Senior brutally beaten by mob of violent teens....luckily he had no gun so he was beaten severely...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is what happens when no guns are older man is brutally beaten by a gang of young, aggressive teenagers and he can't stop the attack........

But this is the preferred outcome for gun grabbers....they would rather that this man sustain this brutal beating than that he use a gun to keep himself safe.......

This man could have been killed, had no idea how far they were going to take the attack, and only survived because of pure, dumb luck.......

Good thing he didn't have a gun...right?

Dundalk Man Violently Beaten By Group Of Teens CBS Baltimore

Richard Fletcher is out of the hospital, but he suffered extensive injuries. We want to warn you: some of the video and images you are about to see are very disturbing.

Horrifying cell phone video shows a group of teens surrounding 61-year-old Richard Fletcher, kicking and hitting him again and again until he drops to the ground.

He suffered broken eye sockets, a broken nose, broken ribs and a brain bleed.

“He was brutally attacked,” said Cpl. John Wachter, Baltimore County Police Department.

Investigators say Fletcher saw two girls fighting on top of his car. When he went outside to ask them to stop, dozens of teens turned on him.
If he had a gun, the teens would have shot him
Sorry, you need to actually read these would be against the law for teenagers to have hand guns....that is a law you gun grabbers't happen...right?
This is exactly what the anti gunners guns involved..the victim didn't have gun, the attackers didn't have a gun....true....the victim was severely beaten and had both eye sockets broken, a broken nose, broken ribs and bleeding on the brain.....and he did employ the anti-gun nut self defense technique called "hoping dumb luck saves my life...."

And this time "hoping dumb luck saves my life..." worked.........yeah....too bad about that bleeding brain though.....
I thought at first it was a tennis shoe commercial but then realized the photographer didn't want any of his pack to be identified. This is the very reason I pack a Glock 17. Now, you lefties can say I hate teenagers. Remember, they can kill just as efficiently as a drug crazed thug.
If the old man had pulled a gun, the teens would have pulled their weapons and killed the old guy and taken his weapon
for the record------fracture of the bone of the eye-socket and head trauma that results in any level of blood in or around the brain is VERY VERY serious-------all of the kids involved should be charged with attempted murder

for the record------fracture of the bone of the eye-socket and head trauma that results in any level of blood in or around the brain is VERY VERY serious-------all of the kids involved should be charged with attempted murder

for the record ASHTARA who thinks she is a goddess considers the beating of the elderly man to the point of orbital socket fracture to be FUNNY I will help you understand why Ashtara is depraved. The orbital bone is part of the BASE of the skull. UPON the base of the skull---rests the brain. Defects in the base of the skull----the stuff that Ashtara finds FUNNY are very serious because they create an opening to infection that often leads to FATAL MENINGITIS-----even long after they occur-------that is what ASHTARA in her filthy depravity finds
Godless Ashtaha is hurting, so she try's to hurt others
This is what happens when no guns are older man is brutally beaten by a gang of young, aggressive teenagers and he can't stop the attack........

Actually, it is what happens when our children are not taught respect for other people.

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