Send the DACA moochers packing and build The Wall without approval...Here’s how.

Trump doesn’t need congressional approval or appropriation for the wall. As commander in chief he can deploy the corp of engineers of our armed forces to construct The Wall.
The Wall can be built as part of regular military defense initiatives.

A Crowd Funding method can be used to help subsidize expenses. The “Crowd” being good, quality REAL Americans.

Anybody working with an iQ over 20 knows Mexico will in fact pay for the wall...directly or indirectly one way or another.

They aren't "moochers".

Funny that word doesn't even appear in the OP but they are moochers.

It appears in the thread title.

Are we supposed to comment on titles or OPs? Many titles contain things that are never included in OPs.

Trump doesn’t need congressional approval or appropriation for the wall. As commander in chief he can deploy the corp of engineers of our armed forces to construct The Wall.
The Wall can be built as part of regular military defense initiatives.

A Crowd Funding method can be used to help subsidize expenses. The “Crowd” being good, quality REAL Americans.

Anybody working with an iQ over 20 knows Mexico will in fact pay for the wall...directly or indirectly one way or another.
"DACA are mooches?"
They work in every imaginable industry, they're in the military, you call that " mooching" you dumb SOB?

yeah they have 900 in the military out of 800,000.....lets not really use that one
Trump doesn’t need congressional approval or appropriation for the wall. As commander in chief he can deploy the corp of engineers of our armed forces to construct The Wall.
The Wall can be built as part of regular military defense initiatives.

A Crowd Funding method can be used to help subsidize expenses. The “Crowd” being good, quality REAL Americans.

Anybody working with an iQ over 20 knows Mexico will in fact pay for the wall...directly or indirectly one way or another.

You might want to watch this entire video to see WHY so many are reluctant to spend money on another wall. They don't work. The only way to really secure the border is with more border patrol stations along with motion detectors that cannot be seen. Anything that they can see, can and will always be compromised.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

That's a fence, that's why we laugh when you guys want a fence

Trump wants a 'wall'. Border experts want a fence - CNNPolitics

see the "experts" *cough* amnesty people want the fence...

walls are 30 feet high with barbed wire. and a sheer surface with no if you make it to the top, you deal with barbed wire and then a 30 foot drop......that's 3 stories....jump out of a 3 story window....let me know how it goes

You build a 1000 mile wall there will be a 1000 tunnels underneath it dumbass. When G.W. Bush sent the national guard down there, attempted crossing dropped by 67% because they didn't know where they were. A 40' high wall will produce a 41 foot ladder, they would even be able to build stairs on their side of the wall unsceen.

For border security you have to install motion detector devices that they cannot see--and add more border patrol stations. If they can't see it they won't waste the $3000.00 on a coyote to guide them through.

Of course. You build a 20 foot wall, Mexicans will get 20 foot ladders, not to mention rope.
Only the president and cult are too stupid to not to figure this out.

nah it's 30 feet....after crossing barbed wire..... and you drop 3 stories....because they wont have a ladder down......
Trump doesn’t need congressional approval or appropriation for the wall. As commander in chief he can deploy the corp of engineers of our armed forces to construct The Wall.
The Wall can be built as part of regular military defense initiatives.

A Crowd Funding method can be used to help subsidize expenses. The “Crowd” being good, quality REAL Americans.

Anybody working with an iQ over 20 knows Mexico will in fact pay for the wall...directly or indirectly one way or another.

I don't know which part of the above is the funniest, but for starters I'll go with Mexico 'indirectly' paying for the wall.

you don't think we can make them?
Because the issue goes to Trump's base. The gop establishment got it's hopes and dreams filled with the tax cut. Bannon's committed political suicide. Trump has trade wars and immigration left.

And it's really a good issue to hammer the dems with. The Dreamers were once a bipartisan issue that both the gop and dems wanted to solve because sending them back makes no sense - economically, legally and morally. But for Trump voters it's a wedge issue: they're brown and have jobs. They're taking something away from "us." We'd have those jobs if they didn't.

A shutdown will hurt dems in red and swing states, but heavily democratic areas will punish any centrists who'd cave in for funding a wall.

Great analysis! They are convinced that 800,000 Dreamers are getting "free stuff" and might steal their job that they've had for umpteen years. And plus they'd be able to vote, which would be unacceptable.

They work, they pay taxes. Culturally, they're "American." In a sane world, one that was pre-Trump, both parties wanted to fix it. Make it harder for illegal immigrants to live here, so more kids aren't brought here while young, and make these people legal permanent residents. That solution would not hurt anyone, and it would be good for the economy. But Trump's base doesn't want an actual solution: they want to punish the browns and see a wall. Not all Trump voters feel that way, but no Trump voter will be persuaded not to vote for him over it.

did you read your makes no sense....

Make it harder for illegal immigrants to live here, so more kids aren't brought here while young, and make these people legal permanent residents. That solution would not hurt anyone, and it would be good for the economy. But Trump's base doesn't want an actual solution: they want to punish the browns and see a wall.

A wall does would you make it harder for illegals to live here?
They work, they pay taxes. Culturally, they're "American." In a sane world, one that was pre-Trump, both parties wanted to fix it. Make it harder for illegal immigrants to live here, so more kids aren't brought here while young, and make these people legal permanent residents. That solution would not hurt anyone, and it would be good for the economy. But Trump's base doesn't want an actual solution: they want to punish the browns and see a wall. Not all Trump voters feel that way, but no Trump voter will be persuaded not to vote for him over it.

Trump is on the wrong side of the American people on nearly every issue - and this is a RASMUSSEN poll:
Rasmussen poll: Most don't want border wall

and most people didn't want gay marriage......yet you guys didn't stop
They work, they pay taxes. Culturally, they're "American." In a sane world, one that was pre-Trump, both parties wanted to fix it. Make it harder for illegal immigrants to live here, so more kids aren't brought here while young, and make these people legal permanent residents. That solution would not hurt anyone, and it would be good for the economy. But Trump's base doesn't want an actual solution: they want to punish the browns and see a wall. Not all Trump voters feel that way, but no Trump voter will be persuaded not to vote for him over it.

Trump is on the wrong side of the American people on nearly every issue - and this is a RASMUSSEN poll:
Rasmussen poll: Most don't want border wall

and most people didn't want gay marriage......yet you guys didn't stop

Sorry but most Americans support gay marriage.
Trump doesn’t need congressional approval or appropriation for the wall. As commander in chief he can deploy the corp of engineers of our armed forces to construct The Wall.
The Wall can be built as part of regular military defense initiatives.

A Crowd Funding method can be used to help subsidize expenses. The “Crowd” being good, quality REAL Americans.

Anybody working with an iQ over 20 knows Mexico will in fact pay for the wall...directly or indirectly one way or another.

They aren't "moochers".

Funny that word doesn't even appear in the OP but they are moochers.

It appears in the thread title.

Are we supposed to comment on titles or OPs? Many titles contain things that are never included in OPs.

The title of an OP is part of the post. It is the HEADLINE.
Trump doesn’t need congressional approval or appropriation for the wall. As commander in chief he can deploy the corp of engineers of our armed forces to construct The Wall.
The Wall can be built as part of regular military defense initiatives.

A Crowd Funding method can be used to help subsidize expenses. The “Crowd” being good, quality REAL Americans.

Anybody working with an iQ over 20 knows Mexico will in fact pay for the wall...directly or indirectly one way or another.

They aren't "moochers".

Funny that word doesn't even appear in the OP but they are moochers.

It appears in the thread title.

Are we supposed to comment on titles or OPs? Many titles contain things that are never included in OPs.

The title of an OP is part of the post. It is the HEADLINE.

It's the thread title, I can give you many examples where the thread title had nothing to do with the OP or even the topic of the OP. Thread titles are attention getters, nothing else.

They aren't "moochers".

Funny that word doesn't even appear in the OP but they are moochers.

It appears in the thread title.

Are we supposed to comment on titles or OPs? Many titles contain things that are never included in OPs.

The title of an OP is part of the post. It is the HEADLINE.

It's the thread title, I can give you many examples where the thread title had nothing to do with the OP or even the topic of the OP. Thread titles are attention getters, nothing else.

This particular one indicates that the originator thinks the DACA people are moochers.
Funny that word doesn't even appear in the OP but they are moochers.

It appears in the thread title.

Are we supposed to comment on titles or OPs? Many titles contain things that are never included in OPs.

The title of an OP is part of the post. It is the HEADLINE.

It's the thread title, I can give you many examples where the thread title had nothing to do with the OP or even the topic of the OP. Thread titles are attention getters, nothing else.

This particular one indicates that the originator thinks the DACA people are moochers.

They are.

It appears in the thread title.

Are we supposed to comment on titles or OPs? Many titles contain things that are never included in OPs.

The title of an OP is part of the post. It is the HEADLINE.

It's the thread title, I can give you many examples where the thread title had nothing to do with the OP or even the topic of the OP. Thread titles are attention getters, nothing else.

This particular one indicates that the originator thinks the DACA people are moochers.

They are.

You paint with a wide brush.
Are we supposed to comment on titles or OPs? Many titles contain things that are never included in OPs.

The title of an OP is part of the post. It is the HEADLINE.

It's the thread title, I can give you many examples where the thread title had nothing to do with the OP or even the topic of the OP. Thread titles are attention getters, nothing else.

This particular one indicates that the originator thinks the DACA people are moochers.

They are.

You paint with a wide brush.

15K average a year to educate them, and that only one expense. So sue me for my broad brush.

Between the Corps of Engineers and the Navy Seabees there are 50,000 personnel...I’m thinking we could secure a border and build a Wall pretty quickly if we could get Donny T to declare National Emergency.
Fuck DACA!
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