Senator Will Introduce Measure To Dismiss Impeachment Articles

The problem is the House set the stage - this is a crime in progress, it is vital to nation that Trump be impeached, we cannot wait for the process, we cannot wait to get the evidence from the courts, we cannot wait for testimony....

And then they refuse to allow the process to continue. It simply does not make sense.

It does not make sense, if you assume that the House Democrats' motives in pursuing this farce are what they claim their motives were.

But to assume that, one would have to be a gullible ignoramus.
Washington Examiner ^ | January 2, 2020 | by Susan Ferrechio

A Republican senator announced he’ll introduce a measure to dismiss “this bogus impeachment” of President Trump.

Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri criticized House Democrats for voting to impeach Trump last month but then failing to send the two impeachment articles to the Senate.

“Now they don’t want to have a trial, because they have no evidence,” Hawley tweeted. “In real world, if prosecution doesn’t proceed with case, it gets dismissed. So on Monday, I will introduce measure to dismiss this bogus impeachment for lack of prosecution.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, said she is withholding the articles from the Senate until Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, agrees to hear testimony from a list of Trump administration officials named by Democrats.

McConnell wants the Senate to follow the rules agreed to during the 1999 impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton. Senators back then agreed unanimously to hear from the prosecutors and the defense and to consider witness testimony later on.

Democrats have rejected that proposal and have argued the Senate must hear testimony from Michael Duffey, the associate director of national security programs at the Office of Management and Budget, among others. Duffy, according to unredacted emails viewed by liberal organization Just Security, told the Pentagon on Aug. 30 the delay in security aid to Ukraine was a “clear direction” from Trump.

But Hawley and other Republicans believe House Democrats are looking for a way to extend the investigation into the president beyond the House impeachment proceedings, which ended with Democrats passing impeachment articles accusing Trump of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

Hawley said his measure to dismiss the charges “will expose Dems’ circus for what it is: a fake impeachment, abuse of the Constitution, based on no evidence.”

Hawley tweeted: “If Dems won’t proceed with trial, bogus articles should be dismissed and @realDonaldTrump fully cleared.”

The Senate reconvenes on Friday.


Finally a Republican that realizes that immediately killing this shampeachment takes away the #1 talking point of the party of INFANTICIDE for the 2020 election....Bet that will piss off Piglousy!!

Senate rules require a trial. There is nothing in the Constitution that specifies a time frame. Hawley is another crooked Trump supporter just like you. Republicans are the ones who abuse the Constitution.
In the House, the Dimwinger's "timeline" for weeks was "We have to rush because Trump is a threat to our "democracy" and national security". Then they went on vacation.

Does that mean Trump is no longer a threat, or were you lied to by Nazi Pelousy, Schifferbrains, and Nadless?

You cannot recall a US Representative.
I don't know if the Senate Repubs will pass a motion to dismiss the impeachment charges for lack of prosecution, but they might amend their rules to require a timely submission and THEN vote to dismiss. It's all about optics, the Senate does not want to look as partisan as the House did.

That will take a 2/3rds vote.
I don't know if the Senate Repubs will pass a motion to dismiss the impeachment charges for lack of prosecution, but they might amend their rules to require a timely submission and THEN vote to dismiss. It's all about optics, the Senate does not want to look as partisan as the House did.
Too late. The optics of the Senate have already been painted. That ship sailed when Mitch announced close coordination in lockstep(or should I have said goosestep) with Trump's defense team.
Ah yes the pretend optics of the Third Riech impeachment trial run by Herr Schiff and Herr Nadler. Where only specific people may testify, only specific questions may be asked and only by specific people.

How dare the Senate even suggest that it will not consider talking with the White House. The Senate should recognize that the House is in charge of who how and why things are done in the Senate. Pelosi should be at the head and McConnell must be relegated to one of the yes men to her.

The problem is the house felt that for 21/2 years Trump was such a clear and present danger to the democratic agenda that they needed to impeach him. They finally have done so in a hope that their current candidates will be made more paliatable.

You and Trump are the Nazis. Relevant witnesses were called and relevant questions were allowed. Republicans got to ask those questions.

The Senate should not be talking to the White House. Worth noting the Senate has not even decided how to proceed so sending the articles of impeachment matter little.

Americans agree what Trump did was wrong. What they disagree with is the penalty. A substantial number of people want him impeached and removed.
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You cannot recall a US Representative.

Not true.

Not true, at all.

The U.S. Representative that I recall from farthest back was Bob Lagomarsino. He was the Congressman from the distinct in which grew up, in Santa Barbara. He'd been our Congressman, forever, it seemed. He was very well-liked, and very well-respected, and always easily was reelected. The Democrats would usually run a token candidate against him, just for appearance's sake, but everyone knew that Lagomarsino would always win reelection.

That is, until Michael Huffington came along—an extremely-wealthy man from Texas, heir to an oil fortune, who decided to use some of his inherited money to buy himself a seat in Congress. I guess he figured correctly, that Lagomarsino, not being accustomed to having to run much of a campaign to hold on to his seat, would be an easy target. He ran as a Republican, opposing Lagomarsino in the primary. Lagomarsino didn't know what hit him. Huffington crushed Lagomarsino in the Primary, and then went on to win the general election. He turned out to be a hardcore RINO, nearly always siding with the Democrats. The next election, he gave up his seat in Congress to run for the Senate,against Dianne Feinstein. I was able at least to take some comfort in knowing that that election would result in being rid of one or the other of those two vermin. Feinstein won that election, and Huffington slivered off, seldom to be heard of again. I think about the only thing I ever heard of him was a few years later, that he had divorced his wife, and come out as a demi-faggot. That ex-wife, Ariana Huffington, is one of the founders of the Huffington Post.

Our next Congressperson was Andrea Seastrand, a Republican, who served one term, before being defeated by Democrat Walter Capps. Walter Capps died of a heart attack, about the same time that another Congressman from another part of California, about his same age, Sonny Bono (Yes, the former singer, once married to Cher—Sonny and Cher), died in a skiing accident. This struck me as rather funny, in a morbid way—that two prominent men,about the same age, died; one from a manner that I perceive as a way that old people die (heart attack), and the other a way that I perceive as a way a young man is more likely to die (skiing into a tree). Capps' wife, Lois Capps, succeeded him, being elected in a special election to fill his seat. Lois Capps still held that seat at the time my wife and I left that area, to move to Sacramento.

When we arrived in Sacramento, in 2004, our Congressman there was Bob Matsui. He died later that year, from an illness, and was succeeded by his wife, Doris Matsui, who holds that seat to this day.

So you see, I have just now recalled several U.S. Representatives. To add one more, I recall that like Walter Capps, and Bob Matsui, Sonny Bono was also succeeded in Congress by his wife, Mary Bono. Others who have a better memory than I do, or a wider range of exposure to the inhabitants of Congress, can probably recall a lot more of them than I can.
I don't know if the Senate Repubs will pass a motion to dismiss the impeachment charges for lack of prosecution, but they might amend their rules to require a timely submission and THEN vote to dismiss. It's all about optics, the Senate does not want to look as partisan as the House did.
I think we've had a little bit of some gaming going on and it was not as partisan in the house rules as the President and the republicans tried to make you think.

The rules were very close to Clintons impeachment....minus the Dog and pony shows the Republican congress critters put on screaming unfairness as parts of Trump`s defense strategy.

The main difference is Clinton impeachment had a special prosecutor investigating for about 4 -6 years looking for crimes, Kenneth Starr... same with Nixon.... there was Cox, and then Jawarsky as special prosecutors....

In this investigation the House acted alone, doing the investigation in committees, and acting as both investigators and grand jury/prosecutors..... if this were a criminal case

The House is not a trial, it is the indictment stage if it were a criminal case..... the alleged criminal does not get due process when detectives are investigating for the prosecutor, or the grand jury is taking depositions from witnesses....... the defendant would have no legal rights at this stage with lawyers etc..... same w8th drawing up the indictment, or articles of impeachment.

The president cried and bitched and moaned about it, but that was his DEFENSE STRATEGY.....complain about process, even though it was a normal process.... because he did not seem to have any other defense witnesses that he wanted to get on record.

The house, the impeachment charges only need a majority vote to pass..... And can appear or even be, partisan

In the Senate trial is where the President has due process, his lawyers can question witnesses, call their own pertinent witnesses in his own defense, introduce evidence, have opening and closing statements etc etc etc.

And in the Senate, the senators have to take a sworn oath to be impartial as well... And it takes 2/3s of them voting to convict and removed..... the House per the Constitution, has none of that.....So it can appear partisan _founder's plan.
Every guilty party makes a motion to dismiss the charges
Usually, they get laughed at

I don't see anyone laughing ...

Third Riech, my butt. You extremists slay me.
Keep laughing. What do you call it when you use hearsay, don't allow people to ask questions of witnesses, and read fake transcripts as if real?
If you try to claim that his reading of the transcript was comedy as he claimed when caught then obviously Schiff did not take his own impeachment seriously so why should anyone else?

Get a grip. Everybody had a copy of the memo (not transcript) of the original call most likely in a folder before them. Hell, I got one saved to my computer and bet you do also. How much effect do you think his over-dramatized characterization had? I llike the witnesses that actually witnessed something. Now the Senate trial is coming up. The Senate will call witness to exonerate Trump (as he says he wants) in no time, don't you think?
Lol so you agree that Schiff did not take the house impeachment seriously. Yet you are arguing for things to be taken seriously. Isn't it hard on you to flip flop like that?
Myself I found the whole thing an attempt to make the democratic candidates look better.
Why should they do anything but immediately dismiss the whole thing out of hand? They claimed it started over quid pro quo then found their base could not understand that so went to bribery. They finally settled on abuse of office which they did not even come close to proving.
They claimed obstruction over executive privilege. The Supreme Court has already ruled on executive privilege and found that the president and his people must be allowed to speak freely among themselves without fear of reprisal.
Hell, don't take me serious "Maxdeath". I'm supposed to take you serious with a comic book character icon and screen name. Who you kidding, kid. That's me on the mountain top. What you see is what you get. Take it or leave it. I don't know you.
Oh so now it is attack me? Well good on you. Most children resort to things like that.
Funny thing is if the Dems can't actually take their own impeachment serious why should the repubicans? Besides almost everyone sees it for the partisan bull that it was. Notice not one independent nor republican voted for it. In fact they could not even get all of the dem party to vote for it.
And now the democrats are attempting to tell the republicans how they will run their part, who they will call as witnesses. Surprised they don't hand out scripts and how to vote.

If the senate decides to have a trial they can call anyone. In fact they should call the whistleblower since we need to hear exactly what they heard and have first hand knowledge of. They should call Pelosi since according to her they have been trying to impeach Trump for 21/2 years we need to hear what he did to warrant an impeachment at that point and why she waited so long. We need to call Maxine Watters and all the rest to find out why they felt he needed to be impeached when they first started talking about it. We even need to find out why the Democrates felt that they needed to impeach him to keep him from winning again.

If I were a democrat I would be very afraid that most of the house would be called and knowing that things that need to be hidden might come out.

Republicans are the ones who are partisan. Republicans had no issues with Biden pressuring Ukraine to fire a corrupt prosecutor. Several current Senators even wrote a letter echoing Biden's comments on corruption in Ukraine. These same Republicans now attack Biden because he represents a danger to Trump. That is partisan.

The Senate cannot call anyone. Roberts would have to rule their testimony is germane to the impeachment case if Democrats object.
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I don't know if the Senate Repubs will pass a motion to dismiss the impeachment charges for lack of prosecution, but they might amend their rules to require a timely submission and THEN vote to dismiss. It's all about optics, the Senate does not want to look as partisan as the House did.
Too late. The optics of the Senate have already been painted. That ship sailed when Mitch announced close coordination in lockstep(or should I have said goosestep) with Trump's defense team.
Dimiwingers coordinated with Clinton during his impeachment trial.

Like it or not, the impact of current optics fade in time. This is why people and Americans in particular are thought of as having short memories, and repeating old mistakes. Nobody will care about statements that Dem were not fair minded 25 years ago. Today's optics are today's optics. I don't make the rules.

It's always different when it's your side's hypocrisy, isn't it? The biased and highly partisan way the Dems have gone about this witch-hunt against Trump since day 1 has not gone unnoticed by the voters, especially the ones in swing states and districts. There's still a lot of time and things can change, but IMHO if the election was today your side would be losing their asses.

Is that why Democrats won 2 out of the 3 Governor's races held in red states? Your side is the one who is losing.
Washington Examiner ^ | January 2, 2020 | by Susan Ferrechio

A Republican senator announced he’ll introduce a measure to dismiss “this bogus impeachment” of President Trump.

Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri criticized House Democrats for voting to impeach Trump last month but then failing to send the two impeachment articles to the Senate.

“Now they don’t want to have a trial, because they have no evidence,” Hawley tweeted. “In real world, if prosecution doesn’t proceed with case, it gets dismissed. So on Monday, I will introduce measure to dismiss this bogus impeachment for lack of prosecution.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, said she is withholding the articles from the Senate until Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, agrees to hear testimony from a list of Trump administration officials named by Democrats.

McConnell wants the Senate to follow the rules agreed to during the 1999 impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton. Senators back then agreed unanimously to hear from the prosecutors and the defense and to consider witness testimony later on.

Democrats have rejected that proposal and have argued the Senate must hear testimony from Michael Duffey, the associate director of national security programs at the Office of Management and Budget, among others. Duffy, according to unredacted emails viewed by liberal organization Just Security, told the Pentagon on Aug. 30 the delay in security aid to Ukraine was a “clear direction” from Trump.

But Hawley and other Republicans believe House Democrats are looking for a way to extend the investigation into the president beyond the House impeachment proceedings, which ended with Democrats passing impeachment articles accusing Trump of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

Hawley said his measure to dismiss the charges “will expose Dems’ circus for what it is: a fake impeachment, abuse of the Constitution, based on no evidence.”

Hawley tweeted: “If Dems won’t proceed with trial, bogus articles should be dismissed and @realDonaldTrump fully cleared.”

The Senate reconvenes on Friday.


Finally a Republican that realizes that immediately killing this shampeachment takes away the #1 talking point of the party of INFANTICIDE for the 2020 election....Bet that will piss off Piglousy!!

Every guilty party makes a motion to dismiss the charges
Usually, they get laughed at
Total lie again.
You cannot recall a US Representative.

Not true.

Not true, at all.

The U.S. Representative that I recall from farthest back was Bob Lagomarsino. He was the Congressman from the distinct in which grew up, in Santa Barbara. He'd been our Congressman, forever, it seemed. He was very well-liked, and very well-respected, and always easily was reelected. The Democrats would usually run a token candidate against him, just for appearance's sake, but everyone knew that Lagomarsino would always win reelection.

That is, until Michael Huffington came along—an extremely-wealthy man from Texas, heir to an oil fortune, who decided to use some of his inherited money to buy himself a seat in Congress. I guess he figured correctly, that Lagomarsino, not being accustomed to having to run much of a campaign to hold on to his seat, would be an easy target. He ran as a Republican, opposing Lagomarsino in the primary. Lagomarsino didn't know what hit him. Huffington crushed Lagomarsino in the Primary, and then went on to win the general election. He turned out to be a hardcore RINO, nearly always siding with the Democrats. The next election, he gave up his seat in Congress to run for the Senate,against Dianne Feinstein. I was able at least to take some comfort in knowing that that election would result in being rid of one or the other of those two vermin. Feinstein won that election, and Huffington slivered off, seldom to be heard of again. I think about the only thing I ever heard of him was a few years later, that he had divorced his wife, and come out as a demi-faggot. That ex-wife, Ariana Huffington, is one of the founders of the Huffington Post.

Our next Congressperson was Andrea Seastrand, a Republican, who served one term, before being defeated by Democrat Walter Capps. Walter Capps died of a heart attack, about the same time that another Congressman from another part of California, about his same age, Sonny Bono (Yes, the former singer, once married to Cher—Sonny and Cher), died in a skiing accident. This struck me as rather funny, in a morbid way—that two prominent men,about the same age, died; one from a manner that I perceive as a way that old people die (heart attack), and the other a way that I perceive as a way a young man is more likely to die (skiing into a tree). Capps' wife, Lois Capps, succeeded him, being elected in a special election to fill his seat. Lois Capps still held that seat at the time my wife and I left that area, to move to Sacramento.

When we arrived in Sacramento, in 2004, our Congressman there was Bob Matsui. He died later that year, from an illness, and was succeeded by his wife, Doris Matsui, who holds that seat to this day.

So you see, I have just now recalled several U.S. Representatives. To add one more, I recall that like Walter Capps, and Bob Matsui, Sonny Bono was also succeeded in Congress by his wife, Mary Bono. Others who have a better memory than I do, or a wider range of exposure to the inhabitants of Congress, can probably recall a lot more of them than I can.

You wasted all that time on a joke? It wasn't that funny and libtards will believe you!
I don't know if the Senate Repubs will pass a motion to dismiss the impeachment charges for lack of prosecution, but they might amend their rules to require a timely submission and THEN vote to dismiss. It's all about optics, the Senate does not want to look as partisan as the House did.
Too late. The optics of the Senate have already been painted. That ship sailed when Mitch announced close coordination in lockstep(or should I have said goosestep) with Trump's defense team.
Ah yes the pretend optics of the Third Riech impeachment trial run by Herr Schiff and Herr Nadler. Where only specific people may testify, only specific questions may be asked and only by specific people.

How dare the Senate even suggest that it will not consider talking with the White House. The Senate should recognize that the House is in charge of who how and why things are done in the Senate. Pelosi should be at the head and McConnell must be relegated to one of the yes men to her.

The problem is the house felt that for 21/2 years Trump was such a clear and present danger to the democratic agenda that they needed to impeach him. They finally have done so in a hope that their current candidates will be made more paliatable.

You and Trump are the Nazis. Relevant witnesses were called and relevant questions were allowed. Republicans got to ask those questions.

The Senate should not be talking to the White House. Worth noting the Senate has not even decided how to proceed so sending the articles of impeachment matter little.

Americans agree what Trump did was wrong. What they disagree with is the penalty. A substantial number of people want him impeached and removed.
Lol you are a funny little character.
You yourself agree that this Bly certain questions were allowed. Only certain people allowed to be questioned.
The problem is the House does not get to dictate to the Senate. Pelosi thinks she can. The rules for impeachment have been set up since Nixion but the House now wants to go a diffrent route. Not going to happen.

Most Americans see this for what it is, a partisan attempt to unseat a president. No matter how you and others try to spin it.
Keep laughing. What do you call it when you use hearsay, don't allow people to ask questions of witnesses, and read fake transcripts as if real?
If you try to claim that his reading of the transcript was comedy as he claimed when caught then obviously Schiff did not take his own impeachment seriously so why should anyone else?

Get a grip. Everybody had a copy of the memo (not transcript) of the original call most likely in a folder before them. Hell, I got one saved to my computer and bet you do also. How much effect do you think his over-dramatized characterization had? I llike the witnesses that actually witnessed something. Now the Senate trial is coming up. The Senate will call witness to exonerate Trump (as he says he wants) in no time, don't you think?
Lol so you agree that Schiff did not take the house impeachment seriously. Yet you are arguing for things to be taken seriously. Isn't it hard on you to flip flop like that?
Myself I found the whole thing an attempt to make the democratic candidates look better.
Why should they do anything but immediately dismiss the whole thing out of hand? They claimed it started over quid pro quo then found their base could not understand that so went to bribery. They finally settled on abuse of office which they did not even come close to proving.
They claimed obstruction over executive privilege. The Supreme Court has already ruled on executive privilege and found that the president and his people must be allowed to speak freely among themselves without fear of reprisal.
Hell, don't take me serious "Maxdeath". I'm supposed to take you serious with a comic book character icon and screen name. Who you kidding, kid. That's me on the mountain top. What you see is what you get. Take it or leave it. I don't know you.
Oh so now it is attack me? Well good on you. Most children resort to things like that.
Funny thing is if the Dems can't actually take their own impeachment serious why should the repubicans? Besides almost everyone sees it for the partisan bull that it was. Notice not one independent nor republican voted for it. In fact they could not even get all of the dem party to vote for it.
And now the democrats are attempting to tell the republicans how they will run their part, who they will call as witnesses. Surprised they don't hand out scripts and how to vote.

If the senate decides to have a trial they can call anyone. In fact they should call the whistleblower since we need to hear exactly what they heard and have first hand knowledge of. They should call Pelosi since according to her they have been trying to impeach Trump for 21/2 years we need to hear what he did to warrant an impeachment at that point and why she waited so long. We need to call Maxine Watters and all the rest to find out why they felt he needed to be impeached when they first started talking about it. We even need to find out why the Democrates felt that they needed to impeach him to keep him from winning again.

If I were a democrat I would be very afraid that most of the house would be called and knowing that things that need to be hidden might come out.

Republicans are the ones who are partisan. Republicans had no issues with Biden pressuring Ukraine to fire a corrupt prosecutor. Several current Senators even wrote a letter echoing Biden's comments on corruption in Ukraine. These same Republicans now attack Biden because he represents a danger to Trump. That is partisan.

The Senate cannot call anyone. Roberts would have to rule their testimony is germane to the impeachment case if Democrats object.
Sorry to bust your little bubble in your DNC echo chamber but but this whole impeachment has been nothing but a partisan game of make the terrible Demcratic candidates look better game. Back when Clinton and Nixon were being impeached many of those same democrats were yelling to ant camera that it must always be bipartisan. Impeachment should never be a tool wielded by one party.

In case CNN did not let you know not only was the house attempt to impeach not bipartisan not even all of the democrats voted to impeach.

So according to you the Senate can not call witnesses yet Pelosi says that they must call all the witnesses that she wants called. So either you are wrong or she is, so which of you crazies is it?
“Now they don’t want to have a trial, because they have no evidence,” Hawley tweeted. “In real world, if prosecution doesn’t proceed with case, it gets dismissed. So on Monday, I will introduce measure to dismiss this bogus impeachment for lack of prosecution.”

GOP senator will introduce measure to dismiss impeachment articles

Democrats got used royally by Trump in this whole thing.
Complete horseshit. We most defiantly want a trial. A real trial with witnesses and the presentation of evidence. You and your ilk are cowering in the corner like trapped animals fearing what is to come. If Trump has done no wrong, why do you people resist an open and through disclosure of the4 facts? The reason is that you're all full of shit! Plenty of evidence of Trumps culpability was presented in the House. He has been effectively indicted. Since then, more damning information has surfaced:

Donald Trump ordered hold of Ukraine aid according to White House budget official - CNNPolitics

In the face of warnings from the Pentagon that the hold on military aid to Ukraine could be illegal, an official from the Office of Management and Budget made it clear that the order to keep the freeze in place came directly from President Donald Trump, according to unredacted documents reviewed by Just Security.

The documents, including emails from officials at the Department of Defense and the Office of Management and Budget that were released under court order last month but were either partially or completely blacked out, offer new details about tensions between the two agencies tasked with carrying out Trump's unexplained hold on aid to Ukraine.
They also raise serious questions about why the newly revealed contents were redacted by the Trump administration in the first place amid congressional oversight efforts and court orders in Freedom of Information Act litigation.

If Trump did not have a vice grip on his Senate minions and if McConnel were not the Trump as licker that he is , Trump would be double fucked. But you know what? He may be anyway. There are enough Republicans in the Senate who just might vote to allow witnesses and to have a real trial.
Call Nancy ASAP
Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant! Is that really all that you have? Is it remotely possible that you do not understand the strategy behind the delaying of transmitting the articles to the Senate? Sadly, it would appear that you are, in fact that ignorant.
Better hurry, for tomorrow dismissal begins.

Pelosi thinks she runs the Senate and the POTUS reports to her.

She’s getting edjewmidicated
You might want to have a look at this. Then again maybe you don't

Here’s why Mitch McConnell will now have to bow to Nancy Pelosi on impeachment

According to a Capitol Hill reporter for the Washington Post, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) may run into a buzzsaw over impeachment from his own caucus after they return to DC from the holiday break and get peppered with questions from the media over Donald Trump’s trial.

Speaking with CNN New Day host Martin Savidge, the WaPo’s Toulouse Olorunnipa said the majority of pressure over the delayed impeachment trial is likely on McConnell and not House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).
Pelosi wants to demand she know that the verdict will go her way so she is sitting on her ball like a petulant child whose outcome is Solely Limited to a loss. Libs are used to participation only so they can’t win and don’t know how to lose with dignity and grace
“Now they don’t want to have a trial, because they have no evidence,” Hawley tweeted. “In real world, if prosecution doesn’t proceed with case, it gets dismissed. So on Monday, I will introduce measure to dismiss this bogus impeachment for lack of prosecution.”

GOP senator will introduce measure to dismiss impeachment articles

Democrats got used royally by Trump in this whole thing.
The US House of Representatives has the sole power to impeach.

The US Senate has no standing at-law in this matter; certainly not before they officially receive such articles.

If the Senate is foolish enough to pass such a measure, the House will challenge it in the courts within hours.

And the House will win any such confrontation.

If need-be, the case will be fast-tracked all the way to SCOTUS, and even a conservative -dominated court will rule in favor of the House.
Pelosi wants to demand she know that the verdict will go her way so she is sitting on her ball like a petulant child whose outcome is Solely Limited to a loss. Libs are used to participation only so they can’t win and don’t know how to lose with dignity and grace
How articulate and cogent of you.
“Now they don’t want to have a trial, because they have no evidence,” Hawley tweeted. “In real world, if prosecution doesn’t proceed with case, it gets dismissed. So on Monday, I will introduce measure to dismiss this bogus impeachment for lack of prosecution.”

GOP senator will introduce measure to dismiss impeachment articles

Democrats got used royally by Trump in this whole thing.
The US House of Representatives has the sole power to impeach.

The US Senate has no standing at-law in this matter; certainly not before they officially receive such articles.

If the Senate is foolish enough to pass such a measure, the House will challenge it in the courts within hours.

And the House will win any such confrontation.

If need-be, the case will be fast-tracked all the way to SCOTUS, and even a conservative -dominated court will rule in favor of the House.
No the Senate is not helpless, if the House will not confer the Articles then there is no impeachment hearing and no impeachment.

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