got away with it.
The corrupt Democrat Senator Adam Schiff is fabricating evidence in a 110% political witch hunt.
The corrupt Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton illegally destroyed incriminating evidence, and she got away with it.
The Democrat Party's crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy and the Mueller Report was a thinly veiled coup attempt against President Trump.
Pelosi's two bogus impeachments against Trump were a blow against our democracy.
The Democrats are using the Tech Giants to censor political opinions.
Blocking Voter ID laws and mandating Mail-In ballots are a threat to legitimate secure elections and a threat to our democracy.
But finally, packing the Supreme Court with far left extremist judges does not girder our democracy, it does the opposite.
The Voters of MA should be ashamed of themselves.
Right on! Then pass a law limiting it to 13 judges.
Elizabeth Warren has said 'it's time' to start packing the Supreme Court, claiming that the current set of judges 'threaten the democratic foundations of our nation.'
She said she supported expanding the high court by at least four seats and urged Congress to act after the 'extremist' justices upheld the 'racist Muslim ban' and 'threatened to eliminate Roe v. Wade.'

Warren is a delusional far left extremist.
There was no "Muslim ban" and Muslims are not a race.
Reversing Roe v Wade would just make abortion a State issue.
The real threat to our democracy are the corrupt Democrat Party's abuses of power.
Obama illegally used the IRS, CIA, FBI, DOJ and FISA court as political weapons, and he got away with it.
The corrupt Democrat Senator Adam Schiff is fabricating evidence in a 110% political witch hunt.
The corrupt Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton illegally destroyed incriminating evidence, and she got away with it.
The Democrat Party's crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy and the Mueller Report was a thinly veiled coup attempt against President Trump.
Pelosi's two bogus impeachments against Trump were a blow against our democracy.
The Democrats are using the Tech Giants to censor political opinions.
Blocking Voter ID laws and mandating Mail-In ballots are a threat to legitimate secure elections and a threat to our democracy.
But finally, packing the Supreme Court with far left extremist judges does not girder our democracy, it does the opposite.
The Voters of MA should be ashamed of themselves.
You said nothing when trump stacked it with republicans. Now Joe wants it returned to balanced you don't like it.

You must hate America to approve a SC court stacked with republicans to do your dirty work. You hypocrites.
You said nothing when trump stacked it with republicans. Now Joe wants it returned to balanced you don't like it.

You must hate America to approve a SC court stacked with republicans to do your dirty work. You hypocrites.

You're not laughing will. You know I'm right but don't want to admit it. You hypocrites.
The court voted 8-1 to allow the lawsuoits to continue.
How is that a 'failure to handle"?
By not blocking the law in the first place the court lowered itself to an arm of the legislature. The texas law under Roe is clearly unconstitutional and the court sanctioned vigilante aspect unprecedented for our country.
The constitutionality of the TX abortion was law not the question before the court.
Only the ignorant and dishonest have reason be believe the court would address a question not before it.
Does the texas law not ban abortions before a women would even know at 6 weeks?

Why do republics not want people to have a right to privacy?

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