Senators who opposed background checks losing support

Yanno......................I was offered a chance to be a member of the PRP program in the Navy, which meant that I got to handle "special weapons".

I was told that if I volunteered for that job, I would be subject to an extensive background check because of the sensitivity of the job that I was seeking.

I volunteered for it, because I wanted the job (it would get me really close to jets) and because I knew that having a Top Secret clearance would be good for my career.

Wanna know why I chose to volunteer for it? Because I knew I could pass the background checks (came from a pretty vanilla type of family who didn't do anything wrong), and because I knew I was qualified.

If you can't pass a background check to buy a gun, and you know it, why would you buy one on the free market? If you can't pass, you're gonna have to spend 3 times the amount of money to get the same weapon.

However..........................if you're clean and you know it, spending time to have the check done is no problem. It wasn't for me.

sure in a perfect world that would be great

however with the black market and underworld

it is far from perfect

guns are cheap in the underworld

where they are traded for a bag of weed

a gram of meth

or are stolen

no amount of background checks are going to stop that
So now we trade freedoms? Blacks were slaves and women could not vote so now that we have corrected that, we can give up the second amendment, smoking and whatever else passes over your mind…

What a pathetic way of looking at freedom. You don’t trade them. It matters not how many freedoms we have gained, that does not take away the pursuit of increased freedoms or remove the responsibility to fight those that try and take that which we have.

We do not live in a lIbertarian world.....we never will

When your actions impinge on the Rights of others you are not giving up your are giving up your right to be an asshole

They could have made smoking restaraunts or bars where a person wouldn't infringe (impinge) on the rights of others...but that didn't happen, did it? They just broadbrushed away a freedom that people once enjoyed.

who about this

the owner of the joint decides if he/she wants to be a smoke free place or not

and lets the patron decide if he/she wants to be a customer
They could have banned smoking altogether as a known carcinogen which has led to millions of deaths

But no, we decided to allow smokers the freedom to kill themselves. We just no longer give them the opportunity to kill those around them

Dude, you made a statement saying that we have more freedoms than ever. I refuted what you stated and now you're moving the goal posts.
Seems you just should have moved on, and let it go.

So your definition of freedom is to be able to spew smoke in a bar
Mine is to no longer lable blacks as second class citizens

I win

You're made a statement and you got your ass handed to you. So you come up with labeling blacks as second hand citizens? :cuckoo:
How about recreational use of federal land? Used to be able to sluice gold from streams, now not so much these days....also the use of off road vehicles.
Spin that into some kind of racial mantra that you obviously like to use when you get bitchslapped.
We do not live in a lIbertarian world.....we never will

When your actions impinge on the Rights of others you are not giving up your are giving up your right to be an asshole

They could have made smoking restaraunts or bars where a person wouldn't infringe (impinge) on the rights of others...but that didn't happen, did it? They just broadbrushed away a freedom that people once enjoyed.

who about this

the owner of the joint decides if he/she wants to be a smoke free place or not

and lets the patron decide if he/she wants to be a customer

leftwinger will say something about black's being second hand citizens to refute your premise....true story.
We do not live in a lIbertarian world.....we never will

When your actions impinge on the Rights of others you are not giving up your are giving up your right to be an asshole

They could have made smoking restaraunts or bars where a person wouldn't infringe (impinge) on the rights of others...but that didn't happen, did it? They just broadbrushed away a freedom that people once enjoyed.

They could have banned smoking altogether as a known carcinogen which has led to millions of deaths

But no, we decided to allow smokers the freedom to kill themselves. We just no longer give them the opportunity to kill those around them

there is way to much government control on everything
Yanno......................I was offered a chance to be a member of the PRP program in the Navy, which meant that I got to handle "special weapons".

I was told that if I volunteered for that job, I would be subject to an extensive background check because of the sensitivity of the job that I was seeking.

I volunteered for it, because I wanted the job (it would get me really close to jets) and because I knew that having a Top Secret clearance would be good for my career.

Wanna know why I chose to volunteer for it? Because I knew I could pass the background checks (came from a pretty vanilla type of family who didn't do anything wrong), and because I knew I was qualified.

If you can't pass a background check to buy a gun, and you know it, why would you buy one on the free market? If you can't pass, you're gonna have to spend 3 times the amount of money to get the same weapon.

However..........................if you're clean and you know it, spending time to have the check done is no problem. It wasn't for me.

for one, crominals have no intention of going through a background check and putting their name, address and personal details on record. they will never be effected by a background check because they would never submit to one. Gangs already improt their own guns, by the container load. all government regulations do is open up another black market item to the gangs. drugs are banned, the black market loves them. put restrictions on guns, the gangs will love then too. they will become the new gun dealers. now you have no regulation at all. ever wonder why when a gang member is arrested his gun is never linked to any previous crime committed? because for them they are throw aways. use a gun, you toss it and get another. you never carry a dirty gun, only a clean one. clean in hte sense it has never been used for another crime.
Yanno......................I was offered a chance to be a member of the PRP program in the Navy, which meant that I got to handle "special weapons".

I was told that if I volunteered for that job, I would be subject to an extensive background check because of the sensitivity of the job that I was seeking.

I volunteered for it, because I wanted the job (it would get me really close to jets) and because I knew that having a Top Secret clearance would be good for my career.

Wanna know why I chose to volunteer for it? Because I knew I could pass the background checks (came from a pretty vanilla type of family who didn't do anything wrong), and because I knew I was qualified.

If you can't pass a background check to buy a gun, and you know it, why would you buy one on the free market? If you can't pass, you're gonna have to spend 3 times the amount of money to get the same weapon.

However..........................if you're clean and you know it, spending time to have the check done is no problem. It wasn't for me.

for one, crominals have no intention of going through a background check and putting their name, address and personal details on record. they will never be effected by a background check because they would never submit to one. Gangs already improt their own guns, by the container load. all government regulations do is open up another black market item to the gangs. drugs are banned, the black market loves them. put restrictions on guns, the gangs will love then too. they will become the new gun dealers. now you have no regulation at all. ever wonder why when a gang member is arrested his gun is never linked to any previous crime committed? because for them they are throw aways. use a gun, you toss it and get another. you never carry a dirty gun, only a clean one. clean in hte sense it has never been used for another crime.

You're right......................criminals have no intention of going through a background check, and if you're a law abiding citizen, you should have no problems with it.

Considering that you don't need a background check to buy a gun on the internet, or in many cases, gun shows, where do you think the criminals are going to get their guns? If they can, it's from the 'net or the gun shows, if not, then they pay 3 times what they could have paid if they go on the black market.

However........................even that is becoming obsolete, because now, some idiots in TX have figured out how to get a working plastic gun from one of those 3D printers that you can buy for around 8,000.

No registration, because there's no number, and you can print as many as you want.

Know what's even scarier? They're made out of plastic, and can possibly get through a metal detector.

Yeah..................maybe you're right.................instead of a chicken in every pot, it should be a gun in every hand................../sarcasm.
Yanno......................I was offered a chance to be a member of the PRP program in the Navy, which meant that I got to handle "special weapons".

I was told that if I volunteered for that job, I would be subject to an extensive background check because of the sensitivity of the job that I was seeking.

I volunteered for it, because I wanted the job (it would get me really close to jets) and because I knew that having a Top Secret clearance would be good for my career.

Wanna know why I chose to volunteer for it? Because I knew I could pass the background checks (came from a pretty vanilla type of family who didn't do anything wrong), and because I knew I was qualified.

If you can't pass a background check to buy a gun, and you know it, why would you buy one on the free market? If you can't pass, you're gonna have to spend 3 times the amount of money to get the same weapon.

However..........................if you're clean and you know it, spending time to have the check done is no problem. It wasn't for me.

for one, crominals have no intention of going through a background check and putting their name, address and personal details on record. they will never be effected by a background check because they would never submit to one. Gangs already improt their own guns, by the container load. all government regulations do is open up another black market item to the gangs. drugs are banned, the black market loves them. put restrictions on guns, the gangs will love then too. they will become the new gun dealers. now you have no regulation at all. ever wonder why when a gang member is arrested his gun is never linked to any previous crime committed? because for them they are throw aways. use a gun, you toss it and get another. you never carry a dirty gun, only a clean one. clean in hte sense it has never been used for another crime.

You're right......................criminals have no intention of going through a background check, and if you're a law abiding citizen, you should have no problems with it.

Considering that you don't need a background check to buy a gun on the internet, or in many cases, gun shows, where do you think the criminals are going to get their guns? If they can, it's from the 'net or the gun shows, if not, then they pay 3 times what they could have paid if they go on the black market.

However........................even that is becoming obsolete, because now, some idiots in TX have figured out how to get a working plastic gun from one of those 3D printers that you can buy for around 8,000.

No registration, because there's no number, and you can print as many as you want.

Know what's even scarier? They're made out of plastic, and can possibly get through a metal detector.

Yeah..................maybe you're right.................instead of a chicken in every pot, it should be a gun in every hand................../sarcasm.

I wonder how long it will take the NRA to put a stop to that, though. It means gun manufacturers won't be making as much money if people can make their own guns and the NRA is gun manufacturers biggest lobbyst!

I bet they won't put up with it.
Yanno......................I was offered a chance to be a member of the PRP program in the Navy, which meant that I got to handle "special weapons".

I was told that if I volunteered for that job, I would be subject to an extensive background check because of the sensitivity of the job that I was seeking.

I volunteered for it, because I wanted the job (it would get me really close to jets) and because I knew that having a Top Secret clearance would be good for my career.

Wanna know why I chose to volunteer for it? Because I knew I could pass the background checks (came from a pretty vanilla type of family who didn't do anything wrong), and because I knew I was qualified.

If you can't pass a background check to buy a gun, and you know it, why would you buy one on the free market? If you can't pass, you're gonna have to spend 3 times the amount of money to get the same weapon.

However..........................if you're clean and you know it, spending time to have the check done is no problem. It wasn't for me.

for one, crominals have no intention of going through a background check and putting their name, address and personal details on record. they will never be effected by a background check because they would never submit to one. Gangs already improt their own guns, by the container load. all government regulations do is open up another black market item to the gangs. drugs are banned, the black market loves them. put restrictions on guns, the gangs will love then too. they will become the new gun dealers. now you have no regulation at all. ever wonder why when a gang member is arrested his gun is never linked to any previous crime committed? because for them they are throw aways. use a gun, you toss it and get another. you never carry a dirty gun, only a clean one. clean in hte sense it has never been used for another crime.

You're right......................criminals have no intention of going through a background check, and if you're a law abiding citizen, you should have no problems with it.

Considering that you don't need a background check to buy a gun on the internet, or in many cases, gun shows, where do you think the criminals are going to get their guns? If they can, it's from the 'net or the gun shows, if not, then they pay 3 times what they could have paid if they go on the black market.

However........................even that is becoming obsolete, because now, some idiots in TX have figured out how to get a working plastic gun from one of those 3D printers that you can buy for around 8,000.

No registration, because there's no number, and you can print as many as you want.

Know what's even scarier? They're made out of plastic, and can possibly get through a metal detector.

Yeah..................maybe you're right.................instead of a chicken in every pot, it should be a gun in every hand................../sarcasm.

so what you're saying is you cant control guns...welcome to let the citizens fight back and kill the murderers when you catch them......
Yanno......................I was offered a chance to be a member of the PRP program in the Navy, which meant that I got to handle "special weapons".

I was told that if I volunteered for that job, I would be subject to an extensive background check because of the sensitivity of the job that I was seeking.

I volunteered for it, because I wanted the job (it would get me really close to jets) and because I knew that having a Top Secret clearance would be good for my career.

Wanna know why I chose to volunteer for it? Because I knew I could pass the background checks (came from a pretty vanilla type of family who didn't do anything wrong), and because I knew I was qualified.

If you can't pass a background check to buy a gun, and you know it, why would you buy one on the free market? If you can't pass, you're gonna have to spend 3 times the amount of money to get the same weapon.

However..........................if you're clean and you know it, spending time to have the check done is no problem. It wasn't for me.

for one, crominals have no intention of going through a background check and putting their name, address and personal details on record. they will never be effected by a background check because they would never submit to one. Gangs already improt their own guns, by the container load. all government regulations do is open up another black market item to the gangs. drugs are banned, the black market loves them. put restrictions on guns, the gangs will love then too. they will become the new gun dealers. now you have no regulation at all. ever wonder why when a gang member is arrested his gun is never linked to any previous crime committed? because for them they are throw aways. use a gun, you toss it and get another. you never carry a dirty gun, only a clean one. clean in hte sense it has never been used for another crime.

You're right......................criminals have no intention of going through a background check, and if you're a law abiding citizen, you should have no problems with it.

Considering that you don't need a background check to buy a gun on the internet, or in many cases, gun shows, where do you think the criminals are going to get their guns? If they can, it's from the 'net or the gun shows, if not, then they pay 3 times what they could have paid if they go on the black market.

However........................even that is becoming obsolete, because now, some idiots in TX have figured out how to get a working plastic gun from one of those 3D printers that you can buy for around 8,000.

No registration, because there's no number, and you can print as many as you want.

Know what's even scarier? They're made out of plastic, and can possibly get through a metal detector.

Yeah..................maybe you're right.................instead of a chicken in every pot, it should be a gun in every hand................../sarcasm.

the problem with our current group of politicians and gun grabbers is they deal in the past. they have no solution to the problem so they try to come up with some feel good legislation they are happy with because it doens't effect them. problem is, what they are trying to control is alreadt a step ahead of them. the old tried and true black market is already ramping up. guns, ammunition, conversion kits making a semi a full auto. it's real easy to do, all you need it the part. and then you have the new technology. plastic, make your own. every law they are currently even recommending just went out the window with that. more than half of our security measures did too. Where is the government forsight on that? were they not aware of this technology? or were they just too focused on an agenda to really care

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