Send the DACA moochers packing and build The Wall without approval...Here’s how.

Your idea is the best..and the cheapest, I’m sure.
We could dedicate a satellite to tracking border armed drones along the border and deploy said drones to the coordinates acquired by the satellite when an illegal crossing is detected...then send personnel in with body bags.
Shit, this is almost a completely autonomous method.
I have one explanation for your hated towards Mexicans....You probably have been sexually abused by one of thrm or beaten like dog by one.
They’re here illegally!
So were Europeans that came here. If they are working have good conduct and no criminal record. Welcome to the land of opportunities.

Our founders made the rules...filthy Muslim fucks have no say in this.
Read the U.S. Constitution dumbass.
So, you don't consider Muslim US citizens as citizens?
Muslims don't consider themselves as US citizens.
I have one explanation for your hated towards Mexicans....You probably have been sexually abused by one of thrm or beaten like dog by one.
They’re here illegally!
So were Europeans that came here. If they are working have good conduct and no criminal record. Welcome to the land of opportunities.

Our founders made the rules...filthy Muslim fucks have no say in this.
Read the U.S. Constitution dumbass.
So, you don't consider Muslim US citizens as citizens?
Muslims don't consider themselves as US citizens.
Bull fucking crap.
Trump will need tanks and gunships along the border to protect the engineers while they do the work :muahaha:
They’re here illegally!
So were Europeans that came here. If they are working have good conduct and no criminal record. Welcome to the land of opportunities.

Our founders made the rules...filthy Muslim fucks have no say in this.
Read the U.S. Constitution dumbass.
So, you don't consider Muslim US citizens as citizens?
Muslims don't consider themselves as US citizens.
Bull fucking crap.
They are Muslims First and they'll march up and down the streets and shout, fuck America, Fuck the Constitution, and fuck equal rights.
Trump doesn’t need congressional approval or appropriation for the wall. As commander in chief he can deploy the corp of engineers of our armed forces to construct The Wall.
The Wall can be built as part of regular military defense initiatives.

A Crowd Funding method can be used to help subsidize expenses. The “Crowd” being good, quality REAL Americans.

Anybody working with an iQ over 20 knows Mexico will in fact pay for the wall...directly or indirectly one way or another.

Yes he does need congressional approval. The omnibus bans the building of a wall. Building the wall would be for the enforcement of civilian law which is forbidden.

DACA participants are required to be either training or have a job. Many of them have proven they deserve to stay in the US.

No wall will be built so who pays for it doesn't matter.
If we had a REAL border patrol we would shoot those vagrants as they enter.

You are nothing but a animal. We put down dogs who act like you.
If we had a REAL border patrol we would shoot those vagrants as they enter.

You are nothing but a animal. We put down dogs who act like you.
imagine what would happen if the Billions living in third world countries were bussed to Mexico so they could cross our southern border. If I were Putin that is exactly what I would do.
There is no DACA ... there never was. 'DACA' being referred to was an admitted Un-Constitutional attemp to institute liberal agenda / ideology through an illegal / un-Constitutional E. O.

It has been voided, repealed, erased as the mistake / criminal act it was.

The President has FORCED elected politicians to adhete to the Constitution, to fo its job.

There are no 'DACA' individuals. There are illegals. There is no law and no one covered by the non-law.

Yes there was a DACA. Presidents can decide who to deport and not deport. If Obama wants to defer deportation of children brought here by their parents and call it DACA he can do so. It is still active and will likely be here for some time. If it were patently unconstitutional the Supreme Court would have overturned the lower court ruling.
If we had a REAL border patrol we would shoot those vagrants as they enter.

You are nothing but a animal. We put down dogs who act like you.
If we had a REAL border patrol we would shoot those vagrants as they enter.

You are nothing but a animal. We put down dogs who act like you.
imagine what would happen if the Billions living in third world countries were bussed to Mexico so they could cross our southern border. If I were Putin that is exactly what I would do.

You want to shoot them all? How un-American can you be?
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Because the issue goes to Trump's base. The gop establishment got it's hopes and dreams filled with the tax cut. Bannon's committed political suicide. Trump has trade wars and immigration left.

And it's really a good issue to hammer the dems with. The Dreamers were once a bipartisan issue that both the gop and dems wanted to solve because sending them back makes no sense - economically, legally and morally. But for Trump voters it's a wedge issue: they're brown and have jobs. They're taking something away from "us." We'd have those jobs if they didn't.

A shutdown will hurt dems in red and swing states, but heavily democratic areas will punish any centrists who'd cave in for funding a wall.

It is not a good issue to hammer dems with. It is a good issue for dems to hammer repubs. That is what happens when you run against a position that has 70% support.
Because the issue goes to Trump's base. The gop establishment got it's hopes and dreams filled with the tax cut. Bannon's committed political suicide. Trump has trade wars and immigration left.

And it's really a good issue to hammer the dems with. The Dreamers were once a bipartisan issue that both the gop and dems wanted to solve because sending them back makes no sense - economically, legally and morally. But for Trump voters it's a wedge issue: they're brown and have jobs. They're taking something away from "us." We'd have those jobs if they didn't.

A shutdown will hurt dems in red and swing states, but heavily democratic areas will punish any centrists who'd cave in for funding a wall.

Because the issue goes to Trump's base. The gop establishment got it's hopes and dreams filled with the tax cut. Bannon's committed political suicide. Trump has trade wars and immigration left.

And it's really a good issue to hammer the dems with. The Dreamers were once a bipartisan issue that both the gop and dems wanted to solve because sending them back makes no sense - economically, legally and morally. But for Trump voters it's a wedge issue: they're brown and have jobs. They're taking something away from "us." We'd have those jobs if they didn't.

A shutdown will hurt dems in red and swing states, but heavily democratic areas will punish any centrists who'd cave in for funding a wall.

Great analysis! They are convinced that 800,000 Dreamers are getting "free stuff" and might steal their job that they've had for umpteen years. And plus they'd be able to vote, which would be unacceptable.


You requiring this elementary issue to be explained to you over and over again is quite telling.
You see, we have a little document in this country that sort of outlines guidelines and procedures for the naturalization process.
Nowhere does it say “if a foreign child under the age of 12 is left on the doorstep of an American this child is moved to the front of the line for naturalization”
Real Americans said no to Amnesty....DACA is just a spun, repackaged, unconstitutional route to Amnesty....anybody sane sees it this way.

Real Americans did not say no to DACA. Americans wanted someone other than Trump and Clinton as both were seen as dishonest. These children grew up in the US so they have been naturalized. We skipped naturalization procedures to give citizenship to Cubans escaping from Castro's Cuba.
They work, they pay taxes. Culturally, they're "American." In a sane world, one that was pre-Trump, both parties wanted to fix it. Make it harder for illegal immigrants to live here, so more kids aren't brought here while young, and make these people legal permanent residents. That solution would not hurt anyone, and it would be good for the economy. But Trump's base doesn't want an actual solution: they want to punish the browns and see a wall. Not all Trump voters feel that way, but no Trump voter will be persuaded not to vote for him over it.

Trump is on the wrong side of the American people on nearly every issue - and this is a RASMUSSEN poll:
Rasmussen poll: Most don't want border wall

Geographically speaking, where was the polling conducted?
Mexifornia? Loon York?
See how this works bud...Your polls have zero credibility. Remember when polls had HRC winning? Hahaha

Rasmussen is where Trump gets his highest approval ratings. In other words it is pro-Trump.
Geographically speaking, where was the polling conducted?
Mexifornia? Loon York?
See how this works bud...Your polls have zero credibility. Remember when polls had HRC winning? Hahaha

Translation: I only post polls that give me results I am looking for - LIKE RASMUSSEN!

Need more loonybird? Cuz Arizonans and Texans don't want it.

New Poll: 54 Percent of Arizonans Tell Donald Trump, 'Don't Build That Border Wall'
Most Texans oppose Donald Trump's plan to build a border wall, new poll says | Politics | Dallas News

So let me get this straight wacko...
Trump won the election almost exclusively on the play of "build that wall" and a hardcore anti immigration message and now all of the sudden nobody wants a wall built or the DACA thieves sent home according to your "sources". And that all seems likely to you?
Just when I start to believe you fools can't possibly get any stupider you spout shit like this.

You are such a liar. He did not win on immigration. The exit polls showed most oppose his immigration policies and even today he gets his lowest approval ratings on immigration issues. He won because he was not Clinton.

You are the stupid one as you spew your racial hatred.
It appears in the thread title.

Are we supposed to comment on titles or OPs? Many titles contain things that are never included in OPs.

The title of an OP is part of the post. It is the HEADLINE.

It's the thread title, I can give you many examples where the thread title had nothing to do with the OP or even the topic of the OP. Thread titles are attention getters, nothing else.

This particular one indicates that the originator thinks the DACA people are moochers.

They are.


Another ignorant Trump supporter.
Trump doesn’t need congressional approval or appropriation for the wall. As commander in chief he can deploy the corp of engineers of our armed forces to construct The Wall.
The Wall can be built as part of regular military defense initiatives.

A Crowd Funding method can be used to help subsidize expenses. The “Crowd” being good, quality REAL Americans.

Anybody working with an iQ over 20 knows Mexico will in fact pay for the wall...directly or indirectly one way or another.

I agree that the welfare state ought to be abolished.

I disagree that all DACA dreamers are moochers.

The States RETAINED the authority to control immigration.


Between the Corps of Engineers and the Navy Seabees there are 50,000 personnel...I’m thinking we could secure a border and build a Wall pretty quickly if we could get Donny T to declare National Emergency.
Fuck DACA!

Nazi tactics will not win. There is no national emergency. Congress forbid Trump to build a wall. If he tries then he should be impeached.

Offer the same deal that is already out there.

The Dems don’t want immigration reform.

DACA deadline will come, and they all get deported.

Will have a Super Majority after 2018 because of what Clinton & Obama did with Putin to stop Trump from getting elected

Then do Immigration Reform without them.

Immigration reform is a separate issue.

You really are hitting the sauce.

Democrats will likely take the House.
Trump doesn’t need congressional approval or appropriation for the wall. As commander in chief he can deploy the corp of engineers of our armed forces to construct The Wall.
The Wall can be built as part of regular military defense initiatives.

A Crowd Funding method can be used to help subsidize expenses. The “Crowd” being good, quality REAL Americans.

Anybody working with an iQ over 20 knows Mexico will in fact pay for the wall...directly or indirectly one way or another.

They aren't "moochers".
I agree with this in principle. You rarely seen any Hispanics at freeway off-ramps, street corners and in parking lots, mooching money, too lazy to work. For the most part, it's lazy white men/women, seeing what they can con people out of. There have been a few shows interviewing and shadowing the real mooches. They say things like, "why should I work when I can just be handed the money." The shows sometimes follow them to their "cars" and "homes."
That said, the Hispanics may not be moochers, but are still here illegally. Some say that they left their South American country because they were in fear for their lives....yet...did they stop to live in the very next country they got to, where the people speak the same language? No. They crossed several countries to come here.
If they are having a problem in their own country, they need to get with those who want change in their own government and do what the American Colonists did and rise up against their own government.

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