Send those Latino's back

The increased purity would be worth it to them.

Then build the wall and stop all immigration, legal or illegal, so that we can ratchet up the purity a bit more for a few generations.

Let's be honest about what they're after here.
Ah yes , the liberal who hates "Whites" again chimes in. So tell me what country of brown or black people have succeeded like the US?
Did I say something there that you feel is objectionable or incorrect?
If I am not mistaken, there is a majority of whites in this country, but before the great Obama opened the flood gates of the southern border to the illegal hordes of diseased humanity, around 35% of the people were black, and the rest were other races. Now we find out that the Hispanics have taken the lead in population over the blacks, because more black women abort their babies, but also many have turned away from the Demonrat party, so now Dems are pandering to the uneducated, non English speaking assholes who wont assimilate to the country. As long as this country remains "White" the prosperity of it will continue, but if it goes the way of Africa or Latin America, (Dictators galore) then there is no hope left, the NWO will become real, there will be a few liberal elites in charge, 6 1/2 billions will have to die, then the rest will be servants to those elites. Dont fucking doubt me.
Bullshit! Obama holds the record for deportations by any president at about 2.9 million.
Deportation and removal from the United States - Wikipedia
Yeah, sure he did...
Democrats didn't name him Deporter and Chief because of his open boarder policy
Today Commander White of @hhsgov testified that it is “established scientific fact” that separating children from their parents "entails significant and potentially lifelong risks of psychological and physical harm.”
A child welfare expert and licensed social worker, he then testified that “any competent child welfare professional” would remove children from abhorrent conditions like the ones we find in our border facilities today.
I continue to be stunned.

It is stunning that adults would subject children to such trauma by dragging them along a highly perilous journey and choosing to cross the border in full understanding of what that will entail.
The same could be said for pilgrims crossing the Atlantic to escape religious persecution, and refugees escaping the Nazis. People escaping tyranny don't abandon their kids.
Today Commander White of @hhsgov testified that it is “established scientific fact” that separating children from their parents "entails significant and potentially lifelong risks of psychological and physical harm.”
A child welfare expert and licensed social worker, he then testified that “any competent child welfare professional” would remove children from abhorrent conditions like the ones we find in our border facilities today.
I continue to be stunned.

It is stunning that adults would subject children to such trauma by dragging them along a highly perilous journey and choosing to cross the border in full understanding of what that will entail.
The same could be said for pilgrims crossing the Atlantic to escape religious persecution, and refugees escaping the Nazis. ....

No, it could not. Most of the first European settlers to the New World did not bring their children with them, and the people dragging their (in those cases where they actually are their children) to America's southern border are not fleeing a genocidal military regime bent on their utter extermination. And in neither case did they make the trip in full knowledge of what exactly awaited them.
Trump's grandma Maryanne came to america in the 1930s

my family has been in america for 9 generations. we built this country.

send the Trump's back!

Trump's family didn't come from a shit hole country.
Today Commander White of @hhsgov testified that it is “established scientific fact” that separating children from their parents "entails significant and potentially lifelong risks of psychological and physical harm.”
A child welfare expert and licensed social worker, he then testified that “any competent child welfare professional” would remove children from abhorrent conditions like the ones we find in our border facilities today.
I continue to be stunned.

It is stunning that adults would subject children to such trauma by dragging them along a highly perilous journey and choosing to cross the border in full understanding of what that will entail.
The same could be said for pilgrims crossing the Atlantic to escape religious persecution, and refugees escaping the Nazis. ....

No, it could not. Most of the first European settlers to the New World did not bring their children with them, and the people dragging their (in those cases where they actually are their children) to America's southern border are not fleeing a genocidal military regime bent on their utter extermination. And in neither case did they make the trip in full knowledge of what exactly awaited them.
So you're saying the early settlers to the US just left the kids at home or standing on the dock. Of the 102 passengers on the Mayflower, 32 were children. And yes the pilgrims did have a very good idea of what they were facing, a dangerous voyage with a one way ticket across the Atlantic, no home waiting for them, no crops to feed them, and hostile Indians.

You do not know what these people from Central America and elsewhere are escaping from and if Trump has his way you never will because they will never be given a chance to plead their case. The law does not require we accept these people into the country but it does require we give them a fair hearing to determine if their case deserves asylum.

A Child's Role | Plimoth Plantation
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Today Commander White of @hhsgov testified that it is “established scientific fact” that separating children from their parents "entails significant and potentially lifelong risks of psychological and physical harm.”
A child welfare expert and licensed social worker, he then testified that “any competent child welfare professional” would remove children from abhorrent conditions like the ones we find in our border facilities today.
I continue to be stunned.

It is stunning that adults would subject children to such trauma by dragging them along a highly perilous journey and choosing to cross the border in full understanding of what that will entail.
The same could be said for pilgrims crossing the Atlantic to escape religious persecution, and refugees escaping the Nazis. ....

No, it could not. Most of the first European settlers to the New World did not bring their children with them, and the people dragging their (in those cases where they actually are their children) to America's southern border are not fleeing a genocidal military regime bent on their utter extermination. And in neither case did they make the trip in full knowledge of what exactly awaited them.
So you're saying the early settlers to the US just left the kids at home or standing on the dock. Of the 102 passengers on the Mayflower, 32 were children. ...

The Mayflower was nowhere near the first settlers to North America from Europe. The first settlers generally left the entire family back home and sent for them if they made a go of it in the New World. And obviously, they did not know of a very specific legal process they could expect when they got here.
I say send them all back - all 20 million of them.
and watch Trumps economy crash and burn.
The increased purity would be worth it to them.

Then build the wall and stop all immigration, legal or illegal, so that we can ratchet up the purity a bit more for a few generations.

Let's be honest about what they're after here.
Ah yes , the liberal who hates "Whites" again chimes in. So tell me what country of brown or black people have succeeded like the US?
Did I say something there that you feel is objectionable or incorrect?
If I am not mistaken, there is a majority of whites in this country, but before the great Obama opened the flood gates of the southern border to the illegal hordes of diseased humanity, around 35% of the people were black, and the rest were other races. Now we find out that the Hispanics have taken the lead in population over the blacks, because more black women abort their babies, but also many have turned away from the Demonrat party, so now Dems are pandering to the uneducated, non English speaking assholes who wont assimilate to the country. As long as this country remains "White" the prosperity of it will continue, but if it goes the way of Africa or Latin America, (Dictators galore) then there is no hope left, the NWO will become real, there will be a few liberal elites in charge, 6 1/2 billions will have to die, then the rest will be servants to those elites. Dont fucking doubt me.
Bullshit! Obama holds the record for deportations by any president at about 2.9 million.
Deportation and removal from the United States - Wikipedia

...and they were back in the US before nightfall!
Ah yes , the liberal who hates "Whites" again chimes in. So tell me what country of brown or black people have succeeded like the US?
Did I say something there that you feel is objectionable or incorrect?
If I am not mistaken, there is a majority of whites in this country, but before the great Obama opened the flood gates of the southern border to the illegal hordes of diseased humanity, around 35% of the people were black, and the rest were other races. Now we find out that the Hispanics have taken the lead in population over the blacks, because more black women abort their babies, but also many have turned away from the Demonrat party, so now Dems are pandering to the uneducated, non English speaking assholes who wont assimilate to the country. As long as this country remains "White" the prosperity of it will continue, but if it goes the way of Africa or Latin America, (Dictators galore) then there is no hope left, the NWO will become real, there will be a few liberal elites in charge, 6 1/2 billions will have to die, then the rest will be servants to those elites. Dont fucking doubt me.
Bullshit! Obama holds the record for deportations by any president at about 2.9 million.
Deportation and removal from the United States - Wikipedia
Yeah, sure he did...
Democrats didn't name him Deporter and Chief because of his open boarder policy

It was a lie calling him the 'Deporter IN Chief: and it's spelled "border" unless you have someone renting a room.
Damn, I am now agreeing send them back south to the border so this one developer goes down the tubes. I think all of you righties will agree.

Major real estate developer takes on Trump's immigration policy: 'Don't send them home, send them to us'

  • n 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • “In light of this week’s war of words in the American political arena, I felt compelled to put some thoughts down and to share them with you,” wrote Toby Bozzuto, CEO of Bozzuto Group, a multi-family developer, in an open letter to employees.
  • “It is not enough to stand by as intolerance of the “other” becomes increasingly normalized...Indeed, don’t send them home, send them to us,” he said.
The construction industry is heavily dependent on Hispanic and Latino workers, a workforce that diminished during the last housing crisis and has not come close to full recovery. Both single-family and multi-family homebuilders cite the current labor shortage as the key cause of higher prices and slower productivity.

In 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In specialty sectors, their share is even higher: 70% of drywall and ceiling tile installers, 56% of roofers and 55% of painters.

They can't build that Goddamn wall fast enough.
the democratic party's open border's policy is racist
Damn, I am now agreeing send them back south to the border so this one developer goes down the tubes. I think all of you righties will agree.

Major real estate developer takes on Trump's immigration policy: 'Don't send them home, send them to us'

  • n 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • “In light of this week’s war of words in the American political arena, I felt compelled to put some thoughts down and to share them with you,” wrote Toby Bozzuto, CEO of Bozzuto Group, a multi-family developer, in an open letter to employees.
  • “It is not enough to stand by as intolerance of the “other” becomes increasingly normalized...Indeed, don’t send them home, send them to us,” he said.
The construction industry is heavily dependent on Hispanic and Latino workers, a workforce that diminished during the last housing crisis and has not come close to full recovery. Both single-family and multi-family homebuilders cite the current labor shortage as the key cause of higher prices and slower productivity.

In 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In specialty sectors, their share is even higher: 70% of drywall and ceiling tile installers, 56% of roofers and 55% of painters.

They can't build that Goddamn wall fast enough.
I called ICE on a McD's that had only Hispanic workers in it. The manager tried to take the order but only could communicate in broken English. I think McD's needs a house cleaning.

Yep, I was in a local McD's, a lady in front of me asked for a cup holder because she had multiple cups, neither the worker on manager understood what she was asking for. It's pathetic.

Damn, I am now agreeing send them back south to the border so this one developer goes down the tubes. I think all of you righties will agree.

Major real estate developer takes on Trump's immigration policy: 'Don't send them home, send them to us'

  • n 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • “In light of this week’s war of words in the American political arena, I felt compelled to put some thoughts down and to share them with you,” wrote Toby Bozzuto, CEO of Bozzuto Group, a multi-family developer, in an open letter to employees.
  • “It is not enough to stand by as intolerance of the “other” becomes increasingly normalized...Indeed, don’t send them home, send them to us,” he said.
The construction industry is heavily dependent on Hispanic and Latino workers, a workforce that diminished during the last housing crisis and has not come close to full recovery. Both single-family and multi-family homebuilders cite the current labor shortage as the key cause of higher prices and slower productivity.

In 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In specialty sectors, their share is even higher: 70% of drywall and ceiling tile installers, 56% of roofers and 55% of painters.

They can't build that Goddamn wall fast enough.
I called ICE on a McD's that had only Hispanic workers in it. The manager tried to take the order but only could communicate in broken English. I think McD's needs a house cleaning.

Yep, I was in a local McD's, a lady in front of me asked for a cup holder because she had multiple cups, neither the worker on manager understood what she was asking for. It's pathetic.


What are you people doing eating that crap? Were you also outraged that they didn't set silver dinnerware at your dirty plastic booth?

You do not know what these people from Central America and elsewhere are escaping from...

Yes I do.
How? Every person and ever family is different. It is impossible to know if a person has been persecuted on account of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or particular social group. When it comes to determining whether a person meets the requirements for asylum you have to consider the individual, not their nationality.
Damn, I am now agreeing send them back south to the border so this one developer goes down the tubes. I think all of you righties will agree.

Major real estate developer takes on Trump's immigration policy: 'Don't send them home, send them to us'

  • n 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • “In light of this week’s war of words in the American political arena, I felt compelled to put some thoughts down and to share them with you,” wrote Toby Bozzuto, CEO of Bozzuto Group, a multi-family developer, in an open letter to employees.
  • “It is not enough to stand by as intolerance of the “other” becomes increasingly normalized...Indeed, don’t send them home, send them to us,” he said.
The construction industry is heavily dependent on Hispanic and Latino workers, a workforce that diminished during the last housing crisis and has not come close to full recovery. Both single-family and multi-family homebuilders cite the current labor shortage as the key cause of higher prices and slower productivity.

In 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In specialty sectors, their share is even higher: 70% of drywall and ceiling tile installers, 56% of roofers and 55% of painters.

They can't build that Goddamn wall fast enough.
I called ICE on a McD's that had only Hispanic workers in it. The manager tried to take the order but only could communicate in broken English. I think McD's needs a house cleaning.

Yep, I was in a local McD's, a lady in front of me asked for a cup holder because she had multiple cups, neither the worker on manager understood what she was asking for. It's pathetic.


What are you people doing eating that crap? Were you also outraged that they didn't set silver dinnerware at your dirty plastic booth?

I was getting a grilled chicken southwest salad, what's it to you?

Damn, I am now agreeing send them back south to the border so this one developer goes down the tubes. I think all of you righties will agree.

Major real estate developer takes on Trump's immigration policy: 'Don't send them home, send them to us'

  • n 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • “In light of this week’s war of words in the American political arena, I felt compelled to put some thoughts down and to share them with you,” wrote Toby Bozzuto, CEO of Bozzuto Group, a multi-family developer, in an open letter to employees.
  • “It is not enough to stand by as intolerance of the “other” becomes increasingly normalized...Indeed, don’t send them home, send them to us,” he said.
The construction industry is heavily dependent on Hispanic and Latino workers, a workforce that diminished during the last housing crisis and has not come close to full recovery. Both single-family and multi-family homebuilders cite the current labor shortage as the key cause of higher prices and slower productivity.

In 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In specialty sectors, their share is even higher: 70% of drywall and ceiling tile installers, 56% of roofers and 55% of painters.

They can't build that Goddamn wall fast enough.
I called ICE on a McD's that had only Hispanic workers in it. The manager tried to take the order but only could communicate in broken English. I think McD's needs a house cleaning.

Yep, I was in a local McD's, a lady in front of me asked for a cup holder because she had multiple cups, neither the worker on manager understood what she was asking for. It's pathetic.

So you're concerned that she did not get a cup holder? Why didn't you just tell the worker she needs a cup holder?
Damn, I am now agreeing send them back south to the border so this one developer goes down the tubes. I think all of you righties will agree.

Major real estate developer takes on Trump's immigration policy: 'Don't send them home, send them to us'

  • n 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • “In light of this week’s war of words in the American political arena, I felt compelled to put some thoughts down and to share them with you,” wrote Toby Bozzuto, CEO of Bozzuto Group, a multi-family developer, in an open letter to employees.
  • “It is not enough to stand by as intolerance of the “other” becomes increasingly normalized...Indeed, don’t send them home, send them to us,” he said.
The construction industry is heavily dependent on Hispanic and Latino workers, a workforce that diminished during the last housing crisis and has not come close to full recovery. Both single-family and multi-family homebuilders cite the current labor shortage as the key cause of higher prices and slower productivity.

In 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In specialty sectors, their share is even higher: 70% of drywall and ceiling tile installers, 56% of roofers and 55% of painters.

They can't build that Goddamn wall fast enough.
I called ICE on a McD's that had only Hispanic workers in it. The manager tried to take the order but only could communicate in broken English. I think McD's needs a house cleaning.

Yep, I was in a local McD's, a lady in front of me asked for a cup holder because she had multiple cups, neither the worker on manager understood what she was asking for. It's pathetic.


What are you people doing eating that crap? Were you also outraged that they didn't set silver dinnerware at your dirty plastic booth?

I was getting a grilled chicken southwest salad, what's it to you?


If you're gonna opt for the lowest quality pseudo-food establishment in the known universe, don't bitch about the quality of service.
Damn, I am now agreeing send them back south to the border so this one developer goes down the tubes. I think all of you righties will agree.

Major real estate developer takes on Trump's immigration policy: 'Don't send them home, send them to us'

  • n 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • “In light of this week’s war of words in the American political arena, I felt compelled to put some thoughts down and to share them with you,” wrote Toby Bozzuto, CEO of Bozzuto Group, a multi-family developer, in an open letter to employees.
  • “It is not enough to stand by as intolerance of the “other” becomes increasingly normalized...Indeed, don’t send them home, send them to us,” he said.
The construction industry is heavily dependent on Hispanic and Latino workers, a workforce that diminished during the last housing crisis and has not come close to full recovery. Both single-family and multi-family homebuilders cite the current labor shortage as the key cause of higher prices and slower productivity.

In 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In specialty sectors, their share is even higher: 70% of drywall and ceiling tile installers, 56% of roofers and 55% of painters.

They can't build that Goddamn wall fast enough.
I called ICE on a McD's that had only Hispanic workers in it. The manager tried to take the order but only could communicate in broken English. I think McD's needs a house cleaning.

Yep, I was in a local McD's, a lady in front of me asked for a cup holder because she had multiple cups, neither the worker on manager understood what she was asking for. It's pathetic.

So you're concerned that she did not get a cup holder? Why didn't you just tell the worker she needs a cup holder?

Why would a lady need a cup holder anyway?
Damn, I am now agreeing send them back south to the border so this one developer goes down the tubes. I think all of you righties will agree.

Major real estate developer takes on Trump's immigration policy: 'Don't send them home, send them to us'

  • n 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • “In light of this week’s war of words in the American political arena, I felt compelled to put some thoughts down and to share them with you,” wrote Toby Bozzuto, CEO of Bozzuto Group, a multi-family developer, in an open letter to employees.
  • “It is not enough to stand by as intolerance of the “other” becomes increasingly normalized...Indeed, don’t send them home, send them to us,” he said.
The construction industry is heavily dependent on Hispanic and Latino workers, a workforce that diminished during the last housing crisis and has not come close to full recovery. Both single-family and multi-family homebuilders cite the current labor shortage as the key cause of higher prices and slower productivity.

In 2018, 47% of general construction laborers were Hispanic or Latino, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In specialty sectors, their share is even higher: 70% of drywall and ceiling tile installers, 56% of roofers and 55% of painters.

They can't build that Goddamn wall fast enough.
I called ICE on a McD's that had only Hispanic workers in it. The manager tried to take the order but only could communicate in broken English. I think McD's needs a house cleaning.

Yep, I was in a local McD's, a lady in front of me asked for a cup holder because she had multiple cups, neither the worker on manager understood what she was asking for. It's pathetic.

So you're concerned that she did not get a cup holder? Why didn't you just tell the worker she needs a cup holder?

She finally got the message across after the worker pulled out a styrofoam food container and the manager pulled out a different food container.

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