Senators near a deal on background checks for most private gun sales

The only people who DON'T CARE about background checks are the CRIMINALS. They'll still get their guns in the back alleys, out of car trunks, and by burglarizing homes.

The CRIMINALS are all laughing at the politicians and the gun control pussies.
The only people who DON'T CARE about background checks are the CRIMINALS. They'll still get their guns in the back alleys, out of car trunks, and by burglarizing homes.

The CRIMINALS are all laughing at the politicians and the gun control pussies.

Well, I'm sure the "CRIMINALS" are grateful that we're trying to also protect them from mentally defective nuts with guns - as well as society at large.
By Ed O’Keefe

A bipartisan group of senators is on the verge of a deal that would expand background checks to all private firearms sales with limited exemptions, but significant disagreements remain on the issue of keeping records of private gun sales, according to aides familiar with the talks.

More: Senators near a deal on background checks for most private gun sales - The Washington Post

Fuck the deal! They need background checks and renewable registration for every gun in the country, including the police and military.
John McCain is a failed politician. An average pilot, but a terrible politician....he'd support anything to get himself elected

I don't think he was an average pilot. He flew a plane into a power line during training. He was way above average in losing aircraft.
If we all can agree that guns in the hands of criminals and the mentally frazzled is a bad idea, why the opposition to background checks? Unless...

Some gun enthusiasts believe that any laws concerning guns makes for an infringement on gun ownership rights (as if all rights aren't infringed upon in some way). I contend that his attitude is frightfully short sighted. It is tantamount to complete surrender to rampant gun violence. One might say that this attitude reflects a position that basically says the right to bear arms is another freedom that isn't free, That right must be paid for with the blood of innocent victims of gun violence all because we think our guns are too much fun to be restricted in any and all ways.

If indeed guns don't kill people, but people kill people (and the retort is guns don't die, people die), wouldn't assuring guns don't fall into the hands of criminals be a very good thing for public safety?

Why surrender to the whims of the NRA (whose 100 year mandate on hunting and conservation has changed in the light of increased money from the gun manufacturers)? why not side on the obvious public safety issue instead?
If we all can agree that guns in the hands of criminals and the mentally frazzled is a bad idea, why the opposition to background checks? Unless...

Some gun enthusiasts believe that any laws concerning guns makes for an infringement on gun ownership rights (as if all rights aren't infringed upon in some way). I contend that his attitude is frightfully short sighted. It is tantamount to complete surrender to rampant gun violence. One might say that this attitude reflects a position that basically says the right to bear arms is another freedom that isn't free, That right must be paid for with the blood of innocent victims of gun violence all because we think our guns are too much fun to be restricted in any and all ways.

If indeed guns don't kill people, but people kill people (and the retort is guns don't die, people die), wouldn't assuring guns don't fall into the hands of criminals be a very good thing for public safety?

Why surrender to the whims of the NRA (whose 100 year mandate on hunting and conservation has changed in the light of increased money from the gun manufacturers)? why not side on the obvious public safety issue instead?

I had almost taken you serious until your last two sentences.

The NRA is the Nation's Oldest Civil Rights group. It's never been just about Hunting and Conservation. It has always been about gun safety. So your creditbilty has taken a serious setback when spouting Left Wing Gun grabber rhetoric.. people who don't know the first thing about guns or gun laws... Right "blast them double barrels in the air and those bad guys will go running Jill." Biden.

You really don't have a clue as to why we are against more background checks, despite the fact that many reasons have been posted time and time again.
John McCain is a failed politician. An average pilot, but a terrible politician....he'd support anything to get himself elected

Average pilot? Hell, didn't he crash like FIVE Navy jets? Graduated FIVE from the bottom of his Naval Academy class (894th out of 899)? Keating FIVE. Damn, a lot of FIVEs...

However, I feel reasonably sure he has a grasp on how his fellow Senators will vote on background checks.
John McCain is a failed politician. An average pilot, but a terrible politician....he'd support anything to get himself elected

Average pilot? Hell, didn't he crash like FIVE Navy jets? Graduated FIVE from the bottom of his Naval Academy class (894th out of 899)? Keating FIVE. Damn, a lot of FIVEs...

However, I feel reasonably sure he has a grasp on how his fellow Senators will vote on background checks.

McCain dumped his wife after she was suffering from a car accident and married a rich woman, he was having an affair with. That's all it takes to run for President in the GOP.
If we all can agree that guns in the hands of criminals and the mentally frazzled is a bad idea, why the opposition to background checks? Unless...

Some gun enthusiasts believe that any laws concerning guns makes for an infringement on gun ownership rights (as if all rights aren't infringed upon in some way). I contend that his attitude is frightfully short sighted. It is tantamount to complete surrender to rampant gun violence. One might say that this attitude reflects a position that basically says the right to bear arms is another freedom that isn't free, That right must be paid for with the blood of innocent victims of gun violence all because we think our guns are too much fun to be restricted in any and all ways.

If indeed guns don't kill people, but people kill people (and the retort is guns don't die, people die), wouldn't assuring guns don't fall into the hands of criminals be a very good thing for public safety?

Why surrender to the whims of the NRA (whose 100 year mandate on hunting and conservation has changed in the light of increased money from the gun manufacturers)? why not side on the obvious public safety issue instead?

I had almost taken you serious until your last two sentences.

The NRA is the Nation's Oldest Civil Rights group. It's never been just about Hunting and Conservation. It has always been about gun safety. So your creditbilty has taken a serious setback when spouting Left Wing Gun grabber rhetoric.. people who don't know the first thing about guns or gun laws... Right "blast them double barrels in the air and those bad guys will go running Jill." Biden.

You really don't have a clue as to why we are against more background checks, despite the fact that many reasons have been posted time and time again.
I'm so sorry you do not have a firm grasp on the history of the NRA. Until the early 1980s, the National Rifle Association was the foremost group promoting hunting safety and conservation. The message changed during the Reagan administration.

You should really understand this before making rash and ill informed assumptions.
If we all can agree that guns in the hands of criminals and the mentally frazzled is a bad idea, why the opposition to background checks? Unless...

Some gun enthusiasts believe that any laws concerning guns makes for an infringement on gun ownership rights (as if all rights aren't infringed upon in some way). I contend that his attitude is frightfully short sighted. It is tantamount to complete surrender to rampant gun violence. One might say that this attitude reflects a position that basically says the right to bear arms is another freedom that isn't free, That right must be paid for with the blood of innocent victims of gun violence all because we think our guns are too much fun to be restricted in any and all ways.

If indeed guns don't kill people, but people kill people (and the retort is guns don't die, people die), wouldn't assuring guns don't fall into the hands of criminals be a very good thing for public safety?

Why surrender to the whims of the NRA (whose 100 year mandate on hunting and conservation has changed in the light of increased money from the gun manufacturers)? why not side on the obvious public safety issue instead?

I had almost taken you serious until your last two sentences.

The NRA is the Nation's Oldest Civil Rights group. It's never been just about Hunting and Conservation. It has always been about gun safety. So your creditbilty has taken a serious setback when spouting Left Wing Gun grabber rhetoric.. people who don't know the first thing about guns or gun laws... Right "blast them double barrels in the air and those bad guys will go running Jill." Biden.

You really don't have a clue as to why we are against more background checks, despite the fact that many reasons have been posted time and time again.
I'm so sorry you do not have a firm grasp on the history of the NRA. Until the early 1980s, the National Rifle Association was the foremost group promoting hunting safety and conservation. The message changed during the Reagan administration.

You should really understand this before making rash and ill informed assumptions.

You're going to be one sorry dude, because that Shitbird doesn't have a firm grasp on anything.
John McCain is a failed politician. An average pilot, but a terrible politician....he'd support anything to get himself elected

Average pilot? Hell, didn't he crash like FIVE Navy jets? Graduated FIVE from the bottom of his Naval Academy class (894th out of 899)? Keating FIVE. Damn, a lot of FIVEs...

However, I feel reasonably sure he has a grasp on how his fellow Senators will vote on background checks.

That’s funny because there is no one really questioning that gun control can and will pass the senate.

It is the house that is going to have a hard time swallowing the progressive pill. The longer it takes to get a bill on the floor (because the knee jerk reactionary tactic of emotional appeal is wearing thin) the less likely it is going to pass.
John McCain is a failed politician. An average pilot, but a terrible politician....he'd support anything to get himself elected

Average pilot? Hell, didn't he crash like FIVE Navy jets? Graduated FIVE from the bottom of his Naval Academy class (894th out of 899)? Keating FIVE. Damn, a lot of FIVEs...

However, I feel reasonably sure he has a grasp on how his fellow Senators will vote on background checks.

McCain dumped his wife after she was suffering from a car accident and married a rich woman, he was having an affair with. That's all it takes to run for President in the GOP.

John Edwards

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